Faculty of Philosophy

Sukurta: 06 July 2018

fsf9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7601, fax 266 7600


www http://www.fsf.vu.lt

Dean – Prof. Dr. Arūnas Poviliūnas



169 teachers (incl. 116 holding research degree), 26 research fellows (incl. 15 holding research degree), 80 doctoral students.


Department of General Psychology
Department of Educology
Department of Philosophy
Department of Logic and History of Philosophy
Department of Clinical and Organizational Psychology
Department of Social Work
Department of Sociology


Nature, Role and Historical Genesis of Contemporary Philosophy
Psychological Factors of Society, Community and Personality Development
Educational Policy in Lithuania: Coherency Issues within National and Global
Sociological Analysis of Social Structure and Change
Social Work and Development of Social Welfare


T. N. Mickevičius. Reflection on the Greek conception of production in Heidegger's philosophy of technology.

J. Tuleikytė. The problem of adiaphorization in Zygmunt Bauman’s social philosophy.

P. Želvienė. The structure and risk factors of adjustment disorder in Lithuanian population.

M. Gilaitis. The possibilities of semantic naturalism: the standard view and an ability-based alternative

S. Dadašev. Experience of the suicidal process among suicide attempters.

E. Mažulytė-Rašytinė. Long-term consequences of historical family trauma: psychological resilience of the offspring


14th conference for young scientists in Psychology Psychology in the Context of other Sciences;
8th annual Vilnius trauma psychology conference
Psychologist Meeting with Client Traumatic Experiences;
Interdisciplinary international conference Space and Time: An Interdisciplinary Approach;
International conference Education Policy and Culture: Radical and Consistent Transformations
International conference Family and Common Good
Contemporary Phenomenology: Problems and Research;
7th conference
Psychologist in Organization: What is the Value of Diverce Workforce?;
Lithuanian Congress of Psychology Psychology at the Crossing of Traditions and Innovations


Prof. Danutė Gailienė, the founder of the suicide prevention in Lithuania, was granted the highest national award the Knight Cross Order for Merits to Lithuania



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7605, fax 266 7600


Head – Prof. Dr. Gintautas Valickas


Professors: Dr. L. Bulotaitė, Dr. R. Jusienė. Dr. G. Valickas.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Bliumas, Dr. M. Dovydaitienė, Dr. G. Gintilienė, Dr. S. Girdzijauskienė, Dr. A. Kairys, Dr. F. Laugalys, Dr. I. Laurinaitytė, Dr. D. Nasvytienė, Dr. V. Pakalniškienė, Dr. B. Pociūtė, Dr. R. Stanikūnas, Dr. A. Švegžda, Dr. K. Vanagaitė.
Lecturers: Dr. R. Berniūnas, Dr. D. Blažys, D. Butkienė, Dr. K. Čunichina, Dr. V. Jurkuvėnas, K. Dragūnevičius, T. Maceina, Dr. V. Mikuličiūtė, Dr. V. Navickas, Dr. D. Petkevičiūtė-Barysienė, Dr. L. Rakickienė; Dr. O. Zamalijeva.
Doctoral students: G. Ambrulaitienė, E. Baukienė, V. Cimalanskaitė, K. Labanienė, D. Jančiūrė, J. S. Jasiulionė, V. Klimukienė, T. Maceina, J. Narmontienė, R. Sadauskaitė, D. Šorytė; A. Žiedelis.


Influence of colour contrast, adaptation and location of stimuli in visual field on colour perception (on colour constancy)
Selection and registration of psychophysical parameters for estimation of effectiveness of human being activity
Procedural justice in criminal and civil proceedings
Development of asocial personality
The problems of psychological functioning of students and teachers in the system of higher education of Lithuania
Development of language and thinking
Intelligence testing with children
Psychopathology of early relationships
Addiction psychology: early detection and intervention
Cognitive development and social cognition in adolescence
Career psychology
Emotion and behavioural problems of Lithuanian schoolchildren
Offender risk assessment and rehabilitation


Projects Supported by University Budget

Factors and Outcomes of Psychosocial Interactions and Decision Making. Prof. Dr. G. Valickas. 2016–2020.

In 2017 we examined such research topics:
The factors of legal and financial socialization of young personality;
The peculiarities of the external and internal images of correctional officers and penitentiary institutions;
The functioning of elderly and old (pre-pension and pension age) people;
The young people alcohol use habits and alcohol expectancies;
The adaptation of MMPI-2 and standardization of Hopkins Verbal Memory Test (revised, HVLT-R).  

Main publications:

Bagdonas, A., Kairys, A., Zamalijeva, O. 2017. Senų žmonių funkcionavimo, senatvės ir senėjimo tyrimų gairės: biopsichosocialinio modelio prieiga. STEPP: socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, vol. 15, p. 80–102.

Curry, I., Scott W. D., Bulotaite, L., Freng, S. 2017. The role of implicit associations and explicit expectancies related to alcohol use: A comparison of Lithuanian and U.S. college samples. International Journal of Culture and Mental Health, vol. 10 (3), p. 250–260.  

Jurkuvėnas, V., Zamalijeva, O., Pakalniškienė, V., Kairys, A., Bagdonas, A. 2017. Social network size, personality and well-being in preretirement and retirement. Psichologija, vol. 55, p. 7–21.

Principles of Cognitive Processing. Dr. R. Stanikūnas. 2016–2020.

We investigated whether the alternation rate of the perception of a Necker cube depended on the degree of synchronization between two streams of spikes, one stemming from an external flashing image and the other from the action of an internal impulse stream. Knowing how a flickering stimulus with a given frequency and duration affects the alternation rate of bi-stable perception we could estimate properties of the internal signal. As the internal spike frequency is difficult to control, we varied the frequency of the flicker stimulus. Our results show that the duration of the dominant stimulus perception depends on the frequency or duration of the flashing stimuli. The values of the stimuli, at which the changes of the duration of the perceived image was maximal, we have called 'extremal'. While changing the flash duration, the extremal parameters repeated periodically at 4ms intervals. Increasing the duration of the extremal stimuli by less than 4 ms shortens the duration of the dominant stimulus perception. Hence we may conclude that it is not the stimulus duration but the accurate coincidence (timing) of the moments of switching on of external stimuli to match the internal stimuli which explains our experimental results.

Construction and Adaptation of Standartizized Instruments for Screening and Assessment. Assoc. Prof. G. Gintilienė. 2017–2020.

Representative sample of schoolchildren aged 8–15 years (n=3800) was randomly selected from urban (41.69%) town (44.59) and country (13.72) schools grades from 2 to 8. Lithuanian SDQ (Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire) 3418 parent versions and 3590 teacher versions were completed during the year 2017.  Data analysis of this representative sample based on method of internal consistency, item inter- and intra-scale correlation, including confirmatory factor analysis, of inter-rater correlations shows adequate psychometric properties of the Lithuanian SDQ. Additionally data are analyzed in comparison with the results from screening stage of epidemiological study of child and adolescent psychiatric disorders in Lithuania conducted during the years 2003–2005.

