Faculty of Philology

Sukurta: 21 June 2019

flf5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel.: 268 7205, 268 7206

Dean – Prof. Inesa Šeškauskienė





293 teachers (incl.148 holding research degree), 21 research fellows (incl. 18 holding research degree), 44 doctoral students.


Department of English Philology
Department of Classical Philology
Department of French Philology
Department of Italian Linguistics and Literature

Department of Baltic Linguistics
Department of German Philology
Department of Russian Philology
Centre for Scandinavian Studies
Centre for Polish Studies
Centre for General Linguistics (a new division, from October 2018)

Department of Lithuanian Literature
Department of Translation and Interpretation Studies
A. J. Greimas Centre for Semiotics and Literary Theory
Research Group for Studies in Comparative Literature

Department of Lithuanian Language
Department of Lithuanian Studies
Centre for Multilingual Studies

Department of Romance Languages
Department of German Language
Department of English for Social Sciences and Humanities
Department of English for Physical and Biomedical Sciences


Lithuanian Studies: Philological, Cultural and Interdisciplinary Aspects. Research and Development
Multilingual Discourses: Linguistics, Literature, Culture


R. Bertašavičiūtė. A Case of identity: contemporary Lithuanian essay.
V. Katinienė. Wende-literature: German and Lithuanian novels of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.
V. Kazlauskienė. Noun phrase in L2 French: learner corpus analysis.
S. Kontrimienė. Relationship between humanistic spirituality and parenting experiences.
D. Liepinytė-Kytrienė. Opinion leaders’ speech characteristics in online news portals.
D. Mankauskienė. Problem triggers in simultaneous interpreting from English into Lithuanian.
E. Vaivadaitė-Kaidi. Metaphoric language change in the 19th–20th c. catholic translations of the Bible into Lithuanian.


International conferences
New Approaches to the Baltic Verb
The changing profile of the translator profession: technology, competences and fit-for-market training (co-organised with the University of Warsaw)
Time and Tense in Circum-Baltic
2nd international conference of Pranas Skardžius Nation and identity in Language
International FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) Conference 2018 Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects

Linguistic Summer School and Conference Academia Grammaticorum Salensis Quinta Decima
25th international conference in honour of Jonas Jablonskis (co-organised with the Institute of the Lithuanian Language) Variation across Languages and their Varieties.
Offenheit und Geschlossenheit in Sprache und Kultur//Baltic Germanist Days and Conference Openness and Closeness in Language and Culture
Conference devoted to the 250th birth anniversary of Jesuit priest Martynas Počobutas-Odlianickis: Rector Jesuit priest Martynas Počobutas-Odlianickis – the brightest Star of Vilnius


Artūras Ratkus. Rector’s Award for University Scholars, December 2018;

Davide Castiglione. Rector’s Award for Younger Scholars, December 2018;

Assoc. Prof. Miroslav Davlevič was awarded the Gold Cross of Merit of the Republic of Poland (Złoty Krzyż Zasługi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) by the President of the Republic of Poland, Andrzej Duda;

Prof Dr. Kristina Rutkovska was awarded the Knight Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (Krzyż Kawalerski Orderu Zasługi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej);

Dr. Dovilė Kuzminskaitė was awarded the Young Artist’s Prize of the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania.


Vytautas Kardelis, Mindaugas Kvietkauskas, Laimutis Laužikas, Nijolė Maskaliūnienė, Meilutė Ramonienė, Antanas Smetona, Irena Smetonienė, Bonifacas Stundžia, Audrius Valotka, Loreta Vilkienė, Vilma Zubaitienė – member experts of various sub-commissions and work groups of the Lithuanian State Language Commission;

Prof. Fatima Eloeva – federal expert of Modern Greek Studies of Russia;

Assoc. Prof. Dalia Čiočytė – expert of the Lithuanian Council for Culture and Research Council of Lithuania;

Assit.Prof. Neringa Klišienė – expert of the Lithuanian Council for Culture;

Prof. Meilutė Ramonienė, Assoc. Prof. Nijolė Juchnevičienė, Assoc.Prof. Vilma Zubaitienė (database Lituanistika) – experts of the Research Council of Lithuania.


Prof. Dainora Pociūtė regularly consults the Lithuanian Centre of Non-formal Youth Education and cooperates with them organizing annual national competitions of Lithuanian language and literature of Lithuanian schools abroad. She is in charge of preparation of tasks and chairs the Evaluation Commission.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Kvietkauskas - moderator of the discussion A Reconstructed Future: What Stories Do We Tell About Lithuania in the 21st century? International London Book Fair, programme “Baltic Countries: The London Book Fair Market Focus 2018”;

Asist. Dr. Rimas Užgiris - participant of the discussion panel, translator of the poetry under discussion. A Reconstructed Future: What Stories Do We Tell about Lithuania in the 21st century? International London Book Fair, programme “Baltic Countries: The London Book Fair Market Focus 2018”;

Assoc. Prof. A. Smetona - anchor of LRT Cultural Show Lithuania in our Lips (TV programos „Lietuva mūsų lūpose“ vedėjas).

Research dissemination articles

Dr. Dovilė Kuzminskaitė, Dr. Aistė Kučinskienė constantly publishes literary reviews and texts of literary criticism in Lithuanian cultural magazines Literatūra ir menas, Metai, Naujasis Židinys-Aidai;

Šolienė, A. 2018. Diskurso žymikliai: ar viskas išverčiama? Gimtoji kalba 1(595): 7–10;

Dikmonienė, J. 2018. Išmintingas Natanas išmintingame Gintaro Varno spektaklyje, Literatūra ir menas, 2018 m. sausio 5 d., 18–20.

Public lectures:

Prof. V. Bikulčius. 2018 metų Prancūzijos literatūros premijos (French Literature Awards 2018). The French Institute;

Assist. Prof. J. Katkuvienė. Reikšminė diskursų analizė (The Meaning Analysis of Discourses), public talk series at ”Café Scientifique discussions”. Organized by the Baltic Institute of Advanced Technologies;

Assoc. Prof. D. Kuolys. Research dissemination conference for teachers of Lithuanian Schools Our State: Pillars and Prospects, 30 November-1 December 2018;

Prof. D. Pociūtė. Religious Disidents from Italy in 16th c. Lithuania. A talk given at the meeting of Lithuanian community in Italy. Florence;

Assist. Prof. J. Urbonaitė. From Language to Violence: No Metaphor Is Innocent? Public talks series Mind Sharpener: https://justinaurbonaite.com/mind-sharpener-series-public-talks/




5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7228

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jolanta Šinkūnienė


Professors: Dr. R. Rudaitytė, Habil. Dr. A. Usonienė, Dr. A. Samalavičius.
Associate professors: Dr. L. Bartkuvienė, Dr. G. Balčytytė-Kurtinienė, Dr. J. Šinkūnienė.
Assistant professors: Dr. D. Castiglione, Dr. D. D. Costello, Dr. A. Ruskan, Dr. R. Šlapkauskaitė, Dr. A. Šolienė, Dr. J. Urbonaitė, Dr. D. Valančiūnas.
Junior assistant: E. Liubertaitė.
Lecturers: G. Belogurova, J. Kasteckienė, I. Vyšniauskienė, D. Zibalas.
Doctoral students: J. Liauksminienė, E. Liubertaitė, L. V. Sruoginis.


Cross-linguistic studies of English and Lithuanian
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive syntax and semantics (verb complementation, perception verbs, epistemic modality, semantics of locatives)
Text and discourse analysis, academic discourse
Cognitive linguistics
Contrastive rhetoric: genre analysis
Phonetic and phonological aspects of English and Lithuanian
Teaching English for specific purposes (ESP): academic English, English for professional purposes
Second language acquisition: learner language
Language testing
Corpus-based and corpus-driven phraseology
Translation of professional texts
Literary translation
Language and literature: British, Irish, American, Canadian literature, stylistic analysis of literary texts
Literary traditions, their development and transformation in West European and American literatures
Investigation of literary trends, genres, thematic and problematic issues in West European and American literatures
Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
Culture studies: American civilisation, British history and society, Canadian culture, Irish identity


Projects Supported by the University Budget

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts. Prof. Dr. R. Rudaitytė. 2010–2021.

The department (in cooperation with the departments of French and German Philology as well as the Centre of Scandinavian Studies) has been carrying out investigation of literary trends, genres and problems of poetics, the development of literary traditions, the relationship of literary texts with Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology, Sociology and other theoretical systems. Some of the academic staff has been continually doing research in the field of the history of Germanic literatures and literatures in Romance languages and publishing articles on the related issues.

Main publications:

Books, edited books:

Rudaitytė, R. (Ed.). 2018. History, Memory and Nostalgia in Literature and Culture. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Castiglione, D. 2018. Difficulty in Poetry: a Stylistic Model. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Research articles:

Ezeala, M. & Rudaitytė, R. 2018. Rising awareness and selfhood in Kate Chopin's 'The awakening' and 'The golden notebook' by Doris Lessing. European Journal of Literary Studies, vol. 1(2), p. 57–76.

Ezeala, M. & Samalavičius, A. 2018. Palimpsest in Postcolonial African Novels. European Journal of Literature, Language and Linguistic Studies, vol. 2(1), p. 84–100.

Liubertaitė, E. 2018. Metamodern Narrative Identity in Dave Eggers’ Memoir A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. In Persistence and Resistence in English Studies: New Research. Martin, S., Owen, D. & Pladevall-Ballester, E., eds. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 39–48.

Šlapkauskaitė, R. 2018. “Like being trapped in a drum”: The Poetics of Resonance in Frances Itani’s “Deafening”. Anglica: An International Journal of English Studies, vol. 27(3), p. 201–232.

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Usonienė. 2010–2021.

The linguists of the department carry out this research in close collaboration with their colleagues based at the departments of German Philology, the Lithuanian Language and the Centre for Scandinavian studies. The focus of the research is on the synchronic and diachronic analysis of language-specific features characteristic of the grammatical, lexical and semantic structure of the languages under study. The range of research methods used and theoretical approaches followed varies greatly: from purely descriptive to functional, from cognitive to socio-linguistic, from quantitative to qualitative analysis of authentic language data.

Main publications:

Books, edited books:

Mur Dueñas, P. & Šinkūnienė, J. (Eds.). 2018. Intercultural perspectives on research writing. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Research articles:

Usonienė, A. & Vincent, N. 2018. Non-finiteness, complementation and evidentiality: The Lithuanian Accusativus cum Participio in a cross-linguistic perspective. In Tense, Aspect, Modality, and Evidentiality: Cross-linguistic perspectives. Ayoun, D., Celle, A. & Lansari, L., eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p. 239–260.

Šinkūnienė, J. 2018. The power of English: I and we in Lithuanian, Lithuanian English and British English research writing. In Intercultural perspectives on research writing. Mur Dueñas, P. & Šinkūnienė, J., eds. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Amsterdam: John Benjamins, p. 59–79.

Šinkūnienė, J. & Dudzinskaitė, G. 2018. Acknowledgment patterns in English and Lithuanian research writing. Discourse and Interaction, vol. 12, p. 65–86.

Projects and Programmes Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Discourse Markers in Lithuanian: A Synchronic and Diachronic Study (P-MIP-17-308). Dr. J. Šinkūnienė, Dr. E. Jasionytė-Mikučionienė, Dr. A. Ruskan, Dr. A. Šolienė.

Other Projects

EVIDISPRAG: Evidentiality: A Discourse-Pragmatic Study of English and Other European Languages. (FFI2015-65474P, MINECO/FEDER. Funding institutions: Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and European Regional Development Fund). Habil. Dr. A. Usonienė, Dr. A. Ruskan, Dr. J. Šinkūniene, Dr. A. Šolienė.


Giessen University (Germany)
University of Antwerp (Belgium)
Universidad Complutense de Madrid University (Spain)
Mainz University (Germany)
University of Greifswald (Germany)
University of Versailles, Paris (France)
University of Barcelona (Spain)
University of Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
University of Zaragoza (Spain)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Balčytytė-Kurtinienė

  • member of LATEFL (Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics; www.litaka.lt;
  • member of IPA (International Phonetic Association).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Bartkuvienė

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • editorial board-member of the journal Journalism Research (Vilnius University, Faculty of Communication);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of University Teachers of English;
  • member of the Lithuanian Oxford and Cambridge Society;
  • senior member of St. Hilda’s College (Oxford University).

Assist. Prof. Dr. D. Castiglione

  • member of the ‘Effects of Foregrounding’ Research Coalition;
  • peer reviewer for Language and Literature (SAGE publishing).

Prof. Dr. R. Rudaitytė

  • editor-in-chief of the research journal Literatūra (Literature);
  • board member and Lithuanian representative of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), http://www.essenglish.org;
  • President of LAUTE (Lithuanian Association of the University Teachers of English);
  • editorial board member of the Literature of Enlightenment Series;
  • editorial advisory board member of international research journal EJES (European Journal of English Studies), http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals;
  • member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Association, http://www.llvs.lt;
  • international advisor with the Centre for Transnational and Transcultural Research, University of Wolverhampton, UK;
  • member of the Peer Review College of the Arts and Humanities Research Council, UK;
  • member of the English Association since 2011, http://www.le.ac.uk/engassoc/fellows.html).

Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Ruskan

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea);
  • member of IPrA (International Pragmatics Association).

Prof. Dr. A. Samalavičius

  • editor-in-chief of the Journal of Architecture and Urbanism (CA, WoS, VGTU Press);
  • editor-in-chief of Lituanus: the Lithuanian Quarterly (Lituanus Foundation, Chicago);
  • editorial board member of the Architecture Research (USA); Czas Kultury (Poland); Journal of Architectural Design and Urbanism (Indonesia); Mathematics Interdiscioplinary Research (Iran);
  • member of Architectural Humanities Research Association (UK);
  • member of Urban History Association (USA);
  • member of Architecture, Culture and Spirituality Forum (USA);
  • member of PEN International;
  • member of board of Lithuanian PEN centre;
  • charmain of the Jury for the Contest of Monument to the 500 Anniversary of Reformation in Lithuania (Ministry of Culture and Lithuanian Association of Artists);
  • member of Jury of Bronys Savukynas prize (Ministry of Culture and Lithuanian PEN), 2018;
  • member of the Advisory Board for Penn State University Press book series Ivan Illich: 21st Century Perspectives.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Šinkūnienė

  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea);
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of Discourse-Pragmatic Variation & Change (DiPVaC) Research network;
  • member of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association;
  • scientific committee member of the research journal IPERSTORIA, http://www.iperstoria.it/joomla/redazione/comitato-scientifico;
  • executive secretary of the linguistic research journal Kalbotyra;
  • GERAS (Groupe d'Etude et de Recherche en Anglais de Specialite) international correspondent in Lithuania;
  • management committee member, member of the steering group and group leader for Early career investigators Special interest group in COST Action CA 15137 (European Network for Research Evaluation in the Social Sciences and the Humanities);
  • management committee member, member of the core group in COST Action CA 15221 (Advancing effective institutional models towards cohesive teaching, learning, research and writing development);
  • representative of Lithuania in Horizon 2020 SC6 programme committee;
  • member of the Humanities and Social sciences committee at the Research Council of Lithuania.

Assist. Prof. Dr. R. Šlapkauskaitė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies;
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of CACLALS (Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies).

Assist. Prof. Dr. A. Šolienė

  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea).

Assist. Prof. Dr. J. Urbonaitė

  • member of International Cognitive Linguistics Association (ICLA);
  • member of Association for Researching and Applying Metaphor (RaAM);
  • member of Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE);
  • member of Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association LITAKA.

Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Usonienė

Assist. Prof. Dr. D. Valančiūnas

  • member of IGA (International Gothic Association);
  • member of Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religions;
  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of EASAS (European Association for South Asian Studies).



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7220, 268 7221

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Audronė Kučinskienė


Professors: Habil. Dr. E. Ulčinaitė (emeritus), Dr. F. Eloeva, Dr. V. Ališauskas.
Associate professors: Dr. N. Juchnevičienė, Dr. T. Veteikis, Dr. M. Strockis, Dr. M. Čiurinskas, Dr. A. Kučinskienė.
Assistant professors: Dr. J. Dikmonienė, Dr. D. Keršienė, P. Garbačiauskas.
Lecturers: I. Štikonaitė, D. Andziulytė, S. Paškonytė, J. Baronienė, K. Svarevičiūtė, R. Papšytė.
Doctoral students: A. Jaskelevičius, A. Mackevič, R. Važgėlaitė, T. Riklius, G. Lyvens.


Classical Antiquity and its tradition
Christian literature and its interrelation with classical tradition, 1st-5th centuries
Latin and Greek literature in Lithuania in the 16th-18th centuries


Projects Supported by the University Budget

Latin Literature in Lithuania and Its Interrelation with Classical Tradition. Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Juchnevičienė. 2015–2021.

The department has been carrying out investigation of the stylistics and poetics of the classical Greek and Roman literary texts, participated in the international research project - transcription of Greek proper names in the ancient literature textbooks of Soviet times (together with the colleagues from the other Baltic countries). A wide range of cultural problems of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and national aspects of Christian tradition and Neolatin texts was reflected and analysed by V. Ališauskas, T. Veteikis, M. Čiurinskas, D. Keršienė.

Main publications:

Ališauskas, V. 2018. Žmonių ir knygų likimai Didžiajame persekiojime (Fates of people and books during the ‘Great Persecution”: Martyrdom of Agape, Irene and Chionia in Tsessaloniki). In LKMI metraštis, XLI (ser. A), p. 7–27.

Kučinskienė, A. (with L. Bodniece, M.-K.Lotman), 2018. Greek Proper Names in Ancient Literature textbooks on the Example of Baltic Countries. In Индоевропейское языкознание и классическая филология / Indo-European linguistics and classical philology, vol. 22 (1), p. 141–160.

Projects Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Historical Morphological Thesaurus of Lithuanian Lexicography on the Web (P-MIP-17-329), M. Strockis, 2017–2019.

International Research Programs and Projects

Colloquium Balticum – Research Network for the Study of Greek and Latin Antiquity and Its Reception in the Baltic Region.
International project Thesaurus Linguae Latinae.

Europatrida - International project of the Euroclassica (European Association of Teachers of Classical Languages and Culture).


Philipps University of Marburg (Germany)
University of Lund (Sweden)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
Universily of Latvia (Latvia)
University of Antwerp (Belgium)


Prof. Dr. F. Eloeva

  • editorial board member of the journal Yearbook for the Greek Studies, University of Minnesota, http://mgs.umn.edu/;
  • member of the Research Councils for Phd and Habilitation theses of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg University ( 212.232.23 – Theory of Language, 212.232.18 – Russian and Slavonic Languages, Classical, Byzantine, Modern Greek Philosophy);
  • Honorary Doctor of the University of Thrace (Greece).

Prof. Dr. V. Ališauskas

  • member of the executive committee of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists, http://www.klasikai.lt/apie-mus/valdyba/;
  • editorial board member for the editing and investigating sources of Christian mysticism Mystica Christiana, https://issuu.com/knygos.lt/docs/giesmiu_giesmes_homilijos_-_issuu;
  • editorial board member of the editing and investigating sources of Baltic culture Baltų kultūros simboliai;
  • editorial board member of the scientific periodical Bažnyčios istorijos studijos;
  • member of Commission Internationale d’Histoire et d’Etudes de Christianisme (CIHEC);
  • member of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science.

Prof. Habil. Dr. E. Ulčinaitė (emeritus)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. N. Juchnevičienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Kučinskienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Čiurinskas

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Classicists, http://www.klasikai.lt/apie-mus/;
  • member of the editorial board and editor of research periodical Senoji Lietuvos literatūra [Early Lithuanian Literature];
  • member of the Council of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore;
  • editorial board member of the series Historiae Lituaniae fontes minores (editing and investigating sources of Lihuanian history).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Strockis

Assoc. Prof. Dr. T. Veteikis, Dr. J. Dikmonienė, Dr. D. Keršienė, K. Svarevičiūtė, A. Jaskelevičius, A. M. Mackevič

P. Garbačiauskas



5 Universiteto, LT-01122 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7232

Head – Prof. Dr.Vytautas Bikulčius


Professors: Dr. V. Bikulčius, Dr. G. Dručkutė.
Assistant professors: Dr. E. Kačkutė, Dr. V. Valiukienė.
Lecturers: P. Birbilas, O. Maurere, Dr. J. Navakauskienė, L. Perkauskytė, D. Repeikaitė-Jarmalavičienė, I. Šerniuvienė, E. Zingerytė.


Cross-linguistic studies of French and Lithuanian
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive syntax and semantics (verb complementation, perception verbs, epistemic modality, semantics of locatives)
Text and discourse analysis, academic discourse
Cognitive linguistics
French language teaching
Teaching French for specific purposes (FSP): academic French, French for professional purposes
Second language acquisition: learner language
Language testing
French language teacher education
Lexicography (terminology, FSP dictionaries)
Translation of professional texts
Language and literature: Romance literatures, stylistic analysis of literary texts
Literary traditions, their development and transformation in French and Francophone literatures
Investigation of literary trends, genres, thematic and problematic issues in French and Francophone literatures
Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
Terminology of literary criticism
Theory of the text


Projects Supported by University Budget

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts. Prof. R. Rudaitytė, 2010–2021.

The Department carried out investigation of literary trends, genres and problems of poetics, the development of literary tradition, the relationship of literary texts with Philosophy, Aesthetics, Psychology, Sociology and other theoretical systems. The academic staff continued research in the field of the history of French and Francophone literatures and published articles on the related issues.

Main publication:

Bikulčius, V., 2018. Les visages de la mémoire dans le roman de Patrick Modiano Dans le café de la jeunesse perdue. Literatūra, Vilniaus universitetas, vol. 59(4), p. 64–70.


Institute of the Lithuanian Literature and Folklore (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association (Lithuania)
French Institute, Vilnius (Lithuania)


Prof. Dr. V. Bikulčius

  • member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Association.

Prof. Dr. G. Dručkutė

  • executive secretary of the journal Literatūra (Literature);
  • board member of the Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association;
  • editorial board member of the Medieval Literature and the Literature of Enlightenment Series;
  • member of the Lithuanian Literary Translators’ Association.



5 Universiteto, LT-01122 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7232

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diego Ardoino


Associate professors: Dr. D. Ardoino, Dr. D. Būrė, Dr. N. Di Nunzio.
Assistant professor: Dr. J. T. Ramonaitė.
Lecturers: A. Calì, P. Fertoli, Dr. A. Gataveckaitė, I. Kirilauskaitė, D. Trezzi.


Italian synchronic and diachronic linguistics
Italian dialectology
Cross-linguistic studies of Italian and Lithuanian
Italian language teaching
History of the Italian language
History of the Italian literature
Translation studies


Project in part supported by Erasmus Traineeship

Dialectological Expeditions in Western Liguria. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Diego Ardoino.
The second Dialectological Expedition in Liguria (San Bartolomeo al Mare, Andora and Diano Marina) took place on September 15–21, 2018.

The project investigates some dialectal varieties of western Liguria, paying particular attention to the phonetic and lexical aspects. The main aim of the project is to record audio and video files of native dialect speakers and at the same time to take pictures of the concrete objects mentioned during the conversations. The privileged fields of investigation concern the old recessive crafts such as the miller, the shoemaker, the farrier etc.

Main publications:

N. di Nunzio. 2018. Tra crudeltà e riconciliazione: ‘confessare’ il Sessantotto agli inizi del terzo millennio, in Il ’68. Costruzione e decostruzione di un mito. Applicazioni e rappresentazioni italiane del movimento, ed. by S. De Nobile, Firenze, Cesati, p. 107–118.

N. di Nunzio. 2018. Lo spazio urbano tra fiction e non-fiction: tre modelli di rappresentazione della città nella letteratura italiana tra XX e XXI secolo, in La città italiana come spazio letterario nel contesto mediterraneo, ed. by S. Jurišić, A. Marić, N. Mihaljević, K. Dalmatin Spinelli. Chieti, Solfanelli, p. 161–185.


University of Pisa, Department of Philology, Literature and Linguistics (Italy)
The Italian Cultural Institute in Vilnius (Lithuania)
Nacionalinis muziejus Lietuvos didžiosios kunigaikštystės Valdovų Rūmai (National Museum Palace of the Grand Dukes of Lithuania), Vilnius (Lithuania)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Būrė

  • Chair of the Committee of the BA Study Programme of Italian Philology.




5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7211

Head – Prof. Dr. Daiva Sinkevičiūtė


Professors: Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia, Dr. B. Jasiūnaitė, Dr. D. Sinkevičiūtė.
Associate professors: Habil. dr. G. Juzala, Dr. B. Kabašinskaitė, Dr. G. Miškinienė (part-time), Dr. J. Pakerys, Dr. V. Rinkevičius, Dr. M. Villanueva Svensson.
Assistants: E. Kazakėnaitė (part-time), Dr. A. Navickaitė-Klišauskienė, Dr. E. Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė (part-time).
Research fellow: Dr. G. Holvoet.
Post-doctoral students: Dr. E. Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė.
Doctoral students: G. Junčytė, V. Sidaravičienė, D. Tamulaitienė.


Phonology (Baltic languages and Lithuanian dialects)
Morpho(no)logy (Baltic languages and dialects)
Etymology (Baltic languages and dialects)
Ethnology and Ethnolinguistics
Onomastics (Baltic languages and dialects)
Philological treatment of Old Texts
Historical grammar of the Baltic languages
History of Baltic linguistics


Projects Supported by University Budget

Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Investigations into the Lexical, Phonological and Grammatical systems of the Baltic Languages. Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia. 2016–2018.

The focus of the research was on the synchronic, diachronic and typological analysis of the Baltic Languages. A new issue of the journal Baltistica (volume 53.1, 53.2) will be published in January 2019. The department organized international conference Time and Tense in Circum-Baltic.

Main publications:

Villanueva Svensson M. 2018. Indo-European *pr- and *pṛh2- “before, in front of”. Indogermanische Forschungen, vol. 123, p. 137–157.

