International scientific conference “Turks’ History and Culture in Lithuania”

Sukurta: 22 May 2013

International scientific conference “Turks’ History and Culture in Lithuania”International scientific conference "Turks' History and Culture in Lithuania" dedicated to the 615th anniversary of the settlement of Tatars and Karaimes in the Grand Duchy of Lithuania will be held on the 29th-31st of May, 2013 in Vilnius University Aula Parva (The Small Hall), Universiteto st. 3.

The main purpose of the conference is to present the latest research and to share the newest information on the studies of Turkic history, culture, religion, language and literature as well as to lay strong base for purposeful and coherent survey on relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (diplomatic relations between the Ottoman Empire and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania were established in the 15th–16th centuries). Furthermore, the conference seeks to present the latest research to the society and especially to Tartar and Karaime communities. The conference will also analyse transformations of Tatar and Karaime communities in the 20th-21st centuries.

The conference is organized by the Centre for Stateless Cultures at the Faculty of History of Vilnius University, Turkish language centre of the Faculty of Philology of Vilnius University and the Tatar community of Vilnius district.

Conference programme.