2017-09-21 15:18

Projektų tipai:

  • Investigator Initiated grants (IIG)
  • Pilot Grants (PG – intended as start-up funds for pilot research to allow the development of innovative ideas, new methodologies and new research tools)

Paraiškų teikimo terminas:

  • Outline application (IIG, PG) – 2017-10-06
  • Full application (IIG) – 2018-02-09

Tikslas: Research into the effects of diet, nutrition (including body composition) and physical activity on cancer prevention and survivors.

Galimos tematikos:

  • Identifying the mechanisms that underpin the effects of diet, nutrition and physical activity on cancer
  • Addressing the host factors that influence an individual’s susceptibility to cancer development or progression
  • Studying likely causal links between diet, nutrition, physical activity and outcomes after cancer diagnosis in cancer survivors

Tinkami pareiškėjai: Grants are awarded to principal investigators based at institutions (universities, medical schools, NHS trusts, research institutes and other academic centres) in any country outside the Americas. Although the Principal Investigator of an application cannot be from an institution based in the Americas, coapplicants and collaborators can be based in those countries. The application must include at least one co-applicant.

Reikalavimai projekto vadovui: The Principal Investigator must hold a senior established research position (not a PhD student) at the host institution

Trukmė: IIGup to 4 years; PG – up to 2 years

Biudžetas: IIGup to £350,000; PG – up to £60,000

Tinkamos išlaidos: Budgets should cover the costs of such items as salaries for personnel (excluding the Principal Investigator), research equipment, Open Access publication fees, supplies and travel to conferences/ meetings.

Kvietimo informacija:

Detalesnė informacija pareiškėjams:


Išsamesnę informaciją VU Mokslo ir inovacijų departamente teikia:

Donatas Jodauga, tel. (8 5) 2193298, ir

Ana Raišienė, tel. (8 5) 268 7165,

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