Faculty of Law

Sukurta: 30 July 2017

tfSaulėtekio av. 9 – I building, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel.: 236 6185, fax: 236 6163

Dean – Prof. Dr. Tomas Davulis


87 teachers (incl. 74 holding research degree), 1 research fellow holding research degree, 65
doctoral students.



Integration of the Legal System of Lithuania into the Legal System of European Union


J. Vienažindytė. Bosphorus presumption and the European Union’s accession to the European Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms.
R. Daujotas. International investment law and arbitration.
E. Lauraitytė. Corporate social responsibility – company law aspects.
G. Tamašauskaitė-Janickė. The usage of information and communication technologies at the workplace in the context of labour law.
E. Meškys. Research biobanks: mixed consent as the prerequisite for the freedom of biomedical research.
S. Barakauskas. Judicial procedures of company rescue: comparative aspect.
A. Gedmintaitė. The principle of the protection of legitimate expectations in public law.
J. Zaleskis. Contemporary international state immunity law: changes in legal quality.


National conference Application of EU Charter as a Standard of Individual Rights’ Defence at Supra- and National Levels
International conferences:
Ways of Implementation of the Right to Civil Proceedings within a Reasonable Time, Court Precedent. Experience of the Baltic States
The European Convention on Human Rights Implementation – between subsidiarity and the European Court of Human Rights Care
Labour Law Reform
Interdisciplinary Approach to Law in Modern Social Context 2016
1990 March 11th in Lithuanian Constitutionalism Context
International scientific-practical conference Effective Justice: Challenges and Priorities of (administrative) courts
International seminars:
Arbitral Awards: Recognition and Enforcement
Justice of the EU in the context of a global multicultural society
National conference Research of Private Law Efficiency and other national scientific events in the framework of the Law Science Spring


Baudžiamoji justicija ir verslas: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių baudžiamosios teisės ir baudžiamojo proceso klausimais rinkinys. Vyr. moksl. red. Švedas, G. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 2016, 479 p.

Brazdeikis, A., et al. Asmens teisės į civilinės bylos išnagrinėjimą per protingą laiką įgyvendinimo sąlygos: mokslo studija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2016, 320 p.

Brazdeikis, A., et al. Ways of Implementation of the Right to Civil Proceedings within a Reasonable Time: scientific study. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2016, 320 p.

Griškevič, L., et al. Lietuvos konstitucionalizmo istorija: (istorinė Lietuvos Konstitucija): 1387 m. – 1566 m. – 1791 m. – 1990 m.:  monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2016, 276 p.

Machovenko, J, Isokaitė, I. (sud.). Konstitucionalizmo idėja, bendroji Europos teisė ir Lietuvos konstitucinė tradicija: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2016, 292 p.

Mikalonienė, L. Uždarosios akcinės bendrovės akcininko civilinė atsakomybė bendrovės kreditoriams, bendrovei ir kitiems akcininkams: monografija. Justitia: Vilnius. 2016, 210 p.


Saulėtekio av. 9 – I building, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel.: 236 6167, 236 6168, fax: 236 6163

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Gintaras Švedas


Professors: Habil. Dr. G. Švedas, Dr. A. Abramavičius, Dr. J.  Prapiestis.
Associate professors: Dr. I. Michailovič (part-time), Dr. G. Goda, Dr. R. Merkevičius, Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė (part-time), Dr. P. Kuconis, Dr. G. Sakalauskas, Dr. R. Aliukonienė (part-time), Dr. A. Gorbatkov.
Lecturers: Dr. A. Jatkevičius, Dr. P. Veršekys, Dr. A. Vosyliūtė, Dr. J. Namavičius, Dr. A. Juozapavičius (part-time), Dr. J. Levon, D. Stasiulis (part-time).
Assistants: (all part-time) M. Aidukas, G. Jasaitis, V. Kilinskas, A. Meška, D. Prapiestis.


Substantive Criminal Law
Juvenile Criminal Law
Penitentiary and Probation Law
Qualification of criminal acts
Comparative Criminal Law
Criminal policy
International and EU Criminal Law
Law of Criminal procedure
International and EU Criminal Procedure Law


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research on the Efficiency of Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure Law and Punishment Execution Law. Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas. 2016–2018.

Within the framework of this project the theoretical and practical problems of efficiency of an implementation of the legal acts of European Union as well as Criminal Code, Code of Criminal Procedure and Code on Punishment Execution were analysed.

Main publications:

Baudžiamoji justicija ir verslas: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių baudžiamosios teisės ir baudžiamojo proceso klausimais rinkinys. Vyr. moksl. red. Švedas, G. 2016. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, 479 p.
Juodkaitė-Granskienė, G., et al. 2016. Die Gesellschaft der Kriminalisten Litauens. Kriminalistik: Zeitschrift für die gesamte kriminalistische Wissenschaft und Praxis. Heidelberg: Kriminalistik Verl, vol. 70, nr. 8–9, p. 525–531.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Challenges in Harmonizing the Integrity and Novelties of the General Part of the Criminal Code. Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas (Head), Dr. P. Veršekys, Dr. J. Levon, D. Prapiestis. 2015–2017.

According to the objectives of this research (through an analysis of complex nature to determine whether the General Part of the Criminal Code of Lithuania during the decade of its validity has retained its integrity and ability to ensure the key tasks raised for this legal act; to prepare the study of the amendments of the General Part of the Criminal Code of Lithuania, their legal technique, its trends and influence on the application of the legal act; to explore the influence of the international, European Union law on the growth and innovation of the General part of the Criminal Code of Lithuania) the scientific research activities wer realised.

Main publications:

Levon, J. 2016. Baudžiamoji atsakomybė už svetimo prekių ar paslaugų ženklo naudojimą. Baudžiamoji justicija ir verslas: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių baudžiamosios teisės ir baudžiamojo proceso klausimais rinkinys. Vyr. moksl. red. Švedas, G. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, p. 253–272.

Švedas, G., Veršekys, P. 2016. The tendencies and issues of transposing EU law to the General Part of Lithuanian Criminal Code. Studia prawno-ekonomiczne. Lodz: Lodzkie Towarzystwo Naukowe, vol. 99, p. 89–117.

Švedas, G., Veršekys P. 2016. Lietuvos baudžiamosios teisės bendrosios dalies teisėkūros ir mokslo aktyvumo tendencijos. Baudžiamoji justicija ir verslas: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių baudžiamosios teisės ir baudžiamojo proceso klausimais rinkinys. Vyr. moksl. red. Švedas, G. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, p. 13–34.

International Research Projects

The Role and Future of National Constitutions in European and Global Governance. Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas, Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Jarukaitis. 2014 –2016.

Within the framework of this project the research activities were continued and realised to achieve the following objectives: 1) to carry out a comparative analysis on how constitutions reflect the transfer of powers from domestic to European and global institutions, and thus to what extent they provide legitimacy, and remain socially relevant, to the shift of the exercise of power to the transnational level; 2) to revisit constitutional values that have a continued importance in the contemporary globalising and pluralist legal setting, such as, the rule of law, legitimacy, etc.; 3) to explore the challenges increasingly highlighted in the context of global governance in relation to legitimacy, democratic control, accountability and the rule of law.

The EU-funded Project: Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine (EU Contract No. 2013/328-160). Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas. 2016. Short-term senior expert.

The EU-funded Project: Support to Justice Sector Reforms in Ukraine (EU Contract No. 2013/328-160). Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė. 2016. Short-term expert.

The EU Project Support to Judicial Reform in Kazakhstan: Enhancing Criminal Justice through Support to the Reform of the Penal Process and of the Procedure for Enforcing Judicial Acts (EC Contract No. 365-756). Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė. 2015–2018. Short-term expert.

Project FP7-SEC-2013.1.6-1: Framework and Tools for (Semi) Automated Exploitation of Massive Amounts of Digital Data for Forensic Purposes - Integration Project. Assoc. Prof. Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė. 2014–2017.

Project aimed at creation of new methodology and technique for optimization of IT examinations by means of new technologies and involvement of the customer in the examination’ process. During the project and after experiments AdLab and Summation technologies were integrated into the workflow, case data processing was centralised, and the customer was involved into the data review process.  Guidelines on AdLab and Summation Applications in Forensic IT Examinations were prepared and CD’s containing presentations and training material for law enforcement officers developed.

Participation in the Working group on the Evaluation of Implementation Practice of the Law of Probation in Lithuania. Supported by the Prison Department under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Michailovič. 2016.

Contractual Research

The legal research expertize to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania provided by Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas.


Ministry of Justice (Lithuania)
Prosecutor General Office (Lithuania)
Supreme Court of Lithuania
Appeal Court of Lithuania
Prison Department (Lithuania)


Prof. Dr. A. Abramavičius –

Prof. Dr. J. Prapiestis –

Prof. Habil. Dr. G. Švedas –

Assoc. Prof.  G. Goda –

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. G. Sakalauskas –

  • editorial board member of the journal Criminological Studies;
  • editorial board member of the journal Applied Research in Health & Social Sciences: Interface & Interaction;
  • editorial board member of the journal Nowa Kodyfikacja Prawa Karnego (Poland, Vroclav);
  • member of Lithuanian Association of Criminology.

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. G. Juodkaitė-Granskienė –

  • chairman of Coordination council of forensic experts activities of Lithuanian;
  • chairman of Lithuanian Association of Criminalists;
  • member of Baltic Network of Forensic Science Institutions;
  • member of European Network of Forensic Science Institutions.


Saulėtekio av. 9, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel.: 236 6169, 236 6170, fax: 236 6163

Head – Prof. Habil. Dr. Vytautas Nekrošius


Professors: Dr. T. Davulis (part-time), Habil. Dr. V. Mikelėnas, Dr. V. Mizaras, Habil. Dr. V. Nekrošius, Dr. D. Petrylaitė
Associate professors: Dr. T. Bagdanskis, Dr. A. Bitinas, Dr. D. Bublienė (part-time), Dr. L. Mikalonienė, Dr. R. Simaitis (part-time),  Dr. D. Soloveičik (part-time,) Dr. A. Taminskas, Dr. J. Usonis, Dr. V. Vėbraitė.
Lecturers: Dr. S. Aviža (part-time), Dr. S. Barakauskas, G. Bartkus (part-time), Dr. A. Brazdeikis (part-time), Dr. L. Didžiulis, Dr. S. Drazdauskas (part-time), M. Juonys (part-time), Dr. N. Kasiliauskas (part-time), Dr. Š. Keserauskas (part-time), Dr. T. Kontautas (part-time), Dr. E. Lauraitytė, E. Laužikas, Dr. P. Miliauskas, Dr. A. Paliukėnas (part-time), Dr. V. Petrylaitė, Dr. M. Rimkevičius (part-time), A. Šuminas, Dr. G. Urbanavičiūtė (part-time).
Assistants (all part-time): M. Austys, S. Cirtautaitė-Kaminskienė, G. Dabulskytė, E. Kurelaitytė,  G. Taminskaitė, M. Žukauskaitė.


Harmonisation and unification of private law according to EU law
Influence of EU law and European private law to the Lithuanian national civil law and civil procedure law
Flexibility and compatibility of social security of the regulation of labour law
Civil law
Civil procedure
Labour law
Social security law
Roman private law
Employment contract
Labour disputes
Collective agreement
Competition law
Corporate law
Law on Torts
Intellectual property law
Enforcement and bankruptcy in civil procedure
Family law
Public procurement law
International private law
International and EU civil law
International and EU civil procedure
International and EU labour law
International and EU social security law


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research on the Efficiency of Private Law. Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Nekrošius. 2016–2018.

Within the framework of this project the theoretical and practical problems of efficiency of private law at European Union and international levels were analysed.

Main publications:

Mikalonienė, L. 2016. Uždarosios akcinės bendrovės akcininko civilinė atsakomybė bendrovės kreditoriams, bendrovei ir kitiems akcininkams: monografija. Justitia: Vilnius, 210 p.  