The supervision for using of SON-R 6-40 Non-Verbal Intelligence Test (P.J. Tellegen, J.A. Laros, 2011) in the research for determination of the possibilities of evaluating the intelligence of children with hearing impairment using Lithuanian and Lithuanian sign language was provided.

The Relationship Among Children’s Self-Regulation, Behaviour and the Interactions with Mother. Prof. Dr. R. Jusienė. 2015–2017.

More than 40 dyads of mother-child (born at home) were observed and data about child development, everyday functioning, and family environment were gathered. The interactions of children born at hospital (vaginal delivery) and with C section were also analyzed, and results of analysis presented at 18th European conference of Developmental Psychology in Utrecht, August 2017, and submitted for presentation at Congress of World Association of Infant Mental Health in Rome, May 2018.

National Research Projects

Factors of Psychological Well-Being and Mental Health among Pre-Retirees and Retirees. GER-011/2015. Assoc. Prof. V. Pakalniškienė. 2015–2017.

A sample that represents the composition of Lithuanian population was analyzed. All the data were collected and data analysis was performed. Several scientific and science popularisation publications publications were prepared and submitted or published. The monograph was prepared. Theses were prepared and presented at national and international conferences.

Main publication:

Jurkuvėnas, V., Zamalijeva, O., Pakalniškienė, V., Kairys, A., & Bagdonas, A. 2017. Social Network Size, Personality and Well-Being in Preretirement And Retirement. Psichologija, vol. 55, p. 7–21. 

Biopsychosocial Factors of Well-Being in Later Life. Contract No MIP-010/2015. Assoc. Prof. A. Kairys. 2015–2017.

The project was aimed to adapt and implement Lithuanian version of SHARE (Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe) wave 7 study assessment instrument and to analyse biopsychosocial factors of well-being in later life. During 2017 the final version of questionnaire of SHARE wave 7 was prepared, tested and fieldwork of main survey was conducted. Staff of the project participated in several SHARE meetings that took place in Germany and France. The analysis of biopsychosocial factors of well-being in later life was conducted using data from previous waves of SHARE survey. In addition the systematic revision of studies of links between well-being and health factors was performed. Results of the project were presented in several publications, conference presentations and mass media.

Main publications:

Bagdonas, A., Kairys, A. ir Zamalijeva, O. 2017. Senų žmonių funkcionavimo, senatvės ir senėjimo tyrimų gairės: biopsichosocialinio modelio prieiga. Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, vol. 15, p. 80–102.

Kairys, A., Bagdonas, A. ir Zamalijeva, O. 2017. Vyresnio amžiaus Lietuvos gyventojų gerovės ir sveikatos sąsajos. Sveikatos mokslai, vol. 27 (4), p. 5–12.

The Relationship between Personality Traits and Criminal Risk Factors in a Sample of Incarcerated Violent Offenders. Contract No MIP-004/2015. Assoc. Prof. I. Laurinaitytė. 2015–2017.

The aim of this project was to analyse the relationship between personality traits of convicted violent offenders and risk of criminal reoffending. For this purpose, the implementation of empirical research was carried out in two phases. On a basis of scientific literature and results of research, four scientific publications were prepared. In total fourteen presentations were made at ten different national and international scientific conferences.

Main publikacion:

Laurinaitytė, I., Laurinavičius, A., Ustinavičiūtė, L., Wygant, D. B., & Sellbom, M. 2017. Utility of the MMPI-2 Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF) in a sample of Lithuanian male offenders. Law and Human Behavior, vol. 41(5), p. 494–505, doi: 10.1037/lhb0000254.

Electronic Media Use and Young Children‘s Health. Contract No GER-006/2017/LSS-250000-1939. Prof. dr. R. Jusienė. 2017–2018.

The first stage of the study was conducted, and complete data of 962 children (aged 1.5 to 5 years old) were analyzed. Preliminary results were presented at international and national conferences, published in Health Sciences in Eastern Europe (Sveikatos mokslai) and submitted for publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals. Study and project are continuously announced at website www.mediavaikai.lt.

Main publication:

Jusienė, R., Laurinaitytė, I., Pajėdienė, A., Praninskienė, R., Rakickienė, L., Urbonas, V. 2017. Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų buvimas prie ekranų: kada tai tampa vaikų sveikatos rizikos veiksniu? Sveikatos mokslai, vol. 27 (6), p. 134–143.

International Research Projects

COST Action IS1302: Towards an EU Research Framework on Forensic Psychiatric Care. Assoc. Prof. I. Laurinaitytė.

The aim of the Action was to exchange, increase and deepen the knowledge on evidence-based practice and (cost) effective services in long-term forensic psychiatry in Europe. In order to achieve scientific progress leading to an improvement of evidence-based treatment in long-term forensic psychiatric services, the Action has focused on three main core areas: characteristics of long-term forensic psychiatric patients, needs and quality of life as well as best practice in long-term forensic psychiatric care.

Please find more information on website http://lfpc-cost.eu/.

Main publikations:

Šileikaitė, A., Čėsnienė, I., & Germanavičius, A. 2016. Risk factors for violent behaviour among forensic psychiatric patients (Teismo psichiatrijos pacientų smurtinio elgesio rizikos veiksniai). Sveikatos mokslai / Health Sciences in Eastern Europe, vol. 26(1), p. 21–26, doi: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.003.

Šileikaitė, A., Germanavičius, A., & Čėsnienė, I. 2016. The relationships of clinical, socio-demographic and criminal factors in a sample of forensic psychiatric patients (Teismo psichiatrijos pacientų sociodemografinių ir klinikinių veiksnių bei nusikalstamo elgesio sąsajos). Sveikatos mokslai / Health Sciences in Eastern Europe, vol. 26(1), p. 47–51, doi: 10.5200/sm-hs.2016.007.


Child Development Centre (Lithuania)
Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania)
Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester (Manchester, UK)


Prof. G. Valickas –

  • editor–in–chief of the journal of Psichologija (Psychology), Vilnius University, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/psichologija/redakcine-kolegija;
  • board member of the journal Psychology and Law („Психология и право“), Russia, http://psyjournals.ru/psyandlaw/editorialboard/;
  • member of the Committee of Science of Vilnius University;
  • expert of the Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education;
  • member of the Board of Centre for Criminological Studies of Vilnius University;
  • member of the Board of Lithuanian Association of Criminology;
  • member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • member of the Committee of Prosecutors’ Ethics, Prosecution Service of the Republic of Lithuania.

Assoc. Prof. R. Bliumas –

Prof. L. Bulotaitė –

Assoc. Prof. I. Laurinaitytė –

Assoc. Prof. M. Dovydaitienė –

Prof. R. Jusienė –

Assoc. Prof. G. Gintilienė –

Assoc. Prof. S. Girdzijauskienė –

Assoc. Prof. A. Kairys –

Assoc. Prof. F. Laugalys –

Assoc. Prof. V. Pakalniškienė –

Assoc. Prof. B. Pociūtė –

Dr. K. Vanagaitė –

Assoc. Prof. R. Stanikūnas –

Assoc. Prof. A. Švegžda –



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7625


Head – Prof. Dr. Lilija Duoblienė

Centre for Education Policy

9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius


Head of the Centre – Prof. Habil. Dr. Rimantas Želvys


Professors: Habil. Dr. V. Targamadzė, Habil. Dr. R. Želvys, Dr. L. Duoblienė, Dr. E. Sakadolskis.
Associate professors: Dr. T. Bulajeva, Dr. I. Stonkuvienė.
Assistants: Dr. V. Venslovaitė, Dr. Š. Nagrockaitė.
Associate professor (Partnership): V. Būdienė.
S. Kairė, K. Kaminskas.
Doctoral students:
C. Barbierato, S. Bieliūnė, R. Bružienė, J. Garbauskaitė-Jakimovska, D. Gervytė, H. I. Tjatjitua Kaimu, S. Kairė, S. Kontrimienė, J. Vaitekaitis.


