Institute of Foreign Languages

Sukurta: 31 July 2017

uki5 Universiteto, LT–01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7266, fax. 268 7265

Director – Prof.  Dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė


73 teachers (incl. 21 holding research degree), 5 doctoral students.




Process of Teaching and Learning Modern Languages: Competences, Methodologies, Tendencies
Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages
Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Literatures and Cultures
Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competences
Translation Theory and Practice


Monograph by Prof. Danguole Melnikiene L’onomatopée ou le monstre hybride published in Paris, Éditions Hermann Publishing House.


Seminar on Theoretical and Practical Issues of Corpus Linguistics
Seminar Political Reality through Metaphor
Seminar and round table discussion: Characteristics of Generation Z: Implications for Language Learning and Teaching
Seminar The position of the reflexive marker-si from the generative syntax perspective


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7271

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aušra Janulienė


Professor: Dr. J. Korostenskienė.
Associate professors: Dr. L. Arcimavicienė, Dr. A. Janulienė, Dr. L. Bikelienė.
Lecturers: Dr. O. Medvedeva, Dr. A. Riley, R. Bačiulienė, V. Bitinaitė, V. Eimulienė,  V. Gricius, V. Jonaitienė, J. Kirejeva, A. Kuokštienė, L. Marčiulionytė, R. Montvilienė, B. Palovienė, G. Pleikienė, R. Sirvydė, D. Snapkauskaitė, V. Stankūnienė, R. Valiukienė, D. Vasiliauskienė, L. Vaškelienė.
Doctoral student: S. Kontrimienė.


Cognitive linguistics
Corpus linguistics
Contrastive syntax and semantics
Teaching English for specific purposes (ESP): academic English, English for professional purposes
Teacher training
Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages. Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė. 2010–2017.

The research in 2016 has been focused on generative syntax, the aspectual projection in Russian and Lithuanian, the interchange in the layout of the reflexive/ reciprocal marker and the verb in prefixed and prefixless Lithuanian verbs. The academic staff of the department also analysed issues of Lithuanian students’ writing in English, metaphors as a strategy of persuasion in political communication, issues of synonymy as well as the usage and meaning differences of English borrowings of the IT field in the Russian language and their native counterparts.

Main publications:

Bikeliene, L. 2016. Evaluative adjectives in Lithuanian and native students’ English writing. Kalba ir kontekstai (Language in Different Contexts). Vilnius: Lietuvos edukologijos universitetas,  vol. 7, no. 1, part 1, p. 197–206.

Korostenskiene, J. 2016. On some properties of the aspectual projection and verbal movement in Russian and Lithuanian. Darnioji daugiakalbystė (Sustainable Multilingualism). Kaunas: Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas,  vol. 8, p. 101–121.

Janulienė, A., Andriulaitytė, J. 2016.  On English IT field borrowings in modern Russian. Darnioji daugiakalbystė (Sustainable Multilingualism). Kaunas: VytautoDidžiojouniversitetas, vol. 8, p. 81–100.

Translation Theory and Practice

The academic staff of the Department have been active in the area of translation from/into English. Quite a few Vilnius University scholars’ research articles, BA and MA self-assessment reports as well as other documents have been translated into English.

Main publication:

Sophia Amoruso, #GIRLBOSS. Mano sėkmės istorija. Tyto alba, 2016. 239 p., translated from English by Rūta Montvilienė.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competencies . Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė. 2010–2017.

The teaching staff of the Department analyse the developmental issues of professional and general competences, apply research results to the teaching practice. This research trend also encompasses the department teachers’ insights into foreign language teaching methods, learners’ assessment and self-assessment, innovative approaches and new technologies, psychological-pedagogical teaching-learning aspects.


Research project Lexico-grammatical variation in advanced learner varieties funded by the Central Research Development Fund of the University of Bremen, Germany, one of eleven “Universities of Excellence” in Germany that compete internationally in top-level research. Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Bikelienė.

Nordplus Horizontal project ILTICS (Integrated Language Teaching in the Field of Cross-border Security)  that contributes to the development of Nordic and Baltic cooperation between higher and vocational education by sharing best CLIL related practices and results. Coordinator: Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Partners: Vilnius University (Lithuania), Border and Coast Guard Academy (Finland). Project period: September 2015–September 2016, Participants: Lect. R. Valiukienė and lect. of the English Department of Physical and Biomedical Sciences A. Statkevičienė.