Mikelėnas, V. 2016.  Turto vertintojų ir matininkų profesinės civilinės atsakomybės teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai. Šalies turtas ekonominėje politikoje- turto ekonomikos ir vadybos aspektai 2016: recenzuojamų mokslo darbų leidinys. Vilnius: Vilniaus universitetas, p. 154–165.

Mikelėnas, V., Nekrošius, V., Zemlytė, E. 2016. Lietuvos Respublikos Komercinio arbitražo įstatymo komentaras. Vilnius: Registrų centras, p. 191.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Convergence and Divergence of Companies: Is the Lithuanian Company Law Attractive in the International Context? Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Mikelėnas (Head), Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Mikalonienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Tikniūtė, Dr. P. Miliauskas, K. Vasiliauskas. 2015–2017.

The project’s scientific activities in 2016 year included meetings, participation with paper presentations in various conferences, analysis of collected material for scientific project and preparation of scientific publications.

Main publications:

Miliauskas, P., Lauraityte, E. 2016. Sustainable companies under the Lithuanian Company Law. International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal, vol. 11, nr. 3, p. 140–195.

Mikelėnas, V. 2016. Individualaus verslo teisinis reglamentavimas Lietuvoje: praeitis, dabartis, perspektyvos. Teisė, vol. 100, p. 7–19.

Mikalonienė, L. 2016. Bendrijų veiklos sutarties teisinis kvalifikavimas. Teisė, vol. 99, p. 79–91.

Research Council of Lithuania. Ways of Implementation of the Right to Civil Proceedings within a Reasonable Time. Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Nekrošius (Head), Assoc. Prof. Dr. R. Simaitis, Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Vėbraitė, Dr. A. Brazdeikis.

Within the framework of this national project the open-access scientific study in Lithuanian and English has been written. Also the international conference with scientific papers’ presentations on the ways of implementation of the right to civil proceedings within a reasonable time has been organised and other final activities have been realised.

Main publications:

Brazdeikis, A., et al. 2016. Asmens teisės į civilinės bylos išnagrinėjimą per protingą laiką įgyvendinimo sąlygos: mokslo studija (Ways of implementation of the right to civil proceedings within a reasonable time: scientific study.). Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 320 p.

Nekrošius, V., et al. 2016. Pasirengimo nagrinėti civilines bylas teisme įtaka bylai išnagrinėti per protingą laiką. Teisė, vol. 98, p. 7–15.

Nekrošius, V., et al. 2016. Grupės ieškinys kaip civilinio proceso paspartinimo priemonė. Teisė, vol. 98, p. 16–26.

International Research Projects

Participation in Erasmus Strategic Partnership Project: Development of Mediation Network in Civil and Criminal Cases to foster European Wide Settlements of Disputes (participating researchers: Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Vėbraitė, N. Toleikytė).
Within the framework of this project the open-access textbook Mediation to Foster European Wide Settlement of Disputes has been published. More information and book: http://mediation.turiba.lv/index.php?id=19.

Main publications:

Vėbraitė, V. 2016. Legal regulation of mediation and involved institutions: Lithuania. Mediation to Foster European Wide Settlement of Disputes. Ariccia: Aracne editrice S.r.l., p. 41–56.

Vėbraitė, V. 2016. Chapter 2. Legal regulation of mediation and involved institutions: Lithuania. Mediation in Civil and Criminal Cases to Foster European Wide Settlement of Disputes: e-book. Riga: Turiba University, p. 1–8.

Vėbraitė, V. 2016. Preparatory stage in the Baltic States: similarities and differences. Current Trends in Preparatory Proceedings. A Comparative Study of Nordic and Former Communist Countries. Eds. Ervo, L.; Nylund, A. Springer, p. 141–161.

Participation in EU TEMPUS Programme Project Training on Alternative Dispute Resolution as an Approach for Ensuring of Human Rights.

According to this project professors and assoc. professors of Vilnius University Faculty of Law participated in the seminars and conferences in Germany and Ukraine and presented their papers on arbitration, mediation and labour disputes in these events. Also the 5th Coordination Meeting was carried out at Vilnius University. More information: http://tradir.bsu.by/en/

Contractual Research

The Funding Models and their Practical Application for Waste System Administrator. The project was commissioned by Vilnius Waste System Administrator and implemented by the lecturers of the Vilnius University: Dr. L. Didžiulis, Dr. P. Miliauskas and G. Rumšas.