Culture of education
Education policy
Transformations of education policy in Lithuania
Research of curriculum development
Educational management in Lithuania
Studies of Lithuanian educational heritage
Dialogue between cultures in education
Problems of personal identity
Globalization and localization in education
Philosophy of education
Higher education
Gender differences in education and science


Projects Supported by University Budget

Educational Policy and Educational Culture. Prof. Dr. L. Duoblienė. 2015–2019.

The main aim of the research in 2017 was to develop the analysis of the tendencies of educational politics in regard with the educational culture. Some data of theoretical and empirical research was published in research papers. The papers were published in Lithuanian and international journals. The staff of Education Department presented their research findings at different national/ international conferences held in Lithuania and foreign countries (Belgium, Italy, Georgia, Bulgaria, Poland, etc.). All the international visits were supported by Vilnius University and/or Lithuanian Research Council.

Main publications:

Duoblienė, L. 2017. Crossing or erasing territorial borders: towards openness within the school space. In Transforming education: design & governance in global contexts (Leon Benade, Mark Jackson,eds.). Cham: Springer International Publishing AG, p. 169–181.

Kairė, S. 2017. We are on the same boat, but still I am from another culture: the lived experiences of learning in groups. Encyclopaideia, vol. 21, no 47. p. 29–48

Želvys, R., Jakaitienė, A., Stumbrienė, D. 2017. Moving towards different educational models of the welfare state: comparing the education systems of the Baltic countries. Filosofija. Sociologija. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija, T. 28, Nr. 2. p. 139–150.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Multimodal Education: Philosophical Assumptions and Problems. (P-MIP-17-351) Research leader habil. dr. Prof. J. Rubavičienė (Baranova), partner of the Department of Educology – prof. L. Duoblienė. 2017–2020.

Research Council of Lithuania. Modeling the Status and Causing Factors of Lithuanian Education System. Research leader Assoc. Prof. A. Jakaitienė, partner of the Department of Educology - Prof. R. Želvys. 2015–2017.

The aim of the project is to analyse causing factors influencing the results of the international OECD PISA study and to model the system of educational indicators for Lithuania based on the data available from OECD PISA study, National examination and testing databases.

International Research Projects

Nordplus Horizontal programme (project No. NPHZ-2016/10118): Developing Early Foreign Language Learning and Teaching in the Nordic/Baltic Context (ELL-NB). Coordinator - University of Copenhagen. Vilnius University–partner organization. Coordinator Assoc. Prof. T. Bulajeva. 2016–2018.


Bristol University (United Kingdom)
University of Haifa (Israel)
TU Dortmund University (Germany)
University of Verona (Italy)
UCL Education institute (United Kingdom)
University of Nottingham (United Kingdom)
Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)


Prof. V. Aramavičiūtė (†2017.10.02) –

  • member of the Lithuanian Catholic Academy of Science, http://www.lkma.lt/.

Assoc. Prof. T. Bulajeva –

Prof. L. Duoblienė –

  • member of European Education Research Association (EERA);
  • member of Lithuanian educational research association (LETA);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of Philosophy;
  • member of International Association of Teachers of Philosophy;
  • member of International Network of Philosophy of Education (INPE);
  • deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Acta Paedagogica Vilnensia, http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/acta-paedagogica-vilnensia/redakcine-kolegija;
  • editorial board member of the journal Religija ir Kultūra (Religion and Culture);
  • member of Lithuanian Education Board at Lithuanian Parliament (Seimas).

Dr. Š. Nagrockaitė –

  • representative of Educology Department (Vilnius University) at the Ministry of Education and Science;
  • member of the working group for the Internship Regulations at the Faculty of Philosophy;
  • member of the Association for Improvement of Schools, http://www.mtc.lt/lt/mtc-balsas/mokyklu-tobulinimo-asociacija.

Assoc. Prof. I. Stonkuvienė –

Prof. V. Targamadzė –

Dr. V. Venslovaitė –

  • member of International Network of Philosophers of Education (INPE).

Prof. R. Želvys –



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7617, fax 266 7600


Head – Prof. Dr. Albinas Plėšnys


Professors: Habil. Dr. Emeritus E. Nekrašas, Dr. A. Plėšnys, Habil. Dr. Emeritus A. Šliogeris, Dr. S. Jankauskas.
Associated professors: Dr. M. Gutauskas, Dr. A. Mickevičius, Dr. N. Milerius, Dr. K. Sabolius.
Assistant Professors: Dr. J. Čiurlionis, Dr. L. Jakavonytė, Dr. M. Stoškus.
Lecturers: M. Baltrimienė (part-time), V. Pivorius, Dr. T. Račiūnaitė (part-time), Dr. M. Radžvilas (part-time), Dr. J. Tuleikytė (part-time).
Doctoral Students: R. Baranovas, A. Buiko, A. Dovydėnas, A. Fediajevas, B. Gelžinytė, D. Habdankaitė, V. Kalkauskaitė, A. Kaziliūnaitė, J. Kučinskas, A. Okunauskas, P. Rimkevičius, I. Šatkauskas, M. Šulskus, G. Tatarūnaitė, V. Valinskaitė.


Premises of phenomenological and hermeneutical philosophy and possibilities of its development
The impact of metaphysics on the rise of modern natural science
The impact of globalization on culture and transformation of values
Philosophical reflection of everyday world
Philosophy of cinema
Philosophical investigations of imagination
Basic problems of phenomenology


Projects Supported by University Budget

Contemporary Philosophy and Philosophical Investigations of Culture. Prof. Dr. A. Plėšnys, 2015–2020.

The main research results accomplished in 2017: articles on Mill’s semantics, on the importance of Gadamer’s “philosophical hermeneutics” and its relation to the “metaphysics of presence”, on the problems of identity and simultaneity.

Main publications:

Čiurlionis, J. 2017. On Identity and Simultaneity. Filosofija. Sociologija. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla, vol. 28 (3), p. 165–171.

Mickevičius, A. 2017. Why H. G. Gadamer’s “Philosophical Hermeneutics” cannot belong to the “Metaphysics of Presence”? Filosofija. Sociologija, vol. 28 (3), p. 182–193.

Plėšnys, A. 2017. Two theories of names: how Mill’s semantics superseded teachings of schoolmen. Filosofija. Sociologija, vol. 28 (3), p. 172–181.

