Faculty of Philology

Sukurta: 05 September 2013

flf5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7205, 268 7206; fax 268 7208,

Dean – Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Smetona


196 teachers (114 holding research degree), 28 research fellows (8 holding research degree), 39 doctoral students


Lithuanian Studies: Philological, Cultural and Interdisciplinary Aspects. Research and Development
Multilingual Discourses: Linguistics, Literature, Culture 


T. Andriukonis. Original texts by Antanas Baranauskas (1853–1863): History of writing.

A. Šolienė. Realizations of epistemic modality in English and Lithuanian: parameters of equivalence.

A. Ruskan. The expression and contents of non-morphological evidentiality in Lithuanian: the case of neuter adjectives and adverbs.

D. Valančiūnas. Construction of identity in British and Indian cinema: a postcolonial approach.

S.Volungevičienė. Zur Ubersezungsproblematik von Kollokationen: Deutch-Litauisch Kontrastiv. 


International conference Languages and People: Space, Time, Identity

International conference On Functioning of Literatures and Languages in Lithuania: Lithuanian-Polish Academic Relations

International conference Vilnius: Heterotopies

International conference ‘Baltos lankos’ Week of Academic Studies 


Prof. Habil. Dr. Bonifacas Stundžia was nominated and accepted membership to the Academy of Europe – Academia Europaea, www.acadeuro.org .


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7211, fax 268 7210

Head - Dr. Jurgis Pakerys


Professors: Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia, Dr. B. Jasiūnaitė.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Venckutė, Dr. G. Miškinienė, Dr. B. Kabašinskaitė, Dr. D. Sinkevičiūtė, Dr. J. Pakerys.
Lecturers: Dr. E. Žilinskaitė, Dr. V. Rinkevičius.
Research fellow: Dr. V. Rinkevičius.
Doctoral students: I. Strungytė, A. Navickaitė-Klišauskienė, A. Razanovaitė, D. Tamulaitienė, D. Jarmalavičius, E. Švageris, L. Inčiūraitė.


Phonology (Baltic languages and Lithuanian dialects)
Phonetics (Standard Lithuanian and Lithuanian dialects)
Morpho(no)logy (Baltic languages and dialects)
Etymology (Baltic languages and dialects)
Ethnolinguistics (Baltic dialects)
Onomastics (Baltic languages and dialects)
History of written Lithuanian
History of Baltic linguistics


Projects Supported by University Budget

Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Investigations into the Lexical, Phonological and Grammatical Systems of the Baltic Languages. Prof. B. Stundžia. 2010–2013.

The categories of action and agent names in standard Latvian were analysed (dissertation by A. Navickaitė-Klišauskienė).

The names of snake were analysed on the basis of ethno linguistic methodology (B. Jasiūnaitė).

The latest developments in the accentuation of spoken Lithuanian were analysed (B. Stundžia).

The structure of some Lithuanian compound names was analysed (D. Sinkevičiūtė).

Projects Supported by the Program of the Usage and Development of the State Language

Analysis of Names of Lithuanian Citizens and Preparation of Recommendations for Codification of Names. D. Sinkevičiūtė.

Names of Lithuanian citizens were analysed and recommendations for codification of names were discussed (see vardai.vlkk.lt).

Projects Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Publication of volumes 48–50 of Baltistica, journal of Baltic linguistics. B. Stundžia.

Baltistica , vol. 48 was published. The volume includes articles by scholars from Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, the Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic and other countries.

Database of the Old Prussian Heritage. V. Rinkevičius.

The Etymological Dictionary of Old Prussian by Vytautas Mažiulis was published. Second corrected and supplemented edition by Vytautas Rinkevičius. Vilnius, MELC, 2013, 1018 p.

Preparation and Publishing of Linguist Pranas Skardžius' Bibliography and Index. E. Žilinskaitė, M. Šinkūnas.

The first volume of Pranas Skardžius’ Bibliography and Index was published. Ed. by M. Šinkūnas and Eglė Žilinskaitė (Pranas Skardžius. Rinktiniai raštai 7: Rodyklės ir bibliografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto l-kla, 2013).

Translation of “Cours de linguistique générale” by Ferdinand de Saussure. B. Stundžia.

Main publications:

Translation of Friedrich Kurschat’s “Grammatik der littauischen Sprache” (1876), B. Kabašinskaitė.

Translation of Friedrich Kurschat’s “Grammatik der littauischen Sprache” with an introductory article by B. Stundžia (Frydrichas Kuršaitis. Lietuvių kalbos gramatika, 1876. Parengė Birutė Kabašinskaitė. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto l-kla, 2013, 503 p.)

Translation and publication of Friedrich Kurschat’s “Laut und Tonlehre der littauischen Sprache” (1849), B. Kabašinskaitė.


Prof. B. Stundžia –

  • member of the Academy of Europe (Academia Europaea);
  • member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • member of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language;
  • editor-in-chief of the Baltistica, journal of Baltic Linguistics;
  • editorial board member of the Balto-SlavjanskieIssledovanija (Moscow), and the Baltu filoloģija (Riga);
  • corresponding member of the Sodalizio Glottologico Milanese (Italy);
  • chairman of the Association of the Lithuanian Language.

Dr. B. Kabašinskaitė –

  • editorial board member of the Archivum Lithuanicum (Vilnius);
  • editorial board member of the Baltistica, journal of Baltic Linguistics.

Dr. G. Miškinienė –

  • consultant of the magazine Türkiyat Araştırmaları (Konja, Turkey);
  • reviewer for the magazine “AkademikTarih Tarih Araştırmaları Dergisi (ATAD).

Dr. J. Pakerys –

  • editorial board member of the Archivum Lithuanicum (Vilnius).

Dr. R. Venckutė –

  • editorial board member of Pasaulio vietovardžių žodynas (The Dictionary of Place Names of the World).

Dr. V. Rinkevičius –

  • assistant editor of the Baltistica, journal of Baltic Linguistics.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7220, 268 7221

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Audronė Kučinskienė


Professor emeritus: Habil. Dr. E. Ulčinaitė.
Professor: Habil Dr. Fatima Eloeva.
Associate professors: Dr. N. Juchnevičienė, Dr. A. Kairienė, Doc. Dr. V. Ališauskas, Dr. M. Čiurinskas.
Lecturers: Dr. T. Veteikis, Dr. M. Strockis, J. Baronienė, Dr. J. Dikmonienė.
Assistants: Dr. D. Keršienė, O. Daukšienė, K. Svarevičiūtė, I. Štikonaitė, A. Maciūnienė, P. Garbačiauskas, D. Andziulytė, S. Paškonytė.
Doctoral students: M. Voinič, N. Klingaitė - Dasevičienė.


Classical antiquity and its tradition
Christian literature and its interrelation with classical tradition, 1st–5th centuries
Latin and Greek literature in Lithuania in the 16th–18th centuries 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Classical Antiquity and its Tradition . Assoc. Prof. N. Juchnevičienė. 2006–2015.

Attention was paid to classical literary genres and the dynamic conception of the generic models, to the interpretation of texts and to the poetics of the Hellenistic epos. The tradition of translation of classical texts was carried on.

Main publications:

Juchnevičienė, N., 2013. Classical Philology in Early Soviet Lithuania: between the European Tradition and Reality. Classics and Communism: Greek and Latin behind the Iron Curtain / ed. by György Karsai, Gábor Klaniczay, David Movrin, and Elýbieta Olechowska. Ljublijana, Ljublijana University Press, 169–189.

Juchnevičienė, N., 2013. Notes on the invention of History. Melliferae Magistrae. In honorem Gabrielae Cretia, Ljublijana, Ljublijana University Press, 240–249.

Ališauskas, V., 2013. Rinktiniai fragmentai iš Epikūro "Svarbiausių minčių" ir Gnomologium vaticanum. Problemos. Vol. 83, 191–195

International Scientific Programs and Projects

Colloquium Balticum Research Network for the Study of Greek and Latin Antiquity and its Reception in the Baltic Region.

International project of the Euroclassica Europatria.

Projects Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Digital Data Base of Ancient Proper Names. A. Kučinskienė.

Projects, Programmes, Issues Supported by Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation

Lithuanian Literature in the Context of the European Literature and Culture. 2011–2013.


Philipps University of Marburg (Germany)
University of Lund (Sweden)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
Université de Lyon (France)
Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium)


Prof. E. Ulčinaitė –

  • editorial board member of the journal Senoji Lietuvos literatūra (Old Lithuanian Literature);
  • editorial board member of the monograph Fontes historiaeUniversitatis Vilnensis;
  • member of the Lithuanian Science Award Commission.

Assoc. Prof. N. Juchnevičienė –

  • deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Literatūra(Literature;)
  • president and the founder of the Lithuanian Classical Association;
  • editorial board member of editing and investigating sources of Christian mysticism Mystica Christiana;
  • editorial board member of the journal of classical studies Antiquitas viva (University of Latvia);
  • editorial board member of the journal Hellenic Dimension (University of Latvia);
  • board member and Lithuanian representative of Euroclassica (European Association of Teachers of Classical Languages) .