Law Institute of Lithuania (Lithuania)
Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition, Munich (Germany)
The British Institute of International and Comparative Law, London (United Kingdom)
Lithuanian Chamber of Notaries (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Chamber of Bailiffs (Lithuania)


Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Mikelėnas –

  • member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, http://lma.lt/index.php?pg=.000002121.000004236.000004249.000004253&lang=lt;
  • editorial board member of the journal European Review of Private Law;
  • editorial board member of the journal Justitia;
  • member of the research Project of the Study Group on a European Civil Code;
  • member of the European Commission on Family Law;
  • member of the Network on European Private Law.

Prof. Habil. Dr. V. Nekrošius –

  • editorial board member of the journal Teisė (Law), http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/index.php/teise/pages/view/editorial-board;
  • editorial board member of the journal Justitia;
  • president of Lithuanian Lawyers’ Association;
  • public Advisor to the Minister of Justice for Civil Law, Civil Procedure and Institutional Affairs;
  • notaries public competition commissioner;
  • expert member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • teacher in Judges Training: Civil Procedure, EU Civil Procedure;
  • national representative of the project Tuning Educational Structures in Europe;
  • member of International Association of Procedural Law.

Prof. Dr. T. Davulis –

  • vice-president of the Lithuanian Department of International Society for Labour Law and Social Security, http://www.asociacion.org.ar/ISLLSS/ingles/index_ing.htm;
  • vice president of the Lithuanian Association of Jurists,  http://www.ltd.lt/index.php?MenuID=15;
  • member of the Lithuanian Bar Examination Commission,  http://www.advoco.lt/?item=egzkomisija&lang=1;
  • editorial board member of the journal Teisė (Law), http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/index.php/teise/pages/view/editorial-board;
  • editorial board member of the journal Justitia;
  • editorial member of VĮ Registrų centras;
  • editorial board member of the legal journal of University of Latvia Latvijas Universitātes žurnāls. Juridiskā zinātne (Journal of the University of Latvia. Law);
  • editorial board member of the legal journal of Krakow Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Studia Prawnicze;
  • editorial board member of the legal journal of Byelorussia Трудовое и социальное право;
  • scientific editor of the E-Journal of International and Comparative Labour Studies;
  • response Council member of the  journal European Labour Law Journal;
  • member of the International Society for Labour Law and Social Security;
  • member of the European Commission’s Network of independent legal experts in the fields of employment, social affairs and equality between women and men;
  • member of European Labour Law Network;
  • vice-president of Lithuanian Lawyers’ Association;
  • member of the International Network of Doctoral Studies in Law Commission.

Prof. Dr. V. Mizaras –

  • Honorary Consul of the Republic of Austria with consular jurisdiction over the Republic of Lithuania;
  • editorial board member of the journal Teisė (Law), http://www.zurnalai.vu.lt/index.php/teise/pages/view/editorial-board;
  • editorial board member of the journal Justitia;
  • member of the International Association for the Advancement of Teaching and Research in Intellectual Property (ATRIP), (www.atrip.org);
  • epresentative of International Academy of Comparative Law in Lithuania;
  • editorial board member of the journal Queen Merry Journal of Intellectual Property Law, (http://www.elgaronline.com/qmjip);
  • peer reviewer of the journal International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law (IIC);
  • member of working group on EU Copyright Law (European Law Institute), (www.europeanlawinstitute.eu);
  • National reporter by Common Core of European Private Law project Security Rights in Immovable Property (editors Cornelius van der Merve (South Africa), Gary Walt (UK), Francesca Fiorentini (Italy).

Prof. Dr. D. Petrylaitė

Dr. P. Miliauskas –

  • editorial board member of the Athens journal of Law ATINER – Athens Institute for Education and Research.