National Research Projects

Imagination Lab. Project: The Development and Implementation of the System of National Science Popularization implemented by Lithuanian Academy of Science, funded by European Social Fund. (No. 09.3.3-ESFA-V-711-02-0001). Dr. K. Sabolius.

The project activity consists of an intense session of 3 workshops for high school pupils on the practices and theories of imagination in philosophy, psychology, neuroscience, art.

Project: Hybrid Creativity: Contemporary Art and Science. S/TYR-3(6.51)-2016/LSS-250000-325. Funded by Lithuanian Council of Culture. Dr. K. Sabolius.

Introducing the combination of both scientific and artistic practices, as well as applying philosophical methodology, this research project analyses the elements of imaginary and creativity at the intersection between biotechnologies and contemporary art.

Main publications:

Sabolius, K. 2016. Grybai, žmonės ir abipusiai virsmai. Apie tarprūšinės simbiozės galimybę. Athena, vol. 11. p. 173–192.

Materija ir vaizduotė. Hibridinė kūryba tarp meno ir mokslo. Sabolius, K. (sud.), Gasiūnas, G., Jatautas, M., Tautvaišas, D., Černiauskaitė, N., Urbonienė, N., Urbonas, G., Gapševičius M.,  Rybakova, V., Budvytytė, G., Michelkevičius, V.,  Burokas, M. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2017 (electronic publication).

Lithuanian Council for Culture. The project: The Preparation and Publishing of N. Milerius’ monograph “Visual Violence in Cinema” (no. S/HUM – 4(6.49)/2016/LSS-250000-175). Dr. N. Milerius.

The project is taking place from March 1, 2016 to 1st June, 2018. The aim of the project is to analyse the status of violence in meta-cinema, and to demonstrate how the philosophical problems of violence is reflected in the films made by M. Antonioni, S. Cubrick, M. Haneke, A. Amenabar and others.

Main publication:

Milerius, N., 2017. Nuobodulys ir prievarta: Antonioni “Fotopadidinimo atvejis” [Boredom and Violence: The Case of Antonioni’s “Blow Up”]. Problemos, vol. 92, p. 143-157.

The Everyday and the Representation of War Trauma in Late Modernity (no. S-MOD-17-1/LSS-250000-273). Dr. N. Milerius.

The project The Everyday and the Representation of War Trauma in Late Modernity is taking place from March 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. In 2017, in the framework of this project, two academic events were organized:

a) The Everyday as Marginal Phenomenon and its Rehabilitation in Philosophy, a lecture held by N. Milerius, 2017 05 25, Vilnius University, Philosophy Faculty.
b) Modernity as an Unfinished Project and the War. Presentations by A. Narušytė, V. Davoliūtė, N. Milerius. 2017 11 21, Vilnius University, Faculty of Philosophy.

Main publication:

Narušytė, A. 2017. Dislocation: the conflict of photographic and cinematographic representations of war in Soviet Lithuania.  Art History and Criticism, vol. 13, p. 42–57.


European Humanities University, Vilnius (Lithuania)
Belarusian State University, Minsk (Belorussia)


Lect. J. Čiurlionis –

Assoc. Prof. M. Gutauskas  –

Lect. Dr. L. Jakavonytė

Assoc. Prof. K. Sabolius

  • member of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society, http://www.filosofai.lt/;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology.

Assoc. Prof. A. Mickevičius

  • member of the Lithuanian Philosophical Society, http://www.filosofai.lt/.
  • member of the Philosophy Bachelor Study Programme Committee.

Assoc. Prof. N. Milerius

Prof. E. Nekrašas

Prof. A. Plėšnys

Prof. A. Šliogeris

Dr. J. Tuleikytė –



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7617


Head – Prof. Dr.  Marius Povilas Šaulauskas


Professors: Dr. M. P. Šaulauskas, Dr. A. Jokubaitis (part-time), Habil. Dr. Emeritus V. B. Pšibilskis, Dr. V. Radžvilas (part-time), Dr. J. Rubavičienė (part-time).
Associated professors: Dr. J. Dagys, Dr. K. Dubnikas, Dr. N. Kardelis, Dr. K. Kirtiklis (part-time), Dr. N. Radavičienė, Dr. L. Šabajevaitė.
Assistants: Dr. R. Bikauskaitė, Dr. M. Gilaitis.
Lecturers: V. Dranseika (part-time), Dr. L. Jokubaitis (part-time), G. Kurlavičiūtė (part-time), M. Markuckas (part-time), Dr. A. Navickas, Dr. M. Poškutė (part-time).
Doctoral students: M. Baltrimienė, J. Bujokas, D. Caturianas, S. Čelutka, G. Kurlavičiūtė, D. Markevičius, M. Markuckas, A. Noreikaitė, Ž. Pabijutaitė, V. Petuška, A. Plėšnys, V. Sinica, T. Snuviškis.


Philosophy in classical and modern civilizations
Modern – postmodern controversy
Information society studies
Analytical philosophy and hermeneutics
Postmodern philosophy
Social and political philosophy
Contemporary Christian philosophy
Religion studies


Projects Supported by University Budget

The History of Philosophy and Nowadays: Framework Methodological Controversies. Prof. M. P. Šaulauskas. 2016–2021.

The main research titles accomplished in 2017: analytical philosophy paradigms of science, consciousness, language and law; essential problems of axiological discourses; methodological controversy of contemporary politics and moral philosophy; the genesis of modern philosophy.

Main publications:

Gilaitis, M. 2017. Dekartiški semantinio natūralizmo bruožai (The Cartesian Aspects of Semantic Naturalism). Problemos, vol. 91, p. 7–16.

Pabijutaitė, Ž. 2017. Kodėl Aristotelis nesvarstė tuščių terminų problemos? (Why Aristotle Left the Problem of Empty Terms Unsolved?). Problemos, vol. 91, p. 141–155.

Piasecki, J., Dranseika, V., Waligora, M. 2017. Should Epidemiological Studies Be Subject to Ethics Review? Public Health Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, p. 1–8.

National Research Projects

The Practice of Environmental Care in Lithuania. GER-003/2017/LSS-250000-1942. Prof. M. P. Šaulauskas. 2017–2018.

This project is aimed to examine environmental care as a key element in contemporary welfare society by developing a theory that links the ethics of care with environmental concerns and to study specific manifestations of such care in Lithuania. The article Ecological Citizenship: Care Habitus in the Public Sphere was submitted for printing to the Lithuanian journal of philosophy Problemos and two empirical researches were accomplished – discourse analysis of the media representation of annual environmental action “Darom” and ethnographic research of the Antakalnis’ urban garden.

The Value of Humanities: Global Arguments and Lithuanian Specifics. LIP-081/2016/LSS-250000-1131. Assoc. Prof. Dr. K. Kirtiklis. 2016–2018.

The project aims at philosophical and sociological research of importance and use of humanities on the intersection of global English-speaking and local Lithuanian discourses arguing for their value. We seek to refine the arguments for the value of humanities in Lithuanian context. These aims are pursued in two ways – analyzing the global English speaking discourse, as well as the assertions of the values of humanities in the local context of Lithuanian studies. In 2017 two articles "Why Politics need the Humanities? History and Politics in Contemporary Lithuanian Theorizing on the Value of Humanities" and "The Impact of Language on the Value of Humanities" have been submitted to scholarly journals.


