Kaunas Faculty

Sukurta: 27 May 2021

khf8 Muitinės St, LT-44280 Kaunas
Tel. (37) 423 222
Dean – Assoc. Prof. Dr Kęstutis Driaunys




82 teachers (incl. 60 holding research degree), 7 research fellows (incl. 7 holding research degree), 24 doctoral students.


Institute of Social Sciences and Applied Informatics
Institute of Languages, Literature and Translation Studies


Modelling and Management of Social and Economic Development of Lithuania
Poetics, Rhetoric and Linguistics: Fundamental and Applied Research into Literary and Non-Literary Texts
Identification Processes, Data Analysis and Visualisation, Artificial Intelligence
Modelling of Processes and Systems, Mathematical Logic and Discrete Structures, Innovative Teaching Methods
Technologies of Images and Signals, Parallel Calculations, System Engineering, Estimate Experiments, Application of Information Technologies


K. Korovkinas. Hybrid method for textual data sentiment analysis.
I. Mikalauskas. Public acceptance of energy technologies.
M.Vaitonis. High frequency computerized trading strategies engineering in financial markets.


15th Prof. Vladas Gronskas international scientific conference, (https://www.knf.vu.lt/gronskas-conference-2020).
BSCT 2020: 3rdd Workshop on Blockchain and Smart Contract Technologies in Business in international conference, (https://bisconf.org/2020/bsct/).


  • Ugnė Pavlovaitė. Curatorial Practice in Art Platform: a case of Biennial of Contemporary Art. 3rd Arts & Cultural Management Conference, Netherlands, 23–25 January 2020.
  • Ugnė Pavlovaitė. Technological Innovations in Art Platform: a case of Storytelling Festival. Workshop Rethinking Culture and Creativity in the Technological Era, Italy, 20–21 February 2020.
  • Valentina Marinkovic, Dalia Krikščiūnienė. Implementation of new technologies in shared decision-making in healthcare. Перспективи ефективних управлінських рішень у бізнесі та проектах : матер. VІ Міжнар. наук.-практич. конф. м. Одеса, 17–18 вересня 2020.
  • Rita Baranauskienė, Ilona Mickienė, Saulutė Juzelenienė. Urbanonyms as the Semiotic Signs of Language Teaching and Learning. EDULEARN20: 12th annual international conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 6–7 July 2020, https://iated.org/concrete3/paper_detail.php?paper_id=81281.
  • Skirmantė Šarkauskienė, Saulutė Juzelėnienė, Rita Baranauskienė. Life is Celebration Metaphor in Teaching Multimodality. EDULEARN20: 12th annual international conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 6–7 July 2020, https://iated.org/concrete3/paper_detail.php?paper_id=81283.
  • Eglė Alosevičienė. Multilinguale Filme und audiovisuelle Übersetzungsverfahren: auf der Suche nach einer angemessenen Übersetzungsstrategie. International conference Translation, Multilinguality and Cognition, 56th LINGUISTICS COLLOQUIUM, 26–28 November 2020, https://sites.google.com/view/lingcoll.


Barauskaitė, G., Štreimikienė, D. Corporate social responsibility and financial performance of companies: The puzzle of concepts, definitions and assessment methods. Corporate social responsibility and environmental management. 2020, 00, 00, 1–4. DOI: 10.1002/csr.2048.
Korovkinas, K., Danėnas, P., Garšva, G. Support vector machine parameter tuning based on particle swarm optimization metaheuristic. Nonlinear analysis: modelling and control. Vilnius: Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. 2020, 25(2): 266–281. DOI: 10.15388/namc.2020.25.16517.
Gryshova, I., Shabatura, T., Girdzijauskas, S. A., Štreimikienė, D., Čiegis, R., Griesienė, I. The paradox of value and economic bubbles: new insights for sustainable economic development. Sustainability. 2019, 11(24), 6888: 1–17. DOI: 10.3390/su11246888.
Bankauskaitė, G. & Bankauskienė, N. Stefania Jabłońska: moteris dviejų amžių sandūroje. Gyvenimo ir kūrybos apžvalga [Stefania Jabłońska: Woman at the Turn of Two Centuries. Overview of Life and Creativity]. 2020, 247 p. Vilnius University Publishing.
Aliūkaitė, D., Mikulėnienė, D., Čepaitienė, A., Brazaitienė, L. Lietuvių kalbos variantai: tyrėjo ir paprastojo kalbos bendruomenės nario perspektyvos [Lithuanian Language Variants: Perspectives of Researcher and Ordinary Member of Language Community]. 2020. 348 p. Vilnius University Publishing.


8 Muitinės St, LT-03225 Kaunas
Tel. (37) 422 477
Head – Dr Giedrius Romeika


Professors: Distinguished Prof. Dr V.V. Fomin, Dr Habil. R. Čiegis, Dr E. Jasinskas (part-time), Dr V. Jurėnienė, Dr A. Mikalauskienė, Dr K. Rudžionienė, Dr Habil. D. Štreimikienė, Dr A. Lopata, Dr D. Krikščiūnienė, Dr V. Sakalauskas, Dr C. Frattima (part-time), Dr T. Limba (part-time).
Research professors: Prof. Dr R. Čiegis (part-time), Prof. Dr V. Fomin (part-time), Prof Dr D. Štreimikienė (part-time), Dr A. Novelskaitė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr G. Gipienė, Dr E. Freitakas, Dr I. Kiaušienė, Dr R. Klimaitienė, Dr A. