Faculty of Communication

Sukurta: 26 May 2021

kf9 Saulėtekio Ave, block 1, LT-01222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6101

Dean – Prof. Dr Rimvydas Laužikas



95 teachers (incl. 47 holding research degree), 8 research fellows (incl. 5 holding research degree), 14 doctoral students.

NOTE: In 2020, a structural reorganization was implemented at the Faculty of Communication. In accordance with the decision of the Faculty Council Order No. 160000-TP-6, the new research departments were established on September 1, 2020. Research results in 2020 also reflect the activities of the previous Departments, functional during January–August, 2020.


Department of Book, Media and Publishing Studies
Department of Digital Cultures and Communication
Centre for Journalism and Media Research
Department of Organizational Information and Communication Research


Lithuanian Studies: Philological, Cultural and Interdisciplinary Aspects. Research and Development
Information and Communication in Traditional and Network Society
Generating and Communicating Heritage


Arnas Aleksandravičius. Politinė komunikacija internete kaip lėšų rinkimo būdas (Online political communication as a method of fundraising).

Renata Stonytė. Politinių įvykių reprezentacija dokumentiniame kine: Ukrainos krizės atvejis (Representing political events in documentary films: the case of the Ukrainian crisis).

Tomaš Božerocki. Medijų ir atminties laikmenų komunikacinė reikšmė formuojant Armijos Krajovos kolektyvinę atmintį XX a. viduryje (Communicative significance of the media and memory drives in forming the collective memory of Armia Krajowa in the middle of the 20th century).

Austė Valinčiūtė. Public perceptions and online news media representations of vaccines in Lithuania (Visuomenės nuomonė ir internetinės naujienų žiniasklaidos reprezentacijos skiepų tema Lietuvoje).


Mikonis-Railienė, A., Šukaitytė, R., Martišius, M., Stonytė, R. Politinis lūžis ekrane: (po)komunistinė transformacija Lietuvos dokumentiniame kine, videokronikoje ir televizijoje. Ana Mikonis-Railienė, Renata Šukaitytė (Comp.). Vilnius: Vilnius University Press. 2020, 374 p.

Valinčiūtė, A. Lithuanian scientists’ behaviour and views on science communication. Public Understanding of Science. 2020, 29(3): 353–362.

Valinčiūtė, A., Schäfer, M. S. Lithuanians’ perceptions of vaccination and their sources of information: a literature review. International Journal of Public Health. 2020, 65: 981–991.



9 Saulėtekio Ave, block 1, LT-01222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6111, 236 6112, 236 6116
Head – Prof. Dr Aušra Navickienė


Professors: Dr Habil. D. Kaunas (emeritus), Dr R. Misiūnas, Dr A. Navickienė, Dr A. Pacevičius, Dr A. E. Walter (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr J. Girčienė, Dr T. Petreikis.
Teaching assistants: Dr R. Cicėnienė (part-time), Dr K. Tolkačevski (part-time).
Lecturers: A. Urbanavičiūtė-Globienė (maternity leave), F. Kepalienė (part-time).
Doctoral student: F. Kepalienė.


Media publishing and marketing
History, theory and methodology of book and other media research
Lithuanian studies
Evaluation and digitization of documentary heritage
Heritage, media and memory communication
History and documentary heritage of museums, libraries and archives
Age of Enlightenment and Romanticism in Lithuania and North Germany: memory and identity
Medieval-Modern Lithuanian written culture in the European context
Local lore studies
Science and scholarly communication


Projects Supported by University Budget

Documentary Media Evolution and Today's Effects. Prof. Dr A. Navickienė. 2020–2023.

The aim of the project was to analyse print culture in different historical periods, documentary heritage in today’s memory institutions, to investigate processes of traditional and digital publishing in network society, and to develop fundamental and applied research of documental communication disciplines. Main research results in 2020 were published in two studies in peer-reviewed books and in two articles in Scopus database referred journals, as well as have been presented at two scientific events.

Main publications:

Kepalienė, F.“Žalioji” atviroji prieiga Lietuvoje. Knygotyra. 2020, 75: 141–161.

Petreikis, T., Dapkievicz, J. Lietuvos Didžiosios Kunigaikštystės knygos lenkų kalba XVI a. antroje pusėje. Iš XVI a. Lietuvos knygos lenkų kalba: kontrolinis sąrašas; mokslo studija; XVIIXVII a. taisymai ir papildymai. 2020, 18–59.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. The State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme for 2016–2024. The research results dissemination project Publishing of Vilnius University Research Journal Knygotyra (Book Science) (Nr. LIP-073/2016/ LSS-160000-398). Prof. Dr A. Navickienė. 2019–2021.