University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Nitra University (Slovakia)
Bilkent University (Turkey)
Jagiellonian University (Poland)
Institute of Philosophy at the Nikolaus Copernicus University, Torun (Poland)


Assoc. Prof. J. Dagys

Lect. V. Dranseika

Assoc. Prof. K. Dubnikas

Prof. A. Jokubaitis –

Assoc. Prof. N. Kardelis

Assoc. Prof. K. Kirtiklis

Assoc. Prof. N. Radavičienė

Prof. M. P. Šaulauskas

Prof . J. Rubavičienė –

  • Vice-President of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of Philosophy;
  • member of Jury of International Philosophy Olympiads (IPO);
  • deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Žmogus ir žodis/Filosofija [Man and Word/Philosophy];
  • editorial board member of the journals Problemos (Problems); Athena.



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7605, fax 266 7600


Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Danutė Gailienė


Professors: Habil. Dr. D. Gailienė, Dr. R. Kočiūnas, Dr. G. Gudaitė.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Adler, Dr. D. Bagdžiūnienė, Dr. R. Barkauskienė, Dr. D. Čekuolienė, Dr. N. Grigutytė, Dr. E. Kazlauskas, Dr. A. Laurinavičius, Dr. J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, Dr. R. Sargautytė, Dr. P.Skruibis, Dr. I. Žukauskaitė.
Senior assistants: Dr. I. Povilaitienė, Dr. R. Rekašiūtė-Balsienė, Dr. J. Rimkevičienė.
Doctoral students: A. Dzimidienė, J. Eimontas, O. Geležėlytė, L. Gervinskaitė-Paulaitienė, G. Gegieckaitė, I. Grauslienė, D. Grigienė, J. Latakienė, E. Mažulytė, M. Miselytė, K. Petraškaitė, D. Petronytė-Kvedarauskienė, R. Tomkevičienė, M. Vaštakė.


Investigation of the DSH (deliberate self-harm) and effects of long lasting traumatisation Research in existential-phenomenological psychology and psychotherapy in cross cultural context

Developmental psychopathology

Work and organizational characteristics as antecedents of employee work motivation, attitudes toward work and organization, citizenship and in role behaviour, job insecurity


Projects Supported by University Budget

Risk and Coping Factors of Psychosocial Stress and Psychological Disorders and the Effectiveness of Support. Prof. D. Gailienė. 2016–2020.

Research data on posttraumatic reactions, selfdistructive behavior and transgenerational transmission of resilience presented in dissertations, conference presentations and scientific articles.

Psychological, Social and Organizational Factors of Employee Performance and Well-Being in Contemporary Organizations. Assoc. Prof. D. Bagdžiūnienė. 2017–2021.

The aims of scientific research for 2017 year:
to analyze types of employee behavior in organizations,
to analize antecedents of employee behaviour and well-being at work,
to develop  empirical research methods.

Main publications:

Čeponienė, D., Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J. 2017. Mokytojų individualaus ir suvokiamo kolektyvinio veiksmingumo sąsajos su perdegimu darbe. [The relationships between teacher self-efficacy, perceived collective efficacy and burnout]. Acta paedagogica Vilnensia. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, vol. 38, p. 25–41; doi: 10.15388/ActPaed.2017.38.10789.

Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J. 2017. Naudinga, vadinasi - teisinga? Žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymo sprendimų suvokiamo teisingumo prielaidų empirinė analizė [Does favorable mean fair? An empirical analysis of the fairness of HRM decisions]. Psichologija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, vol. 55, p. 56–71; doi: 10.15388/Psichol.2017.55.10736.

Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J. 2017. Organizacijos teisingumas: nuo atskirų sprendimų teisingumo iki teigiamų darbuotojo nuostatų [Overall justice of organization: from decision fairness to positive attitude of employees]. Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai. Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto leidykla; De Gruyter, vol. 7, p. 81–99; doi: 10.1515/mosr-2017-0005.

Projects, Programmes, Issues Supported by Research Council of Lithuania

Mediating Effects of Psychosocial Factors on Stress and Trauma Related Psychological After-effects in the Context of Social Psychotraumatology. MIP-15266. Principal investigator Dr. E. Kazlauskas. 2015–2017.

Findings of the study were presented in international conferences, and are expected to be published in several papers in peer-reviewed journals. Study found support for the validity of the ICD-11 adjustment disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and complex posttraumatic stress disorder in the Lithuanian population. Mediating effects of social acknowledgment, trauma disclosure, acceptance of social changes were found on the symptoms of stress-related disorders following stressful and traumatic life-events.

Psychosocial Working Conditions and their Impact upon an Employee in Work/Life Domains. MIP-15284. Principal investigator Dr. J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė. 2015–2018.

The project is aimed at analyzing psychosocial working conditions and their positive and negative impact upon employees in the work/life context. This topic is particularly relevant in light of modern organizational psychology, which emphasizes not only task performance, but also employees’ well-being. In total, 2501 employee from various organizations and various occupational groups were surveyed. The results showed that certain psychosocial factors and their combinations could predict organizational and personal outcomes, including work engagement, exhaustion, performance, and work-life balance. The study highlights the ways organizations can manage working conditions in order to achieve high performance and employee well-being.

Main publications:

Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J., Urbanavičiūtė, I., Rekašiūtė Balsienė, R.  2017. The role of strength use behaviour in the relationship between working conditions and work engagement. 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11–14 July 2017: abstract book, p. 141–142.

Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J., Urbanavičiūtė, I., Rekašiūtė Balsienė, R. 2017. When job resources are important for work engagement? The moderation by personal resources. 15th European congress of psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11–14 July 2017: abstract book, p. 141.

Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė, J., Urbanavičiūtė, I., Rekašiūtė Balsienė, R. 2017. The role of prosocial motivation in public servants’ well-being: testing JD-R in three samples. EAWOP 2017: 18th congress of European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, May 17–20, 2017 Dublin, Ireland: abstract book, p. 1411.

Participation of Mental Health Service Users and Carers in a Reading of the International Classification of Diseases for Mental and Behavioural Disorders (ICD 11). A Princeps Study on Two Disorders: Depressive Episode and Schizophrenia (Contract No. MTS-250000-1336). Assoc. Prof. N. Grigutytė, 20162017.

The goal of the research is to describe how users who have experienced a diagnosis of depressive episode and/or schizophrenia and their carers understand and perceive the essential features of the ICD-11 guidelines for these diagnoses. More specifically, the goal is to specify the views of users and carers on the essential features of the guidelines for the diagnosis concerning depressive episode or schizophrenia.

The project is implemented in 14 countries around the world in collaboration with EPSM Lille-Métropole WHO Collaborating Centre, Lille. The data were collected in all countries in 2017 and the report of main results were prepared to the World Health Organization (WHO).

Job Insecurity in the Work/Life Context: Testing its Effects upon Employees’ Work Performance and Well-Being. (APP-9/2016/LSS-250000-473). Dr. I. Urbanavičiūtė. 2016–019.

The project is aimed at investigating employee job insecurity and is carried out in collaboration with researchers from Leuven University (Belgium). In 2017, the project team completed the first phase of data collection. In May, the findings were presented at the EAWOP congress in Dublin (Ireland). Currently, two manuscripts are being prepared in collaboration with the project partner. In October, a meeting with the project partner took place in Leuven to discuss the progress of the project.

Risk and Protective Factors as Predictors of Delinquent Juveniles’ Behaviour. (S-MIP-17-112/SS-250000-1647). Assoc. Prof. A. Laurinavičius. 2017–2020.

According to the research plan several activities were organized:

During research group meetings the list of research instruments was finalized.

The methodological seminar took place, iterrater reliability was confirmed.

Preparation of methodological package has started.

Probation officers were contacted and introduced with research purposes and peculiarities of their participation in the research.

Children’s and Adolescents’ Internet Use in Lithuania: Possibilities and Risks Tendencies in EU Context. (S-MIP-17-1/LSS-250000-1087). Assoc. Prof. N. Grigutytė. 2017–2020.

The aim of the project is to evaluate changes of the 9-17-year-old children’s Internet use in Lithuania and other EU countries since 2010 and to reveal the mechanism of children’s Internet use on their psychological functioning. Project objectives: 1) to determine the overall and country specific trends of Internet use of the 9-17-year-old children; 2) to discover the mechanism of 9-17-year-old children’s Internet use and psychological functioning.

Activities held in the project: Analysis of the literature to reveal assumptions and current outcomes of children’s Internet; the selection of constructs of the survey; finalizing questionnaires with partners and translation of the instrument to Lithuanian language. Selection of the survey implementing company, which would implement children’s and their parents’ survey, arrangement of data collection.

Psychosocial Functioning and Mentalization of Delinquent Adolescents Receiving Minimal Care Means. (GER-004/2017/LSS-250000-1941). Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Barkauskienė. 2017–2018.

The main goal of the project is to analyze and compare psychosocial functioning and mentalization of adolescents assigned to minimal care means and adolescents in population sample and to formulate empirically based recommendations for professionals and institutions working with adolescents in the minimal care system. This study aims to explore the manifestation of mentalization and its links to the psychosocial functioning profile in target and population groups of adolescents. During the first year of the project the theoretical and methodological background for the project was developed and the empirical study with both groups was completed.


Oslo University (Norway)
Umea University (Sweden)
University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
University of Trondheim (Norway)
University of Zurich (Switzerland)
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences (Lithuania)


Prof. D. Gailienė –

Prof. G. Gudaitė –

  • member of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, www.iaap.org/;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Analytical Psychology;
  • board member of the Lithuanian Society of Psychotherapy;
  • board member of Lithuanian Association of Gestalt Therapy.

Prof. R. Kočiūnas –

Assoc. Prof. D. Bagdžiūnienė –

Assoc. Prof. R. Barkauskienė –

  • member of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • National Representative at EFPA Standing Committee of Ethics;
  • member of the International Academy for Research in Learning Disabilities, www.iarld.com;
  • member of International Society for the Study of Behavioral Development, www.issbd.org;
  • member of Lithuanian Dyslexia Association;
  • representative from Lithuania in the Psychotherapy Committee of European Federation of Psychological Assotiations, http://www.efpa.eu/.

Assoc. Prof. D. Čekuolienė –

Assoc. Prof. E. Kazlauskas –

Assoc. Prof. A. Laurinavičius –

Assoc. Prof. N. Grigutytė –

Assoc. Prof. J. Lazauskaitė-Zabielskė –

  • member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, www.eawop.org;
  • board member of Baltic Area Alliance Board at European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology;
  • member of International Society for Justice Research, www.isjr.org;
  • vice-president of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, www.lps.vu.lt/;
  • associate member of European Academy of Occupational Health Psychology, http://www.eaohp.org/;
  • member of European Network for Positive Psychology, www.enpp.eu/;
  • member of Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.

Assoc. Prof.  R. Sargautytė –

Assoc. Prof. P. Skruibis –

Assoc. prof. A. Adler –

  • member of Lithuanian Psychological Association, http://www.psichologusajunga.lt/;
  • member of the International Association of Analytical Psychology, www.iaap.org/;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Analytical Psychology, http://www.lapa.lt ;
  • member of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology, www.eawop.org;
  • board member of Baltic Area Alliance Board at European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology;
  • member of International Society for Justice Research, www.isjr.org;
  • member of the Lithuanian Psychological Association, www.lps.vu.lt/;
  • Chair of Organizational Psychology Committee at Lithuanian Psychological Association;
  • member of Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers.

Assoc. Prof. I. Žukauskaitė –



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7610


Head – Prof. Dr. Laimutė Žalimienė


Professors: Dr. B. Gruževskis (part-time), Dr. R. Lazutka (part-time), Dr. L. Žalimienė, Dr. J. Aidukaitė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. J. Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė, Dr. V. Gevorgianienė, Dr. L. Gvaldaitė, Dr. E. I. Laumenskaitė (part-time), Dr. D. Skučienė, Dr. E. Šumskienė, Dr. E. Dunajevas.
Assistants: Dr. J. Mataitytė-Diržienė (part-time), Dr. D. Petružytė.
Lecturers: D. Beliukevičiūtė, V. Jakutienė (part-time), Dr. J. Navickė,  Dr. U. L. Orlova (part-time), E. Ruschhoff,  Dr. L. Šumskaitė, A. Vareikytė.
Doctoral students: I. Adomaitytė-Subačienė, R. Genienė, D. Mažeikaitė, J. Charenkova, G. Skubiejūtė.


Analysis of social policy, social security, pensions
Development of social services in Lithuania
Social inclusion, social support for vulnerable people
Social prevention, rehabilitation and integration
Community development and empowerment
Migration, intercultural learning and communication
Labour market policy
Evaluation of the effectiveness of programs and services
Promoting youth participation
Human rights in mental health
Disability, stigma, stereotypes and discrimination
Development of social work education and profession
Gender equality and social work


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research on Social Policy, Innovative Paradigms and Models of Social Work and Social Services in Response to Societal Changes and the Aims to Create Welfare Society. Dr. L. Žalimienė. 2015–2018.

The peculiarities and changes in social policy in Lithuania and the comparative level of the EU were analyzed, the achievements of professionalization of social work in the context of the 25th year of this profession in Lithuania were evaluated.  The change of mental health and welfare paradigms, process of deinstitutionalisation of care services in Lithuania were analysed. Another branch of research has been focused on income distribution factors, Lithuanian labour market policy were discussed. Results of research were published at national or international scientific journals, presented on national or international conferences and their proceedings, or used in preparation of practical recommendations for social policy, social work practice or teaching aids.       

Main publictions:

Gevorgianienė, V., Šumskienė, E. 2017. P.S. for post-Soviet: A glimpse to a life of persons with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disabilities, Jan 1:1744629517701561, doi: 10.1177/1744629517701561.

Gruževskis, B., Šabanovas, S. 2017. Lithuanian border regions - development of the periphery. Advances in European Borderlands Studies. - Ser.: German and European studies of the Willy Brandt Center at the Wroclaw University. Vol. 7  Elżbieta Opiłowska, Zbigniew Kurcz Jochen Roose [eds.]. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG., 2017. p. 259–278.

Sumskiene, E., Levickaite, K. 2017. Содействие изменениям: создание коалиции как эффективная стратегия в адвокации при деинституционализации в публичном пространстве, медиа, политике и процессах принятия решений. [Promoting change: creating a coalition as an effective advocacy strategy for deinstitutionalization in public space, media, policy and decision-making processes] Mental Health Perspectives, 18 p.

National Reseach Projects

Research Council of Lithuania: Pagyvenusių žmonių globos sektoriaus transformacijos: paslaugų, darbo jėgos poreikis ir užimtumo kokybė [Transformation of Elderly Care Sector: the Need of Services and Labour Force, and Quality of Employment] (GER-012/2015/LSS-2500001714). Dr. L. Žalimienė (principal researcher), Dr. I. Blažienė, Dr. R. Miežienė, J. Junevičiene (participants)

In the project, the care sector of elderly people in Lithuania was examined from a double perspective: quality of service and labor force in this sector, quality perspectives. Three empirical studies were carried out on the basis of which scientific publications were prepared.

 Main publications:

Žalimienė, L., Blažienė, I., Miežienė, R. 2017. Lankomosios priežiūros darbuotojų darbo vietos kokybė Lietuvoje [Job quality of home help workers in Lithuania]. Filosofija. Sociologija. Vilnius: Lietuvos mokslų akademija., vol. 28, 2, p. 151–159.

Blažienė, I. & Žalimienė, L. 2017. Between User’s Expectations and Provider’s Quality of Work: the Future of Elderly Care in Lithuania. Journal of Population Ageing, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12062-017-9215-1.

Research Council of Lithuania: Factors of Income Redistribution in the Baltic States: Work, Capital, Welfare State (GER-007/2015). Prof. R. Lazutka (principal researcher), Assoc. Prof. E. Dunajevas, Dr. J. Navickė, Assoc. Prof. D. Skučienė (participants).

This research project on income distribution in the Baltics is carried out by a group of researchers at Vilnius University. We aim at revealing the relationship between economic growth and income formation, its sources and differentiation, institutional effect on personal income and subjective valuation of inequality. The analysis covers the gap between functional distribution of income at the state level and household income at the microlevel.

Main publications:

Navickė, J., Lazutka, R. 2017. Distributional Implications of the Economic Development in the Baltics: Reconciling Micro and Macro Perspectives. Social Indicators Research; doi: 10.1007/s11205-017-1645-x.

Razgūnė, A., Lazutka, R. 2017. Labor Share in National Income: Implications in the Baltic Countries. Review of economic perspectives – národohospodářský obzor, vol. X, issue Y201Z, p. 1–16.

Research Council of Lithuania: Paradigm Change of Mental Health and Well-being in Lithuania: Towards Empirically Valid Model. (GER-15070). Assoc. Prof. E. Šumskienė (head of the researchers’ team). Dr. J. Mataitytė, Dr. D. Petružytė (participants).

Data collection stage has been finalized. It includes qualitative interviews with 30 patients, 20 experts of mental health care, 500 quantitative interviews with patients, as well as statistical data collected from health, social and police institutions concerning more than 5000 people. The project and its initial data has been presented during 7 scientific conferences and congresses.

Main publications:

Petružytė, D., Šumskienė, E. 2017. (sud.). Monografija. Psichikos sveikatos ir gerovės paradigmų kaita Lietuvoje: empiriškai validaus modelio link [Monograph: Paradigm Change of Mental Health and Well-being in Lithuania]. Vilnius University, 236 p.

Sumskiene, E. 2017. Advocacy for Children with Intellectual Disabilities: The Case of the Baltic States’. In: Rebellious Parents. Parental Movements in Central-Eastern Europe and Russia, K. Fabian and E. Korolczuk (eds.). Indiana: Indiana UP, p. 248–276.

Skubiejūtė, G., Bukelskis, L., Petružytė, D. 2017. Šizofrenija sergančių artimųjų santykių pokyčiai ir stigmatizacijos patirtis pirminiame socialiniame tinkle [Adults providing care to the relative or partner with schizophrenia: experiences of stigmatization and changes in the relationships in the primary social network]. Tiltai, vol. 77(2), p. 73–88.

International Research Projects

REFLECT: Reflection as Core Transferable Competence in Higher Education and Adult Education. Erasmus + programme no 2014-1-LT01-KA200-000547. Coordinator at Vilnius University Assoc. Prof. J. Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė.

The Project ended in 2016, but project partners were diseminating the results in 2017. J. Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė, B. Vandenbussche made presentation at the international conference Challenges for High Quality of Adult Education in Riga (Latvia) and an article was prepared for the Conference Proceedings, peer reviewed publication.

EUROMOD - Microsimulation Tool for Modelling the Impact of Policy Measures. Funded by the European Commission, coordinated by the University of Essex. Dr. J. Navickė (principal researcher), A. Čižauskaitė (participant).

The project aims to regularly update and maintain EUROMOD – a tax-benefit microsimulation tool for the 28 EU member states. As an output of the project in 2017 an annual report on Lithuania was prepared, the Lithuanian component of the model and data updated up to 2017. Funded by the European Commission.

Contractual Research 

The analysis of Lithuania's situation was carried out and Reports for European Social Policy Network (ESPN) were prepared.

Main publications:

Lazutka, R., Poviliūnas, A., Žalimienė, L. 2017. ESPN Thematic Report on access to social protection of people working as self-employed or on non-standard contracts: Lithuania: European Commission, 30 p.

Lazutka, R., Poviliūnas, A., Žalimienė, L. 2017. Lithuania to tackle deficiencies in the policy on the protection of children’s rights and child welfare: ESPN Flash Report 2017/26. Brussels: European Commission, 2 p.

Poviliūnas, A., Žalimienė, L. 2017. ESPN Thematic Report on Progress in the implementation of the 2013 EU Recommendation on Investing in children: Breaking the cycle of disadvantage. Brussels: European Commission, 34 p.


University of Coimbra - Faculty of Pscyhology and Educational Sciences (Portugal)
Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Italy)
Hanze University Groningen, University of Applied Sciences (Netherlands)
University of Applied Sciences fo Social Work, Education and Nursing, Dresden (Germany)
The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (United Kingdom)


Prof. B. Gruževskis –

Prof. R. Lazutka –

Prof. L. Žalimienė –

Assoc. Prof. J. Buzaitytė-Kašalynienė –

Assoc. Prof. V. Gevorgianienė –

Assoc. Prof. I. E. Laumenskaitė

Assoc. Prof. D. Skučienė

Assoc. Prof. E. Šumskienė

Assoc. Prof. B. Švedaitė-Sakalauskė –

Assoc. Prof. E. Dunajevas –

Assoc. Prof. V. Gevorgianienė –

Assoc. Prof. L. Gvaldaitė –

Assist. Dr. D. Petružytė

Dr. L. Šumskaitė –

D. Beliukevičiūtė



9/1 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius

Tel. 266 7626


Head – Prof. Dr. Arūnas Poviliūnas


Professors: Dr. A. Dobryninas, Dr. I. Juozeliūnienė, Habil. Dr. Z. Norkus, Dr.  A. Poviliūnas.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Čepas, Dr. L. Žilinskienė, Dr. R. Žiliukaitė.
Assistants: Dr. D. Čiupailaitė, Dr. J. Aleknevičienė.
Researcher: Dr. A. Savicka (part-time).
Doctoral students: M. Pivoriūtė, V. Urbonaitė-Barkauskienė, A. Girkontaitė, M. Lankauskas, T. Šarūnas, J. Valenčius, I. Budginaitė, K. Jonutis, M. Šupa, E. Visockas, S. Vinciūnaitė, K.Vaicekauskas, R. Gaičevskytė, G. Martinkėnė.


