

2017-09-21 15:26

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-10 – 2018-01-15

Tikslas: This enables researchers to undertake unusual research projects across the frontiers of science, engineering and social sciences at an academic institution of their choice throughout the world. The fellowship consists of a two-year pioneer phase and a subsequent three-year exploitation phase, with a review after the second year.

Tinkami pareiškėjai: Applicants must have completed a PhD in science, engineering or social sciences by the application deadline and have a strong record of achievement in their chosen field. Applicant must have been born after 1 January 1984.

Trukmė: up to 5 years

Biudžetas: up to CHF 100,000 per year

Tinkamos išlaidos: Funding may cover salary, equipment, travel costs, consumables, personnel and more.

Kvietimo informacija: http://www.society-in-science.org/application-materials.html


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Žemartas Budrys, tel. (8 5) 219 3298,  zemartas.budrys@cr.vu.lt ir

Donatas Jodauga, tel. (8 5) 2193298, donatas.jodauga@cr.vu.lt.


2017-09-21 15:24

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-09-15 – 2017-12-01

Tikslas: The Fulbright Commission for Educational Exchange offers approximately 35 scholarships annually for study, teaching and research in the United States at the post-doctoral level. The results of eligible projects must be relevant to at least two EU member states.

Galimos tematikos:

  • General grants: Grants in the general category are open to all academic fields of study but must relate to U.S.-EU relations or EU affairs.
  • Innovation grants: Grants in the innovation category will reflect the evolving priorities of U.S.-EU relations, with Academic Year 2017-2018 again focusing on Data Privacy and Protection.

Projektų tipai:

  • Grants for Pre-Doctoral Research
  • Grants for Post-Doctoral Research
  • Grants for University Lecturing

Tinkami pareiškėjai: Awards are available to candidates from any of the Member States wishing to study, research, or lecture on a topic relevant to U.S.-EU relations, EU policy, or EU institutions. Prior to submitting their application, candidates must arrange their own placement at an accredited university, vocational training/professional institution, or independent research center in the United States. Proficiency in English and a minimum of 3 months experience in two or more Member States is required. Preference will be given to candidates with 2 years of relevant professional or academic experience beyond the Bachelor’s degree.


  • Grants for Pre-Doctoral Research: 6-9 months
  • Grants for Post-Doctoral Research: 3-9 month, with preference being given to projects of 4 months duration
  • Grants for University Lecturing: 3-9 month, with preference being given to projects of 4 months duration


  • The maximum grant to any one candidate is set at € 29,000.
  • A monthly stipend of € 3,000 for those with a PhD or mid-career professionals and a monthly stipend of € 2,000 for those with at least a bachelor’s degree and no PhD.
  • An allowance of € 2,000 for travel and relocation costs: this money is intended to defray the costs associated with travel (i.e., plane ticket), relocation, visa/passport, etc.
  • J-1 visa sponsorship
  • Sickness and accident insurance

Kvietimo informacija: http://www.fulbrightschuman.eu/grants-eu-citizens/


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Ana Raišienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7165, ana.raisiene@cr.vu.lt ir

Anzelma Ūselienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7067, e. p. anzelma.useliene@cr.vu.lt.


2017-09-21 15:21

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-10-17

Tikslas: ERC Starting Grants are designed to support excellent Principal Investigators at the career stage at which they are starting their own independent research team or programme. Applicant Principal Investigators must demonstrate the ground-breaking nature, ambition and feasibility of their scientific proposal.

Tinkami pareiškėjai: A competitive Starting Grant Principal Investigator must have already shown the potential for research independence and evidence of maturity, for example by having produced at least one important publication as main author or without the participation of their PhD supervisor. Applicant Principal Investigators should also be able to demonstrate a promising track record of early achievements appropriate to their research field and career stage, including significant publications (as main author) in major international peer-reviewed multidisciplinary scientific journals, or in the leading international peer-reviewed journals of their respective field. They may also demonstrate a record of invited presentations in well-established international conferences, granted patents, awards, prizes etc. The Principal Investigator shall have been awarded their first PhD at least 2 and up to 7 years prior to 1 January 2018.

Trukmė: up to 5 years

Biudžetas: up to a maximum of EUR 1 500 000

Finansuojamos visos mokslinių tyrimų sritys!

Kvietimo informacija: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/erc-2018-stg.html

2018 m. darbo programa (+ reikalavimai pareiškėjams ir vertinimo kriterijai):



Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Žemartas Budrys, tel. (8 5) 219 3298,  zemartas.budrys@cr.vu.lt ir

Anzelma Ūselienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7067, e. p. anzelma.useliene@cr.vu.lt.