Sinkevičiūtė D. 2018. Litauische Vornamen naturthematischer Herkunft: Trends des letzten Jahrhunderts. Onomastica Uralica, vol. 13, p. 243–257.

Stundžia B. 2018. Some changes in the accentuation system of Lithuanian after de Saussure’s Law. Incontri Baltistici in Pisa. Studi e saggi. Novi Ligure, Joker, vol. 2, p. 55–64.

Projects Supported by the Ministry of Education and Science

Project: Baltic Bridges. Dr. J. Pakerys. 2018.
The aim of the project is to scatter the diffusion of Lithuanian languages and culture in Estonia through the mobility of scholars and students.

Project: To Lithuania. Dr. D. Sinkevičiūtė. 2018.
The aim of the project is to invite lecturers from Cracow Jagiellonian University to teach topics related to the Baltic languages and cultures.

Projects Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Project: Publication of Volumes 51–53 of Baltistica, Journal of Baltic Linguistics. Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia. 2016–2018.
The aim of the project is to prepare and publish volumes 48–50 of the journal Baltistica.

Project: Chilinski’s New Testament. Research of the Manuscript, Facsimile and Interactive Publication in the Internet. Dr. G. Holvoet. 2016–2018.
The aim of the project is to publish Chilinski’s book and to publish electronically an interactive text of Chilski’s New Testament.

Project: Compounds in old (15th–18th c.) Bilingual German-Prussian/Lithuanian/Latvian or Lithuanian/Latvian/Prussian-German Dictionaries. Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia. 2016–2018.
The aim of the project is to research compounds in the dictionaries of the 15th–18th c. and write a monograph about them.

Project: Periphrastic Causatives in the Baltic Languages. Dr. J. Pakerys. 2016–2018.
The aim of the project is to research the Baltic causative constructions from a historical, typological and areal perspective using data from the 16th–17th c. and from the modern language.

Project: Topological Spatial Relations in the Baltic Languages. Dr. E. Žilinskaitė. 2017–2019.
The aim of the project is to explore topological relations in the Baltic languages from various perspectives.

Project: Lithuanian Accentual System: Origins and Historical Development. Dr. V. Rinkevičius. 2018–2021.
Objectives: to research some problematic questions of Lithuanian historical accentology, to present them in scholarly publications and scholarly conferences, and to prepare an up-to-date descriptive survey of the accent system of Lithuanian in which new achievements of Balto-Slavic historical accentology will be taken into account.

Projects Supported by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language

Project: Names with suffix -ij- of citizens of the Republic of Lithuania: borrowing and word-formation tendencies. Dr. D. Sinkevičiūtė. 2018–2020.
The object of the project is to determine the origin of Lithuanian names with suffix -ij-.

Project: Editing of the monograph Our Devil Names. Prof. dr. B. Jasiūnitė. 2018.
The goal of the project is to publish a monograph on devil names.

Project Supported by the EU Structural Funds

Project: Lithuanian Academic Scheme for International Cooperation in Baltic Studies. Dr. G. Holvoet. 2017–2023.
The aim of the project is to strengthen the centres of Lithuanian (Baltic) studies abroad, to promote their activities and cooperation with scholarly and academic institutions of Lithuania in order to improve the quality of higher education.

Main publications:

Villanueva Svensson M. 2018. Lith. namõ, OCS doma and the PIE directive. Historische Sprachforschung, vol. 130, p. 121–140.

Villanueva Svensson M. 2018. The conditioning of the Balto-Slavic i-apocope. Münchener Studien zur Sprachwissenschaft, vol. 71(2) (2017/2018), p. 277–304.

Stundžia B. 2018, Priešdėlio be- vedinių ir dūrinių su kirčiuotu antruoju dėmeniu cirkumfleksinė metatonija lietuvių kalbos tarmėse ir jos kilmė (Circumflexive metatony of prefix be- in derivatives and compounds with a stressed second component in Lithuanian dialects and its origin). In: Ritutė Petrokienė ir Jolita Urbanavičienė (Eds.). Rytų aukštaičių tarmė: kaita ir pokyčiai. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos institutas, p. 113–140.


Agency of the Latvian Language
University of Latvia (Latvia)
State Commission of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
Jagiellonian University of Krakow (Poland)


Dr. G. Holvoet

Dr. B. Jasiūnaitė

Habil. Dr. G. Juzala

Dr. B. Kabašinskaitė

Dr. G. Miškinienė

  • consultant of the magazine Türkiyat Araştırmaları (Konja, Turkey);
  • member of the Slavist’s Association.

Dr. J. Pakerys

Dr. V. Rinkevičius

Dr. D. Sinkevičiūtė

Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia

Dr. M. Villanueva Svensson

Dr. E. Žilinskaitė-Šinkūnienė



5 Universiteto, LT-01513, Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 30

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vaiva Žeimantienė


Associate professors: Dr. A. Burov, Dr. E. Kontutytė, Dr. V. Masiulionytė, Dr. L. Plaušinaitytė, Dr. D. Šileikaitė-Kaishauri, Dr. V. Žeimantienė, Dr. D. Babušytė (part-time).
Assistants: Dr. J. Daunorienė, Dr. D. Katinas, Dr. A. Mionskowski (DAAD, since September 2017), Dr. S. Volungevičienė.
Junior assistant: V. Katinienė.


Contrastive linguistics of German and Lithuanian
Genre analysis, academic discourse
Research of grammatical, semantic and stylistics particularities of German and Lithuanian and their integration into the teaching process and lexicographic practice
History of the German language
Research of German literature
Literature and epistemology (economics, law, politics)


Projects Supported by University Budget

Multilingual Discourses: Linguistics, Literature, Culture.
The Department of German Philology participates in this project together with other departments dealing with different multilingual discourses. Research in this project ranges from Medieval German literature to modern literature and epistemology, from theoretical to applied linguistics; many investigators use a comparative/contrastive approach.

Main publications:

Masiulionytė, V., Volungevičienė, S. (Hrsg.). 2018. Fremde und eigene Sprachen. Linguistische Perspektiven (Foreign and Own Languages. Linguistic Perspectives) (Linguistik International 40). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang.

Burov, A. 2018. Das ahd. Temporaladverb sar im Kontext der Diskussion über das Konzept zweier Gerichte im Muspilli. Lew Zybatow, Alena Petrova (Hrsg.). Sprache verstehen, verwenden, übersetzen (Linguistik International 42). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, p. 409–415.

Mionskowski, A. Reformation an Haupt und Gliedern: Rudolf Borchardts revoltierende Kulturpoetik vor dem Hintergrund seiner Nietzsche-Rezeption. In Nietzsche und die Konservative Revolution, Andreas-Urs Sommer, Sebastian Kaufmann, Hrsg. 2018. De Gruyter: Berlin, Boston, p. 169–218. (Nietzsche-Lektüren 2)

Lithuanian Studies: Philological, Cultural and Interdisciplinary Aspects. Research and Development.
The Department of German Philology participates in this project together with other and deals with historical lexicography.

Main publication:

Volungevičienė, S., Zubaitienė, V. 2018. Feste Wortverbindungen in der altlitauischen Lexikographie. In: Virginija Masiulionytė, Skaistė Volungevičienė (Hrsg.). Fremde und eigene Sprachen. Linguistische Perspektiven (Foreign and Own Languages. Linguistic Perspectives) (Linguistik International 40). Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, p. 193–212.


Research of Phrasemes in Student Writing and an Interactive Phrase Bank. Funded by The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language. L. Plaušinaitytė and S. Volungevičienė. February 2017–November 2019. http://www.fraziskumas.flf.vu.lt/english/about-the-project/

Erasmus+ project Problem oriented Soft CLIL approach for LOTE. Funded by the European Commission. D. Šileikaitė-Kaishauri and D. Katinas.2018–2020. http://www.erasmusplus.sk/index.php?sw=33&menu=14&proj=2018-1-SK01-KA201-046316

The Baltic Verb: Grams, Categories and Domains. Funded by European Social Fund. V. Žeimantienė. January 2018–December 2021. https://www.flf.vu.lt/mokslas/projektai/esf#the-baltic-verb-grams-categories-domains


University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany)
Ernst Moritz Arndt University of Greifswald (Germany)
University of Innsbruck (Austria)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Burov

  • coordinator of the KAAD-East-Europe-Programme in Lithuania;
  • member of the Austrian Association for German Studies;
  • board member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).

Dr. J. Daunorienė

  • member of the Austrian Association for German Studies;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache).

Dr. D. Katinas

  • chairperson of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst);
  • chairperson of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the German Language Teachers Association of Lithuania;
  • Organiser of Offenheit und Geschlossenheit in Sprache und Kultur. Baltic Germanist Days and Conference Openness and Closeness in Language and Culture. October 25–27, 2018. file:///C:/Users/Erika/Downloads/Vokieciu_lankstukas%20(1).pdf.

V. Katinienė

  • member of the German Language Teachers Association of Lithuania.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Kontutytė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the German Language Teachers Association of Lithuania.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Masiulionytė

  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache).

Dr. A. Mionskowski

  • DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) lecturer;
  • member of the Hugo von Hofmannstahl Society (Hugo von Hofmannstahl-Gesellschaft);
  • member of the Karl Hofer Society (Karl Hofer Gesellschaft);
  • organiser of Offenheit und Geschlossenheit in Sprache und Kultur//Baltic Germanist Days and conference Openness and Closeness in Language and Culture. October 25–27, 2018. file:///C:/Users/Erika/Downloads/Vokieciu_lankstukas%20(1).pdf .

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Plaušinaitytė

  • member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Šileikaitė-Kaishauri

  • head of the Study Quality Commission at Vilnius University;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the German Language Teachers Association of Lithuania;
  • member of the association Academia Salensis.

Dr. S. Volungevičienė

  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst);
  • member of the German Language Teachers Association of Lithuania.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Žeimantienė

  • vice editor-in-chief of the journal Kalbotyra (Linguistics);
  • editorial board member of the journal Moderne Sprachen (Austria);
  • editorial board member of the journal Triangulum (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania);
  • chairperson of the board of the Association Academia Salensis;
  • member of the Lithuanian DAAD Club (Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics;
  • member of the Lithuanian division of German Language Society (Gesellschaft für deutsche Sprache);
  • member of the German Language Teachers Association of Lithuania.



5 Universiteto, LT 01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7224,

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pavel Lavrinec


Professors: Dr. A. Lichačiova, Dr. G. Michailova.
Affiliated professor: Habil. Dr. E. Lassan.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Belovodskaja, Dr. D. Beržaitė, Dr. L. Garbul, Dr. J. Konickaja, Dr. P. Lavrinec, Dr. I. Vidugirytė-Pakerienė.
Assistant: Dr. J. Snežko.
Lecturers: Dr. N. Kapočė, R. Čičinskaitė, V. Stankevičiūtė.
Doctoral students: G. Bidlauskienė, T. Čenys, V. Girininkaitė, A. S. Ivinskaja, I. Kisieliūtė, A. Samoilenko (Šalkinė).


The history of interaction of Russian and Lithuanian literature
The interface of Lithuanian, Russian and other Slavonic literatures and cultures
Styles, genres and methods of interpretation of Russian literature
Russian literary history of the 20th century
Language in the social context
Links among language, culture and identity
The Russian language in Lithuania
Cognitive linguistics and cognitive aspects of the discourse of the Internet
Linguistic semantics and pragmatics
Russian language (as a native and as a foreign language) teaching and learning
Lithuanian-Slavonic (Russian) contrastive linguistics
Historical lexicology of Russian and Eastern Slavic languages
XVII century Polish-Russian linguistic contacts


Projects Supported by University Budget

Modern Studies of the Russian Language and Literature in the Context of Different Cultures. Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Lavrinec. 2018–2022.

The department carried out research in the fields of new interpretations of classical and recent Russian literary texts in the wide contexts of various cultures, Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries and methods of interpretation of Russian literature, spatial forms in literature, the Russian political and other discourses, the relations between Russian language and Russian culture, Baltic-Slavonic contrastive/comparative studies, sociolinguistic aspects of the Russian language in Lithuania.

Main publications:

Lichačiova, A. 2018. The Communicative-culturological aspect of the implicit information in Russian urban linguistic design. In: The Explicit and the Implicit in Language and Speech. L. Liashchova (ed.). New castle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 223–239.
Vidugirytė, I. 2018. Gogol and the Geographical Imagination of Romanticism. Translated from the Russian by Isaac Stackhouse Wheeler. Vilnius: Vilnius University Press.

Orlova, N. H., Beržaitė, D. 2018. Литовские семиотические штудии: из истории сценических «переводов» Достоевского в Литве (Lithuanian semiotic studies: from the history of Dostoevsky’s stage “translations” in Lithuania. Пραξημα. Проблемы визуальной семиотики / Пραξημα. Journal of visual semiotics, vol. 2(16), p. 110–131.