Analysis of theoretical discourses (social constructivism, theories of (post)modernity, critical theory, criminological discourses)
Sociology of education
Sociology of deviations and crime
Rural and urban sociology
Sociology of science
Sociology of youth
Sociology of ageing
Sociology of health and illness
Sociology of family and intimate lives
Corruption and anti-corruption activity
Policy analysis of social inclusion
Social economy
Role of mass media in contemporary society
Post-communist social transformation in Lithuania in the comparative perspective
Social theory of Max Weber
Methodology of comparative historical sociological research
Rational choice approach in sociology
Comparative historical sociological imperiology


Projects Supported by University Budget

Sociological Analysis of Social Structure and Change. Prof. A. Poviliūnas. 2017–2021.

Research in the field of the history of sociology and analysis of the theoretical discourse was continued. The catching-up development of post-communist countries was analysed in the long-run synchronic and diachronic comparative perspective. Comparative historical sociological research on empires was continued. The issues of migration and family life were analysed. The members of the Department were participating in the research programmes of criminology and deviance. The Lithuanian social policy and social policy discourse were critically analysed. Old age identity and its stigmatization in Lithuanian society were analysed, as well, as experiences of carrying out academic projects in changing bureaucratic environments.

Main publications:

Norkus, Z. 2017. An Unproclaimed Empire the Grand Duchy of Lithuania: From the Viewpoint of Comparative Historical Sociology of Empires. Translated from Lithuanian by Albina Strunga. Abingdon: Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group),


Poviliūnas, A. 2017. Kodėl Lietuvos socialinės įtraukties politika yra būtent tokia, kokia yra? [Why Lithuania social inclusion policy is exactly such as it is]. STEPP: Socialinė teorija, empirija, politika ir praktika, vol. 14, p. 102–121, http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/socialine-teorija-empirija-politika-ir-praktika/article/viewFile/10419/8373.

Dobryninas, A., Gilaitis, M. 2017. Corruption as presented in the Lithuanian internet media. Juridica international. Tartu: University of Tartu, vol. 25. p. 43–53. http://ojs.utlib.ee/index.php/juridica/article/view/JI.2017.25.05/8874.

National Research Projects

Global Migration and Lithuanian Family: Family Practices, Circulation of Care and Return Strategies. (Contract No P-MIP-17-330). Prof. I. Juozeliūnienė. 2017–2019.

A group of scientists from Vilnius University and Mykolas Romeris University, continuing their research which started back in 2004 and collaborating with world-class British scientists as well as International Organization for Migration, are conducting a research study of Lithuanian migrant families based on migrant family discourse, interactions and practices by linking institutional environment analysis with structural changes of family, family practices and organization of care across borders. The planned research extends the study of Lithuanian families and highlights new aspects of research valuable for migration policy – entrenchment of transnational family networks and practices; changing gender and generational relations, parenting strategies, organizing a care of children and elderly people left behind; institutional assistance gaps and opportunities to create a family-friendly environment motivating return migration are analysed.

Main publication:

Juozeliūnienė, I., Budginaitė, I., Bielevičiūtė, I. 2017. Transnational families in Lithuania: multi-dimensionality of social relationships and their reorganization. – In: Isabella Crespi, Meda, Stefania Giada and Laura Merla (eds.) Making Multicultural Families in Europe: Gender and Intergenerational Relations. Palgrave MacMillan, p. 165–181.

The Last Soviet Generation in the Contexts of Changing Modernity (Contract No. S_MOD_17_14). Dr. L. Žilinskienė.

In pursuance of the project the aim will be to analyse the last Soviet generation and determine the impact made to its development by the changing modernity of the 20th century. The analysis of the generation will cover search of its specific identity and identification of limits. This analysis will be based on the comparative research of three generations - the last Soviet generation, the older and the younger.

Research Council of Lithuania. Researchers’ Teams project with foreign partners: Comparative Study of Value Change in Contemporary Lithuania and Poland (Contract No. Nr. P-MIP-17-492) Participants: Assoc. Prof. R. Žiliukaitė (Head), Prof. A. Poviliūnas, Dr. A. Savicka, Assoc. Prof.  E. Laumenskaitė.

The project is aimed at analysis of the similarities and differences in the trajectories of change of religious, family, work, social and political values between Lithuanian and Polish societies over the last thirty years and the impact of values (cultural context) on these countries’ social policies and their relations based on the data from four European Values Study (EVS) waves (1990, 1999, 2008 and 2017). One of the important tasks of the project is the implementation of 2017 European Values Study (EVS) wave in Lithuania: in 2017 all methodological preparation for the fieldwork was completed (questionnaires translated, sample defined, clasifications prepared) and the fieldwork started.


Department of Sociology, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Department of Social Psychology, University of Helsinki (Finland)
Department of Sociology, Eastern Caroline University (USA)
Political Science and Sociology, National University of Ireland, Galway (Ireland)
Oslo University College (Norway)
University of Gloucestershire (United Kingdom)


Prof. A. Dobryninas –

  • member of Steering Committee of European Group for the Study of Deviance and Social Control;
  • editorial board member of the journal Sociologija (Sociology), http://www.ku.lt/sociologija/;
  • editorial board member of the journal Kriminologijos studijos (Studies in Criminology), http://www.vu.lt/leidyba/lt/mokslo-zurnalai/kriminologijos-studijos;
  • editorial board member of the Universal Lithuanian Encyclopaedia;
  • editorial board member of the journal Teisės problemos (Legal Issues);
  • editorial board member of the journal Archiwum Kryminologii (Warsaw, Poland).

Prof. I. Juozeliūnienė –

  • member of the Family Research Committee (RC 06) of the International Sociological Association (ISA), www.rc06-isa.org;
  • member of the Sociology of Families and Intimate Lives (RN 13) of the European Sociological Association (ESA), www.europeansociology.org;
  • member of the Science Council of the Lithuanian Social Research Centre, http://www.lstc.lt/centre_s_c.php;
  • member of Lithuanian Sociological Association, http://www.sociology.lt.

Prof. Z. Norkus –

Prof. A. Poviliūnas –

Assoc. Prof. R. Žiliukaitė –

Dr. A. Čepas –

Dr. G. Rapolienė –

  • National representative in the COST IS1402 activity Ageism - a multi-national, interdisciplinary perspective Management Committee (2014–2018);
  • member of the Lithuanian Sociological Association.

Dr. L. Žilinskienė -