Centre for Religious Studies and Research

Sukurta: 21 August 2017

rstcUniversiteto 9/1–105, LT–01513 Vilnius
Tel. / faks. 268 7189
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Director - Prof. Dr. Rita Šerpytytė







Professors: Dr. R. Šerpytytė, Dr.  T. Sodeika.
Associate professors: Dr. A. K. Pažėraitė, Dr. M. Gutauskas (part-time), Dr. D. Bacevičiūtė (part-time).
Lecturer – Dr. V. Mackela (part-time).
Assistant – Dr. V. Daraškevičiūtė (part-time).


Religion and Culture


Religion and everyday life: challenges of the contemporary world
Philosophy of religion
New religious movements
Nihilism and secularization
Religion and visualization
Role of the Church in the post-modern transformations


Conference Modernity, Postmodernity, Contemporaneity, May 6–7, 2016 (with Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology, Department of Philosophy, and Department of Logic and History of Philosophy of VU) (http://www.rstc.vu.lt/naujienos/345-konferencija-modernybe-postmodernybe-siuolaikybe).

International seminar for PhD students, May 28, 2016 (http://www.rstc.vu.lt/naujienos/350-tarptautinis-doktorantu-seminaras-diskusija).

XVIII session of the international seminar Three Cultures – Three Religions – “the Feast”, June 20–25, 2016 (http://www.rstc.vu.lt/programme-1)


The collection of articles. Šerpytytė, R. (Ed.). Emmanuel Levinas: A Radical Thinker in the Time of Crisis. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla, 2015 (2016), 214 p.

Šerpytytė, R. 2016. Essere nichilista. Con Heidegger tra Nietzsche e Christianesimo. Tropos. Rivista di ermeneutica e critica filosofica (red. G. Vattimo, G. Chiurazzi). Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l., nr. 1, p. 79–92.

Sodeika, T. 2016. Zu den Sachen selbst: Phänomenologie, Erste Philosophie und die Schriftilchkeit, in Murat Ates, Oliver Bruns, Choong-Su Han, Ole Sören Schulz (Hg.) Überwundene Metaphysik? Beiträge zu Konstellation von Phänomenologie und Metaphysikkritik. Verlag Karl Alber: Frankfurt / München, S. 48–58.


Projects Supported by University Budget

Religion and Culture. Prof. R. Šerpytytė. 2016.

Interdisciplinary Research on Religion. Prof. R. Šerpytytė. 2001–2016.

During 2016 the material for the publishing of scholarly journal Religion and Culture (vol. 13; 9 articles) was prepared, 7 papers at the international seminar were presented and one article in conference proceedings was published.

Main publications:

Daraškevičiūtė, V. 2016. Ontology as Practical Hermeneutics, in Images of Europe. Past, Present, Future. ISSEI 2014 – Conference Proceedings. Ed. by Yolanda Espiña. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, p. 1225–1231. Format: eBook (PDF).

Šerpytytė, R. 2016. Nihilism and Ontlogy of the Accident. In Images of Europe. Past, Present, Future. ISSEI 2014 – Conference Proceedings. Ed. by Yolanda Espiña. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, p. 1188–1197. ISBN: 978-989-8366-82-5. Format: eBook (PDF).

Sodeika, T. 2016. Ontology in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction. In Images of Europe. Past, Present, Future. ISSEI 2014 – Conference Proceedings. Ed. by Yolanda Espiña. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, p. 1198–1206. Format: eBook (PDF).

Bacevičiūtė, D. 2016. Ontology and Ethics: In Search of Responsibility for the Technological Age. In Images of Europe. Past, Present, Future. ISSEI 2014 – Conference Proceedings. Ed. by Yolanda Espiña. Porto: Universidade Católica Editora, p. 1207–1215. Format: eBook (PDF).

International Research Projects

ONLENHER – Ontology. Language. Hermeneutics (under the guidance of Dr. Maria Teresa Oñate Zubia). Prof. R. Šerpytytė is a member of the international group of investigation ONLENHER at the National Distance Education University (UNED) in Spain. http://portal.uned.es/portal/page?_pageid=93,8843313&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL&idContenido=5
In 2016 the project was focused on the problems of contemporary hermeneutics. On the basis of the project investigations, there was one paper at the international seminar presented and one article published.

Main publication:

Šerpytytė, R. 2016. Hermenéutica y nihilismo: Vattimo versus Ferraris, in Teresa Onate, Jose Luis Diaz Arroyo, Paloma O. Zubia, Marco Antonio Hernandez Nieto, L. David Caceres (eds.). Con Paul Ricœur. Espacios de Interpelacion: Tiempo. Dolor. Justicia. Relatos. Madrid: Editorial Dykinson S.L, p. 541–550.


Centre for Philosophical and Religious Studies of Luigi Pareyson, Turin (Italy)
University of Turin (Italy)
University of Eastern Piedmont (Italy)
University of Lisbon (Portugal)
National Distance Education University (UNED) (Spain)
The Pontifical University of John Paul II Cracow (Poland)
University of Latvia (Riga)


Prof. R. Šerpytytė –

  • President of the Lithuanian Philosophy Teacher’s Association;
  • member and national representative (correspondent) of International Association for Philosophy Teachers (Association Internationale des Professeurs de Philosophie, enregistrée á Bruxelles), http://www.aipph.de;
  • editorial board member of the scholarly journal HYBRIS: Revista de Filosofia (HYBRIS: Journal of Philosophy), http://revistas.cenaltes.cl/index.php/hybris/about/editorialTeam;
  • editorial board member of the journal Žmogus ir žodis (Man and the Word), http://www.vpu.lt/leidykla/zmzodis2.php;
  • editor-in-chief of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt;
  • editorial board member of the journal Экзистенциальная традиция: философия, психология, психотерапия (Existential Tradition: Philosophy, Psychology, Psychotherapy), http://www.existrad.nm.ru;
  • member of the organising committee and jury of Lithuanian Philosophy Olympiad;
  • member of the Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) in Lithuania, http://www.kaad.de/deutsch/inhalt.htm;
  • member of the Research Council of Lithuania (Committee of Humanities and Social Sciences), http://www.lmt.lt/lt/apie-taryba/hsm.html;
  • chair of the Research Council of Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, http://lkti.lt/apie_mus/taryba.html;
  • board member of the Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
  • member of organising committee of international conference Existential Interpretation of Being Human in Philosophy and Psychology: Validity and Topicality, 3–6 October.

Prof. T. Sodeika –

Assoc. Prof. A. K. Pažėraitė –

  • authoress of Science and Encyclopaedia Publishing Institute;
  • directress of Lithuanian Jewish Culture Research Centre (in Lithuanian Culture Research Institute, former Culture, Philosophy and Arts Research Institute);
  • board member of the Lithuanian Society for the Study of Religion, http://en.religijotyra.lt/members/.

Assoc. Prof. M. Gutauskas –

  • editorial board member of the journal Religija ir kultūra (Religion and Culture), http://www.rstc.vu.lt;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Phenomenology;
  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
  • member of the Catholic Academic Exchange Service (KAAD) in Lithuania, http://kaadbonn.de/stipendien/.

Assoc. Prof. D. Bacevičiūtė –

Dr. V. Mackela –

Dr. V. Daraškevičiūtė –

  • member of the Lithuanian Society of Philosophers;
  • member of the Lithuanian Association of Aesthetics.