European University Viadrina, Frankfurt am Oder (Germany)
East Slavonic Institute, Jagiellonian University, Cracow (Poland)
Institute of Eastern-Slavic Philology, Gdansk University (Poland)
Institute of Philology and Language Communication, Siberian Federal University, Krasnoyarsk (Russia)
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don (Russia)
School of Journalism and Mass Communication, Saint Petersburg State University (Russia)
Ljubljana University (Slovenia)


Affil. Prof. E. Lassan

Prof. A. Lichačiova

Prof. G. Michailova

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Belovodskaja

Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Beržaitė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Comparative Literature.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Garbul

  • member of the International Association of Belarusian Studies.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. J. Konickaja

Assoc. Prof. Dr. P. Lavrinec

  • editorial board member of the research periodical Рема. Rhema (Moscow State University of Education), http://rhema-journal.com/editorial_en.html;
  • member of the International Editorial Council of the academic journal Литературный факт (Literary Fact), A. M. Gorky Institute of World Literature, Russian Academy of Sciences, http://litfact.ru/en/editorial-board;
  • member of the scientific committee of the intenational interdisciplinary conference Managing Exile, Suffering Displacement, Being an émigré: Responsibility and Mutual Sympathy in the Mirror of Ego-Documents and Fiction, Tyumen – Tobolsk, September 27–29, 2018; Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of Tyumen State University in collaboration with Institute for Literature at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Department of Humanities of University of Salerno and Institute of Special and Intercultural Communication of University of Warsaw, https://sites.google.com/site/locusconscientiae/mestosoznanie2018 or https://www.fabula.org/actualites/managing-exile-suffering-displacement-being-an-emigre-responsibility-and-mutual-sympathy-in-the_84244.php;
  • member of the organising committee of the international research conference Conjugation of History and Culture on the 50th anniversary of the monograph by Vilnius University professor Anton Antonovich Belarusian Texts, Written in Arabic Letters, Vilnius University, June 1-2, 2018.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Vidugirytė-Pakerienė



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel.: 268 72 37, 268 72 36

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Davlevič


Professor: Dr. K. Rutkovska.
Associate professors: Dr. M. Davlevič, Dr. V. Ušinskienė, Dr. J. Fedorovič.
Assistants: Dr. T. Dalecka, Dr. R. Jakubėnas.


Polish linguistics and literature: past and present
History of interaction of Polish and Lithuanian literatures and cultures
Styles, genres and methods of interpretation of Polish literature
Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
The Polish language in Lithuania: past and present
History of written Polish
Polish manuscript tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Polish language teaching and learning
Bilingualism and multilingualism in Lithuania
Translation of professional texts


Projects Supported by University Budget

Polish Literature in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Fedorovič. 2007–2018.

The research aims at indicating the peculiarities of Polish literature in Lithuania, analysing its relationship with other literatures, especially with Lithuanian. The subject of research concerns problems of literary process (Publishing activities of Vilnius Academy in 18th c.; bilingual literature of 19th c. in Lithuania, studies of Polish literature at Vilnius University in 1918–1939). Creative work of Polish writers having close connections with Lithuania (Cz. Miłosz, J. Mackiewicz, Cz. Jankowski) was investigated.

An international conference devoted to 250 anniversary of birth of Jesuit priest Martynas Počobutas-Odlianickis Rector Jesuit priest Martynas Počobutas-Odlianickis - the brightest Star of Vilnius was organised: http://www.pocobutas.flf.vu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Pocobutas-programa_lt-_pl.pdf

Problems of the Polish Language, Culture, History and Ethno-linguistics in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Davlevič, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Ušinskienė. 2007–2018.

Historical and sociolinguistic exploring of Polish dialects in Lithuania is continued. An interactive map of Polish dialects was prepared and announced. Polish manuscript tradition of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania was investigated. New issue of the journal Slavistica Vilnensis 2018 (63) was prepared and published (with the Department of Russian Philology).

International Research Projects

Multimedial Guide of Polish Dialects in Lithuania (project sponsored by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland). Prof. Dr. K. Rutkovska, 2017–2018.
Polish Dialects in Lithuania (http://www.lenkutarmes.flf.vu.lt/). Prof. Dr. K. Rutkovska (ed.), additions in 2018.

National Research Projects

Language. Nation. State. Analysis of Concepts Based on Cognitive Definition Method (project sponsored by the Lithuanian Language Commission). Prof. Dr. K. Rutkovska. 2017–2018.

Projects sponsored by the Research Council of Lithuania (European Union Investments Operational Programmes):

View of Mother in the Thinking of Contemporary Youth. (Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-10-0077. Prof. Dr. K. Rutkovska).

Meaning and Shift of the Notion of Patriotism (Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-09-0122. Prof. Dr. K. Rutkovska).

Documents of the 17th Century Written in the Trakai Castle Court in the Context of Legal Communication of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-09-0253. Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Ušinskienė).

Main publications:

Rutkovska, K. 2018. A linguistic and cultural image of the manor in Lithuania. Acta Baltico-Slavica, vol. 42, p. 1–22.

Rutkovska K. 2018. Konstantinas Sirvydas: a Preacher and a Translator of the Bible. In Joanna Pietrzak-Thebault (ed.), Word of God, words of men. Translations, inspirations, transmissions of the Bible in the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in the Renaissance, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Gotingen (with Virginija Vasiliauskienė), p. 263–290.

Ušinskienė, V. 2018. Trakai Castle Court Acts of 1660‒1661 in the context of The Legal Communication of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. Slavistica Vilnensis, vol. 63, p. 107–128.

Geben K. 2018. Funkcje urbanonimów w felietonach Czesława Jankowskiego. Slavistica Vilnensis. 2018, vol. 63, p. 263–272. http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/slavistica-vilnensis/article/view/11854/10654.


Prof. Dr. K. Rutkovska

  • member of the Commission on Dialectology of the International Slavistic Committee;
  • member of the Commission on Sociolinguistic of the International Slavistic Committee;
  • members of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association;
  • member of the Council of the journal Acta Baltico-Slavica;
  • member of the Council of the journal Acta Univetsitatis Lodziensis Folia Linguistica.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Davlevič

  • member of the Polish Society of Arts and Sciences Abroad (London);
  • editorial board member of the journal The Linguistic Guide (Poradnik Językowy) (University of Warsaw, Poland);
  • editorial board member of the journal Papers in Linguistics (Prace Językoznawcze) (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland);
  • member of the reviewer research publishing Language and Culture (Język a Kultura) (University of Wroclaw, Poland).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Ušinskienė

  • co-editor of the journal Slavistica Vilnensis (Kalbotyra);
  • member of the Lithuanian Slavonic Studies Association;
  • editorial review board member of the journal Die Welt Der Slaven:
    Sammelbände (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz Verlag).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Fedorovič

  • editorial board member of the journal Wiek XIX. Rocznik Towarzystwa Literackiego im. Adama Mickiewicza w Warszawie.

Assist. Prof. Dr. R. Jakubėnas

  • member of the Polish Society for Eighteenth Century Studies;
  • the Chairman of the Lithuanian branch of Academia Europaea Sarbieviana SOCIETY;
  • organiser of the conference devoted to 250th birth anniversary of Jesuit priest Martynas
    Počobutas-Odlianickis: Rector Jesuit priest Martynas Počobutas-Odlianickis – the brightest Star of Vilnius. December 5–6, 2018, http://www.pocobutas.flf.vu.lt/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/Pocobutas-programa_lt-_pl.pdf.


Warsaw University (Poland)
The Institute of Literary Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland)
University of Silesia (Poland)
Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Nicolaus Copernicus University (Poland)



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7235, 268 7234
E-mail, administrator:


Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ieva Steponaviūtė Aleksiejūnienė


Professors: Habil. Dr. A. Holvoet, Dr. S. Pivoras (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. A. Mickūnaitė-Griškevičienė, Dr. E. Sausverde, Dr. I. Steponavičiūtė-Aleksiejūnienė, Dr. L. Vaicekauskienė (part-time).
Assistants: Dr. R. Baranauskienė, Dr. G. Tamaševičius, Dr. B. Spraunienė, J. Kumetaitienė (part-time).
Junior assistant: A. Žuklytė (part-time).
Lecturers: J. Degrenius,V. Groven, S. S. Ojaniemi, E. Slott, A. Braškytė, R. Ciburevkinaitė, R. Dambrauskaitė-Muralienė, E. Išganaitytė, A.Merkliopaitė, J. Petronytė, V. Vukotic (part-time).
Doctoral students: R. Trakymaitė, D. Pinkevičienė, A. Žuklytė, R. Palubinskienė.


Comparative and contrastive studies of Scandinavian and Baltic languages
Investigation into Scandinavian languages on different levels of their structure (phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, sociolinguistics etc.)
Grammar and Semantics
Integration of linguistic research into the process of teaching and lexicographical practice, preparation of handbooks, textbooks, dictionaries etc.
Old and modern Scandinavian literature
Lithuanian-Scandinavian historical and cultural contacts
Old Norse studies


Projects Supported by University Budget

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. A. Usonienė. 2010–2018.

The Centre for Scandinavian Studies participates in this project together with other Departments of the Faculty of Philology.

Main publications:

Holvoet, Axel. 2018. Sources for historical imperatives. Acta Linguistica Hafniensia 50.1. 36–51.

Holvoet, Axel. 2018. Epistemic modality, evidentiality, quotativity and echoic use. In Zlatka Guentchéva (ed.). Epistemic Modalities and Evidentiality in Cross-Linguistic Perspective. Berlin: De Gruyter Mouton. 242–258.

Holvoet, Axel. 2018. The syntax of Baltic. In: Jared Klein, Brian Joseph & Matthias Fritz (eds.). Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, vol. 3, p. 1668–1681.

Holvoet, Axel. 2018. The syntax of Balto-Slavic. In: Jared Klein, Brian Joseph & Matthias Fritz (eds.). Handbook of Comparative and Historical Indo-European Linguistics. Vol. 3. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 2000–2011.

Vaicekauskienė, L. and Šepetys, N. 2018. Lithuanian language planning: a battle for language and power. In Ernest Andrews (ed.). Language Planning in the Post-Communist Era: The Struggles for Language Control in the New Order in Eastern Europe, Eurasia and China. Palgrave Macmillan, p. 193–218.

Germanic and Romance Literary and Cultural Texts. Prof. R. Rudaitytė. 2010–2018.
The Centre for Scandinavian Studies participates in this project together with other Departments of the Faculty of Philology.

Main publications:

Baranauskienė, Rasa. 2018. The provenance of the "Hurling of the head" motif in the Norn ballad Hildinavisen. In Ballads - new approaches (Kvæði - nýggj sjónarmið), ser. Annales Societatis Scientiarum Færoensis. Suppl. 69. Tórshavn: Fróðakapur, p. 306–326.

Steponavičiūtė, Ieva. 2018. Thinking the other's local in global terms – Åge Meyer Benedictsen (1866–1927) and his book on Lithuania. In Tijdschrift voor Skandinavistiek, Transit - 'Norden' och 'Europa, vol. 36(2), p. 250–260.

International Research cooperation projects

The Norwegian–Lithuanian Dictionary is a joint project of lexicographers from the universities of Vilnius and Oslo that has been carried out under dr. Aurelija Mickūnaitė-Griškevičienė’s managemen for several years. In 2018, the project resulted in the publication of Norvegų-lietuvių kalbų žodynas, Vilnius: Baltos lankos.

Nordic Council of Ministers’ program: Nordplus Neighbour (supporting the wide-scale project NordUd, including professors’ exchange, NordUd is coordinated by Skandinavistikos Centras at Vilnius University. https://www.flf.vu.lt/institutai/bkki/struktura/sc/101-lt/struktura/institutai/bkki/sc/1498-nordud
Project partners: Vilnius University, Helsinki University, Iceland University, Copenhagen University, Stockholm University, Latvia University, Tartu University.
Research project Lithuanian Exile in Iceland: Explorations of Teodoras Bieliackinas (1907–1947) creative legacy (1907–1947), 1918–2021, funded by the National Lithuanian studies development programme for 2016–2024. Conducted by Dr. Ieva Steponavičiūtė Aleksiejūnienė.


Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Holvoet

Dr. R. Baranauskienė

  • member of the Board of the Faculty of Philology;
  • member of IASS (International Association of Scandinavian Studies) since 2018.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. E. Sausverde

  • editorial board member for Scandinavistica Vilnensis series;
  • coordinator of interdisciplinary research seminars.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Mickūnaitė-Griškevičienė

  • member of Litaka (the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association), www.litaka.lt.

Dr. B. Spraunienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Steponavičiūtė-Aleksiejūnienė

  • head of the editorial board of Scandinavistica Vilnensis series;
  • member of IASS (International Association of Scandinavian Studies);
  • president of IASS (for the period 2018–2020);
  • member of SASS (Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies).

Dr. G. Tamaševičius

  • member of AABS (Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies);
  • member of SwiSca (The Research Network for Swearing in the Nordic Countries);
  • member of LITAKA (Association of Applied Linguistics of Lithuania), www.litaka.lt.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Vaicekauskienė

  • advisory board member for international database Lituanistika at the Research Council of Lithuania;
  • board member of the Association of Applied Linguistics of Lithuania;
  • editorial board member of the journal Taikomoji kalbotyra (Applied Linguistics), www.taikomojikalbotyra.lt;
  • member of EATAW (European Association for the Teaching of Academic Writing), http://www.eataw.eu/home.html;
  • member of IAWE (International Association for World Englishes), http://www.iaweworks.org/;
  • member of an international research network SLICE (Standard Language Ideology in Contemporary Europe), http://lanchart.hum.ku.dk/research/slice/.