Assoc. Prof. Dr. A. Janulienė –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of the Association of Applied Linguistics in Lithuania;
  • member of the English Speaking Union;
  • editorial board member of the journal Verbum.

Prof. Dr. J. Korostenskienė –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of ISFLA (International Systemic Functional Linguistics Association);
  • member of DGKL / GCLA  (German Cognitive Linguistics Association).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Bikelienė –

  • member of LITAKA (Association of Applied Linguistics);
  • member of Learner Corpus Association (Université Catholique de Louvain Centre for English Corpus Linguistics).

Dr. O. Medvedeva –

Dr. A. Riley –

  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA).

Lect. B. Palovienė –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • President of the English Speaking Union, Lithuania;
  • member of ILNA (International Local Network Association).

Lect. V. Jonaitienė –

  • member of LAKMA;
  • member of US-LT association ALUMNI.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7268

Head – Prof. Dr. Roma Kriaučiūnienė


Professors:  Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė, Dr. V. Liubinienė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. L. Chodzkienė, Dr. Z. Mažuolienė, Dr. S. Postič
Lecturers: dr. D. Costello, A. Dapšienė, L. Giniūnienė, D. Gornatkevičienė, I. Gelžinytė, M. Ginaitytė, L. Inčiuraitė-Noreikienė,  D. Janavičienė, A. Jankūnienė, O. Kudirkienė,  L. Norvilienė, D. Pinkevičienė, A. Pranculienė,  I. Rozgienė,  H. Shipman,  R. Sirvydė, I. Stasiūnaitė, A. Statkevičienė, D. Straižytė, A. Trečiokaitė, D. Valūnas, L. Zavadskienė, E. Židonienė.
Assistants: I. Snukiškienė, V. Vaskelaitė.
Doctoral students: L. Inčiuraitė-Noreikienė, D. Pinkevičienė, I. Stasiūnaitė, L. Zavadskienė.


Applied linguistics
Teaching English for specific purposes (ESP): academic English, English for professional purposes  
Development of students’ linguistic and intercultural competences
Intercultural Communication
Teacher training
Development of New Generation of students
Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL)
Foreign language assessment and self-assessment


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages. Prof. Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė. 2010–2017.

One of the research trends of the Department is the analysis of structural and functional characteristics of the Germanic and Lithuanian languages. The research has been focused on the morphemic structure and formation of nominal words with neoclassical elements in the contemporary Lithuanian by the application of synchronic linguistic analysis, especially paying attention to directly and indirectly borrowed verbal derivational affixes in Lithuanian. This year the research has been expanded to loan adjective formations and adjective borrowings in the Baltic, Slavic, and Germanic languages, as well as the study of lexical expansion of the current English lexicon by novel lexical items. The research carried out by the members of the Department also falls into the area of sociolinguistics with a focus on the linguistic diversity and the new terminology of polylingualism, translanguaging and metrolingualism, examining the usage of elements of languages other than Lithuanian in everyday spoken discourse produced by city dwellers in working environments.

Main publications:

Inčiuraitė-Noreikienė, L., Stundžia, B.  2016. Searching for competing patterns in morphological derivation: the case of adjective borrowing. SKASE Journal of Theoretical Linguistics, vol. 13(2), p. 189–214.

Kriaučiūnienė, R., Sangailaitė, V. 2016. An inquiry into the processes of lexical expansion in current English. Verbum, no. 7, p. 127–143.

Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Literatures and Cultures. Prof. Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė. 2010–2016.

The traditions of literatures and cultures and their relationship with the Lithuanian language and culture have been analysed. The research encompassed literary, stylistic and gender studies, as well as comparing and contrasting the creation of English and Serbian national identities in Shakespeare’s Hamlet and the Romantic Montenegrin poet Njegoš’s Mountain Wreath.

Main publications:

Poštič, S. 2016. Apologija zemaljskog života: Montenj i zaokret k sebi (Žemiško gyvenimo apologija: Montegne'as ir posūkis į save).  Novi Sad, Serbija: Akademska knjiga, 188 p.