Saulėtekio av. 9 – I building, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6175, fax 236 6163

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Haroldas Šinkūnas


Professors: Dr. A. Andruškevičius, Dr. J. Machovenko, Dr. B. Sudavičius, Dr. E. Šileikis, Dr. D. Žalimas.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Bakševičienė (part time), Dr. L. Butkevičius, Dr. J. Galginaitis (part-time), Dr. J. Gumbis, Dr. I. Isokaitė, Dr. I. Jarukaitis, Dr. G. Lastauskienė, Dr. L. Meškauskaitė (part-time), Dr. V. Milašiūtė (part-time), Dr. A. Normantas, Dr. J. Paužaitė-Kulvinskienė, Dr. H. Šinkūnas (part-time), Dr. V. A. Vaičaitis, Dr. S. Žalimienė, Dr. I. Žvaigždinienė.
Lecturers: Dr. N. Bruskina (part-time), Dr. I. Danėlienė (part-time), Dr. M. Endrijaitis,  Dr. U. Gailiūnienė, Dr. L. Griškevič (part-time), D. Kriaučiūnas (part-time), Dr. R. Latvelė (part-time), Dr. A. Limantė (part-time), Dr. M. Limantas (part-time), Dr. M. Lukas (part-time), Dr. E. Matulionytė (part-time), Dr. D. Murauskas (part-time), Dr. L. Paškevičienė (part-time), Dr. A. Paulauskas, Dr. D. Poška (part-time), Dr. A. Stonys (part-time), Dr. R. Svetikaitė (part-time), G. Užubalis (part-time), Dr. D. Valančienė (part-time), Dr. V. Vasiliauskas (part-time), Dr. A. Veršelytė(part-time), J. Zaleskis (part-time).  
Assistants (all part-time): S. Balčiūnė, J. Baltrimas, A. Juškevičiūtė-Vilienė, M. Matulevičiūtė, R. Vaišvilienė.


Theory of law
Theory of state
History of law
History of state
Legal sociology
Legal philosophy
Constitutional justice
Constitutional principles
Parliamentarism, Ombudsmen
Administrative courts
Principles of public administration
Ecological responsibility
Problems of the taxes’ administration
Public international law
Diplomatic and consular law
EU law
EU institutional law
Humanitarian law
EU substantial law
NATO and its legal framework
NGO and its legal framework
Comparative law of modern legal systems
Law of refugees
Private international law
Legal informatics in global and EU context
Law of international organizations
History of international relations
Law of treaties
EU constitutional law
Case law of the European Union Court of Justice
Human Rights in Europe and EU
Law of the sea
International trade law


Projects Supported by University Budget

Lithuanian Legal Tradition and Dynamics of Conception of Law. Assoc. Prof. H. Šinkūnas. 2016–2018.

Main publications:

Griškevič, L., et al. 2016. Lietuvos konstitucionalizmo istorija: (istorinė Lietuvos Konstitucija): 1387 m. – 1566 m. –1791 m. –1990 m.: monografija. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 276 p.

Machovenko, J. Isokaitė, I. (sud.). 2016. Konstitucionalizmo idėja, bendroji Europos teisė ir Lietuvos konstitucinė tradicija: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 292 p.

Valanciene, D. 2016. Is Dialogue Between Neuroscience and Social Sciences Inevitable? Reflections on Scientific Articles. Transformations in Business & Economics, vol. 15, no. 1 (37), p. 34–54.

History of the Lithuanian Public Law of the 13th–20th Centuries. Prof. J. Machovenko. 2016.

Main publications:

Machovenko, J. 2016.  Konstitucionalizmo idėjos įgyvendinimas: nuo Uruinimginos teisingumo atkūrimo įsakų iki pirmosios bangos konstitucijų. Konstitucionalizmo idėja, bendroji Europos teisė ir Lietuvos konstitucinė tradicija: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Sud. Machovenko, J.; Isokaitė, I. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla,  p. 39–68.

Machovenko, J. 2016. 1564 m. liepos 1 d. bendravalstybinės LDK privilegijos vertimas į lietuvių kalbą. Teisė, vol. 100, p. 121–128.