H2020 WIDESPREAD Twinning (mobilumas ir ryšių su lyderiaujančiomis užsienio institucijomis stiprinimas)

2017-09-21 15:20

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-05-11 – 2017-11-15

Tikslas: The specific challenge is to address networking gaps and deficiencies between the research institutions of the Widening countries and internationally-leading counterparts at EU level. Twinning aims at significantly strengthening a defined field of research in a university or research organisation from a Widening country by linking it with at least two internationally-leading research institutions in other Member States or Associated Countries.

Successful Twinning proposals will have to clearly outline the scientific strategy for stepping up and stimulating scientific excellence and innovation capacity in a defined area of research as well as the scientific quality of the partners involved in the twinning exercise. Such a strategy should include at least a number of the following measures: short term staff exchanges; expert visits and short-term on-site or virtual training; workshops; conference attendance; organisation of joint summer school type activities; dissemination and outreach activities.

Trukmė: up to 3 years

Biudžetas: up to a maximum of EUR 1 000 000

Tinkamos išlaidos: The following cost categories will be ineligible costs: infrastructure costs; equipment; research costs (including consumables).

Kvietimo informacija: https://ec.europa.eu/research/participants/portal/desktop/en/opportunities/h2020/topics/widespread-05-2017.html

2016–2017 m. darbo programa:



Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Ana Raišienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7165, ana.raisiene@cr.vu.lt ir

Anzelma Ūselienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7067, e. p. anzelma.useliene@cr.vu.lt.


2017-09-21 15:18

Projektų tipai:

  • Investigator Initiated grants (IIG)
  • Pilot Grants (PG – intended as start-up funds for pilot research to allow the development of innovative ideas, new methodologies and new research tools)

Paraiškų teikimo terminas:

  • Outline application (IIG, PG) – 2017-10-06
  • Full application (IIG) – 2018-02-09

Tikslas: Research into the effects of diet, nutrition (including body composition) and physical activity on cancer prevention and survivors.

Galimos tematikos:

  • Identifying the mechanisms that underpin the effects of diet, nutrition and physical activity on cancer
  • Addressing the host factors that influence an individual’s susceptibility to cancer development or progression
  • Studying likely causal links between diet, nutrition, physical activity and outcomes after cancer diagnosis in cancer survivors

Tinkami pareiškėjai: Grants are awarded to principal investigators based at institutions (universities, medical schools, NHS trusts, research institutes and other academic centres) in any country outside the Americas. Although the Principal Investigator of an application cannot be from an institution based in the Americas, coapplicants and collaborators can be based in those countries. The application must include at least one co-applicant.

Reikalavimai projekto vadovui: The Principal Investigator must hold a senior established research position (not a PhD student) at the host institution

Trukmė: IIGup to 4 years; PG – up to 2 years

Biudžetas: IIGup to £350,000; PG – up to £60,000

Tinkamos išlaidos: Budgets should cover the costs of such items as salaries for personnel (excluding the Principal Investigator), research equipment, Open Access publication fees, supplies and travel to conferences/ meetings.

Kvietimo informacija: http://www.wcrf.org/int/research-we-fund/grant-programmes

Detalesnė informacija pareiškėjams:



Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Donatas Jodauga, tel. (8 5) 2193298, donatas.jodauga@cr.vu.lt ir

Ana Raišienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7165, ana.raisiene@cr.vu.lt.

VOLKSWAGEN FOUNDATION: Challenges for Europe grants – Įdomu socialinių ir humanitarinių mokslų atstovams, turintiems partnerių Vokietijoje!

2017-09-21 15:15

Paraiškų teikimo terminas:

  • Pre-proposal – 16 October 2017
  • Full proposals – end of February 2018

Tikslas: The European Union is currently facing a number of serious challenges which are threatening both its operational capacities as well as the cohesion among its member states. Among them are economic crises, migration and refugee flows, Euroscepticism, populism and nationalism, the erosion of democracy, societal polarization as well as the Brexit. In light of these challenges, the Foundation encourages researchers to develop research-based impulses for ideas and concepts aiming at Europe’s future viability. With this call the Foundation wants to stimulate basic research on issues affecting Europe, encourage comparative studies, and strengthen academic collaboration among European scholars.

Tinkami pareiškėjai: Scholars in the humanities and social sciences working at European universities and research institutes are eligible to apply.  Funding can be provided for the constitution of European research groups comprising scholars from Germany and at least two other European countries. A collaboration with researchers from Southern and Eastern Europe is particularly desirable. If possible, young scholars should also be part of the research consortia. The main applicant needs to be working at an institution located in Germany.

Trukmė: up to 4 years

Biudžetas: up to 1 million Euro

Tinkamos išlaidos: Funds can be made available for nonpersonnel expenditure (including travel costs) as well as staff costs. Overhead-costs will not be covered.

Kvietimo informacija: https://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/en/funding/our-funding-portfolio-at-a-glance/challenges-for-europe.html?tx_itaofundinginitiative_itaofundinginitiativekeydates%5Bcontroller%5D=FundingInitiative&cHash=16f8133d244d06a981e3fe74623a2daf

Detalesnė informacija pareiškėjams: https://www.volkswagenstiftung.de/fileadmin/downloads/merkblaetter/MB_111_e.pdf


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Donatas Jodauga, tel. (8 5) 2193298, donatas.jodauga@cr.vu.lt ir

Anzelma Ūselienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7067, e. p. anzelma.useliene@cr.vu.lt.

The Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies Scholars Program – socialinių mokslų srities doktorantams ir podoktorantūros stažuotojams!

2017-09-21 15:12

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-10-01

Tikslas: The Academy Scholars Program identifies and supports outstanding scholars at the start of their careers whose work combines disciplinary excellence in the social sciences (including history and law) with a command of the language, history, or culture of non-Western countries or regions. Their scholarship may elucidate domestic, comparative, or transnational issues, past or present.

Tinkami pareiškėjai: The competition for these awards is open only to recent PhD (or comparable professional school degree) recipients and doctoral candidates in the social sciences or law. Those still pursuing a PhD should have completed their routine training and be well along in the writing of their theses before applying to become Academy Scholars. If you have completed a PhD program, the PhD completion date must be within three years of the October 1 application deadline. For applicants applying for the October 1, 2017 deadline, you must have completed your PhD or equivalent after September 30, 2014.

Trukmė: 2 years

Biudžetas: Postdoctoral Academy Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $67,000. If selected before earning the PhD, the Scholars will receive an annual stipend of $31,000 until awarded the PhD. This stipend is supplemented by funding for conference and research travel, research assistants, and health insurance coverage. 

Kvietimo informacija: https://academy.wcfia.harvard.edu/programs/academy_scholar


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Anzelma Ūselienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7067, e. p. anzelma.useliene@cr.vu.lt ir

Žemartas Budrys, tel. (8 5) 219 3298,  zemartas.budrys@cr.vu.lt

National Humanities Center: Residential Fellowships – stažuotės JAV humanitarinių ir socialinių mokslų atstovams!

2017-09-21 15:06

Paraiškų teikimo terminas: 2017-10-18

Tikslas: Residential Fellowships support both young and senior scholars who want to undertake advanced studies in the humanities at the NHC in North Carolina. Most of the fellowships are unrestricted, though a few are focused on particular areas of research. These include one fellowship for a young woman in philosophy and fellowships for environmental studies, English literature, art history, Asian studies and theology. The Center also invites applicants from scholars in interdisciplinary fields, including African-American studies, area studies, bioethics, cultural studies, history of science and technology, film and media studies.

Tinkami pareiškėjai: Successful candidates typically earned a PhD in a humanities discipline from an accredited university at least five years prior to applying for a fellowship. In addition to scholars from all fields of the humanities, the Center accepts individuals from the natural and social sciences, the arts, the professions, and public life who are engaged in humanistic projects. Fellowships are awarded to established scholars, meaning that successful candidates usually have published at least one single-author monograph or a significant body of peer-reviewed scholarship. The Center does not fund post-docs. There is no upper age limit, but senior candidates must be actively engaged in scholarly research which will eventuate in significant publication. Fluency in written and spoken English is required.

Biudžetas: The amounts awarded are individually determined, according to the needs of the Fellow and the Center’s ability to meet them. The Center seeks to provide at least half salary and covers travel expenses to and from North Carolina for Fellows and dependents. The Center sponsors J-1 (Research Scholar) visa applications for its Fellows who are not U.S. citizens.

Kvietimo informacija: http://nationalhumanitiescenter.org/become-a-fellow/


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Donatas Jodauga, tel. (8 5) 2193298, donatas.jodauga@cr.vu.lt ir

Žemartas Budrys, tel. (8 5) 219 3298,  zemartas.budrys@cr.vu.lt.

