Investigation of molecule optical poling

Sukurta: 26 November 2018
Unit: Faculty of Physics
Keywords: Optical poling, Nd:YAG, laser, organic electronics, chemical industry, biochemical industry

The optical poling set-up provides creation of second order non-linear optical susceptibility gratings in a volume by mixing coherent first and second Nd:YAG laser harmonics.

Using the set-up writing and relaxation kinetics of these gratings are registered. Main processes and characteristic parameters (cis→trans thermoisomerization rate, molecular orientational diffusion coefficient) can be extracted via modeling the optical poling kinetics. The optical poling can be investigated in the temperature interval 10-300 K, therefore, activation energy of the parameters can be defined.
It is used for measuring optical poling with a characteristic time constant not shorter than 10 s. Sample quantity is not limited.

Application. Organic electronic materials and device industry (optical storage, holography applications, organic functional optoelectronic devices). Chemical and biochemical industrines (areas important for isomerization of poled molecules). It is used to measure optical poling with a characteristic time constant not shorter than 10 s. Sample quantity is not limited. It is possible to measure photoinduced refractive index anisotropy kinetics, to investigate second and third order non-linear optical susceptibilities of the materials. 

Contacts: Dr. R. Tamošiūnas,  tel. +37060034126,