The aim of the project was to ensure uninterrupted publishing of the open-access peer-reviewed scholarly journal Knygotyra (Book Science) and its functioning in the space of social sciences and humanities. In 2020, volumes 74 and 75 of Knygotyra (Book Science) were published.

Main publications:

Knygotyra (Book Science). Vilnius University Press. 2020, 74: 269 p.
Knygotyra (Book Science). Vilnius University Press. 2020, 75: 335 p.

Research Council of Lithuania. The State Lithuanian Studies and Dissemination Programme for 2016–2024. Martynas Jankus: a Unifier of the Nation and a Pressman (Nr. P-LIP-18-138). Prof. Dr Habil. D. Kaunas. 2018–2021.

The aim of the project was to carry out research on the subject Martynas Jankus: Unifier of the Nation and Pressman. The result will amount to a 42-quire monograph. For its preparation, in the year 2020 the third part was written, with a total of 20 authors’ quires. On the topic of the monograph, a paper entitled "Illegally issued postcard in the fight against national oppression" was presented at the St. Petersburg virtual scientific-practical conference "Information faceless - book individual" and published in a collection of the conference abstracts.


University of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
University of Wroclaw (Poland)
University of Latvia (Latvia)
Eutiner State Library, Research Centre for Historical Travel Culture (Germany)
Society for the History of Authorship, Reading and Publishing, SHARP (Global Society)


Teaching Assist. Dr R. Cicėnienė

  • editorial board member of the Lithuanian National Retrospective Bibliography;
  • editorial board member of the Folia bibliothecalia, a journal published by Książnica Podlaska im. Łukasza Górnickiego, in Bialystok;
  • editorial board member of the research papers Lietuvos mokslų akademijos Vrublevskių biblioteka.

Prof. Dr Habil. D. Kaunas

Prof. Dr A. Navickienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr T. Petreikis

Teaching Assist. Dr K. Tolkačevski

Prof. Dr A. Pacevičius

Prof. Dr Habil. A. E. Walter

  • editorial board member of the Aus Archiven, Bibliotheken, Museen Mittel- und Osteuropas - Studien, Verzeichnisse, Editionen (Cologne, Weimar, Wien: Böhlau-Verlag);
  • editorial board member of the book series Metropolis. Texte und Studien zu Zentren der Kultur in der europäischen Neuzeit (Berlin: Akademie-Verlag);
  • editorial board member of the Vossische Nachrichten - Mitteilungen der Johann Heinrich Voß-Gesellschaft.


  • Pacevičius, Arvydas. Podróże zbiorów rękopisów w XVIII–XIX wieku: prypadek Biblioteki Uniwersytetu Wileńskiego. International conference Littera Scripta Manet, Manuscripts in Libraries, Archives and Museums. The Scientific Library of the PAAS and the PAS in Cracow, Poland. 19–20 November 2020.
  • Kaunas, Domas. Нелегально изданная открытка в борьбе против национального угнетения. 4th international scientific and practical conference “Информация безлика — Книга индивидуальна” (“Information faceless - a book individual"), Saint Petersburg. 26–27 November 2020.





9 Saulėtekio Ave, block 1, LT-01222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6111, 236 6112, 236 6116
E-mail: ;
Head – Prof. Dr Elena Macevičiūtė


Professors: Dr R. Laužikas, Dr E. Macevičiūtė.
Associate professors: Dr J. Blažiūnas (part-time), Dr V. Grigas, Dr A. Gudinavičius (part-time), Dr Z. Manžuch, Dr M. Petrikas, Dr R. Repšienė (part-time), Dr A. Šuminas.
Teaching assistant: Dr J. Rudžionienė.
Doctoral students: D. Armakauskaitė, N. Charapan, J. Januškevičiūtė, I. Jovaišaitė-Blaževičienė, I. Kelpšienė, N. Latvytė, A. Šileris.


Digital and social inequalities in production, distribution and usage of cultural and entertainment services
Relation between digital cultures and digital inequality
Role of digital cultural entertainment in diminishing of digital divide
Aspects of cultural services and their consumption reducing digital and social divide


Projects Supported by University Budget

Manifestation of Digital Inequalities in Entertainment Cultures. Prof. Dr E. Macevičiūtė. 2020–2023.

The project aims to analyse differences in consumption of digital entertainment cultural services caused by digital and other social inequality, and study their manifestations as well as the potential to increase social and digital inclusion.

Main publications:

Manžuch, Z., Macevičiūtė, E. A life goals perspective on the information behaviour of the elderly adults. Information research. Proceedings of ISIC. 2020, 25(4). http://informationr.net/ir/25-4/isic2020/isic2005.html.

Manžuch, Z., Macevičiūtė, E. Digital comics reading program for reducing the digital exclusion of people with hearing impairments. In: Sustainable Digital Communities: 15th international conference, iConference 2020, Boras, Sweden, March 23–26, 2020: proceedings. 2020, 456–469. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 12051. doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-43687-2_36.

Gudinavičius, A., Markelevičiūtė, G. Using augmented reality in book publishing from a small language market perspective. Publishing Research Quarterly. 2020, 36(1): 43–54. doi: 10.1007/s12109-019-09704-1.

The Impact of Heritage Communication and Museums for Social Cohesion and Economic Growth in Lithuania. Prof. Dr R. Laužikas. 2017–2020.

Main publication:

Laužikas, R., Plikynas, D., Dulskis, V., Sakalauskas, L., Miliauskas, A. Agentinio modeliavimo taikymas kultūros tyrimų informacijos valdymui. Informacijos mokslai. 2020, 88: 8–28.

Digital Media Usage, Contexts and Impact Levels (Public, Organization And Individual) Basic And Applied Research. Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas. 2018–2020.

The research aims to expand the boundaries of knowledge and carry out international research on the use of digital media in cooperation with Lithuanian and foreign scientific, state institutions and business.

Main publication:

Šuminas, A., Kiliulytė, A. Politinės komunikacijos profesionalizacija Lietuvoje: 2016 m. Seimo rinkimų kampanijos atvejo analizė (Professionalization of political communication in Lithuania: 2016 Lithuanian parliament election case study). Parlamento studijos. 2020, 28: 47–71.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Connective Digital Memory in Borderlands: A Mixed-Methods Study of Cultural Identity, Heritage Communication and Digital Curation on Social Networks (Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-17-0027). Project leader – Assoc. Prof. Dr C. Dallas, Prof. Dr R. Laužikas, Assoc. Prof. Dr K. Kirtiklis, Assoc. Prof. Dr L. Murinienė, Assist. Dr V. Denisenko, doctoral student D. Armakauskaitė, doctoral student J. Gribovskis, doctoral student I. Kelpšienė, Assist. Dr R. Stonytė. 2020–2023.
The aim of the project is to reveal how memory practices on Lithuanian Social Network sites mediated by contested heritage shape cultural identities at transnational, national and intersectional level, advancing digital curation knowledge to save Lithuanian social digital memory from future obsolescence.

Research Council of Lithuania. Automated Heritage Monitoring of Urbanised Areas Implementing 3D Technologies (No. 01.2.2-LMT-K-718-01-0043). Head of the project - Prof. Dr Habil. Vladislav V. Fomin (since July 2020); project participants – Prof. Dr R. Laužikas, Dr T. Žižiūnas. 2018–2022.
The aim of the project is to develop knowledge based computer software and a methodology for automatic monitoring of urban heritage by implementing three dimensional (3D) technologies and artificial intelligence platforms (AI).

Main publication:

Žižiūnas, T., Amilevičius, D. 3D and AI technologies for the development of automated monitoring of urban cultural heritage. In: Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 2020: Proceedings of the digital humanities in the Nordic Countries: 5th conference (DHN 2020), Riga, Latvia, October 21–23, 2020. Aachen: CEUR-WS, p. 364–372. https://epublications.vu.lt/object/elaba:61989344/index.html.

International Research Projects

Project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Commission. Sharing New Perspectives: Your 3D View to Europeana (No. 2017-EU-IA-0139). Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas. 2018–2020.

The project uses interest in 3D as a driver to encourage end-users to engage with content that is accessible through Europeana in a creative and highly interactive way. User-friendly tools and storytelling services that were created during the project, offer end-users interesting, informative and memorable experiences of European Culture, in which they are able to browse cultural content, make links between related items, add descriptions and knowledge, and share the results with friends, colleagues, classmates, students, visitors and others.

European Regional Development Fund. Development of a Virtual Cultural Space that Meets the Needs of Society. Doctoral student I. Kelpšienė, Dr T. Žižiūnas, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Varnienė-Janssen. 2018–2021.
The main goal of this project is widening the gateway to digital cultural heritage. Objectives are to create 9 new e-services facilitating the search, accumulation, management and use of digitized cultural content for educational, research and other relevant issues to the subscribers of the portal epaveldas.lt.
The task of the Faculty of Communication in this project is the implementation, development and integration of the thesaurus of Lithuanian personal names, geographical names and historical chronology with the Virtual Electronic Heritage System.

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Media and Information Literacy & Innovative Teaching Methods Laboratory (No. 2017-1-LV01-KA203-035429). Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas, Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Jastramskis. 2017–2020.

The main objective of the project is creation of an international master study program "Media and Information Literacy" and formation of a virtual laboratory for development of innovative teaching and learning methods for media and information literacy (MIL) needs.