Dr. V. Ališauskas –

  • editorial board member of the editing and investigating sources of Christian mysticism Mystica Christiana;
  • editorial board member of the editing and investigating sources of Baltic culture Baltų kultūros simboliai (Symbols of Baltic Culture);
  • editorial board member of the scientific periodical Bažnyčios istorijos studijos.

Dr. M. Čiurinskas –

  • member of the Research Council of Lithuania
  • member of the scientific council of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore
  • member of the scientific council of the Lithuanian Institute of History
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists
  • editorial board member and editor of the scientific periodical Senoji Lietuvos literatūra

Dr. M. Strockis –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists

Dr. A. Kučinskienė – 

  • member of the executive committee of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists;
  • member of the International Society for the History of Rhetoric (ISHR).

P. Garbačiauskas –

  • editorial board member of editing and investigating sources of Christian mysticism Mystica Christiana;
  • member of Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists.


5 Universiteto St, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. / fax 268 7228

Head – Prof. Dr. Habil. Aurelija Usonienė 


Professors: Habil. Dr. R. Rudaitytė, Habil. Dr. A. Usonienė, Habil. Dr. A. Samalavičius.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Stungienė, Dr. I. Šeškauskienė, Dr. F. Whyte, Dr. G. Kurtinienė.
Lecturers: Dr. B. Ryvitytė, L. Bartkuvienė, Dr. R. Šlapkauskaitė, Dr. A.Šolienė, Dr. J. Šinkūnienė, Dr. R. Juknevičienė.
Assistants: Mark Fearon (part-time), Dr. A. Ruskan, B. Mažul, A. F. Kučinskienė.
Doctoral students: A. Ruskan, D. Valančiūnas, I. Vyšniauskienė, V. Valiukienė, J. Liauksminienė, J. Urbonaitė. 


Cross-linguistic studies of English and Lithuanian
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive syntax and semantics (verb complementation, perception verbs, epistemic modality, semantics of locatives) 
Text and discourse analysis, academic discourse
Cognitive linguistics
Contrastive rhetoric: genre analysis 
Phonetic and phonological aspects of English and Lithuanian
English language teaching (ELT)
Teaching English for specific purposes (ESP): academic English, English for professional purposes
Second language acquisition: learner language 
Language testing 
English language teacher education
History of the English language 
Lexicography (terminology, ESP dictionaries) 
Translation of professional texts 
Literary translation 
Language and literature: British, Irish, American, Canadian literature, stylistic analysis of literary texts 
Literary traditions, their development and transformation in West European and American literatures 
Investigation of literary trends, genres, thematic and problematic issues in West European and American literatures 
Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems 
Culture studies: American civilisation, British history and society, Canadian culture, Irish identity


Projects Supported by the University Budget

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts. Prof. R. Rudaitytė. 2010–2015.

The department (in cooperation with the departments of French and German Philology as well as the Scandinavian Study Centre) has been carrying out investigation of literary trends, genres and problems of poetics, the development of literary traditions, the relationship of literary texts with Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology, Sociology and other theoretical systems. Some of the academic staff has been continually doing research in the field of the history of Germanic literatures and literatures in Romance languages and publishing articles on the related issues.

Main publications:

Rudaitytė, R., 2013. Great Victorian Realist and Humanist: The Lithuanian Reception of Dickens. In: The Reception of Charles Dickens in Europe. Ed. by Michael Hollington. London: Bloomsbury Publishing, vol. I and II, 521–528.

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. A. Usonienė. 2010 –2017.

The linguists of the department carry out this research in close collaboration with their colleagues based at the Departments of German Philology, the Lithuanian Language and the Centre of Scandinavian Studies. The focus of the research is on the synchronic and diachronic analysis of language-specific features characteristic of the grammatical, lexical and semantic structure of the languages under study. The range of research methods used and theoretical approaches followed varies greatly: from purely descriptive to functional, from cognitive to socio-linguistic, from quantitative to qualitative analysis of authentic language data.

Main publications:

Anglistics in Lithuania: Cross-Linguistic and Cross-Cultural Aspects of Study. (co-edited with Jonė Grigaliūnienė), 2013. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 275 p.

Smetonienė, I., 2013. Reklamos tekstų stilistinė skyryba. Lietuvių kalba [Elektroninis išteklius]. Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, Nr. 7, 1 html

Grigaliūnienė, J., Juknevičienė, R., 2013. Recurrent formulaic sequences in the speech and writing of the Lithuanian learners of English. In: Twenty years of learner corpus research : looking back, moving ahead. Corpora and language in use: proceedings / Editors: S. Granger, G. Gilquin, F. Meunier. Louvain-la-Neuve : Presses universitaires de Louvain, 211–222.

Projects, Programmes, Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Other Projects

The expression of Evidentiality and Modality in English and other European Languages: Cross-linguistic perspectives: EUROEVIDMOD. (coord. Prof. Juana I. MARÍN ARRESE, Universidad Complutense de Madrid). Prof. A. Usonienė. Reference: FFI2011-23181; Duration: January 2012–December 2014.

Main publications:

Usonienė, A., Šinkūnienė, J., 2013. A cross-linguistic look at the multifunctionality of the English verb seem. In Juana I. Marín Arrese, Marta Carretero, Jorge Arús & Johan van der Auwera (eds). English Modality: Core, Periphery and Evidentiality. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter Mouton, 281–316. http://www.degruyter.com/view/product/182779?rskey=VRw83A&result=19


Giessen University (Germany)
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid University (Spain)
University of Lund (Sweden)
Mainz University (Germany)


Dr. L. Bartkuvienė –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • editorial board member of the journal Journalism Research (Vilnius University, Faculty of Communication);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of University Teachers of English;
  • member of the Lithuanian Oxford and Cambridge Society;
  • senior member of St. Hilda’s College (Oxford University).

Dr. R. Juknevičienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of ICLE/LINDSEI corpus team;
  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea).

Doc. G. Kurtinienė – 

  • member of LATEFL (Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language). 

Dr. B. Ryvitytė -

  • member of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies;
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea);
  • editorial board member of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics).

Prof. R. Rudaitytė –

  • editor-in-chief of the journal Literatūra (Literature);
  • board member and Lithuanian representative of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), http://www.essenglish.org;
  • President of LAUTE (Lithuanian Association of the University Teachers of English);
  • editorial board member of the Literature of Enlightenment Series;
  • editorial advisory board member of international research journal EJES (European Journal of English Studies), ISSN 1382-5577, http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals;
  • member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Association; http://www.llvs.lt;
  • international advisor with the Centre for Transnational and Transcultural Research, University of Wolverhampton, UK;
  • member of the Peer Review College of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK;
  • member of the English Association since 2011, http://www.le.ac.uk/engassoc/fellows.html).

Dr. A. Ruskan –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea).

Assoc. Prof. I. Šeškauskienė –

  • the editorial board member of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics);
  • editor-in-chief of the electronic journal Taikomoji kalbotyra (Applied Linguistics), www.taikomojikalbotyra.lt);
  • member of the Association of Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM, http://www.raam.org.uk/Home.html);
  • member of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE, http://www.societaslinguistica.eu);
  • member of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE, http://www.essenglish.org);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics, (http://www.litaka.lt);
  • member of Academia Salensis, (http://www.academiasalensis.org);
  • member of the US-LT Alumni Association, (http://usltalumni.wordpress.com);
  • member of the scientific committee of international conference of Applied Linguistics Languages and People: Space, Time, Identity, held on October 34, 2013, at Vilnius University;
  • member of the scientific committee of international conference Linguistic, Pedagogical and Intercultural Challenges in Tertiary Education, held on November 79, 2013, at Vilnius University.

Dr. J. Šinkūnienė – 

  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea);
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association.

Dr. R. Šlapkauskaitė -

  • member of the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies;
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English).

Dr. A. Šolienė –

  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea).

Prof. A. Usonienė -

  • editor-in-chief of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics);
  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea);
  • member of the Philological Society (UK);
  • member of ESSE;
  • member of the Advisory Board of the journalRevista de Lengua para Fines Específicos (LFE), http://www.webs.ulpgc.es/lfe/index.html;
  • member of the scientific committee of 6th international conference on Corpus Linguistics Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, May 2224, 2014, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Assoc. Prof. F. Whyte –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7212, fax 268 7213

Head – Prof. Dr. Vytautas Kardelis


Professors: Habil. Dr. A. Holvoet, Habil. Dr. E. Jakaitienė (emeritus), Dr. V. Kardelis, Habil. Dr. R. Koženiauskienė.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Kliukienė, Dr. N. Linkevičienė, Dr. A. Smetona (part-time), Dr. I. Smetonienė.
Lecturers: K. Bredelis, Dr. G. Judžentytė, L. Laužikas, Dr. V. Zubaitienė.
Doctoral students: B. Riaubienė, D. Rudzinskas, A. Antanaitytė, J.Račienė, A. Keturakis, D. Liepinytė.