5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 16

Head – Prof. Dr. Dainora Pociūtė;
            Prof. Dr. Brigita Speičytė (from October 01, 2018)


Professors: Dr. V. Daujotytė-Pakerienė (emeritus), Dr. D. Pociūtė, Dr. B. Speičytė.
Associate professors: Dr. D. Čiočytė, Dr. M. Kvietkauskas (part-time), Dr. D. Kuolys, Dr. A. Peluritytė-Tikuišienė, Dr. R. Tamošaitis, Dr. R. Tūtlytė, Dr. K. Urba (part-time, to 31/08/2018).
Assistant professors: Dr. N. Klišienė, Dr. S. Matulevičienė (part-time).
Doctoral students: E. Buožytė, G. Petuchovaitė-Majauskė (academic leave), U. A. Strelcova-Kelpšė, U. Šegždavičiūtė, E. Valčiukienė (academic leave).


Projects Supported by University Budget

Lithuanian Literature and Intercultural Research. Prof. D. Pociūtė, Prof. B. Speičytė. 2017–2022.

Members of the Department carried out research of contemporary, modern and early modern Lithuanian literature and prepared one collective monograph, 8 articles, 2 academic reviews dealing with literary theology, literary and religious culture and the literary expressions of cultural memory, historical and linguistic consciousness. In 2018, members of the Department delivered 8 presentations at the national and international conferences in Lithuania, Italy, and Russia.

Main publication:

Čiočytė, D. 2018. Literature and Christianity: The Aspect of Theodicy. Socialinių mokslų studijos: Mokslo darbai (Societal Studies: Research Papers), vol. 10(1), p. 23–31.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Development of Archival Research: Documents of Inquisition Trials as the Sources of Lithuanian and European Reformation Networking. Prof. D. Pociūtė. Nr. 09.3.3.-LMT-K-712-07-0012; 2018.

Main publications:

Pociūtė, D. 2018. «Fa una setta da sé»: Niccolò Buccella e la tradizone dell’antitrinitarismo veneto nell’esilio polacco-lituano. In: Eretici e dissidenti tra Europa occidentale e orientale (secoli XVI-XVIII). A cura di Antonella Barzazi, Michela Catto, Dainora Pociūtė. Padova: Padova University Press. p. 35–58.

Petuchovaitė, G. 2018. Demonizzazione del papa e polemica religiosa nel Granducato di Lituania del XVI secolo. In: Eretici e dissidenti tra Europa occidentale e orientale (secoli XVI-XVIII). A cura di Antonella Barzazi, Michela Catto, Dainora Pociūtė. Padova: Padova University Press. p. 85–106.

Research Council of Lithuania. Krikščionybė ir šiuolaikinė lietuvių literatūra (kolektyvinė monografija) [Christianity and Contemporary Lithuanian Literature (the collective monograph)]. Assoc. Prof. D. Čiočytė. Nr. LIP-086/2016; 2016–2018.

Main publication:

Čiočytė, D., Gustaitienė, A., Jakaitė, D., Šidlauskas, M. 2018. Krikščionybė ir šiuolaikinė lietuvių literatūra: Kolektyvinė monografija (Christianity and Contemporary Lithuanian Literature: A Collective Monograph), ed. Dalia Čiočytė, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla.


Prof. V. Daujotytė (emeritus)

  • member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • editorial board member of the journal Literatūra (Literature).

Prof. Dr. D. Pociūtė

  • editor-in-chief of the publication series Monumenta Reformationis Lithuanicae;
  • editorial board member of the journal Literatūra (Literature).

Prof. Dr. B. Speičytė

  • editorial board member of the journal Colloquia;
  • member of the association Lituanistų sambūris (Assembly of Lithuanian Philologists).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. D. Kuolys

  • editorial board member of the journal Senoji Lietuvos literatūra (Early Modern Lithuanian Literature);
  • academic council member of The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • member of the executive committee of the association Lituanistų sambūris (Assembly of Lithuanian Philologists).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Kvietkauskas

  • editorial board member of the research journal Acta Baltico-Slavica, Institute of Slavic Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.
  • editorial board member of the literary journal of the Lithuanian literature and criticism Metai (Years).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Peluritytė-Tikuišienė

  • member of Lithuanian Comparative Literature Association (EKADEL);
  • member of Lithuanian Writers Union;
  • editorial board member of the journal Teksto slėpiniai.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Tamošaitis

  • editorial board member of the literary journal of the Lithuanian literature and criticism Metai (Years).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rita Tūtlytė

  • member of the committee for assessment and competition of the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Urba

  • chairman of the Lithuanian section of International Board on Books for Young People (IBBY);
  • editor-in-chief of the magazine for children’s literature Rubinaitis;
  • president of the organising committee of the annual conference of children’s literature Prano Mašioto skaitymai.



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 45

Head – Prof. Dr. Nijolė Maskaliūnienė


Professors: Dr. J. Grigaliūnienė, Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė, Dr. N. Burkšaitienė.
Associate professor: Dr. L. Černiuvienė.
Lecturers: Dr. R. Klioštoraitytė, Dr. M. Paura, D. Valentinavičienė; Dr. R. Užgiris (part-time), A. Dailidėnaitė (part-time), R. Darbutaitė (part-time), E. Khtiterer, A. Zolubienė, R. Kičaitė (part-time); N. Terleckaitė (part-time).
Research fellow: Dr. A. Ratkus.
Doctoral students: D. Mankauskienė, I. Tatolytė.


Translation studies
Theory and practice of translation
Literary translation
The (Gothic) Bible translation
Corpus studies for translation purposes
Theory and practice of lexicography and terminology
Integration of research results into the teaching process
Translator/interpreter training


Projects Supported by the University Budget

Meta-Cognitive Investigation of Translation as Bilingual Communication. Prof. Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė. 2015–2020.

In 2018, the academic staff of the Department wrote articles, participated at conferences on literary translation, translation theory and translation training methodology (gave 13 presentations at different international conferences). The Department publishes a research journal Vertimo studijos (Translation Studies). In 2018, its volume no. 11 was published containing 10 articles on different aspects of Translation Studies, the authors being mainly foreign researchers, which shows the appreciation the journal has gained during the ten years of its issuance.

Main publications:

Burkšaitienė, N., Šliogerienė, J. 2018. Students’ experience of learning ESP: findings from a case study in Lithuania. Journal of Teaching English for Specific and Academic Purposes, vol. 6(3), p. 489–500, doi: 10.22190/JTESAP1803489B.

Mankauskienė, D. 2018. Problems and difficulties in simultaneous interpreting from the point of view of skill acquisition. Translating Boundaries: Constraints, Limits, Opportunities. S. Barschdorf, D. Renna (eds.). Stuttgart:Ibidem Publishing, p. 49–76.

Tatolytė, I. 2018. Looking Broader: Rhetorics as Soft Skills Competence Development. In: The Role of Tutoring in Education and Working with Adults. Collective monograph, eds. Lech Kościelak, Ewa Bartuś. Publishing House of the State University of Applied Sciences in Plock, FASS Publishing, p. 47–74.

Studies in the Bible Translation. Dr. A. Ratkus.

The researcher investigates the structure and properties of Gothic, which come from the Gothic translation of the New Testament from Greek. A comparison of the Gothic Bible and different versions of the Greek New Testament gives a taxonomy of structural and linguistic differences. Studies in the Gothic Bible translation have already yielded a number of valuable findings.

Main publications:

Ratkus, A. 2018. Weak adjectives need not be definite: The evidence of variation in Gothic. Indogermanische Forschungen, vol. 123, p. 27–64, doi.org/10.1515/if-2018-0002.

Ratkus, A. 2018. Greek αῤχιερεύς in Gothic translation: Linguistics and theology at a crossroads. NOWELE, vol. 71(1), p. 3–34, doi.org/10.1075/nowele.00002.rat.

Ratkus, A. 2018. This is not the same: The ambiguity of a Gothic adjective. Folia linguistica historica, vol. 39(2), p. 475–494, doi.org/10.1515/flih-2018-0017.

European Commission funded project

On-line Resources for Conference Interpreter Training (ORCIT VI). Project coordinator Prof. Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė. 2011–2018.

In 2018, we finished the ORCIT project, which aimed to develop and pilot an open interactive multi-media learning resource in conference interpreting skills using a designated website for this purpose (www.orcit.eu). The interactive medium was intended for postgraduate interpreter training schools in the EU member states and non-EU countries where postgraduate training in conference interpreting is being offered or envisaged. The partners of the project comprised the University of Vilnius, Lithuania, the University of Leeds, UK, Aristotle University of Tsesaloniki, Greece, Charles University in Prague, La Laguna University of Tenerrife, Spain, the University of Heidelberg, Germany, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and ISIT in Paris, France.


Charles University, Prague (Czech Republic)
Universidad de La Laguna (Spain)
University of Leeds, Centre of Translation and Interpreting Studies (the United Kingdom)
University of Heidelberg (Germany)
ISIT, Paris (France)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Aristotle University of Tsesaloniki (Greece)


Prof. Dr. J. Grigaliūnienė

Prof. Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Černiuvienė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, www.llvs.lt/;
  • member of the scientific committee of the international conference The Changing Profile of the Translator Profession: Technology, Competences and Fit-for-market Training. University of Warsaw, May 24–25, 2018, www.translatingeurope.blog.ils.uw.edu.pl.

Dr. R. Klioštoraitytė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators, www.llvs.lt/;
  • member of the scientific committee of the international conference The Changing Profile of the Translator Profession: Technology, Competences and Fit-for-market Training. University of Warsaw, May 24–25, 2018, www.translatingeurope.blog.ils.uw.edu.pl.

Dr. A. Ratkus

Dr. D. Mankauskienė



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7161

Head – Prof. Dr. Arūnas Sverdiolas


Professors: Habil. Dr. K. Nastopka, Dr. A. Sverdiolas, Dr. P. Subačius, Dr. I. Melnikova.
Associate professors: Dr. B. Meržvinskytė, Dr. N. Keršytė, Dr. L. Mačianskaitė (part-time).
Assistants: Dr. J. Katkuvienė, Dr. J. Levina, Dr. P. Jevsejevas.
Doctoral students: R. Lazauskaitė, D. Gluščevskij, A. Oržekauskienė, G. Smolskaitė, A. Kundrotaitė.


Textual poetics and its relations to philosophical, aesthetical, sociological systems
Semiotic and hermeneutic text analysis
Terminology of literary criticism
Theory of the text, textual scholarship
Intertextuality, intermediality


Projects Supported by University Budget

Semiotics and Humanities. Prof. Dr. A. Sverdiolas. 2018–2023.

Development of methodological framework in contemporary theory of literature, art studies, philosophy and semiotics. Aspectual analysis of literary and other artistic texts.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Algirdas Julien Greimas: Ideas. Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Sverdiolas. 2016–2018.

The project, completed in 2018, carries a systematic examination and comprehensive revaluation of the heritage of Algirdas Julius Greimas (comprising his scholarly work in semiotics, writings in cultural studies and journalism, and egodocuments) and, in this context, presents Greimassian semiotics and its contemporary extensions as a methodologically coherent investigation of culture. It brought together an international team of scholars to examine, assess, and publish Greimas’s texts that had not been given sufficient scholarly attention; to reflect on the theoretical and methodological potential of the contemporary branches of semiotics grounded in Greimassian methods; and to reconsider current issues in contemporary semiotics. Greimas’s heritage has been presented to the Lithuanian and international public at a number of events celebrating the centenary of Greimas’s birth and a series of publications in peer-reviewed and other periodical press.

Main publications

Algirdas Julius Greimas: asmuo ir idėjos (Algirdas Julius Greimas: The Person and Ideas), ed. Arūnas Sverdiolas and Eric Landowski, Vilnius: Baltos lankos, 2018.

Katkuvienė, J. 2018. How a Lithuanian transformed a Nazi into a Jew: the forgotten fantastic satire by Ignas Šeinius. In: Imagology Profiles: The Dynamics of National Imagery in Literature, ed. by Laura Laurušaitė, Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 79–92.

Research Council of Lithuania. Microhistory of The Voices of Spring: Genetic Reconstruction of Modernization of Lithuanian Texts. Prof. P. Subačius. 2017–2019.

Maironis was proclaimed the father of modern Lithuanian literature already in his lifetime. The 1st and the 5th authorial editions of “The Voices of Spring” are separated by thousands of textual (linguistic and bibliographic code) variants, which include all layers of spelling, punctuation, morphology, vocabulary and syntactical units, figurative expression and versification, graphic layout and book design. Development lasting four decades (since the first published verses in 1885 until 1927) witness the efforts to adapt to the linguistic, ideological and aesthetic modernization, which coincided with the period of Maironis’ creative and social activity. The project targets at a paradoxical gap ‐ although much has been written about Maironis, critics usually heed to the final result of his work only. Author’s decision to re‐edit the sole collection of the verses “The Voices of Spring” go with the methodology of genetic criticism in the best way. The project aims at carrying out a genetic reconstruction, to present the facsimiles, to publish the XML‐encoded versions and commentaries employing a single critical archive, i.e. a comprehensive digital platform, synthesising academic and popularisation functions.