Costello, D. 2016. The Goodbye House, a Review. American Book Review 3: 2, p. 27.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competences. Prof.  Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė. 2010–2017.

The research focused on developmental issues of functional, professional and general competences and application of the research results to the teaching practice. It also encompasses the insights into the development of intercultural competence, foreign language teaching methods and Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) issues, learners’ assessment and self-assessment, foreign language acquisition and psychological-pedagogical teaching-learning aspects.

Main publications:

Chodzkienė, L. 2016. Bridging the gap between theory and practice in developing teachers’ intercultural communicative competence. Gerd-Bodo von Carlsburg (ed.). Baltische Studien zur Erziehungs-und Sozialwissenschaft: Strategies for Teacher Training. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, vol. 31, p. 321–341.

Kriaučiūnienė, R., Targamadzė V. 2016. Content and language integrated learning: Lithuanian teachers’ viewpoints. Proceedings of the international conference Multilingual Education – Challenges and Perspectives. Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, p.7–24.

Poštič, S. 2016. The role of watching American cartoons in learning English Toward Research-Based Education. Vilnius: Lithuanian Educational University.

The members of the Department have prepared a number course books and e-resources for learning and teaching English for specific purposes (ESP):

Ginaitytė. M. 2016. Vocabulary Booster and Speaking Tasks for Students of Ecology. Vilnius: Vilnius University Publishing House.

Janavičienė, D., Kriaučiūnienė, R., Poštič, S., Vaskelaitė, V. 2016. English for Students of Physics. Vilnius: Vilnius University Publishing House.

Trečiokaitė, A. Basic Medical Terms. 2016. Vilnius: Vilnius University Publishing House.


Nordplus Horizontal project NPHZ-2013/10022 Developing the Language Awareness Approach in the Nordic and Baltic Countries (DELA-NOBA), coordinated by Roskilde University (Denmark). Information about the project is available at: Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Chodzkienė.

Erasmus+ Programme Capacity‐Building in Higher Education (CBHE)project Fostering Competencies Development in Belarusian Higher Education (FOSTERC) (574087‐EPP‐1‐2016‐1‐ES‐EPPKA2‐CBHE‐SP, 2016-2019) coordinated by Polytechnic University of Valencia. Assoc. Prof. Dr. L. Chodzkienė-expert.

Horizontal Project ILTICS (Integrated Language Teaching in the Field of Cross-border Security) that contributes to the development of Nordic and Baltic cooperation between higher and vocational education by sharing best CLIL related practices and results. Coordinator: Estonian Academy of Security Sciences. Partners: Vilnius University (Lithuania), Border and Coast Guard Academy (Finland). Project period: September 2015–September 2016. Participants: lect. A. Statkevičienė and lect. of the English Department of Social Studies and Humanities R. Valiukienė.


Assoc Prof.  Dr. Z. Mažuolienė –

  • member of the European Association for Language Testing and Assessment. 

Dr. L. Chodzkienė –

  • member of ESSE (European Society for the Study of English);
  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (LAKMA);
  • editorial board member of the Scientific Committee of Wroclaw University, Poland.

Assoc. Prof.  Dr. R. Kriaučiūnienė –

  • President of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA);
  • editorial board member of the Scientific Committee of Wroclaw University, Poland;
  • member of European Language Council.

Lect. D. Pinkevičienė –

  • member of LITAKA (Association of Applied Linguistics);
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language.

Lect. L. Zavadskienė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (LAKMA);
  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA);
  • member of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL).


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7271

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Dalia Bukauskaitė


Associate professors: Dr. V. Banionytė, Dr. D. Bukauskaitė, Dr. V. J. Pukevičiūtė.
Lecturer: Dr. D. Jarmalavičius.


Comparative linguistics
History of linguistics
German for specific purposes
German Literature of 19–20 c.c.
Foreign language teaching methodology
Development of learning to learn competence
Research methodology
Terminology translation problems


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research in Structural and Functional Peculiarities of the Germanic, Romance, Slavonic and Lithuanian Languages. Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Banionytė. 2010–2016.