Synchronic and diachronic Lithuanian grammar:
Phonetics and Phonology (Standard Lithuanian and Lithuanian dialects) 
Morphology, lexicology, building of words, lexicography, semantics and syntax, terminology (Standard Lithuanian)
Rhetorics, stylistics, language of journalism, language of text (Standard Lithuanian)
Speech culture, methodology of teaching of Lithuanian, dialectology of Lithuanian
Typology of languages, general linguistics, historical grammar of Lithuanian, history of written Lithuanian 


Project Supported by University Budget

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. A.Usonienė. 2010–2017.

The linguists of the department of Lithuanian Language (prof. V. Kardelis, assoc. prof. N. Linkevičienė, assoc. prof. A. Smetona, assoc. prof. I. Smetonienė) carry out this research in close collaboration with their colleagues based at the Department of English Philology. The focus of the research is on the synchronic and diachronic analysis of language-specific features characteristic of the grammatical, lexical and semantic structure of the languages under study. The range of research methods used and theoretical approaches followed varies greatly: from purely descriptive to functional, from cognitive to socio-linguistic, from quantitative to qualitative analysis of authentic language data.

Main publications:

Smetonienė, I., 2013. Politikų diskursas retoriniu aspektu: pristatymo žanras. Parlamento studijos. Nr. 14, 136154, ( http://www.parlamentostudijos.lt/Nr14/14_kalba_1.htm).

Smetonienė, I., 2013. Reklamos tekstų stilistinė skyryba. Lietuvių kalba [Elektroninis išteklius]. Nr. 7, ( http://www.lietuviukalba.lt/index.php?id=236).

Šlepikienė, R., Linkevičienė, N., 2013. Autoriaus ir skaitytojo santykių raiška publicistinio stiliaus tekstuose: redakcinių straipsnių kokybinė analizė.Lietuvių kalba [Elektroninis išteklius]. Nr. 7, 119, ( http://www.lietuviukalba.lt/index.php?id=227.

Synchronical, Diachronycal and Typological Investigations into Lexical, Phonological and Gramatical Systems of Baltic Languages and Dialects. Prof. Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia.

The main results of the year 2013 can be summed up as follows: articles, a monograph and textbook on stylistics and rhetorics were printed by Prof. R. Koženiauskienė; publication of sources (vol. 1; vol. 2) printed by dr. V. Zubaitienė; one article on Semantics published by dr. G. Judžentytė; one article on Phonology by Dr. R. Kliukienė.

Main publications:

Koženiauskienė, R., 2013. Retorinė ir stilistinė publicistinių tekstų analizė (monografija). Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 352 p.

Koženiauskienė, R., 2013. Iškalbos praktika (mokomoji kng.). Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 78 p.

„Vocabvlarivm litthvanico-germanicvm et germanico-litthvanicvm... Nebst einem Anhang einer kurtzgefaßten Litthauischen Grammatic“ (1730) / Frydrichas Vilhelmas Hakas, ed. and author of the preface Zubaitienė V.

National Research Projects

State Commission of the Lithuanian Language.Preparation of an academic publication Lexicon and Grammar of Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus (1800) (No K-14/2011) . Dr. V. Zubaitienė. 2011–2013.

The aim of the project is to prepare an academic critical publication of Lexicon and Grammar by Kristijonas Gotlybas Milkus. It is expected to make an exhaustive investigation of the genesis of the Lexicon and Grammar, their history, structure, sources, to describe the circumstances and purpose of their appearance, to investigate their spread in Lithuania Minor and in Lithuania, to analyse the macrostructure and microstructure of the Lexicon, to perform its textological analysis, to investigate the structure of the Grammar, etc.

State Commission of the Lithuanian Language.Research work Peripheries of Subdialects of East Aukshtaitian: vilnishkiai and Utenishkiai (Nr. K-3/2011) . Prof. V. Kardelis, 2011–2013.

The aim of the project: to investigate peripheries of subdialects of East Aukshtaitian: Utenishkiai and Vilnishkiai paying special attention to the aspects of interchanges and interaction of the subdialects, the changes and dynamics of their boundaries.

Tasks: to collect dialectological material in the peripheries of subdialects of Utenishkiai and Vilnishkiai; to accumulate and generalise sociolinguistic data concerning the language use in the areas under investigation; to transcribe dialectological texts, carry out their analysis and publish the findings.

Main publications:

Judžentytė G., 2011. Dėl vietos prieveiksmių čia ir ten rytų aukštaičių uteniškių patarmėje. Lietuvių kalba 5, ( http://www.lietuviukalba.lt/index.php?id=196).

Kardelis V., 2013. Kalbų vartojimas rytų aukštaičių vilniškių patarmėje. Lietuvių kalba 7, http://www.lietuviukalba.lt/index.php?id=246

Kardelis V., 2013. Dar dėl rytų aukštaičių vilniškių patarmės ribų. Lietuvių kalba 7,http://www.lietuviukalba.lt/index.php?id=246

Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation. Valency, Argument Structure and Grammatical Relations in the Baltic (No. VP1-3.1.-ŠMM-07-K-02-022). Prof. A. Holvoet, October 2012–September 2015.

The aim of the project is to create a formal framework of cooperation enabling linguists from Lithuania and abroad to make progress in the investigation of one of the core domains of the grammatical structure of the Baltic languages, viz. the syntax-semantics interface and the basic principles of clausal architecture. This aim is realized through the organization of conferences and workshops and the publication of collections of articles and monographs.

The projects of the committee for the development of informational society. Lithuanian Speech Recognition Services (LIEPA) (No VP2-3.1-IVPK-12-K-01-001). Prof. L. Telksnys, February 2013–August 2015.

The project enables to create the technological infrastructure (equipment of specialized laboratories, the creation of synthesizer of the natural sound of the Lithuanian language, the creation of the instruments to identify the dialects, etc.) which will make it possible to create the services of digitalisation for the special groups, to carry out research for the scientists and expand their knowledge. The executive body of the project is Vilnius University, Faculty of Philology (the Department of the Lithuanian language), Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics.

Project partners: Vilnius University (Faculty of Philology, Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Institute of Mathematics and Informatics , Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Šiauliai University.

Social Research Fund of Europe . The Digital Database of Study Sources on Lithuanian Language, Literature (Culture) and History for Teachers and Learners (VP1-2.2-ŠMM-05-K-02-016) . Prof. Vytautas Kardelis (language module), July 2011–July 2013. 

The aim of the project: to investigate peripheries of subdialects of East Aukshtaitian: Utenishkiai and Vilnishkiai paying special attention to the aspects of interchanges and interaction of the subdialects, the changes and dynamics of their boundaries.

Tasks: to collect dialectological material in the peripheries of subdialects of Utenishkiai and Vilnishkiai; to accumulate and generalise sociolinguistic data concerning the language use in the areas under investigation; to transcribe dialectological texts, carry out their analysis and publish the findings. The executive body of the project is Vilnius University: Faculties of Philology and History; the partner is teh Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore.


Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Lithuania)
Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
State Commision of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
Institute of General Linguistic, Faculty of Philology and Arts, St Petersburg State University (Russia)
Ecole normale supérieure/ Ecole pratiqui des hautes études, Paris (France)


Prof. A. Holvoet –

  • Head of the editorial board of the journal Baltic Linguistics (University of Warsaw);
  • editorial board member of the journals: Linguistica Copernicana (Torune), Balto-slavjanskie issledovanija (Moscow) and Slavistica Vilnensis (Vilnius).

Prof. V. Kardelis – 

  • editorial board member of the Baltistica, Lietuvių kalba (electronic);
  • member of the International Baltic-Slavic Commission;

Prof. R. Koženiauskienė –

Assoc. Prof. N. Linkevičienė –

  • member of the Association of Applied Linguistics.

Assoc. Prof. A. Smetona –

  • editorial board member of the electronic journal Lietuvių kalba;
  • editorial board member of the journal Gimtoji kalba. 

Assoc. Prof. I. Smetonienė – 

  • Head of editorial board of the electronic journal Lietuvių kalba;
  • member of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language;
  • Head of THESAURUS Subcommittee (State Commission of the Lithuanian Language);
  • member of the Council of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language;
  • member of the organizing committee of the anualy conference of Jonas Jablonskis, Vilnius University, Institute of Lithuanian Language, September 4, 2013, http://www.lki.lt/LKI_LT/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20&Itemid=18 .