Kvietimai teikti paraiškas finansuoti projektus pagal priemonę Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 „Mokslininkų, kitų tyrėjų, studentų mokslinės kompetencijos ugdymas per praktinę mokslinę veiklą“ Nr. 4

2017-09-15 13:18

Lietuvos mokslo taryba skelbia kvietimus teikti paraiškas pagal veiklą „Mokslininkų, tyrėjų gebėjimų plėtra ir bendradarbiavimo vystymas vykdant mokslinių idėjų mainus, mokslines išvykas iš Lietuvos ir į Lietuvą“. Pagal Aprašą mokslinis vizitas suprantamas kaip užsienio šalies mokslininko vizitas į Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų instituciją atlikti su jo profesine ir (ar) moksline veikla susijusį darbą (veiklą): dalyvauti doktorantūros procese arba kelti Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų institucijos tyrėjų kompetenciją; mokslinė išvyka suprantama kaip mokslininko ar doktoranto išvyka iš Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų institucijos (savo studijų ar darbo vietos) atlikti su jo profesine ir (ar) moksline veikla ar su jo studijomis susijusį darbą (veiklą): dalyvauti mokslo renginyje arba mokslinėje stažuotėje užsienyje. Veikla skirstoma į šias poveikles:

  1. Vizitas dalyvauti doktorantūros procese Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų institucijoje“, skirta skatinti Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų institucijas kviesti patyrusius mokslininkus iš užsienio mokslo ir studijų institucijų dalyvauti disertacijos gynimo procese, įtraukiant juos į gynimo tarybos sudėtį;
  2. Vizitas į Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų instituciją mokslininkų kompetencijai kelti“, skirta padėti pritraukti patyrusius aukšto lygio užsienio mokslininkus atvykti ir vykdyti mokslinių tyrimų ir eksperimentinės plėtros veiklas Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų institucijose bei išvykusių patyrusių mokslininkų reintegracijai;
  3. Kompetencijos kėlimas mokslo renginiuose užsienyje“, skirta skatinti Lietuvos patyrusius ir jaunuosius mokslininkus bei doktorantus dalyvauti mokslo renginiuose, kurių tematika susijusi su jų vykdoma mokslinės veiklos tematika (pagal Aprašą mokslo renginys suprantamas kaip užsienyje vykstanti tarptautinė mokslinė konferencija, mokslinis seminaras, mokykla ir pan., kur mokslininkas ar doktorantas vyksta pristatyti savo mokslinių tyrimų rezultatus);
  4. Kompetencijos kėlimas mokslinėje stažuotėje“, skirta skatinti Lietuvos patyrusius ir jaunuosius mokslininkus bei doktorantus vykti į mokslines stažuotes užsienyje, susijusias su jų vykdomos mokslinės veiklos tematika (pagal Aprašą mokslinė stažuotė suprantama kaip mokslininko ar doktoranto mokslinė veikla (informacijos rinkimas, tyrimo dalies atlikimas, naudojimasis mokslinių tyrimų infrastruktūra bei resursais), susijusi su mokslinio tyrimo atlikimu užsienio mokslo ir studijų institucijoje, mokslo centre, laboratorijoje, įmonėje, įstaigoje, bibliotekoje, archyve, ekspedicijoje).

Galimi pareiškėjai – į atvirą informavimo, konsultavimo ir orientavimo sistemą (AIKOS) įtraukti universitetai ir valstybiniai mokslinių tyrimų institutai, kurie turi meno ar mokslo doktorantūros teisę ir (arba) kartu su universitetais dalyvauja rengiant mokslininkus.

Paraiškos gali būti teikiamos iki 2017-11-14 15 val. Plačiau…


VU konsultuoja:

Paraiškų rengimo ir finansiniais klausimais – Laura Zebleckienė, tel. 2193201, laura.zebleckiene@cr.vu.lt, ir Dalia Jacikevičė, tel. 2193284, dalia.jacikevice@cr.vu.lt.


Artimiausiu metu paskelbsime informaciją apie planuojamus VU vidinius mokymus šių paraiškų rengimo klausimais.

Skelbiamas pirmasis Lietuvos kultūros tarybos 2018 m. finansavimo konkursas

2017-09-04 09:11

Lietuvos kultūros taryba (LKT) skelbia pirmąjį 2018 m. finansavimo konkursą – priimamos kultūros ir meno projektų ir stipendijų paraiškos.

Kaip ir kasmet konkursas skelbiamas Lietuvos Respublikos kultūros ministerijai patvirtinus pagrindinį kultūros ir meno projektų finansavimo dokumentą – Kultūros rėmimo fondo lėšomis finansuojamų projektų teikimo gaires. Kasmet tobuliname kultūros finansavimo mechanizme ir šias metais numatoma nemažai naujovių. Iš viso pirmajam 2018 m. kultūros finansavimo konkursui kultūros ir meno organizacijos paraiškas gali teikti 15 kultūros ir meno programų ir 12 kultūros ir meno sričių.

Taip pat laukiama kultūros ir meno kūrėjų paraiškų individualioms ir edukacinėms stipendijoms gauti. Nuo 2018 m. atsisakyta vardinių stipendijų, tačiau bendra stipendijoms skirta Kultūros rėmimo fondo lėšų dalis išaugo net 400 tūkst. eurų.

Plačiau apie kvietimus.