Маховенко, Е., Рандакявичюте, Ю. 2016. Аучный прогресс и право: quo vadis? Проблемы гражданского права и процесса: cборник научных статей. Гродно: Гродненский государственный университет имени Янки Купалы,  p. 209–221.

National Research Projects

Lithuanian Research Council. EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as the Application of the Standard for the Protection of Individual Rights at Supranational and National Levels.  Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Žalimienė (head), Prof. Dr. T. Davulis, Dr. I. Danėlienė, Dr. S. Kavalnė. 2014–2016.

Research is aimed at the analysis of the relevant legal regulation and application of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on the national and supranational levels, as well as the determination of the problems of the protection of individual rights, and identification of the standard of fundamental rights protection within the Charter. Within the framework of this project the national conference Application of EU Charter as a Standard of Individual Rights’ Defence at Supra- and National Levels was organised on the 4th of November, 2016.

Main publications:

Davulis, T. 2016. Lithuanian Labour Law in the Context of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Studia z zakresu prawa pracy i polityki społecznej. Kraków: Uniwersytet Jagielloński, p. 291–312.

Žvaigždinienė, I., Danėlienė, I. 2016. Teisė į sveiką ir švarią aplinką – konstitucinė žmogaus teisė. Konstitucionalizmo idėja, bendroji Europos teisė ir Lietuvos konstitucinė tradicija: recenzuotų mokslinių straipsnių rinkinys. Sud. Machovenko, J.; Isokaitė, I. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, p. 171–194.

Žaltauskaitė-Žalimienė, S., Milašiūtė, V. 2016. Implications of a broad application of the EU Charter of fundamental rights by domestic courts for the level of protection of fundamental rights. European Yearbook on Human Rights 2016. Antwerp: Intersentia, NWV, p. 135–153.


National Court Administration (Lithuania)
Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania
Law Institute of Lithuania
State Commission of Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)


Prof. Dr. B. Sudavičius –

  • editorial board member of the journal Central and Eastern European Legal Studies (Athens, Greece). http://www.eplo.eu;
  • reviewer of the periodical publication Публичные финансы и налоговое право. Ежегодник (Voronezh, Russia, http://www.vsu.ru;)
  • editorial board member of the journal Law Enforcement Review (Omsk University);
  • member of European Public Law Organization (Athens, Greece);
  • scientific council member of the European Public Law Organization (Athens, Greece);
  • member of Organization of Public Finances and Tax Law of Central and Eastern European countries (Bialystok, Poland);
  • scientific council member of the Centre of Organization of Public Finances and Tax Law of CEE (Bialystok, Poland).

Prof.  Dr. J. Machovenko –

Prof. Dr. E. Šileikis –

Prof. Dr. D. Žalimas –

  • editorial board member of the Baltic Yearbook of International Law Review, http://www.brill.nl/m_brill.asp?sub=6;
  • editorial board member of the Periodical of University of Latvia Latvijas Universitãtes žurnãls. Juridiskã zinãtne (Journal of the University of Latvia);
  • academic activities head of the EIUC in Lithuania (European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation) in charge of E.MA study programme.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. S. Žalimienė –

  • editorial board member of the journal Administrative Jurisprudence of the Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. V. A. Vaičaitis –

  • editorial board member of the  journal Legisprudence;
  • member of the International Association of Constitutional Law, IACL;
  • member of the International Association for the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR);
  • president of the association Ateitis Federation;
  • organising committee chairman of the international conference 1990 March 11th in Lithuanian Constitutionalism Context, 2016 03 10.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Isokaitė –

  • president of the European Union Studies Association.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. I. Jarukaitis –

  • editorial board member of the journal Administrative Jurisprudence of Supreme Administrative Court of Lithuania.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Milašiūtė –

  • editorial board member of legal journal of Lithuanian Law Institute Legal Problems

R. Juozapaitienė –

  • member of the Iuris Canonici Medii Aevi Consociatio;
  • member of the Societas Classica;
  • member of the European Society for Comparative Legal History, ESCLH.

R. Vaišvilienė –

  • director of NOHA Lithuania (Network on Humanitarian Action, International Network association).