Main publication:

[Maironis] Kl. J. Maculevičius. Lietuva: Maironio rankraščio faksimilinis leidimas, parengė Inga Liepaitė, Paulius V. Subačius, Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2018, 164 p., Paulius V. Subačius, str. „Šalies poetizavimo vaikystė“, p. 159–163, t. p. „Poemos autografo aprašas“, p. 107–110.


Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Vilnius Academy of Arts (Lithuania)
Department of Lithuanian Literature, Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences (Lithuania)
Centre de recherches politiques (France)
Ohio University (JAV)


Dr. J. Levina

  • member of the Lithuanian Association for Phenomenology;
  • member of the International James Joyce Foundation.

Prof. Dr. I. Melnikova

  • member of European Network for Comparative Literary Studies (REELC/ENCLS), http://encls.net/;
  • member of European Narratology Network (ENN);
  • member of International Society for Intermedial Studies;
  • member of SERCIA.

Prof. Dr. P. Subačius

  • vice-president of the LCAS board;
  • board member of the Lithuanian Free Market Institute;
  • member of The European Society for Textual Scholarship (ESTS), The Society for Textual Scholarship (STS), Commission Internationale d'Histoire et d'etudes du Christianisme (CIHEC), The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing (SHARP), The Association for Documentary Editing (ADE).

Prof. Dr. A. Sverdiolas

  • editorial board member of the research journal Athena;
  • editorial board member of the research journal Semiotika.



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 72 16

Head: Dr. Aistė Kučinskienė


Assistant professors: Dr. A. Kučinskienė, Dr. D. Kuzminskaitė, Dr. Marta Plaza Velasco, Dr. María Sebastià-Sáez.
Lecturer: Cristóbal J. Calvente.


History of the Spanish and Latin American literatures
Comparative literature
Translation studies

In 2018, a group of young researchers joined efforts to investigate a number of problems of comparative literature and translation studies from the point of view of Lithuanian literature reaching out to other literary traditions, in particular Spanish, and the effects of Spanish culture and literature on expanding horizons to Lithuania. The Group was fromed only in October, although they were working together for more than a year.

Main publications:

Velasco, M.P., García, C., Kučinskienė, J.A., Kuzminskaitė, A., Pulgar Alves, P., Villanueva Svensson, M. 2018. Enseñar español en Lituania. La creación de los Estudios Hispánicos. In: Méndez Santos, M.C. ir Galindo Merino, M.M. (red.), Atlas del ELE. Geolingüística del español en el mundo. Volumen I. Europa del Este, Madrid: EnClaveELE, p. 289–307, http://www.todoele.net/atlas_lituania.html.

Velasco, M.P. 2018. Poesía que es pintura. Écfrasis literaria en Exposición de Olvido García Valdés. In Actio Nova: Revista de Teoría de la Literatura y Literatura Comparada 2, p. 29–64, doi: https://doi.org/10.15366/actionova2018.2.


Assist. Prof. Dr. M. Sebastià-Sáez:

  • fellow of the research group GIRLC (Research Group in Classical Literature and Reception), under the direction of Professor Jordi Redondo Sánchez;
  • fellow of the research group CEESSGA (Central and Eastern European Seminar of the Spanish Golden Age) under the direction of Dr. Oana Andreia Sâmbrian;
  • contributor to the research group GRATUV (Drama Research and Dramatic Performance Group of the University of Valencia), under the direction of Professor Carmen Morenilla Talens.




5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7212

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Vilma Zubaitienė


Professors: Dr. V. Kardelis, Dr. I. Smetonienė.
Associate professors: Dr. G. Judžentytė-Šinkūnienė, Dr. A. Smetona, Dr. V. Zubaitienė.
Assistants: Dr. E. Jasionytė-Mikučionienė, Dr. M. Smetona, Dr. E. Švageris, Dr. A. Valotka (part-time).
Lecturers: K. Bredelis, L. Laužikas.
Doctoral students: I. Makauskaitė, B. Ganusauskaitė.


Sinchronic and Diachronic Lithuanian Grammar:
Phonetics and Phonology (Standard Lithuanian and Lithuanian dialects)
Morphology, Lexicology, word formation, Lexicography, Semantics and Syntax, Terminology (Standard Lithuanian)
Rhetorics, Stilistics, language of journalism, text analysis, academic discourse
Dialectology of the Lithuanian, Ethnolinguistics, General linguistics, Cognitive linguistics, Historical grammar of Lithuanian, History of written Lithuanian
Standard Lithuanian: attitudes and usage, Methodology of teaching of the Lithuanian


Project Supported by University Budget

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. Habil. Dr. A. Usonienė. 2010–2020.

A number of linguists of the Lithuanian language take part in the research under the general topic specified above. The focus of the research is on the synchronic and diachronic analysis of language-specific features characteristic of the grammatical, lexical and semantic structure of the languages under study.

Main publication:

Judžentytė-Šinkūnienė, G. 2018. A pragmatic approach to space deixis in the Baltic languages: a case study of deictic expressions in spoken language, Incontri Baltistici in Pisa, Studi e Saggi II, Novi Ligure: Joker, p. 65–94.

Synchronic, Diachronic and Typological Investigations into the Lexical, Phonological and Grammatical systems of the Baltic Languages. Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia. 2016–2018.

A number of colleagues from the Department of Lithuanian Language work in the group of researchers under the guidance of Habil. Dr. B. Stundžia. The Lithuanian language, being one of the Baltic languages, opens up a variety of approaches for the study of Lithuanian. In 2018, the researchers focued on grammatical study of conjunctions, certain aspects of dialectal phonology of Lithuanian dialects and historical lexicography.

Main publications:

Jasionytė-Mukučionienė, E. 2018. Komplementiniai jungtukai jog ir kad senojoje ir dabartinėje lietuvių kalboje. Baltų kalbų tekstų ir žodžių reikšmės, p. 347–372.

Judžentytė-Šinkūnienė, G., Zubaitienė, V. 2018. Atitikmenų ekvivalentiškumo problema paraleliniuose XVII a. žodynuose. Baltų kalbų tekstų ir žodžių reikšmės, p. 61–125.

Švageris, E. 2018. Rytų aukštaičių uteniškių ilgųjų balsių priegaidės: istorinė analizė ir eksperimentinis tyrimas. Baltistica LIII(1) 20, p. 21–68.

National Research Projects

Projects Supported by the Research Council of Lithuania

Project: The Phonology of Lithuanian Highlands Subdialects. Dr. V. Kardelis. 2016–2018.

The aim of the project is to examine the phonology of Lithuanian Highlands Subdialects and to publish a study summarizing the research.

Main publication:

Kardelis, V. 2018. Arealinis tipologinis lietuvių tarmių kompleksiškumas. Aukštaičiai. Monografija, V.: VU leidykla.

Project: Discourse Markers in Lithuanian: A Synchronic and Diachronic Study (P-MIP-17-308, headed by J. Šinkūnienė). Dr. E. Jasionytė-Mikučionienė. 2017–2020.

Project: Historical Morphological Thesaurus of Lithuanian Lexicography on the Web (P-MIP-17-329, headed by M. Strockis). Dr. M. Smetona. 2017–2019.

The database will include the list of Lithuanian lemmas consisting about 400 thousand entries (encompassing and exceeding the biggest existing Lithuanian dictionary, known as the LKŽ); the meanings and history of the lemmas will be illustrated by eight exactly transcribed historical and contemporary dictionaries of principal importance to Lithuanian philology: the Promptuarium by K. Sirvydas (1620), the Dictionarium by K. Sirvydas (1642), those by F. W. Haack (1730), S. Daukantas (1852), S. Daukantas (1838), F. Kuršaitis (1870–1874), F. Kuršaitis (1883), and the Lithuanian dictionary known as LKŽ.

Projects Supported by the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language

Project: Language. Nation. State. Dr. I. Smetonienė. 2017–2018.

The aim of the project is to analyze the concepts LANGUAGE, NATION and STATE based on the cognitive definition method.

Main publications:

Smetona, M. 2018. Sąvokų KALBA, TAUTA, VALSTYBĖ plėtiniai jaunimo sąmonėje. Logos (95), p. 177–184.

Smetonienė, I., Smetonienė A. 2018. Nuo valnystės iki laisvės. Incontri baltistici in Pisa. Studi e saggi II Novi Ligure: Joker, p. 157–179.

Project: Research of Phrasemes in Student Writing and an Interactive Phrase Bank. Dr. V. Zubaitienė. 2017–2019.

The aim of the project is to research the usage of academic phrases in student writing in six main study areas of the first study cycle.

Project: The meanings of Baltic Texts and Words. Dr. V. Zubaitienė. 2018.

The aim of the project is to publish a collection of articles. The collection of articles will be very significant for diachronic research of the Baltic vocabulary; it will make impact on studies of the usage and semantics of specific lexemes, as well as make relevant research of words and meanings in the ancient texts of the Baltic languages.

Main publication:

Judžentytė-Šinkūnienė, Gintarė & Vilma Zubaitienė (sudarytojos ir mokslinės redaktorės). 2018. Baltų kalbų tekstų ir žodžių reikšmės. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 408 p.


Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
State Commission of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)
Humboldt University of Berlin (Germany)
Maria Curie-Sklodowska University, Lublin (Poland)
University of Bern (Switzerland)
University of Pisa (Italy)
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
University of Warsaw (Poland)
University of Wrocław (Poland)


Dr. E. Jasionytė-Mikučionienė

Assoc. Prof. G. Judžentytė-Šinkūnienė

  • member of the Association for the Advancement of Baltic Studies;
  • member of the Committee of the BA Study Programme of Lithuanian Philology;
  • organizing committee member of the 25th international conference of Jonas Jablonskis Variation across Languages and their Variates, http://www.jablonskio-konferencija.flf.vu.lt/en/.

Prof. Dr. V. Kardelis

  • editorial board member of the Baltistica;
  • editorial board member of the journal Kalbotyra;
  • editorial board member of the electronic journal Lietuvių kalba
  • head of the Doctoral Committee;
  • member of the Committee of the MA Study Programme of General Linguistics.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Smetona

  • editorial board member of the electronic journal Lietuvių kalba, http://www.lietuviukalba.lt/index.php/lietuviu-kalba/about/editorialTeam;
  • editorial board member of the journal Gimtoji kalba;
  • editorial board member of the journal Aukštojo mokslo kokybė (The Quality of Higher Education);
  • member of the Terminology Subcommittee of the State Commission of the Lithuanian Language;
  • member of the Committee of the BA Study Programme of Lithuanian Philology;
  • scientific committee member of the 25th international conference of Jonas Jablonskis Variation across Languages and their Variates, http://www.jablonskio-konferencija.flf.vu.lt/en/.

Prof. Dr. I. Smetonienė

Assoc. Prof. V. Zubaitienė



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7214, fax 268 7214

Head – Prof. Dr. Meilutė Ramonienė (up to September)
            Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loreta Vilkienė (since October)


Professor: Dr. M. Ramonienė.
Associate professors: Dr. B. Stundžienė (part-time), Dr. L.Vilkienė.
Assistants: Dr. E. Gudavičienė, Dr. I. Hilbig, Dr. K. Jakaitė-Bulbukienė.
Lecturers: J. Pribušauskaitė, V. Stumbrienė, R. Bingelienė, I. Daraškienė, E. Kutanovienė, R. Migauskienė, E. Petrašiūnienė, A. Tamošaitienė, A. Valančiauskienė, L. Vaškevičienė.
Doctoral students: E. Vaivadaitė-Kaidi, V. Kazlauskienė, E. Vaisėtaitė, J. Bružaitė-Liseckienė, J. Mandravickaitė.


Applied linguistics
Teaching second / foreign languages
Learning second / foreign languages
Language acquisition
Language attrition
Discourse analysis
Cognitive linguistics
Language testing


Projects Supported by University Budget

Language Usage, Language Learning and Teaching. Prof. M. Ramonienė. 2016–2026.

The project aims at analysing language/dialect usage, language attitudes, language acquisition, language learning and teaching, language policy, sociolinguistic situation in Lithuania, socially significant changes in the use of Lithuanian and local vernaculars, evolving levels of multilingualism. Papers as well as conference presentations for both national and international conferences were prepared.

Main publications:

Ramonienė, M. 2018. Regional dialects in the Lithuanian urban space: skills, practices and attitudes, In Lazdiņa S. and Heiko M. (eds), Multilingualism in the Baltic States: Societal Discourses and Contact Phenomena, London: Palgrave Macmillan, p.123–152.

Vaivadaitė-Kaidi, E. 2018. Konceptualiųjų DIEVO ir JĖZAUS metaforų tinklas Evangelijoje pagal Joną. Respectus Philologicus, vol. 34(39), p. 35–47.

Macis, M., Garnier, M., Vilkaitė, L. and Schmitt, N. 2018. Expertise in L2 Vocabulary. Ericsson, A., N. Charness, P. J. Feltovich ir R.R. Hoffman (eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Expertise and Expert Performance, p. 634–653.

