Gunter Luis Leon

Sukurta: 23 March 2021
Atstovaujančio studento kalba: Anglų
Vardas, Pavardė: Luis Leon Gunter
Faculty: Faculty of Medicine
Faculty: Medicine
Studijų programa: Medicine
Study programme: Medicine
Kursas: IV year of studies
Studento pašto adresas:

My journey into the world of medicine began during my work experience in emergency medicine, where I discovered my passion for the field. However, when it came to pursuing this path in Germany, I faced considerable challenges that made it difficult to kickstart my career. Fortunately, the Medical Faculty of Vilnius University offered me an opportunity to begin my medical journey directly. I am to live in Vilnius, an awesome city for students with immense potential and growth opportunities.
If you're considering studying medicine in Vilnius, I'm here to assist you. Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have about the curriculum, professors, subjects, practical knowledge, our hospital facilities, or life in Lithuania. You can contact me on Instagram via @luiiis_leon or drop me an email. For inquiries related to the admission process, please reach out to .
I look forward to helping you on your path to a fulfilling medical education and career.