Research focused on semantic differences of sentence patterns including verbs of motion in General and Academic German. Semantic types of sentences in General German compared to Academic German texts in the field of biology and astronomy were investigated, the results are important for the development of teaching materials for German for Specific purposes and Academic German classes.
The compounding of German nouns in the manuscript of anonymous German-Lithuanian dictionary Lexicon Lithuanicum from the 17th c. were also analysed: the types of German nouns based on their left-hand members containing a linking element were discussed, and the structure of compound words from the perspective of word-formation of their units was described.

Main publications:

Banionytė, V. 2016. Zu den semantischen Satzmodellen mit den Verben des Ortswechsels am Beispiel der deutscen Allgemeinsprache und der Wissenschaftssprache der Biologie. Santalka: Filologija, Edukologija. Vilnius: VGTU leidykla Technika, vol. 20, no.2, p. 133–140.  

Banionytė, V. 2016. Zum Vergleich der semantischen Satzmodelle der deutschen Allgemein- und der deutschen Wissenschaftssprache. Mokslo darbai: Kalba ir kontekstai. LEU leidykla, vol. VII(1), part 1, p. 184–196.  

Jarmalavičius, D. 2016. XVII a. anoniminio rankraštinio žodyno Lexicon Lithuanicum sudurtiniai vokiečių kalbos daiktavardžiai. Acta linguistica Lithuanica. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos instituto leidykla, vol. 74, p. 54–67.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competencies. Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. J. Pukevičiūtė. 2010–2017.

The research focused on the development of students’ competences of planning their independent learning process - learning how to learn.  Importance of the students’ ability and readiness to effectively plan their learning in the context of the development of learning to learn skills was investigated and the competence of students to plan the learning itself measured. The use of the closed tasks for reading assessment in teaching foreign languages for specific purposes at university level was analysed.

Main publications:

Pukevičiūtė, V. J. 2016. Einstellung der Studenten auf ihre Kompetenzen zur selbstständigen Lernplanung im Kontext vom Lernen des Lernens. Language Acquisition: Problems and Perspectives (sud.Diana Laiveniece),Cambridge Scholars Publishing, p. 78–90.

Pukevičiūtė, V. J. 2016. Einstellung der Studierenden zur Entwicklung ihrer metakognitiven Kompetenz beim Fremdsprachenlernen. Valodu apguve: problēmas un perspektīva: zinātnisko rakstu krājums. Liepāja: LieP, vol. 12. A, p. 29–40.

Bukauskaitė, D., Jarmalavičius, D. 2016.Einsatz von geschlossenen Aufgaben beim Prüfen des Leseverstehens im Fachsprachenunterricht an der Universität Vilnius. Verbum. , vol. 7, p. 190–207.


Assoc. Prof. D. Bukauskaitė –

  • member of International Johannes Bobrowsky’s Association.


5 Universiteto, LT-01513 Vilnius
Tel. 268 7271

Head – Prof. Dr. Danguolė Melnikienė


Professors: Dr. D. Balšaitytė, Dr. D. Melnikienė, N. Kašelionienė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. C. Caro Dugo, Dr. L. Garbul, Dr. V. Makarova, Dr. D. Mickūnaitytė (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. J. A. Calzon, Dr. A. Belovodskaja, S. Kosova, A. Kučinskienė, A. Rascon Caballero, R. Širiakovaitė, R.Tamošaitienė, J. Gonsales Krus, R. Pankova, L. Pavan, N. Petrauskienė, I. Subačienė, M. Šeleg.


Content integrated language learning (CLIL)
Cognitive linguistics
Inter-Slavonic language contacts
Russian phonetics and phonology
Translation studies
Literary studies


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research of the Structures (Grammatical, Lexical, Semantic and Stylistic Peculiarities) of the Romance, Slavic and Lithuanian Languages, their Integration into the Teaching Process and Lexicographic Practice. Prof. Dr. D. Melnikienė. 2010–2016.

Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Literatures and Cultures. Prof. Dr. D. Melnikienė. 2010–-2016.

Research included analysis of some aspects of bilingual lexicology, such as French and Lithuanian onomatopoeias, which in a way imitate the sounds of the surrounding world. Various aspects of this phenomenon have been analysed, those connected not only with lexicology, lexicography, but language philosophy and search of a proto-language as well.

Main publications:

Melnikienė, D. 2016. L’onomatopée ou le monstre hybride. Paris, Hermann Editeur, 271 p.