National Research Projects

Projects Supported by The State Commission of the Lithuanian Language

Effect of Attitudes and Language Learning Motivation on Quality of Lithuanian. Project manager Assoc. Prof. Dr. L.Vilkienė. 2016–2018.

The aim of the project is to analyse how well pupils from the 3rd year of the grammar shool in Lithuanian, Polish, and Russian schools in Vilnius can use Lithuanian as well as if and how it depends on their linguistic attitudes and motivation to learn Lithuanian.


Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania)
Institute of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
University of Helsinki (Finland)
University of Siena (Italy)


Prof. Dr. M. Ramonienė

Assoc. Prof. L. Vilkienė

  • member of the Committee of the MA Study Programme of Applied Linguistics.
  • members of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association, www.litaka.lt.

 Dr. E. Gudavičienė, Dr. I. Hilbig, Dr. K. Jakaitė-Bulbukienė, R. Bingelienė, E. Petrašiūnienė, A. Valančiauskienė, E. Vaivadaitė-Kaidi, Dr. V. Kazlauskienė

  • members of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association, www.litaka.lt.


CENTRE FOR MULTILINGUAL RESEARCH (established on September 29, 2018)

5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Head – Prof. Dr. Inesa Šeškauskienė


Professor: Dr. I. Šeškauskienė.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Juknevičienė, Dr. K. Geben, Dr. B. Ryvitytė.
Assistant professors: Dr. V. Kazlauskienė, Dr. L. Vilkaitė-Lozdienė.
Lecturers: A. Liutkauskas, D. Sroda, Dr. M. Stasilo, M. Talačka.
Doctoral student: I. Stasiūnaitė.


Applied linguistics
Cognitive linguistics: metaphor, space
Semantics and discourse analysis
Contrastive linguistics
Language for specific purposes
Learner language

Together with other departments of the Faculty, the staff of the Centre have been involved in several research projects carried out in 2018:

Problems of the Polish Language, Culture, History and Ethno-linguistics in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. Dr. M. Davlevič, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Ušinskienė. 2007–2018.

Germanic, Romance and Baltic Language Studies. Prof. Dr. Habil. A. Usonienė. 2010–2020.

Meta-Cognitive Investigation of Translation as Bilingual Communication. Prof. Dr. N. Maskaliūnienė. 2015–2020.

Language Usage, Language Learning and Teaching. Prof. M. Ramonienė. 2006–2018.

When implementing the above projects, the researchers of the Centre collaborate with other units of the Faculty. When implementing the first project in 2018, they focused on Polish and its functioning in Lithuania. When implementing the second project, they mainly tackled problems of written English of non-native (Lithuanian) speakers, in the third project the focus was mainly on cognitive perspectives of humour and metaphor. The fourth project included papers dealing with the language of non-native learners of French.
Main publications:

Juknevičienė, R. & Grabowski, L. 2018. Comparing formulaicity of learner writing through phrase-frames: a corpus-driven study of Lithuanian and Polish EFL student writing. Research in Language, vol. 16(3), p. 303–323, https://doi.org/10.2478/rela-2018-0016

Kazlauskienė, V. 2018. Les déterminants nominaux: les différentes façons pour les apprenants lituaniens de définir en français. In : Français langue ardente Actes du XIVe congrès mondial de le FIPF. Volume I: Le français pour les jeunes, le français par les jeunes. FIPF France, p. 287–298.

Masiulionytė, V., Ryvitytė, B., Šeškauskienė, I. 2018. „Urlaubsgasthaus“ oder doch „Holliday Inn“? Sprachpolitik in Litauen im Spiegel der Facebook-Witze. Straipsnių rinkinyje: Masiulionytė V., Volungevičienė S (Hrsg.) Fremde und Eigene Sprachen. Linguistische Perspektiven (Foreign and Own Languages. Linguistic Perspectives). Akten des 51. Linguistischen Kolloquiums in Vilnius 2016 (Selected Papers of the 51st Linguistics Colloquium in Vilnius 2016), p. 425–441.

Šeškauskienė, I., Urbonaitė, J. 2018. Deprivation of liberty or imprisonment? Metaphorical motivation of some terms in the Criminal Code of the Republic of Lithuania and their translation into English. International Journal of Discourse Studies, vol. 3.2, p. 1–23. https://doi.org/10.1515/ijld-2018-2007.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kinga Geben

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics, www.taikomojikalbotyra.lt;
  • member of LITAKA (Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Juknevičienė

Assist. Prof. Dr. V. Kazlauskienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr. B. Ryvitytė

  • member of the Lithuanian Applied Linguistics Association, www.litaka.lt;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association for Canadian Studies;
  • treasurer of the Lithuanian Association of University Teachers of English;
  • member of member of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), http://www.essenglish.org;
  • member of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea), http://www.societaslinguistica.eu.

Prof. Dr. I. Šeškauskienė

Assist. Prof. Dr. L. Vilkaitė-Lozdienė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Applied Linguistics (LITAKA).



5 Universiteto, LT–01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7266

Director – Prof. Dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė


75 teachers (25 holding research degree), 5 doctoral students.


During 2018, all the departments of the Institute of Foreign Languages focused their research on the following themes:

Process of teaching and learning modern languages: competences, methodologies, tendencies:
research in structural and functional peculiarities of Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian languages
Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic literatures and cultures
Language teaching as a prerequisite of the development of professional competences
Translation theory and practice


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7271

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aušra Janulienė (since September 29, 2018, head – Prof. Dr. Julija Korostenskienė)


Professor: Dr. J. Korostenskienė.
Associate professors: Dr. L. Arcimavicienė, Dr. A. Janulienė, Dr. L. Bikelienė.
Lecturers: Dr. S. Kontrimienė, Dr. O. Medvedeva, R. Bačiulienė, V. Eimulienė, V. Gricius, V. Jonaitienė, J. Kirejeva, A. Kuokštienė, R. Metiūnienė, R. Montvilienė, B. Palovienė, G. Pleikienė, D. Snapkauskaitė, R. Valiukienė, D. Veličkienė.


Cognitive linguistics
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive syntax and semantics
Teaching English for specific purposes (ESP): academic English, English for professional purposes
Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)


Projects Supported by University Budget

In 2018, the academic staff of the Department wrote research papers, participated at conferences (gave 8 presentations at different international conferences) focusing their research on generative syntax, issues of ESP (Legal English), Lithuanian students’ writing in English, as well as cognitive linguistics, including the analysis of violence, conflict and populism metaphors in political discourse. The role of migration metaphors and their ideological representation based on the dichotomy of ‘us’ vs. ‘them’ in contributing to the myth creation in the US and EU mainstream online media has also been discussed.

Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages. Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė. 2010–2018.

Main publications:

Arcimavičienė, L., Baglama, S.H. 2018. Migration, metaphor and myth in media representations: the ideological dichotomy of “them” and “us”. Sage Open, vol. 8(2), p. 1–13, doi: 10.1177/2158244018768657.

Bačiulienė, R. 2018.Kol gyveni, tol ir mokaisi (Der Mensch lernt, solange er lebt): iliustrated dictionary of Lithuanian-German proverbs. Vilnius: Pamėginčius. 128 p.

Korostenskiene, J., Lieponyte, A. 2018. Humour in the American sitcoms I Love Lucy and Modern Family. In: Kalbų studijos/Studies about Language, no. 33, p. 57–74.

Korostenskiene, J. 2018. Bridging the gap: toward a cognitive semantic analysis of the Lithuanian superlexical prefix be-. Yearbook of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association, vol. 5(1), p. 203–218.

Translation Theory and Practice. Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė. 2010–2018.

The academic staff of the Department were engaged in translating Vilnius University scholars’ research articles:
Lichačiova, A. 2018. The communicative-culturological aspect of the implicit information in Russian urban linguistic design. In Liashchova, L. (ed.) The Explicit and the Implicit in Language and Speech. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 223–237) translated by J. Korostenskienė;
Anderson, C. 2018. TED Talks: Viešasis kalbėjimas. Tyto alba, translated by R. Montvilienė; Antanas Beinaravičius: tapyba [albumas] (comp. Nijolė Kalinauskaitė-Beinaravičienė, Antanas Beinaravičius). Vilnius: [A Beinaravičius], 2018, 264 p., illiustr., portr., the article translated by V. Gricius, et al.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competencies. Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė. 2010–2018.

The teaching staff of the Department analyse the developmental issues of professional and general competences, apply research results to the teaching practice. This research trend also encompasses the department teachers’ insights into foreign language teaching methods, assessment of intercomprehension competences, issues of LSP and application of CLIL in tertiary education, as well as various psychological-pedagogical teaching-learning aspects. The academic staff presented the results of their research at international conferences and in in-service teacher training seminars,


Simona Kontrimienė. Researcher in ERASMUS + KA203 project: aukštojo mokslo strateginių partnerysčių projekte (2018-1-LT01-KA203-046979) Inovatyvus mokytojų ugdymas taikant personalizuoto mokymosi koncepciją. (2018–2021) Project partners - Cork University, Iceland University, Vilnius University, Šiauliai University, Vytautas Magnus University.

Lect. Rasa Bačiulienė. International Proverb Project Live and Learn. Project partners: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Embassy of Germany in Vilnius, Goethe Institute in Vilnius, Freie Waldorfschule am Kräherwald, Germany, Freie Waldorfschule am Prenzlauer Berg, Germany, Lithuanian Educational Centre for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Dusetu Art School, Vilnius Valdorf School, Žalioji school, Skirgiškių village, Dusetų Kazimiero Būgos grammar school.


Membership in Conference Organizing Committees

Bikelienė, L., Korostenskienė, J., Medvedeva, O. The FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) Conference 2018 Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects. 7–8 June, 2018, Vilnius.

Medvedeva, O. International conference Innovations in Language Learning. 8–9 November, 2018, Florence.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of the Association of Applied Linguistics in Lithuania;
  • member of the English Speaking Union;
  • editorial board member of the journal Verbum.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Arcimavičienė

Prof. Dr. J. Korostenskienė

  • editorial board-member of the peer-reviewed journal Kalbų studijos (Studies about Languages);
  • member of INAR, International Network of Address Research;
  • member of LLTA/LKPA (Lithuanian Language Teachers’ Association);
  • member of ISFLA (International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association);
  • member of DGKL / GCLA (German Cognitive Linguistics Association).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Bikelienė

  • member of LITAKA (Association of Applied Linguistics);
  • member of Learner Corpus Association (Université catholique de Louvain Centre for English Corpus Linguistics).

Dr. S. Kontrimienė

  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA);
  • member of the Lithuanian Educational Research Association (LERA) and consultant of the Research Methodology Network.

Dr. O. Medvedeva

Lect. B. Palovienė

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • board member of International English Speaking Union;
  • member of ILNA (International Local Network Association).

Lect. V. Jonaitienė

  • member of LAKMA;
  • member of US-LT association ALUMNI.

Other activities

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aušra Janulienė gave a 6 hr seminar for the academic staff at the Lithuanian Military Academy On the peculiarities of learning and teaching English grammar and Linguistic and methodological aspects of teaching English and ways of maximising student involvement in class.

Lect. R.Valiukienė in collaboration with the subject (International Politics) professors is continuing working on the development of CLIL module International Politics for the students of Vilnius University Institute of International Relations and Political Sciences.

Palovienė, B. Art project MANUSCRIPT, commemorating the 100th Anniversary of Lithuanian-US diplomatic relations sponsored by US Embassy and Vilnius Municipality. Organizing Committee Member; catalogue co-author. The catalogue will be sent to the Library of Congress, USA (MANUSCRIPT ISBN 978-609-420-612-2).

Palovienė, B. 2017–2018. English Language Supervisor to Mr. Joseph Recupero during his assistant internship at IFL of Vilnius University.

Bikelienė, L. Editor on demand for African Educational Research Journal; journal Lietuvių kalba.

Kuokštienė, A. English language editor for scholarly journal Knygotyra.



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7268

Head –Prof. Dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė (since Septmeber 29, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liudmila Arcimavičienė)


Professors: Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė, Dr. V. Liubinienė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. L. Chodzkienė, Dr. S. Postič.
Assistant professors: Dr. D. Costello, Dr. L. Inčiūraitė-Noreikienė, Dr. Ovidiu Ivancu.
Junior assistants: D. Pinkevičienė, I. Stasiūnaitė, I. Snukiškienė, L. Zavadskienė.
Lecturers: V. Asijavičiūtė, R. Burbaitė, A. Dapšienė, L. Giniūnienė, D. Gornatkevičienė, D. Janavičienė, A. Jankūnienė, A. Ledas, J. T. La Roux, J. Kašelionytė-Radet, O. Kudirkienė, L. Marčiulionytė, L. Norvilienė, D. Pinkevičienė, I. Piščikienė, A. Pranculienė, I. Rozgienė, H. Shipman, R. Sirvydė, R. Stalnionytė, I. Stasiūnaitė, A. Statkevičienė, D. Straižytė, A. Trečiokaitė, L. Zavadskienė, E. Židonienė, V. Vaskelaitė.
Doctoral students: I. Snukiškienė, L. Zavadskienė.