Dr. V. Zubaitienė

  • member of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language;


5 Universiteto St, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7214, fax 268 7214

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loreta Vilkienė


Professor: Dr. M. Ramonienė.
Associate professors: Dr. B. Stundžienė (part-time), Dr. L.Vilkienė.
Lecturers: Dr. Gudavičienė, Dr. I. Hilbig, J. Pribušauskaitė, V. Stumbrienė , Dr.V. Našlėnaitė-Eberhard (part-time).
Assistants: R. Bingelienė (part-time), E. Kutanovienė, R. Migauskienė, E. Petrašiūnienė, I. Ružaitė, A. Tamošaitienė, E. Vaisėtaitė, A. Valančiauskienė, L. Vaškevičienė.
Doctoral students: M. Danielius, K. Jakaitė–Bulbukienė, E. Vaivadaitė-Kaidi.


Research of the real use of spoken and written Lithuanian and other language codes in the sociocultural context
Language in society, language attitudes
Language policy
Bilingualism and multilingualism in Lithuania
Language learning, teaching and testing
Communicative and sociocultural competence in teaching Lithuanian as a second language 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Language Usage, Language Learning and Teaching . Prof. M. Ramonienė. 2006–2016.

Analysis of language usage, language attitudes, language learning, teaching and language policy was carried out. The following areas were examined: socially significant changes in the use of Lithuanian and local vernaculars, evolving levels of multilingualism and local language in cities and towns of Lithuania. Analysis of communicative and sociocultural competence in use of Lithuanian was also performed. On the basis of this research new teaching materials and guidelines for teaching and learning Lithuanian as the second language are being prepared. Papers as well as conference presentations for both national and international conferences were prepared.

Main publications:

Ramonienė, M., 2013. Tarmės socialinė vertė: Lietuvos miestų jaunimo kalbinės nuostatos. Taikomoji kalbotyra 2 . Available from: www.taikomojikalbotyra.lt

Vilkienė L., 2013. Oficialumo lygmuo studentų elektroniniuose laiškuose dėstytojui, in: Šiuolaikinės stilistikos kryptys ir problemos, Vilnius: LEU leidykla, 203–222.

Hilbig I., Migauskienė R., Našlėnaitė-Eberhardt V., Petrašiūnienė E., Tamošaitienė A., Valančiauskienė A., 2013. Sveiki! (lietuvių kalbos pratybų sąsiuvinis ERASMUS studentams). Vilnius, VU leidykla. 

National Research Projects 

Research Council of Lithuania. Languages in Cities of Lithuania (Nr. LIT 7-51). Prof. M. Ramonienė 2013.

A collective monograph Miestai ir kalbos II (Vilnius: VU leidykla, 2013) was prepared and published. Editor M. Ramoniene. An online publication http://www.kalbuzemepalis.flf.vu.lt/ for non specialist audience was also published.

Main publications:

Ramonienė M., Krupickaitė D., 2013. Miestai ir sociolingvistika. In: Miestai ir kalbos II (collective monograph, ed. M. Ramonienė). Vilnius: VU leidykla, 9–20.

Ramonienė M., 2013. Tarmės Aukštaitijos miestuose: mokėjimas, vartojimas ir kalbinės nuostatos In: Miestai ir kalbos II (colective monograph, ed. M. Ramonienė). Vilnius: VU leidykla, 75–90.

Vilkienė L., 2013. Keli lietuvių miestų gyventojų kalbinės tapatybės bruožai. In: Miestai ir kalbos II (collective monograph, ed. M. Ramonienė). Vilnius: VU leidykla, 155–174. 

The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language. Emigrant language (No. K-4/2011 VLKK) Prof. M. Ramonienė – project manager. Project duration: 2011–2013.

Project objective was to analyse the present-day sociolinguistic and ecolinguistic situation of old and recent Lithuanian emigration waves, linguistic behaviour and repertoire of recent and old emigrants, choice of linguistic varieties in diverse areas of private and public life, linguistic attitudes, correlations with national identity, and ethnolinguistic vitality.

Lithuania Here and There: Language, Science, Culture, Society. VP1-2.2-ŠMM-08-V-02-005. Project Manager. Dr. L. Vilkienė. Executing Institution: Vilnius University.

Project Partners: Vytautas Magnus University, Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore.

Project Duration: 2012–2014.

The objectives: consolidation of foreign centres of Lithuanian (Baltic) studies; promoting joint activities and cooperation between these centres and scientific and academic institutions of Lithuania; cooperation networks (direct and virtual) among scientific and academic institutions of Lithuania and foreign centres of Lithuanian studies will be developed and mutual collaboration encouraged, the quality of teaching Lithuanian studies will be improved both abroad and in Lithuania, and the methodical, academic, and financial support will be allocated.

PROLANG – Promotion of Learning of Less Used European Languages to Youth on the Move

Project Funding: by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency, acting under powers delegated by the Commission of the European Union under the Lifelong Learning Programme. Agreement nr. 2012- 3825/001-001, project nr. 531117-LLP-1-2012-1-SI-KA2-KA2MP. Project Duration: November 2012–December 2014.

Coordinator of the Project: Spinaker, proizvodnja, trgovina in trženje, d.o.o. (Ljubljana, Slovenia); Participants of the Project: Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lietuva), Virtualis, poslovno svetovanje in storitve, d.o.o. (Škofije, Slovenia), University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts (Ljubljana, Slovenia), Comenius University in Bratislava, Studia Academica Slovaca (Bratislava, Slovakia), Xceed Michal Juda (Warsaw, Poland), Centro Studi e Iniziative Europeo (Trappeto, Italy).

PROLANG project aims at promoting less widely used European languages. Consortium partners will analyze existent models of promotion of language learning in their own and other EU countries, compare them, identify examples of best practices and adapt them to be used at the dedicated promotional website, developed in the project. Promotion and dissemination activities will target different groups of end-users, among them young mobility participants, course providers and mobility organisations. Project Website: http://www.prolang.net


Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
University of Helsinki
University of Warsaw


Prof. M. Ramonienė – 

  • member of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language;
  • Chair of the Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • Chair of Scientific Committee of international conference of applied linguistics Languages and People: Space, Time, Identity, 3 4 October, 2013, VU.

Assoc. Prof. L. Vilkienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association;
  • project manager of Lithuania Here and There: Language, Science, Culture, Society (VP1-2.2-ŠMM-08-V-02-005);
  • Chair of Organizing Committee of international conference of applied linguistics Languages and People: Space, Time, Identity, 3 4 October, 2013, VU.

J. Pribušauskaitė –

  • member of the Expert Committee of Teaching Lithuanian to Adults.

V. Stumbrienė – 

  • Head of the Expert Committee of Teaching Lithuanian to Adults.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. / fax 268 7208

Head – Prof. Dr. Dainora Pociūtė- Abukevičienė 


Professors: Dr. D. Pociūtė Abukevičienė, Emeritus Prof. V. Daujotytė-Pakerienė.
Associate professors: Dr. D. Čiočytė, Dr. A. Peluritytė-Tikuišienė, Dr. R. Tamošaitis, Dr. R. Tūtlytė, Dr. K. Urba (part-time), Dr. D. Kuolys.
Lecturers: Dr. S. Matulevičienė, Dr. B. Speičytė, Dr. N. Klišienė, Dr. E. Juknytė.
Research fellow: Dr. M. Kvietkauskas.
Doctoral students: Ū. Ambrasaitė, J. Keleras, G. Petuchovaitė-Majauskė, E. Malažinskaitė, M. Liugaitė, R. Šiurytė-Šimulienė, J. Gedminienė.


Development of early modern and modern Lithuanian literature
Cultural and confessional identity and literature
Phenomenological interpretation of literature
Methodology of literary studies
Literary tale
Comparative folklore studies
Comparative literature studies


Projects Supported by University Budget 

Lithuanian Literature and Studies of Culture: Prof. D. Pociūtė Abukevičienė. 2007–2013.

The main activity of the year 2013 was preparing and publishing of studies and articles. New issue of the journal Literatūra (volume 55.1) will be published in December 2013.

Prof. Dr. D. Pociūtė is preparing the second volume of the Monumenta Reformationis Lithuanicae. The Professor is also responsible for the realization of the VU project dedicated to the 300th anniversary of the Lithuanian poet Kristijonas Donelaitis. The project deals with the translation into Spanish of his famous poem Metai (The Seasons) performed by C. C. Dugo.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Urba has compiled and edited a collection of articles Vaikų literatūra – laisvė ir kontrolė / Freedom and Control in/of Children’s Literature (Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 2013) where the materials of the international conference on literature for children held at Vilnius University (13–14 December, 2013) were published.

Main publications:

Pakerienė, V., 2013. Boružė, ropojanti plentu (Ladybird Crawling down the Road), Vilnius: LRS leidykla, p. 369.

Pakerienė, V., 2013. Lašas poezijos (Drop of Poetry), Vilnius, 2013, p. 318.

