Baltic Universities Rectors’ Scholarship

Sukurta: 26 September 2019

QB3A4460In 2017 Rectors of the universities of Vilnius, Latvia, and Tartu announced a joint scholarship contest to promote the study of Lithuanian, Latvian, and Estonian languages and cultures.

Contest is open to full-time students of any study program, including international students, studying at the University of Vilnius, Latvia or Tartu. The applicant for the scholarship must have knowledge of one of the three languages at a level C1 (or t be a native speaker) and other two languages at least at A2 level. The contest’s winner will receive the scholarship of the amount of 2000 Euros.

This year the competition is sponsored by Vilnius University. Candidates will be evaluated in three phases: written and oral phases at their university and a final phase at Vilnius University where the three best students, selected by each university’s commission, will participate

  •  First round: Written work assessed by the university where the contestant is studying. Each contestant must submit three written texts: one in Lithuanian, one in Latvian, and one in Estonian.

Deadline for submission is December 20th, 2019.

Topics for the essay of C1 level (or for the native speaker):
Formal requirements: font size – 12; line spacing – 1.5; volume – up to 3 pages.

1) Lithuanian, Latvian and Estonian Languages – My Baltic Way.

Topics for the coherent texts for at least A2 level with one of the following topics:
Formal requirements: font size – 12; line spacing – 1.5; volume – up to 1 page.

1) Lithuanians, Latvians, and Estonians – Similar and Different.
2) My Way to the Baltic Languages.

NB! Please send us your essay and written texts until December 20th via email: with a topic “Baltic Universities Rectors’ Scholarship”.

NB! If the contestant is fluent in two languages at the same or similar level, the contestant can choose between the same or different topics. The contestant can also choose the same topic for the texts of writing in both other two Baltic languages for the A2 level.

NB! Contestants will find out the results of the first round in the first week of January, together will all the information for the second round, if they are chosen to continue.

  • Second round: Interview assessed by the local commission at the university where the contestant is studying. The results of the second round will be announced by January 31st, 2020.
  •  Final round: Attendance at the hosting university for the oral task to present a pulled-out topics in front of the commission, formed by all three universities’ delegates. Three students from each university will compete at Vilnius University on March 10th, 2020.
  • The official award ceremony will take place on March 11th, 2020 at Vilnius University St. Johns’ Church.