Stankevičienė Anastasija

Sukurta: 27 July 2023
Atstovaujančio studento kalba: Anglų
Vardas, Pavardė: Anastasija Stankevičienė
Faculty: Faculty of Philology
Faculty: Faculty of Philology
Studijų programa: Russian Philology
Study programme: Russian Philology
Kursas: II year of studies
Studento pašto adresas:

I have chosen the Russian Philology programme as it offers a really impressive range of compulsory and optional courses. This programme gives you a chance not only to go deeper into the world of Russian literature or to learn some peculiarities of the language but also to get general philological knowledge that can be applied in many different areas. I adore our professors’ level of professionalism, patience, and will to create a safe and cozy study environment for every student.