Applied linguistics
Teaching English for specific purposes (ESP)
Development of students’ linguistic and intercultural competences
Intercultural communication
Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages. Prof. Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė. 2010–2018.

One of the research trends of the Department (carried out in close collaboration with the colleagues of other departmens) was the analysis of structural and functional characteristics of the Germanic and Lithuanian languages. In 2018, researchers delivered presentations at international conferences sharing their research findings in the following areas: disputable aspects of the historical development of constituents in German compounds, similiarities and differencies between languages of the former Yugoslavia, as well as the analysis of linguistic diversity and the new terminology of polylingualism, translanguaging and metrolingualism, examining the usage of languages other than Lithuanian in everyday spoken discourse in working environments.

Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Literatures and Cultures. Prof. Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė. 2010–2018.

The traditions of literatures and cultures, and their relationship with the Lithuanian language and culture were analysed. The research encompasses literary, stylistic and gender studies. This year’s research included the analysis of different issues of identity, reality, fiction and myth, as well as the crisis of Modernity, words related to time as a reflection of the difference between Russian and anglophone cultures, Mikhail Bakhtin’s “Grounded Peace” in the life and teaching of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica, as well as sexual euphemisms in contemporary American romance novels.

Main publications:

Ivancu, O. 2018. Mitşi poveste. Cum se construiesc eroii? Mircea Braga. În mijlocul utopiei culturale asumate. Alba Iulia, Editura Aeternitas, p. 136–144.

Costello, D. D. 2018. The second Eric Sanderson: multitextuality, identity, and memory in Hall’s The Raw Shark texts. In History, Memory, and Nostalgia in Literature and Culture, R. Rudaityte (ed.), p. 241–255.

Costello, D. D. 2018. Undead corpse/ corpus: textual transmission and butler’s ek-static subject in Le Fanu’s Carmilla. In Disease, Death, Decay in Literature and Cultures, Ryszard W. Wolny and Katarzyna Molek-Kozakowska (eds.), p. 37–46.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competences. Prof. Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė. 2010–2018.

The research focused on developmental issues of professional and general competences and application of the research results to the teaching practice. It also encompasses the insights into the development of students’ intercultural competence, future foreign language teachers’ critical thinking, teachers’ reflective practice, experiental learning, international cooperation in higher education, values in the plurilingual education, issues of Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL), learners’ assessment and self-assessment, as well as psychological-pedagogical teaching-learning aspects.

Main publications:

Targamadzė, V., Kriaučiūnienė, R. 2018. The place of values in plurilingual education: a university teachers’ viewpoint. International Journal of Multilingual Education. Tbilisi: Centre for Civil Integration and Inter-Ethnic Relations, vol. 11, no 43, p. 152–168.

Kriaučiūnienė, R. 2018. Development of future teachers’ critical thinking as a precondition for making moral judgements. Problems of and Perspectives on Language Acquisition (comp. by Diana Laiveniece), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 240–254, https://www.cambridgescholars.com/problems-of-and-perspectives-on-language-acquisition

Zavadskienė, L. & Bubnys, R. 2018. The roles of university teachers in building teacher students’ capacity of reflective practice through the process of Experimental learning. Proceedings of the international conference Society. Integration. Education, vol. I, p. 600–610, http://dx.doi.org/10.17770/sie2018vol1.3239 (prieskyra VU ir ŠU)

EU Funded Projects

Erasmus+ Programme Capacity-Building in Higher Education (CBHE)project Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education (FOSTERC) (574087-EPP-1-2016-1-ES-EPPKA2-CBHE-SP, 2016-2019) coordinated by Polytechnic University of Valencia. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Chodzkienė, expert).

European Cooperation for Future-Oriented Science and Education Cooperation Programme – Central and Eastern Europe and Baden-Württemberg coordinated by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of Baden-Württemberg (Germany).
It aims at improving the performance of the European research environment (capacity building) and broadening the knowledge base in research and innovation in the EU-13 states and the partner countries of the Strategy for the Danube Region. (Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Chodzkienė, researcher).

Užsienio baltistikos centrų ir Lietuvos mokslo ir studijų institucijų bendradarbiavimo skatinimas (Promotion of Cooperation between Foreign Baltic Research Centres and Research Institutions of Lithuania). No. 09.3.1-ESFA-V-709-01-0002 project, coordinated by Vilnius Univesity (Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Chodzkienė, lecturer).

Project funded by the Research Council of Lithuania Lithuanian Proverbs and Sayings: Collection, Research and Spread (application registration number P-LIP-18-147-PATIKSLINTA) coordinated by the Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore, manager D. Zaikauskienė, January 07, 2018–June 30, 2021 (Junior assist. I. Snukiškienė)


Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Chodzkienė

  • member of LKPA (Language Teachers’Association of Lithuania);
  • member of LAKMA (Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language);
  • member of ESSE (the European Society for the Study of English);
  • editorial board member of the research journal Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk, www.joedcuso.eu/ www.ogrodynauk.pl, Wroclaw University, Poland.
  • member of the scientific committee of annual international conferences END (Education and New Developments, http://end-educationconference.org/scientific-committee/.

Assist. Prof. Dr. L. Inčiūraitė-Noreikienė

  • member of LKPA (Language Teachers‘ Association of Lithuania).

Prof. Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė

  • president of LKPA (Language Teachers’Association of Lithuania);
  • board member of the European Language Council, http://www.celelc.org/;
  • editorial board member of the research journal Verbum, http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/verbum/issue/archive, http://www.journals.vu.lt/verbum/information/authors;
  • editorial board member of the research journal Ogrody Nauk i Sztuk, www.joedcuso.eu/www.ogrodynauk.pl, Wroclaw University, Poland;
  • advisory board member of research journal Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna (Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna), Adam Mickiewicz University/Poznań, Poland;
  • advisory board member of research journal Ethics in Progress Quarterly, online, www.ethicsinprogress.org;
  • advisory board member of Cambridge Scholars Publishing, http://www.cambridgescholars.com/t/AppliedLinguisticsAdvisory;
  • chair of the scientific and organising committee of the international conference International FIPLV Nordic-Baltic Region (NBR) Conference 2018 Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects, organised by the Insitute of Foreign Languages of the Faculty of Philology, Language Teachers’ Assocation of Lithuania (LKPA) and International Fedaration of Language Teacher Associations (FIPLV), 7–8 June 2018, ww.conference.uki.vu.lt.

Junior assistant D. Pinkevičienė

  • member of LITAKA (Association of Applied Linguistics);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.

Lect. Hannah Shipman

  • IATEFL Basic Membership through LAKMA.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Poštič

  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA);
  • member of the scholarly committee of the international conference Teaching and Learning Languages in the 21st Century: Linguistic, Educational and Cultural Aspects. June 7–8, 2018. Vilnius, Lithuania.

Junior assistant L. Zavadskienė

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (LAKMA);
  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA);
  • member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL).

Other activities

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Loreta Chodzkienė. Public lectures: Discovering Lithuania and Lithuania form an Outsider’s Point of View during “Lithuanian Days 2018” at the University of Tartu, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures;
Lect. Lina Marčiulionytė. A seminar on Teaching Grammar in Subject-specific Foreign Language Context;
Lect. Hannah Shipman. A seminar on Tech Tools for Language Teachers;
Lect. A. Statkevičienė in collaboration with the subject (Information Technologies) professors is continuing working on the development of CLIL module Information Technologies for the students of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Vilnius University.



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7271

Acting Head – Prof. Dr. Danguolė Melnikienė (since September 29, 2018, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Viktorija Makarova)


Professor: Dr. D. Melnikienė.
Associate professors: Dr. V. Makarova, Dr. V. Banionytė, Dr. D. Jarmalavičius, Dr. V. J. Pukevičiūtė.


Comparative Linguistics
History of Linguistics
German for specific purposes
Foreign language teaching methodology
Language and learning to learn competences
Language for specific purposes (LSP)
CLIL and methodology


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of the Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages. Assoc. Prof. Dr. D.Jarmalavičius.

The current research includes the analysis of the German nominal compounds in the handwritten Baltic bilingual dictionaries from the 17th–18th centuries with the following problematic aspects identified: the lack of precise terminology, which needs to be corrected in the synchronic theory of word-formation on the one hand, and on the other, difficulties in the differentiation of the word-formation patterns.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competencies. Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. J. Pukevičiūtė.

The research focused on the development of students’ competences of planning their independent learning process - learning how to learn. Importance of students’ ability and readiness to effectively plan their learning in the context of the development of learning to learn skills was investigated and the competence of students to plan the learning itself measured. The analysis of different issues of application of CLIL was carried out in close collaboration with the researchers of other departments of the institute.

Main publication:

Pukevičiūtė, V. J. 2018. Einstellung der Studierenden zur Entwicklung ihrer metakognitiven Kompetenz im Fremdsprachenunterricht (Students’ approach to the development of their metacognitive competences in foreign language classes). Problems and Perspectives in Language Acquisition (comp. by Diana Laiveniece), Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 209–221, https://www.cambridgescholars.com/problems-of-and-perspectives-on-language-acquisition.



5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7271

Head – Prof. Dr. Danguolė Melnikienė


Professors: Dr. D. Balšaitytė, Dr. D. Melnikienė,
Associate professors: Dr. C. Caro Dugo, Dr. V. Makarova, Dr.D. Mickūnaitytė (part-time).
Lecturers: V. Belokon, E. Girniuvienė, S. Kamarauskaitė, S. Kosova, J. Gonsales Krus, L. Pavan, N. Petrauskienė, N. Strikauskaitė, I. Subačienė, R.Tamošaitienė.
Doctoral student: A. Rascon Caballero.


Content integrated language learning (CLIL)
Cognitive Linguistics
Inter-Slavonic language contacts
Russian Phonetics and Phonology
Translation studies
Literary studies


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research of the Structures (grammatical, lexical, semantic and stylistic peculiarities) of the Romance, Slavic and Lithuanian Languages, their Integration into the Teaching Process and Lexicographic Practice. Prof. Dr. D. Melnikienė.

Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Literatures and Cultures. Prof. Dr. D. Melnikienė. 2010-2018.

The researchers of the department wrote articles and delivered presentations at international conferences. The research included the analysis of different aspects of monolingual and bilingual metalexicography. Another area of the research of the Department was media linguistics focusing on the investigation of various aspects of political discourse.

Main publications:

Melnikienė, D. 2018. L’onomatopée, ou le « sémantisme tout nu », dans Le Dictionnaire de la langue française d’Émile Littré. In: Lexicologie(s): approches croisées en sémantique lexicale. Xavier Blanco and Inès Sfar (eds/). Bern : Peter Lang, p. 49–67,
doi: 10.3726/b13243.

Melnikienė, D., Kalvelytė, J., Melnik, G. 2018. L’information encyclopédique dans les dictionnaires de langue. Les Cahiers du dictionnaire. Paris : Classiques Garnier, no. 10, Dictionnaires et territoires, p. 207–219.

Rascon, A. 2018. Ispanų kalba. Praktinė gramatika. Fonetikos įvadas. (Spanish Language. Practical Grammar. Introduction to Phonetics).Vilnius, Mokslas. 600 p.

Макарова, В. 2018. Инаугурационные речи президентов Грузии, Литвы и Сербии: когнитивно-риторический анализ. Kalba ir kontekstai, vol. VIII (1), p. 129–137. DB: Modern Language Association (MLA).


Applied Research into Intercultural Communication and Translation Problems cluster project of Lithuanian Literature in the Context of Intercultural Dialogue (approved by the VMU Rector’s Order No. 408 of 31 October 2016, reg. Number PH-16-11, project leader - Prof. Dr. Aurelija Leonavičienė, researcher - Assoc. Prof. Dr. Carmen Caro Dugo).

Project supported by the French Embassy and Institute of the Lithuanian Language: A New Version of the Lithuanian-French Dictionary. Prof. Dr. D. Melnikiene (Head of the project team). The first version of the dictionary was prepared and presented to the Lexicography Centre of the Lithuanian Language Institute in May, 2018.


Prof. Dr. D. Melnikienė

  • editor-in-chief of the journal Verbum;
  • editorial board member of the international journal Les Cahiers du dictionnaire (France);
  • editorial board member of the international journal Skene (Italy);
  • editorial board member of the international journal Revue de la poésie européenne (France);
  • editorial board member of the Studi di letteratura francese (Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki Firenze/ Italy);
  • member of the international association Réseau Lexicologie, Terminologie, Traduction.

Prof. Dr. D. Balšaitytė

  • editorial board member of the philological periodical Respectus philologicus;
  • editorial board member of the journal Verbum;
  • international editorial board member of the journal Социо- и психолингвистические исследования (Russia).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. C. Dugo

  • editorial board member of the journal Verbum;
  • member of the Translators’ Union, Lithuania;
  • member of International Association of Teachers of Spanish.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Makarova

  • editor of the philological periodical Respectus Philologicus;
  • editor of the journal Verbum (Lithuania).

Lect. J. G. Cruz

  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA).


The Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
University of Bremen (Germany)
University of Konstanz (Germany)
University of Bari (Italy)
Belarus State University
Cagliari University (Italy)
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (Poland)