Kristijonas Donelaitis, Las estaciones del año. Edición y traduсción De Carmen Caro Dugo. Introducción de Dainora Pociūtė-Abukevičienė, Renacimiento, 2013. Spain.

Pociūtė-Abukevičienė, D., 2013. Kulvietis, Ochino and the First Confession of Faith in Lithuania. Renaissance studies in Honor of Josepf Connors, ed. Machtelt Israëls and Louis A. Waldman. Florence: Harvard University Center for Italian Renaissance Studies, Vol. 2, 282–292.

Theological Aspects of Lithuanian Literature. Assoc. Prof. D. Čiočytė . 2011–2013.

The study presents the theoretical view of the theology of literature. It also seeks to develop this theoretical perspective by interpreting the data of literary analysis. The object of the research are works of Lithuanian literature that demonstrate the most intensive dialogue with theological thought ((K.Donelaitis, A. Baranauskas, Maironis, Šatrijos Ragana, Vaižgantas, V. Krėvė, V. Mykolaitis-Putinas, B. Brazdžionis, J. Aistis, A.Škėma, Liūnė Sutema, O. Baliukonė and others).

The main focus of the study is the specifics of literary theological thinking, its "literariness".


Prof. Emeritus V. Daujotytė – 

  • member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • editorial board member of the journal Literatūra (Literature)

Prof. D. Pociūtė – Abukevičienė – 

  • editorial board member of the journal Literatūra (Literature)

Assoc. Prof. A. Tikuišienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association (EKADEL)

Assoc. Prof. R. Tamošaitis –

  • editorial board member of the literary journal of the Lithuanian literature and criticism Metai (Years)

Assoc. Prof. K. Urba –

  • Chairman of the Lithuanian section of International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY);
  • editor-in-chief of the magazine for children’s literature Rubinaitis;
  • President of the organising committee of the annual conference of children’s literature Prano Mašioto skaitymai.

Dr. B. Speičytė

editorial board member of the journal Colloquia.

Assoc. Prof. D. Čiočytė

  • independent expert of the Research Council of Lithuania.

Dr. M. Kvietkauskas

  • editorial board member of the journal of Lithuanian literature and criticism Metai (Years).

Dr. E. Juknytė

  • assistant of editorial board member of the journal Literatūra (Literature).


5 Universiteto, LT-01122 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7232

Head – Prof. Dr. Genovaitė Dručkutė


Professor: Dr. G. Dručkutė.
Associate professors: Dr. S. Liberienė, Dr. V. Vitkauskienė.
Lecturers: Dr. D. Būrė, Dr. J. Navakauskienė.
Assistants: P. Dubietis (part-time), V. Kazlauskienė, S. Mažukėlytė (part-time), L. Perkauskytė (part-time), F. Preschey (part-time), V. Valiukienė (part-time), I. Varneckaitė (part-time), D. Repeikaitė-Jarmalavičienė, I. Šerniuvienė (part-time), F. Joulin (part-time), Khoury (part-time), V. Chenal (part-time).
Doctoral students: P. Dubietis, N. Mikalauskienė.


Cross-linguistic studies of French and Lithuanian
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive syntax and semantics (verb complementation, perception verbs, epistemic modality, semantics of locatives)
Text and discourse analysis, academic discourse
Cognitive linguistics
Phonetic and phonological aspects of French and Lithuanian
Aspects of Francophonie
French language teaching
Teaching French for specific purposes (FSP): academic French, French for professional purposes
Second language acquisition: learner language
Language testing
French language teacher education
History of the French language
Lexicography (terminology, FSP dictionaries)
Translation of professional texts
Language and literature: Romanic literatures, research, stylistic analysis of literary texts
Literary traditions, their development and transformation in French and Francophone literatures
Investigation of literary trends, genres, thematic and problematic issues in French and Francophone literatures
Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
Terminology of literary criticism
Theory of the text


Projects Supported by University Budget

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts. Prof. R. Rudaitytė. 2010–2015.

The department has been carrying investigation of literary trends, genres and problems of poetics, the development of literary traditions, the relationship of literary texts with Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology, Sociology and other theoretical systems. The academic staff has been continually doing research in the field of the history of French and Francophone literatures and publishing articles on the related issues.

Main publications:

Dručkutė, G., 2013. Lietuviai prancūziškame veidrodyje. Colloquia Nr. 30. Vilnius, Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, 180–190.


Institute of the Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association (Lithuania)
French Cultural Institute, Vilnius (Lithuania)


Prof. G. Dručkutė

  • executive secretary of the editorial board of the journal Literatūra (Literature);
  • board member of the Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association;
  • editorial board member of the Medieval Literature and the Literature of Englightenment Series;
  • member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Association.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513, Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 30, fax 268 72 08

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eglė Kontutytė


Professor: Dr. J. Bajarūnienė.
Associate professors: Dr. S. Lapinskas, Dr. V. Masiulionytė, Dr. D. Šileikaitė-Kaishauri, Dr. V. Žeimantienė, Dr. E. Kontutytė.
Lecturers: Dr. A. Burov, Dr. J. Daunorienė, Dr. D. Katinas, Dr. L. Plaušinaitytė (part-time), Dr. Arash Farhid Nia (DAAD).
Assistants: S. Volungevičienė, J. Sinkevičienė (part-time).
Doctoral student: J. Sinkevičienė.


Contrastive linguistics of German and Lithuanian
Corpus linguistics
Genre analysis, academic discourse
Language for specific purposes
Research of grammatical, semantic and stylistics particularities of German and Lithuanian and their integration into the teaching process and lexicographic practice
History of the German language
Research of German literature 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Investigations of Germanic, Romance and Lithuanian Languages. Prof. A. Usonienė. 2010–2017.

The Department participates in this project together with other departments dealing with Germanic Languages. Research in this project ranges from theoretical linguistics to applied linguistics; many investigators use a contrastive approach. In 2013 the members of the department prepared six articles and one teaching aid. The members of the department delivered seven presentations at national and international conferences in Lithuania, Italy, Spain and Finland.

Main publications:

Farhidnia, A. 2013. Das zweisprachige Wörterbuch – Brücke zu einer anderen Sprache? Vorschläge zu einem sprachvergleichenden zweisprachigen Wörterbuch auf der Basis distinktiver Synonymik. Perspektiven. Das IX. Nordisch-Baltische Germanistentreffen in Os/Bergen, 14–16 Juni, 2012. Hrsg. von M. Grote, K. B. Henjum, E. Ingebrigtsen und J. P. Pietzuch, 287–298. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis 78).

Žeimantienė, V., 2013. Sprach- und diskursspezifische Konstruktionen dargestellt anhand von typischen deutschen und litauischen Formulierungsmustern aus den KoGloss-Korpora. Perspektiven. Das IX. Nordisch-Baltische Germanistentreffen in Os/Bergen, 14. –16 Juni, 2012. Hrsg. von M. Grote, K. B. Henjum, E. Ingebrigtsen und J. P. Pietzuch, 273–285. (Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis 78).

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts . Prof. R. Rudaitytė. 2010–2015.

The member of department prof. J. Bajarūnienė (in cooperation with members of the Departments of French and English Philology) has been carrying out investigation of literary trends, genres and problems of poetics, the development of literary traditions, the relationship of literary texts with Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology, Sociology and other theoretical systems.


University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald (Germany)
University of Innsbruck (Austria)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Germany) 


Prof. J. Bajarūnienė –

  • editorial board member of the series Viduramžių biblioteka;
  • member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).

Dr. A. Burov –

  • coordinator of the KAAD-East-Europe-Programme in Lithuania;
  • member of the Austrian Association for German Studies;
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Teachers of German as a Foreign Language.

Dr. J. Daunorienė –

  • member of the Austrian Association for German Studies;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache).

Dr. D. Katinas –

  • chairperson of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst);
  • chairperson of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Teachers of German as a Foreign Language.

Assoc. Prof. E. Kontutytė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Teachers of German as a Foreign Language.

Assoc. Prof. S. Lapinskas –

  • editorial board member of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics);
  • member of the European Society of Phraseology (EUROPHRAS).

Dr. V. Masiulionytė –

  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache).

Dr. L. Plaušinaitytė –

  • member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).

J. Sinkevičienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache).

Assoc. Prof. D. Šileikaitė-Kaishauri –

  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Teachers of German as a Foreign Language.

S. Volungevičienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).

Assoc. Prof. V. Žeimantienė –

  • vice editor-in-chief of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics);
  • editorial board member of the journal Moderne Sprachen (Austria);
  • chairperson of the board of the Association Academia Salensis;
  • board member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Teachers of German as a Foreign Language.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel.: 268 7236, 268 7237

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Kalėda.


Professor: Habil. Dr. A. Kalėda.
Associate professors: Dr. V. Ušinskienė. Dr. M. Davlevič, Dr. K. Rutkovskaja.
Lecturers: Dr. K. Geben, Dr. T. Dalecka, Dr. J. Fedorovič, Dr. R. Jakubėnas.


