The Climate Crisis is real. We need Climate Action now

Sukurta: 23 September 2019

FFF PPTThe science is clear – if we want to prevent the most devastating consequences of the climate crisis than there’s no time to loose. Our society needs change; our minds need change – in short: the whole system needs change.

Fridays For Future is a nongovernmental movement that has formed over a year ago on the basis of one thought: “If I don’t do it, no one else will.” This was the thought that drove Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old Swedish climate activist to action. She started school strike in front of the Swedish parliament. Every week more and more attention was brought to the topic that could no longer be ignored – the human-made climate change and its consequences. Now there’re thousands and sometimes millions of young climate activists on the streets every week.

In February, Vilnius became part of the movement. And already half a year later, four Lithuanian cities are involved. Hundreds of Lithuanians are coming together to make the government and the country see, that the people care. Amongst the organizers of the Fridays For Future Vilnius movement is a fellow medical student from Vilnius University. Ellen Reiserer, a young German has been studying at the Medical Faculty for the last four years. For her, the climate crisis plays a big role in her medical studies. The threats to human health arising from the consequences of climate change and environmental pollution are immense. “To ensure human health, we eventually have to start looking at the bigger picture. Planetary health has a direct impact on our own health.”

Due to the inactions of governments and cooperations, the global climate movement has called for a week of joined mobilization. Right around the UN Climate Action Summit in New York on September 23rd, the Week for Climate will take place. Kids, adults and elderly. Students, workers and unemployed. Unions and companies. All are joining to spread one central message: We need climate action now!

In Vilnius the Week for Climate consists out of eight days of events. A demonstration on the 20th at V. Kudirkos Square will mark the beginning of the week. The following days there will be cleanups, performances, workshops and more. The Medical Faculty will host two of the movement’s events. On the 25th there will be a movie night screening the documentary “Tomorrow” by Cyril Dion and Mélanie Laurent about the building of a sustainable future. On the 26th there will be a lecture by Geoscience Professor Egidijus Rimkus with the topic: Climate Change in Lithuania – the Present and the Future.
The week will end in Vilnius on the 27th with its biggest event: The March for Future. Unions, workers, students and more are joining the organization team in a March from Seimas to Kudirkos Square.

Not only the Medical Faculty but each and every one in our University needs to realize the importance of our planet and climate’s health on our own health. Join the movement and make a difference!

For more information, including the events, please visit Fridays For Future’s facebook page (Fridays For Future Vilnius), find the Instagram page (fridaysforfuturevilnius) or send an email ().