Melnikienė, D. 2016. Les onomatopées et les théories de la glotto-genès Vilniaus universitetas. Kalbų studijos. Kaunas : Technologija, nr. 28, p. 5–16.

Melnikienė, D. 2016. Le dictionnaire qui offre les « bruits du monde » .Verbum, vol. 7, p. 265–270.

Translation Theory and Practice

Another focus of research falls on translation theory and the issues of literary translation from Lithuanian: linguistic means to describe beating, drunkenness and swearing in the poem by K. Donelaitis translated into Spanish and English, study of the strengths and weaknesses of the translation of the poem by Paul Verlaine Chanson.

Main publications:

Caro Dugo, C. 2016. Donelaičio Metų vertimai į ispanų ir anglų kalbas: vaizdingumo perteikimas, stiliaus išlaikymas. Kristijono Donelaičio reikšmės: straipsnių rinkinys (sud. Mikas Vaicekauskas). Vilnius: Lietuvių literatūros ir tautosakos institutas, p. 360–376.

Melnikienė, D. 2016. "Nuln'estprophète en son pays?". Quelquesréflexionssur la traduction de la Chanson d'automne de Paul Verlaine en lituanien L'actualité de verlaine. Metz : Les amis de verlaine. Association internationale de poésiefrançaise, no 7. p. 25–29.

Макарова, В. 2016. О методике обучения навыкам письменного перевода (на материале русского и литовского языков). Art-Sanat.  Special issue of the international virtual forum Istanbul 2016: Humanitarian Aspects in Geocultural Space, p. 350–355.  

Research in Germanic, Romance and Slavonic Literatures and Cultures.

The research field has been represented by the analysis of the image of Georgia in the mass media of Russia in the period of 2001–2009, provisions of child education in the Russian worldview at the beginning of the 19th and the middle of the 20th c., comparison of English and Russian e-cards, their semantic, grammatical and printing style peculiarities as well as the relationship between the reality and its visual representation on the cards.

Main publications:

Макарова, B., М. Юневич. 2016.  Русская и английская картины мира сквозь призму электронных открыток.

Мовна особистість: лінгвістика і лінгводидактика. Випуск ІII. Київ-Черкаси : Вид-во Чабаненко Ю. А., 2016. p. 71–89.

Макарова, В. 2016. Медиаобраз Грузии в СМИ России и Литвы 2001–2009 г.г. Kalba ir kontekstai, vol. vii (1), p. 70–81.

Language Teaching as a Prerequisite of the Development of Professional Competences.

The academic staff of the Department were focusing on various language acquisition issues and ways of helping students to overcome learning difficulties caused by differences between the systems of the mother tongue and the target language.

Main publication:

Pavan, L. 2016. Preposizioni Italiane e Articoli: difficoltὰ e strategie nell‘apprendimento ai livelli piu bassi del qcer. Verbum, vol. 7, p. 252–260.


A new version of the Lithuanian-French dictionary. The project is supported by the French Embassy and Institute of the Lithuanian Language. Prof. Dr. D. Melnikiene – Head of the team.


Prof. Dr. D. Melnikienė –

  • editor-in-Chief of the journal Verbum;
  • editorial board member of the international journal Les Cahiers du dictionnaire (France);
  • editorial board member of the international journal Skene (Italy);
  • member of the international association Réseau Lexicologie, Terminologie, Traduction;
  • editorial board member of the Studi di letteratura francese (Casa Editrice Leo S. Olschki Firenze, Italy).

Prof. Dr. D. Balšaitytė –

  • editorial board member of the philological periodical Respectus philologicus;
  • editorial board member of the journal Verbum;
  • international editorial board member of the journal Социо- и психолингвистические исследования (Russia).

Assoc. Prof. Dr. C. C. Dugo –

  • editorial board member of the journal Verbum;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators,
  • member of International Association of Teachers of Spanish.

Assoc. Prof. Dr. V. Makarova –

  • editor of the philological periodical Respectus philologicus;
  • editor of the journal Verbum (Lithuania).

Lect. J. G. Cruz –

  • member of the Language Teachers’ Association of Lithuania (LKPA).


Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
University of Bremen (Germany)
University of Bari (Italy)
Belarus State University (Belarus)
Cagliari University (Italy)
Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)