6th Round of the Arqus Café Starts Mid-March – Tutors Wanted!

Sukurta: 15 February 2023

COLOURBOX50234676Students from the Arqus universities can soon register for the sixth edition of the Arqus Café, which will run from 13th March to 30th June 2023. But first the Arqus Café team is looking for tutors!

The Arqus Café is an online space where students from the Arqus universities can meet in small groups to practice and improve their foreign language skills in a relaxed atmosphere. It’s a great opportunity for students to expand their language and cultural knowledge informally together with other language learners. All levels are welcome, but it works best when students have a minimum of an A2/B1 level.

The tutors (one or two per language) who guide the Arqus Café sessions should either be native speakers or have the language of the café as their first language. They do not have to have any teaching experience as it is not a language course but an open, conversational format. Interested who want to share their knowledge and help others to achieve their language skills, just need to fill in this form and become and tutor for the Arqus Café!

The cafés take place once a week for one hour and selected tutors can offer a café at a time that fits their schedule as well. All languages are welcome and there will be a preparatory workshop for all tutors. They will also receive a certificate of participation that will detail their work as a tutor.

Registration form for tutors: https://forms.gle/nx5d8uFq6aR7C2Si7

Contact persons: Roma Kriaučiūnienė () & Orinta Gerikaitė ()