Main publication:

Šuminas, A., Jastramskis, D. The importance of media literacy education: how Lithuanian students evaluate online news content credibility. Central European Journal of Communication. 2020, 13(2): 230–248.

Project funded by the Connecting Europe Facility of the European Commission. Europeana Archaeology (No. 2018-EU-IA-0030). Project principal investigator: PhD student I. Kelpšienė; members: Prof. Dr V. Vaitkevičius, Dr Š. Valotkienė, Dr T. Žižiūnas. 2019–2020.

The impact of digital technologies amongst archaeologists and heritage professionals has increased the amount of digital content that is available online. A significant body of archaeological content is already available in Europeana, ranging from texts, images, drawings, plans and videos to 3D models. These were obtained from libraries, museums, archives, audiovisual archives, and heritage organisations across Europe.

Project funded by “Nordplus” programme for education in the Nordic and Baltic countries. DigMus: Empowering Museum Professionals with Digital Skills. Project coordinator – PhD student N. Charapan; participants – Prof. Dr R. Laužikas, doctoral student D. Armakauskaitė. 2020–2022.

This project positions itself in the domain of life-long education and aims at museum professionals in the Baltic and Nordic regions. It aims to map and strengthen the existing gap in professional competences and skills that will facilitate a more sustainable and multifold integration of digital collections into museum services.

Identity on the Line (I-ON) (No. EACEA 34/2018). Project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union and Research Council of Lithuania. Project manager – doctoral student N. Latvytė. Project administrator – doctoral student D. Armakauskaitė. Experts – Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Blažiūnas, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Repšienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr L. Murinienė, Dr T. Božerocki. 2019–2023.
(I-ON) is a large-scale cooperation project between six cultural history museums and one university, working together to explore the long-term consequences of different migration processes, forced or voluntary, which took place in Europe over the last 100 years. Through the collection and dissemination of experiences from former migrants and their descendants, summarized and placed in factual historical contexts, we will unfold and transmit common features of migration from past to future generations. Our priority is to reinforce the sense of belonging to a common European space to contemporary migrants, to those who have settled and their hosting communities.

The aim of the project is a transnational cooperation, the circulation of cultural works and players, which is assured by a broad cooperation between partners in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, Slovenia and Croatia. Starting with similar approaches and using the same methods, each partner (museum/university) will work on one important migration process in its country by collecting and facilitating sensitive narratives in local exhibitions and uncovering challenges which have not been addressed before. The main findings and common features will be summarized and made available as a joint travel exhibition within Europe and a digital package, free to download. The working process initiates interaction between partners and other professionals, aiming at skill transfer, the anchoring of successful methods among colleagues, as well as developing toolkits and school packages.

Project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland. Reclaimed Avant-garde (No. 11H 17 0144 85). Assoc. Prof. Dr M. Petrikas. 2018–2023.

International research and artistic project was initiated by the Zbigniew Raszewski Theatre Institute on the occasion of the Avant-garde Year 2017. It refers directly to theatre projects of the first half of the 20th century in Central and Eastern Europe, as a source of inspiration for contemporary artists, redefining at the same time a phenomenon of the historical avant-garde from the present perspective developed by historians and culture practitioners from this region.

The core of the project is an international team of experts from Central and Eastern Europe. The main goal of the team is to create a permanent international and transnational platform of cooperation between institutions and organizations interested in theatre, including defining common features of theatre culture in this part of the continent. The task of the team is to prepare an anthology and a lexicon presenting a panorama of the theatrical avant-garde of Central and Eastern Europe, which takes into account its diversity in the international context as well as the interdisciplinary dimension of this phenomenon.

Complex Development of Research Capacities and Services at Eszterházy Károly University. The investigation is conducted under the auspices of the Doctoral School of Education's Research Team, supported by the EFOP-3.6.1-16-2016-00001 project. Leader of the research group – Prof. Dr Habil. T. Koltay. Member of the research group – Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Grigas. 2017–2021.

This project examines the proper application of information literacy to public education, taking the wide variety of literacies (media literacy, media and information literacy) into account and focusing on critical thinking and reading, as well as the importance of communication.

CA COST Action CA15201. Archaeological Practices and Knowledge Work in the Digital Environment. 2016-2020. Funded by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Dr Isto Huvila (Uppsala University, Sweden). Vilnius University – Grant holder institution. Prof. Dr Rimvydas Laužikas – Science Representative, MC member and leader of WG3. Researchers – Prof. Dr V. Vaitkevičius, doctoral student I. Kelpšienė, Dr T. Žižiūnas took part at different WG. 2016–2020.
COST-ARKWORK brings together the multidisciplinary work of researchers of archaeological practices in the field of archaeological knowledge production and use. The aim of the network is to make a major push forward in the current state-of-the-art in knowing how archaeological knowledge is produced, how it is used and how to maximise its positive impact on society.

CA COST Action CA16123. New Exploratory Phase in Research on East European Cultures of Dissent. 2017–2021. Funded by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Dr Maciej Maryl (Instytut Badan literackich Polskiej akademii nauk, Poland). PhD student I. Kelpšienė, PhD student N. Charapan, PhD student N. Latvytė, Prof. Dr V. Vaitkevičius.

The main aim of the Action is to trigger the next discovery phase of this legacy through forging a new, reflexive approach and providing a platform for incubating networked, transnational, multidisciplinary and technology-conscious research with creative dissemination capacities.

COST Action CA16204. Distant Reading for European Literary History. The coordination activities are supported by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. COST member of the operational management committee (MC) – Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Gudinavičius. COST Deputy Chairman of the management committee (MC) – Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Grigas. 2017–2021.

CA COST Action CA18128. Saving European Archaeology from the Digital Dark Age. Funded by the EU Framework Programme Horizon 2020. Prof. Julian Richards (University of York Archaeology Data Service, UK). Prof. Dr R. Laužikas, doctoral student I. Kelpšienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Varnienė-Janssen, Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Gudinavičius. 2019–2023.
The main aim and objective of the Action is to mitigate the loss of primary archaeological data by developing common understandings around the stewardship of digital archaeological data, building new best-practice networks to support the preservation and open dissemination of archaeological data, and the creation of more inclusive research partnerships.

Making archaeological data open and freely accessible is a priority across EuropeHowever, but the domain lacks appropriate, persistent repositories. Due to the fragility of digital data and non-repeatable nature of most archaeological research, the domain is poised to lose a generation of research to the Digital Dark Age. The aim of the network is to bring archaeologists and data management specialists together to share expertise, and create resources that allow them to address problems in the most appropriate way.

COST Action CA18230. Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations. 2019–2023. The coordination activities are supported by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. COST member of the management committee (MC) – Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas, MC substitute – PhD student J. Januškevičiūtė.
The aim of this COST action is to build a network for the interdisciplinary study of the potential interactive digital narrative as a means to addressing complexity as a societal challenge by representing, experiencing and comprehending complex phenomena and thus also address the issue of "fake news". The challenge therefore is to change IDNs current status from ‘singular achievement’ of a small group of ‘initiated’ practitioners to ‘general practice’ of many media companies. The INDCOR project (Interactive Narrative Design for Complexity Representations) addresses this challenge by means of a coordinated effort in analyzing and generalizing design and production methods of stand-out IDN works with a particular focus on the representation of complex issues.

COST Action CA18236. Multidisciplinary Innovation for Social Change. 2019–2023. The coordination activities are supported by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. COST member of the management committee (MC) – Prof. Dr E. Macevičiūtė, MC substitute – Assoc. Prof. Dr Z. Manžuch.

The aim of this Action is to demonstrate, through the adoption of Multi-Disciplinary Innovation (MDI) methods, how we can respond to social problems with a design-led approach which has a problem-oriented ethos, supporting positive social change and the development of international public policy discourse. It will be achieved through the establishment of a Pan-European Public Sector Innovation (ePSI) lab. It will prepare students for roles in employment by integrating education programs into the lab’s operations and it will support agencies that have a role in responding to and developing public policy.

COST Action CA19119. Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels in the Iberian Cultural Area. 2020–2024. The coordination activities are supported by the EU Horizon 2020 programme. COST member of the management committee (MC) – Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Gudinavičius, MC substitute – Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas.
The iCOn-MICS Action aims at carrying out Investigation on Comics and Graphic Novels from the Iberian Cultural Area (Spain, Portugal, and Latin America). Today, Iberian comics are struggling to position themselves on the global scene particularly because of past political and economic crises and a strong lack of recognition. Moreover, research works are very scattered leading to redundant initiatives and sources are not easily accessible. iCOn-MICS will address it by structuring an international federating network of researchers, professionals, and end-users on Iberian comics to gather research works and improve access to it and to the sources; strengthening its dissemination and preservation; and improving practices for using comics as an educational tool to highlight and improve the image of this medium. To achieve those objectives, the network integrates 11 European countries, including 7 ITCs and 3 countries of Latin America (IPCs).

Contractual Research

Prof. Dr R. Laužikas

Lithuanian Council for Culture. Development of a Modeling System for Monitoring and Analysis of Cultural and Artistic Projects and Processes (Nr. 1S-30(3.1).


Uppsala University, Uppsala (Sweden)
Toronto University, Toronto (Canada)
University of Amsterdam (The Netherlands)
University of Stavanger (Norway)
University of York (UK)


Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Grigas

Prof. Dr R. Laužikas

Prof. Dr E. Macevičiūtė

Assoc. Prof. Dr Z. Manžuch

Assoc. Prof. Dr M. Petrikas

Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Repšienė

Dr J. Rudžionienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas


  • Gudinavičius, Arūnas. Changing taxpayers’ beliefs with information that enables to make sense of taxes: the case of Lithuania. International conference The Information Behaviour Conference (ISIC2020). University of Pretoria, South Africa. September 28–October 1 2020.
  • Laužikas, Rimvydas. [invited speaker] Digital effects based transformation: the societal approach. XV International Scientific and Technical Conference Computer Science and Information Technologies, Lviv, Ukraine, 23–26 September 2020. The programme: http://csit.lp.edu.ua/doc/programme_conference_csit2020.pdf.
  • Manžuch, Zinaida, & Macevičiūtė, Elena. Digital comics reading program for reducing the digital exclusion of people with hearing impairments. Sustainable digital communities: 15th international conference, iConference 2020, Boras, Sweden. 23–26 March 2020, https://ischools.org/resources/Documents/iconf%202020/iConference2020_schedule.pdf .
  • Petrikas, Martynas. The Independent Theatre of Lithuania: Emergency of the Field. Scan-Aesthetics (ANTS2020). Bergen University, Norway. 26–27 November 2020.





11 Bernardinų St, LT-01124 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3041
Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr Renata Šukaitytė-Coenen


Professors: Dr Ž.Pečiulis, Dr A.Vaišnys.
Associate professors: Dr A. Gudauskas, Dr D. Jastramskis, Dr K. Kirtiklis, Dr J. Mažylė, Dr R. Šukaitytė-Coenen.
Teaching assistants: Dr V. Denisenko, Dr R. Stonytė.
Research assistants: G. Plepytė-Davidavičienė, V. Venckūnas.
Doctoral students: R. Kupetytė, J. Tillenius, I. Vitkauskaitė.


Audiovisual media and mass communication
Ethics of journalism and media
History and theory of journalism and media
Media audiences
Media ecosystems
Media politics
Political communication


Projects Supported by University Budget

Journalism, Media and Political Communication in Lithuania: Challenges, Content and Audiences. 2020–2023. Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Šukaitytė-Coenen.

The project aims to analyse the changes of journalisms, media and political communication in Lithuania caused by political, technological, cultural and social factors by using quantitative and qualitative research methods; to research how the national journalism and media research compare to research findings in other European countries and worldwide.

Thematic clusters of the project:

Media Ecosystems, Content, Politics and Ethics. Prof. Dr Ž. Pečiulis, Prof. Dr A. Vaišnys, Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Gudauskas, Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Jastramskis, Assoc. Prof. Dr K. Kirtiklis, Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Mažylė, Research Assist. G. Plepytė-Davidavičienė.

Main publications:

Pečiulis, Ž. TV media in the Soviet System: the collision of modernity and restrictions. Filosofija. Sociologija. 2020, 31(1): 34–42.

Vaišnys, A. Žurnalistikos potvynis: Lietuvos žiniasklaidos sistemos kaita 1986–1990. Vilnius: Vaga, 2020. 480 p.

Bergman, M., Kirtiklis, K., Siebers, J. (Eds). Models of communication: theoretical and philosophical approaches. New York: Routledge: Taylor & Francis Group, 2020. 240 p.

Mazierska, E., Šukaityte, R. Representation of poverty in Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian documentary films of the postcommunist period. Studies in Eastern European Cinema. 2020, 11(1): 67–81. http://doi:10.1080/2040350X.2018.1465672.

Political Communication and Media Activism. Prof. Dr A. Vaišnys, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Šukaitytė, Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Denisenko, Teaching Assist. Dr R. Stonytė, Research Assist. V. Venckūnas.

Main publications:

Mikonis-Railienė, A., Šukaitytė, R., Martišius, M., Stonytė, R. Politinis lūžis ekrane: (po)komunistinė transformacija Lietuvos dokumentiniame kine, videokronikoje ir televizijoje. Ana Mikonis-Railienė, Renata Šukaitytė (Comp.). Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2020, 374 p.

Denisenko, V. Threats of propaganda and the information war on Lithuanian security. Lithuania in the global context: national security and defence policy dilemmas. 2020, 235–248.

Media Audiences. Prof. Dr Ž. Pečiulis, Assoc. Prof. Dr K. Kirtiklis, Assoc. Prof. Dr R.Šukaitytė, Research Assist. G. Plepytė-Davidavičienė.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Media Concentration and Its Regulation in Lithuania. Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Jastramskis (project manager, chief researcher), junior researcher G. Plepytė-Davidavičienė, PhD student R. Kupetytė. 2020–2021.
The regulation of media concentration in Lithuania and abroad has been analysed. Analysis of the competitive environment of Lithuanian media has been carried out. The evolution and level of horizontal media concentration in national internet, television, radio and press markets has been assessed. The competitive environment of Latvian, Estonian and Scandinavian media has been analysed. Qualitative interviews were conducted with public information producers. The report was read at the annual conference of the Lithuanian Society of Sociologists.

Main conference proceeding:

Jastramskis, D., Plepytė-Davidavičienė, G. Žiniasklaidos koncentracijos lygis Lietuvoje. 12th Conference of the Lithuanian Society of Sociologists Sociology and the Welfare State in Contemporary Lithuania, 27 November 2020, https://www.lstc.lt/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/XII-Sociologu-konferencija_programa_2020_v8.pdf

International Research Projects

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Media and Information Literacy & Innovative Teaching Methods Laboratory. Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Jastramskis (project manager at VU, researcher), Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Šuminas (researcher). 2017–2020.

Main publication:

Šuminas, A., Jastramskis, D. The importance of media literacy education: How Lithuanian students evaluate online news content credibility. Central European Journal of Communication. 2020, 13(2): 230–248.

The MPM project is co-funded by the European Union. European University Institute. Media Pluralism Monitor MPM2021. Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Jastramskis. 2020–2021.

The Media Pluralism Monitor is aimed to document the health of media ecosystems, detailing threats to media pluralism and freedom in the European Union member states and some candidate countries.

Contractual Research

Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis. Problems of Regional Media Accountability: Influence, Threats and Audience Trust. Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Mažylė (project manager, senior researcher). 2019–2020.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania. Empowerment Advocacy Programme for Young Journalists in Ukraine and Moldova NEW MEDIA. Asist. Dr V. Denisenko (head of the project, researcher). 2020.

The aim of the project was to foster a new generation of leaders in Ukraine and Moldova who are “watching” the local/national authorities’ actions and using digital powers/blogging for efficient control and pressure towards transparency and responsibility.


Baltic Association of Media Research (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania)
Warsaw University (Poland)
European Communication Research and Education Association
Baltic Association of Media Research
University of Central Lancashire (UK)


Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Jastramskis

  • editorial board member of the journal Kwartalnik Nauk o Mediach (Media Sciences Quarterly), http://knm.uksw.edu.pl/rada-naukowa/;
  • member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA);
  • board member at the Baltic Association of Media Research.

Prof. Dr Ž. Pečiulis

  • editorial board member of the scientific Журналістські науки (Journalistic sciences), http://science.lpnu.ua/sjs/editorial-board;
  • member of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA).

Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Šukaitytė

Prof. Dr A. Vaišnys


  • Kupetytė, Rūta. Comparison of the Operating Strategies between Internal and External Services in the Field of Lithuanian SSR Radio. CECC's international conference Crossing Borders with a New Medium: Radio and Imperial Identities, 24–25 September 2020, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, https://www.broadcastingempire.com/programa.
  • Šukaitytė, Renata. The Fall of the Communism and the Arrival of Neoliberal Capitalism in “My Street” (2013) by Marcin Lattallo and “Rodeo” (2018) by Kiur Aarma and Raivo Joerand. The 11th international conference Political Imaginaries of Small Cinemas and Cultures, 11–12 September 2020. Babes-Bolyai universitete, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.



  • Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Mažylė – Expertise for Press, Radio and Television Support Fund, 2020.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Šukaitytė – Expertise for Research Council of Lithuania, 2020.




9 Saulėtekio Ave, block 1, LT-01222 Vilnius
Tel. 219 3168
Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr Renata Matkevičienė


Professors: Dr A. Mikalauskienė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr E. Janiūnienė (part-time), Dr R. Matkevičienė, Dr I. Michailovič (part-time), Dr A. Novelskaitė (part-time). Dr D. Siudikienė, Dr M. Stonkienė, Dr L. Stundžė.
Teaching assistants: Dr I. Girnienė (part-time), Dr B. Grebliauskienė, Dr S. Jokūbauskienė, Dr S. Preidys (part-time), Dr D. Šėporaitytė-Vismantė.
Research assistants: R. Adomaitienė (part-time), M. E. Černikovaitė (part-time), J. Gribovskis (part-time).
Doctoral students: J. Gribovskis, L. Jakučionienė, E. Nabažaitė, A. Telyčėnaitė, V. Vaitkevičius.


Theoretical, methodological, practical analysis of tendencies and problems of organization communication and its derivative fields, focusing on changing discourse (participants, context, narrative) of communication
Investigation of organization communication and information and knowledge management in international and intercultural perspective focusing on changes in organizational communication content, forms and channels, and legislation processes
Stakeholders’ communication and engagement in organization communication: focus on sustainability and CSR strategies, reputation and branding communication, organizational culture, and knowledge management strategies
Change of communication profession and competencies in a digital global society
Sociology of gender: gender in different social institutions
Information and communication context of academic/research activities: scholarly communication, science communication, open access, ethics in HE/research institutions and academic/research activities


Projects Supported by University Budget

Information and Communication Organisational Infrastructures and Activities in the Context of the Network Society. 2020–2023. Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Matkevičienė.

The project aims to research communication and information infrastructures and activities in organisations.

Main publications:

Grebliauskienė, B., Sueldo, M. Estudiar en inglés en universidades de países no angloparlantes: retos comunicativos y experiencias de la adaptación educativa y cultural en Lituania. Correspondencias & Análisis. 2020, 11, enero-junio, p. 1–37. doi: 10.24265/cian.2020.n11.10.

Stonkienė, M., Janiūnienė, E. Tinklalaidės neformaliajame mokymesi: socialinių medijų naudojimas asmeninės mokymosi aplinkos, asmeninio mokymosi tinklo kūrimui. Informacijos mokslai. Vilnius: Vilniaus universiteto leidykla. 2020, 88: 46–65. doi: 10.15388/Im.2020.88.31.

Stonkienė, M. Intelektinės nuosavybės teisės kūrybinėje muziejų veikloje. In: Modernaus muziejaus veiklos gairės. Arūnas Puškorius (comp.). 2020, 124–147. Muziejininkystės studijos, 5.

Information and Knowledge Management Activities in Promoting Innovation in the Context of the Information Society Development. Prof. Dr Z. Atkočiūnienė. 2017–2020 (till September).

The purpose of the research was to examine the efficiency of human communication processes and the impact of information technologies on the change of knowledge society. The theme of the research was pursued by carrying out theoretical and applied research on organizational communication, public relations, information and knowledge management and information technologies.

Main publication:

Ulbinaitė, A., Gribovskis, J. Žinių valdymo procesų ir verslo procesų integracijos sąveikos vertinimo modelis. Informacijos mokslai. 2020, 88: 142–166. doi: 10.15388/Im.2020.88.46.

Research on Corporate Communication in Lithuania: Analysis of Reputation, Trust, Sustainability Discourses. Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Matkevičienė. 2017–2020.

Aims of the research are based on the theoretical, methodological, practical analysis of tendencies and problems of corporate communication and its derivative fields, focusing on analysis of changing discourse of corporate communication. Focus of the research is on the investigation of public and media discourses in relation to corporate communication, public interest, social responsibility, corruption, values and social impact; investigation of corporate communication in international and intercultural perspective focusing on changes in communication content, forms and channels, as well as on legislation processes.

Gender Issues Representations and Disseminations in Different Socio-Cultural Contexts. Assoc. Prof. Dr L. Stundžė. 2017–2020.

Gender studies is versatile research field which encompasses gender equality and human (women’s men’s, queer, other) rights; women, men, and queer studies; historical component of gender and social gender movements; gender dimension in different socio-cultural institutions (family, education, economics, politics, medicine, etc.) and socio-cultural contexts (national states, subcultures, professions, etc.); gender related implications on micro (individual), meso (organizational, communal) and macro (national, regional, global) levels; and many other. Thus, the field outspreads on numerous gender and related theories as well as on the feminist and other ontological, epistemological, and methodological developments. On the other hand, in terms of social policy, the field directly relates to the main ideas and societal goals of strengthening democracy, implementing overall equality, developing knowledge-based society, and other.

International Research Projects

Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Simulation Games in Strategic Communication (No: 2018-1-LV01-KA203-046981). The leading project manager is Tatjana Mažāne (Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences). Coordinator in Lithuania – Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Matkevičienė. 2018–2021.

The aim of the project is to create and test pedagogical innovations in strategic communication teaching in three Baltic universities through academic staff training, development of teaching aids, and development of a prototype of an interactive collaborative digital learning and teaching platform. As a part of the project activities a research of simulation as a method in educating media and information literacy is foreseen.


Lithuanian Communication Association (former Lithuanian PR Specialists Union)
Lithuanian Social Enterprise Association (LISVA)
Tartu University (Estonia)
Leeds Beckett University (Great Britain)
Blanquerna - Ramon Lull University (Spain)


Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Matkevičienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr M. Stonkienė


  • Matkevičienė, Renata & Jakučionienė. Lina. How PR professionals react and adopt globalization challenges: Mapping of PR professional competencies based on information from webpages of international PR professional associations (2015-2020). International conference Globalizacia 2020. 21–22 October 2020, University of Zilina, Slovak Republic, Rajecke Teplice, https://globalizacia.com/.