Polish linguistics and literature: past and present
History of interaction of Polish and Lithuanian literatures and cultures
Styles, genres and methods of interpretation of Polish literature
Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
The Polish language in Lithuania: past and present
History of written Polish
Polish manuscript tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Polish language (as a native and as a foreign language) teaching and learning
Bilingualism and multilingualism in Lithuania
Translation of professional texts


Projects Supported by University Budget

Functioning of Polish Literature in Lithuania. Prof. A. Kalėda. 2007–2013.

The research aims at indicating the peculiarities of Polish literature in Lithuania, analysing its relationship with other literatures, especially with Lithuanian. The subject of research was chosen as problems of literary process: advertising in 18th-century in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; bilingual literature of 19th c. in Lithuania, studies of Polish literature at Vilnius University in 1918–1939. Creative work of Polish writers having close connections with Lithuania was investigated. A series of lectures about the poet Czesław Miłosz was prepared and translated into Lituanian; several works of Cz. Miłosz were published. Representatives of the Centre took part at conferences devoted A. Mickiewicz, several articles about A. Mickiewicz and Lihuanian literature were prepared.

Problems of the Polish Language, Culture, History and Ethno-linguistics in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. M. Davlevič, Assoc. Prof. V. Ušinskienė. 2007–2013.

Historical and sociolinguistic exploration of Polish dialects in Lithuania is continued in cooperation with Warsaw University. The results were announced in papers and reports. Research is conducted on the contemporary Polish language: lexicological, etymological, source materials, the language of children, the language of intelligence, students’ slang, Polish media’s language in Lithuania, vocabulary of the scope of politics used by Polish people of Vilnius district. Several articles were published

International Science Programmes. Projects and Contracts

Studies of the Polish Dialects in Lithuania. Nr. A3-18/221/2013 (Ministry of Foreign Affairs Republic of Poland). The project manager K. Rutkovskaja. 

Centre of Polish Studies was a project partner in:

Great Lithuanian-Polish and Polish-Lithuanian Dictionaries [in preparation (with the Institute of the Lithuanian Language)].

National Research Projects

Jan Karlowicz as an Inspirational Propagator of the Scientific and Cultural Life of the Late 19th and Early 20th Centuries. A Researcher of Lithuanian and Polish Languages, Nr VAT-36/2012. The project manager Assoc. Prof. M. Davlevič, investigators - K. Rutkovskaja, I. Fedorovič. April 2012–December 2014.

The project is related to the history of science and aims at introducing Jan Karlowicz as an inspirational propagator of the scientific and cultural life of the late 19th and early 20th century as well as to present him as a researcher of Lithuanian and Polish languages and folklore based on the archival documents preserved in Vilnius and Poland, especially correspondence, his scientific works and his organizational and publicistic activity.

So far only a few aspects of his activities have been explored, while others, especially his Lituanistic works in Polish, are barely raised in the scientific literature or completely unknown, especially those that are part of our research.

Digitization and Creation of Database of the GDL Court Books stored in VUB , Nr 266331. The project manager M. Prokopčik (VU Library), investigators - R. Jakubėnas, V. Ušinskienė.

Research Council of Lithuania. Languages in Lithuanian Cities (No. LIT 7-51). Publishing project March 2013–November 2013. (principal investigator - prof. M. Ramoniene) Dr. K. Geben - investigator.

Konstantinas Sirvydas: His Works and His Epoch. The project manager Z. Šimėnaitė (Institute of Lithuanian Language), researcher K. Rutkovskaja.


Prof. A. Kalėda –

  • editorial board member of the journal Przegląd Wschodni (Warsaw);
  • editoral board member of the journal Žmogus ir žodis.

Assoc. Prof. M. Davlevič

  • member of the Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad (London);
  • editorial board member of the journal Poradnik Językowy.

Assoc. Prof. K. Rutkovskaja

  • member of the Commission on Dialectology of the International Slavistic Committee;
  • member of the of the Council of the journal Acta Baltico-Slavica;
  • member of the of the Council of the journal Acta Univetsitatis Lodziensis Folia Linguistica.

Assoc. Prof. V. Ušinskienė ­–

  • co-editor of the journal Slavistica Vilnensis(Kalbotyra);
  • member of the Lithuanian Slavonic Studies Association.

Dr. I. Fedorovič –

  • editorial board member of the journal Wiek XIX.


Warsaw University (Poland)
The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
University of Silesia (Poland)
Jagiellonian University in Cracow (Poland)
Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)


5 Universiteto, 01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7224,
Tel. / fax 268 7225
E-mails: ;

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jelena Brazauskienė/Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavel Lavrinec (since September 1) 


Professors: Habil. Dr. E. Lassan, Dr. A. Lichačiova, Dr. G. Michailova.
Associate professors: Dr. D. Beržaitė, Dr. J. Brazauskienė, Dr. J. Konickaja, Dr. P. Lavrinec, Dr. I. Vidugirytė.
Lecturers: R. Čičinskaitė, Dr. T. Vlasova.
Assistants: T. Ktitorova, T. Londareva, N. Senčenko, V. Stankevičiūtė.
Doctoral students: S.Markova, M. Varlašina.


History of interaction of Russian and Lithuanian literature
Interface of Lithuanian, Russian and other Slavonic literatures and cultures
Styles, genres and methods of interpretation of Russian literature
Russian literary history of the 20th century
The Russian language in Lithuania
Cognitive linguistics and discourse analysis of different texts
Russian language (as a native and as a foreign language) teaching and learning, concepts of Russian language course books
Lithuanian-Slavonic (Russian) contrastive linguistics
The Slavonic literary tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania


Projects Supported by University Budget

Russian and Other Slavonic Languages, Literatures, Cultural Research: the History and Now. Assoc. Prof. P. Lavrinec. 20102015.

A number of research studies were conducted: Russian-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-Slavonic literary and cultural studies; archive studies of literature and culture of interwar Lithuania: detailed research of Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries and methods of interpretation of Russian literature. The results of the aforementioned studies are presented in a number of scientific papers and presentations at international academic conferences.

Main publications:

Berzaite, D., 2013. Русский литературный канон сквозь математическую призму. Toronto Slavic Quarterly. Academic Journal in Slavic Studies, Vol. 44, Spring, 330–338.

Vidugirytė,.I. 2013. Novel and Satire: Discrepancies between Theory and Practice in Milan Kundera’s Work. In: Grotesque revisited: Grotesque and Satire in the Post/Modern Literature of Central and Easten Europe. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 137–148.

Lichačiova, A., 2013. Visagino sociolingvistinė specifika ir perspektyvos. In: Miestai ir kalbos II. Sociolingvistinis Lietuvos žemėlapis. Kolektyvinė monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 185–216.

Geography of Literature: Textual Territories and Imaginary Maps. VP1-3.1-ŠMM-07-K-067 Support to Research of Scientists and Other Researchers (Global Grant). Dr. I. Vidugirytė-Pakerienė. March 2011–March 2015.

The project has two distinct goals: researching, writing and publishing scholarly monographs on the topic of literary geography and preparing interactive maps outlining the findings of the research. The main objective of the project is to complete two studies: on geographical imagination in literature of the 19th century (based on the works of N. Gogol) and on the literary geography of Vilnius. Each monograph will be accompanied by an interactive, web-based and user-friendly map, pointing to the complex relationship between geography and literature. In addition, the project will include a map outlining the global spread of the cultural and literary heritage of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy.

Main publications:

Vidugirytė, I., 2013. Петербургский tекст Русской литературы и Вильнюсский текст Литовской литературы: Еще раз об аналитическом потенциале концепции В.Н. Топорова. Literatūra (Rusistica Vilnensis). 55 (2).


Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute (Russia)
East Slavonic Institute, Jagiellonian University, Cracow (Poland)
Tartu University (Estonia)
Ljubljana University (Slovenia) 


Prof. E. Lassan

  • editor-in-Chief of the journal Respectus Philologicus (Vilnius University Kaunas Faculty of Humanities and Jan Kochanowski University Faculty of Humanities in Kilece);
  • editorial board member of the journal Slavistica Vilnensis;
  • member of the editorial board of the periodical Agora: politinių komunikacijų studijos (Vytautas Magnus University);
  • editorial board member of the scientific periodical Политическая лингвистика (Ural State Pedagogical University);
  • member of the editorial board of the periodical Studia Rusycystyczne Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego (Jan Kochanowski University, Kielce)

Prof. A. Lichačiova –

  • editorial board member of the journal Slavistica Vilnensis

Prof. G. Michailova

  • editorial board member of the journal Literatūra (Literature);
  • member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Vilnius: Heterotopias (Vilnius University, 19–21 September, 2013)

Assoc. Prof. D. Beržaitė

  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Comparative Literature;
  • member of the International Dostoyevsky Society

Assoc. Prof. J. Brazauskienė

  • member of the General Assembly of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature (MAPRYAL);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • editorial board member of the journal Russkij jazyk za rubežom (Moscow)

Assoc. Prof. J. Konickaja –

  • editor-in-Chief of the journal Slavistica Vilnensis

Assoc. Prof. P. Lavrinec

  • editorial board member of the volume The Baltic Archives (Russian language);
  • editor of the international NET-journal The Baltic Archives, http://www/russianresources/lt/archive;
  • member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Vilnius: Heterotopias (Vilnius University, 19–21 September, 2013)

Assoc. Prof. I. Vidugirytė-Pakerienė –

  • member of the Organizing Committee of the international conference Vilnius: Heterotopias (Vilnius University, 19–21 September, 2013).


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 45, fax. 268 72 46

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nijolė Maskaliūnienė 


Professor: Prof. Dr. L. Kaminskienė.
Associate professors: Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė, Dr. L. Pažūsis, Dr. J. Grigaliūnienė (since September 1).
Lecturers: Dr. L. Černiuvienė, Dr. R. Klioštoraitytė, Dr. R. Dailidėnas (part-time), I. Miškinienė, D. Valentinavičienė, V. Vilkienė, Timothy Ochser.
Assistants: A. Dailidėnaitė , D. Guogienė, R. Kičaitė-Petraitienė, M. Paura, I. Tatolytė, A. Zolubienė, E. Žilinskaitė.
Post-doctoral research fellow : Dr. A. Ratkus.
Doctoral students: R. Darbutaitė, D. Mankauskienė. 


Translation Studies
Literary translation
Audiovisual translation
Corpus Studies
Bilingual communication
Theory and practice of lexicography and terminology
Integration of research results into the teaching process
Translator/Interpreter training
Language policy 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Meta-Cognitive Investigation of Translation as Bilingual Communication. Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė. 2010–2015.

In 2013, the academic staff of the Department completed the Russian–Lithuanian Dictionary, continued work on the Multilingual Dictionary of Translation Studies and the Lithuanian Dictionary of World Placenames, wrote articles, and participated at conferences on literary translation, translation theory and translation training methodology. The doctoral student carried on the research of implicitation in interpreting, a doctoral thesis on the concept of computer virus is under preparation. The Department publishes a research journal Vertimo studijos (Translation Studies).

Main publications:

Grigaliūnienė, J., 2013. The status and use of the word right in native speaker and learner speech: a case of Lithuanian learners of English. In: Šeškauskienė, I. and J. Grigaliūnienė (eds). Anglistics in Lithuania. Cross-linguistic and Cross-cultural Aspects of Study. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 209–225. Kaminskienė, L., Mankauskienė, D., 2013. Parallel Texts as Culture-embedded Units of Thought. In: Šeškauskienė, I. and J. Grigaliūnienė (eds). Anglistics in Lithuania: Cross-linguistic and cross cultural aspects of study. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 12–26.

Kaminskienė, L., Maskaliūnienė, N., 2013. Linking Study Programmes and the Job Market: Transversal Competences. Continuous Education as a Prerequisite for the Development of Professional Competences. Sc. Eds.: N.A. Lobanov, N. Mažeikienė, V.N. Skvortsov. St. Petersburg, State Pushkin University, 199–214.

Projects supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Lithuanian Passive Constructions. Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė, Dr. A. Ratkus. 2013–2015.

The project aims at preparing a book on the passive voice in Lithuanian by translating the works on this issue by Emma Geniušienė, a renowned typologist, and supplementing them by a new theoretical chapter, which will reflect the achievement of theoretical and typological research into the passive voice during the last decade.

International Research Projects

European Commission funded projects: 

On-line Resources for Conference Interpreter Training (ORCIT III) (2012–2013). Project coordinator Dr. Nijolė Maskaliūnienė.

The aim of the ORCIT project is to develop and pilot an open interactive multi-media learning resource in conference interpreting skills using a designated website for this purpose (www.orcit.eu). The interactive medium is intended for postgraduate interpreter training schools in the EU member states and non-EU countries where postgraduate training in conference interpreting is being offered or envisaged. The partners of the project comprise the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, the University of Leeds, UK, Aristotle University of Tsesaloniki, Greece, Charles University in Prague, Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid, Spain, the University of Heidelberg, Germany and ISIT in Paris, France.

On-line Resources for Conference Interpreter Training (ORCIT IV) (2013–2014). Project coordinator Dr. Nijolė Maskaliūnienė.

The project has started its fourth year with a new partner, the University of Ljubljana, joining the team of researchers who continue work on the research and development of an open interactive multi-media learning resource in conference interpreting skills. (www.orcit.eu).

Optimising Professional Translator Training in Multilingual Europe (OPTIMALE) (2011–2013). The Department was a partner in the pan-European project which worked out theoretical and practical guidelines for enhancement of professional translator training, setting standards and improving the quality of studies. The project was over in September 2013. ( www.translator-training.eu)

Other Projects

Enhancement and Development of Interpreter and Translator Training at Vilnius University. 2010–2013.

The contract signed with the Ministry of Education and Science, Vilnius University and the Cohesion Fund of the EU. During the project two dictionaries (one published, the other in progress), one monograph and 8 study books have been completed on different aspects of translation and interpreting.


Charles University in Prague (Czech Republic)
Comillas Pontifical University in Madrid (Spain)
University of Leeds, Centre of Translation and Interpreting Studies (United Kingdom)
University of Heidelberg (Germany)
ISIT, Paris (France)


Prof. L. Kaminskienė –

  • editorial board member of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics);
  • board member of the English Speaking Union;
  • editorial board member of the journal Vertimo studijos (Translation Studies) ( www.vsk.flf.vu.lt/Vertimo studijos/);
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of the Association of Applied Linguistics of Lithuania (LITAKA) (www.litaka.lt);

Assoc. Prof. J. Grigaliūnienė –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of the Association of Applied Linguistics of Lithuania (LITAKA), www.litaka.lt;
  • programme committee member of the LCR 2013 (Learner Corpus Research) conference, Bergen, Norway, 27–29 September 2013.
  • Scientific committee member of the 5th international conference Linguistic, Pedagogical and Intercultural Challenges in Tertiary Education, Vilnius University, Institute of Foreign Languages, 7–9 November 2013.

Assoc. Prof. N. Maskaliūnienė – 

Assoc. Prof. L. Pažūsis –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, http://www.llvs.lt;
  • member of the working group on Lithuanian EU Terminology, European Committee, Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania;
  • member of the Editorial Group on the Lithuanian Dictionary of World Placenames;
  • editorial board member of the journal Vertimo studijos (Translation Studies), www.vsk.flf.vu.lt/Vertimo studijos/;
  • member of the Consulting Group for the preparation of the Lithuanian Style Guide for translators at EU institutions.

Dr. L. Černiuvienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, www.llvs.lt/

Dr. R. Klioštoraitytė –

  • jury member of the international young translators’ contest (Concorso Internazionale di Poesia Castello di Duino) in Trieste, Italy (since September 2013);
  • jury member of the contest “I want to translate”, organised by the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, www.llvs.lt/.

Dr. A. Ratkus –


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7161, fax 268 7161

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Arūnas Sverdiolas


Professors: Habil. Dr. K. Nastopka, Habil. Dr. A. Sverdiolas, Dr. P. Subačius.
Associate professors: Dr. I. Melnikova, Dr. B. Meržvinskytė, Dr. N. Keršytė, Dr. D. Satkauskytė, Dr. L. Mačianskaitė.
Lecturers : Dr. G. Žemaitytė, Dr. D. Vaitkevičienė, Dr. J. Katkuvienė.
Doctoral students : R. Bertašavičiūtė, V. Cibarauskė, G. Gailiūtė, A. Grigorjevas, P. Jevsejevas, A. Satkūnaitė.


Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
Semiotic and hermeneutic text analysis
Terminology of literary criticism
Theory of the text, textual scholarship
Intertextuality, intermediality 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Semiotics and Humanities. Prof. Habil. Dr A. Sverdiolas. 2013–2017.

Development of methodological framework in contemporary theory of literature, art studies, philosophy and semiotics. Aspectual analysis of literary and other artistic texts.

Main publications:

Keršytė, N., 2013. Ideologija ir fikcija ("Kietas riešutėlis"). Politologija, Vilnius : Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, Nr. 1, 154–184.

Melnikova, I., 2013. In(visible) Bruges by Martin McDonagh. Journal of European Studies, Vol. 43, Issue 1 (March), 44–59 [http://www.sagepub.com/journals/Journal201665/abstractIndexing]

Nastopka, K. V., 2013. Charge de missions. Keršytė Nijolė. La sémiotique en action. Žemaitytė Gintautė. Espress yourself: the enigma of self-expression in the advertisement of Lavazza. Jevsejevas Paulius. Bookstore spaces . In: As Interacoes Sensiveis - Ensaios de Sociossemiotica A Partir da Obra de Eric Landowski / ed. Ana Claudia de Oliveira. Sao Paulo: Estacao das Letras e Cores, 67–80, 543–567, 671–682, 941–958.


Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania)
Department of Lithuanian Literature, Vilnius Pedagogical University (Lithuania)
Centre de recherches politiques (France)
Ohio University (JAV)


Assoc. Prof. I. Melnikova –

  • member of European Network for Comparative Literary Studies (REELC/ENCLS), http://encls.net/;
  • member of Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association (LLLA/LACL);

Prof. P. Subačius –

  • board member of the European Society for Textual Scholarship;
  • President of the LCAS board;
  • board member of the Lithuanian Virtual University;
  • scientific board member of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language;
  • advisers board member of the Lithuanian Institute of Culture Research;
  • board member of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute;
  • board member of the Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre;
  • President of the coordination board of the Centre of Information Technologies in Education. 


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 35, 268 723 4, fax 268 72 35
E-mail, administrator:

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasa Baranauskienė


Professor: Axel Holvoet (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. E. Sausverde, Dr. R. Baranauskienė, Dr. I. Steponavičiūtė-Aleksiejūnienė, Dr. S. Pivoras (part time), Dr. L. Vaicekauskienė (part-time).
Lecturers: Stefan Anbro (part-time), Cecilie Hauglund, Kirsi Podschivalow, Dr. A. Mickūnaitė-Griškevičienė, M. Olofsson (since September 1, 2012), Dr. G. Tamaševičius (part-time), Sladana Zivkovic.
Assistants: R. Dambrauskaitė-Muralienė, E. Išganaitytė, A. Jasiulionienė, J. Kumetaitienė, Dr. U. Mikučionis (until August 31, 2013), J. Petronytė, Š. Radvilavičius, Dr. B. Spraunienė (all part-time).|
Doctoral students: R. Trakymaitė, D. Pinkevičienė.


Comparative and contrastive studies of Scandinavian and Baltic languages

Investigation of Scandinavian languages on different levels of their structure (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics, etc.)

Integration of linguistic research into the process of teaching and lexicographical practice, preparation of handbooks, textbooks, dictionaries, etc.

Old and modern Scandinavian literature, history and anthropology of Scandinavia

Old Norse-Icelandic textual and literary studies


Projects Supported by University Budget

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. A. Usonienė. 20102017.

The Centre of Scandinavian Studies participates in this project together with other departments of the Faculty of Philology.

Work of investigation of semantic features of modal verbs and the category of mood in modern Scandinavian languages was continued. Scandinavian-Celtic language and cultural contacts during the Viking Age were studied. The semantics of definite adjectives in the Baltic languages was investigated.

Research in the areas of Lithuanian sociolinguistics, language planning and standardization ideologies was continued.

Main publications:

Sausverdē, E. Sea-words and possible substrate in the Baltic Sea region – a new approach? In: Baltų filologija 21 (2).

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts . Prof. R. Rudaitytė. 2006–2015.

The Centre of Scandinavian Studies participates in this project together with other departments of the Faculty of Philology.

Research in the 20th–21st century Nordic literature was continued with the focus on Scandinavian narrative prose.

The function of “the other”, i.e. supernatural beings and non-Scandinavian tribes in the Old Norse legendary sagas was investigated.

Language Usage, Language Learning and Teaching . Prof. M. Ramonienė. 2006–2016.

The Centre of Scandinavian Studies participates in this project together with other departments of the Faculty of Philology.

The work on the Norwegian-Lithuanian (about 40 000 entries) and Swedish-Lithuanian (about 30 000 entries) dictionaries was continued. Writing of practical handbooks of Scandinavian (Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish) languages was carried on; Norwegian Grammar was finished and published.

Compilation of small (about 5000–8000 entries) Scandinavian (Danish, Icelandic, Norwegian, Swedish) -Lithuanian Dictionaries was carried on, two of them, Swedish and Danish, were finished.

Main publications:

Vaicekauskienė, L., 2013. Danų–lietuvių kalbų žodynas [sudarytoja, redaktorė, su Ebbe Flatau], 3rd complemented and amended ed., ser. Scandinavistica Vilnensia: Mokomosios knygos. Vilniaus universitetas, Tyto Alba, 231 p.

Ruseckienė, R., 2013. Islandų kalbos gramatika, ser. Scandinavistica Vilnensia: Mokomosios knygos. Vilniaus universitetas, Tyto Alba, 194 p.

Griškevičienė, A. Sintaksinių duomenų laukas dvikalbėje lietuvių leksikografijoje. [Elektroninis išteklius], Nr. 7, 1–8.

International Research Projects

Nordic Council of Ministers’ program Nordplus Neighbour is supporting the wide-scale project NordUd, including professors’ exchange. Coordinators - Erika Sausverde, Sladana Zivkovic, 2013.

NordUd is an international network focusing on developing and enhancing the quality of education at Scandinavian departments, departments of Finnish and departments of linguistics in the Nordic countries and the Baltic States. This aim is reached through various forms of cooperation and exchange of knowledge, experience and best practice. Through offering the best possible educations in Scandinavian Studies and Finnish the NordUd network supports and strengthens mutual Nordic-Balticlinguistic and cultural understanding. NordUd is coordinated by the Centre of Scandinavian Studies at Vilnius University. http://www.skandinavistika.flf.vu.lt/lt/nordud/about/

Project partners: Vilnius University, Helsingfors University, Iceland University, Copenhagen University, Stockholm University, Latvia University, Tartu University.


Universities of Aarhus, Copenhagen and Roskilde (Denmark)
Universities of Oslo, Bergen and Agder (Norway)
University of Stockholm, University College of Södertörn (Sweden)
Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
St. Petersburg and Moscow Universities (Russia) 


Prof. A. Holvoet –

  • Head of the editorial board of the journal: Baltic Linguistics (University of Warsaw);
  • editorial board member of the journals: Linguistica Copernicana (Torune), Balto-slavjanskie issledovanija (Moscow) ir Slavistica Vilnensis (Vilnius).

Assoc. Prof. E. Sausverde –

  • editorial board member of the Scandinavistica Vilnensis series;

Dr. A. Mickūnaitė-Griškevičienė –

  • member of Euralex (European Association of Lexicography).

Dr. B. Spraunienė –

  • researcher in VU scientific project Valency, Argument Realisation and Grammatical Relations in the Baltic since October 2013.
  • The coordinator of the NordPlus project Problem solving tasks for learning Danish as a second and foreign language in transformative learning environments, project ID: LA-2012_1a-30712,http://www.nordplusonline.org/nordplus/project_examples/thinking_approach_in_danish_language_teaching .

Dr. U. Mikučionis –

Dr. I. Steponavičiūtė-Aleksiejūnienė –

  • editorial board member of the Scandinavistica Vilnensis series;
  • member of IASS (International Association of Scandinavian Studies).

Dr. G. Tamaševičius –

  • member of AABS (Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies);
  • member of SwiSca (The Research Network for Swearing in the Nordic Countries);
  • member of LITAKA (Association of Applied Linguistics of Lithuania).

Dr. L. Vaicekauskienė –

  • advisory board member of the international database Lituanistica for the Research Council of Lithuania;
  • board member of the National program for developing Lithuanian studies 2009–2015 for the Research Council of Lithuania;
  • board member of the Association of Applied Linguistics of Lithuania;
  • member of the editorial board of journal Taikomoji kalbotyra/Applied Linguistics;
  • member of EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing). 


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel.: 268 7204
E. mail:  

Head – Dr. Mindaugas Strockis


Senior Research Fellow: Dr. P. Skirmantas.
Research Fellow: Dr. M. Strockis.


Computer-assisted lexicography
Digitisation of heritage texts
Electronic textual corpora
Experimental phonetics
Information technologies in teaching ancient and modern languages


Projects Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Database of the Old Prussian heritage. Project registration number with the Research Council of Lithuania: LIT-4-21. 2011–2013.

Development and Provision of Availability of ICT Solutions and Digital Content for Promotion of the Lithuanian Language in the Public Space. April 2012–October 2014.

Project tasks: (1) development of Palemonas font. Lithuanian computer font Palemonas will be expanded twice, up to 18.616 characters, to become the largest computer font among all fonts based on Latin characters, including all special linguistic marks; (2) digitalisation of bilingual dictionaries. Bilingual dictionaries (Lithuanian-Latvian, Latvian-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-German, German-Lithuanian, Lithuanian-Polish, Polish-Lithuanian) will be digitalised.

Project partners – Vilnius University, Institute of the Lithuanian Language, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Institute of Lithuanian Literature. 


Dr. M. Strockis -

  • expert of the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers (for the national competition of the best doctoral thesis);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists.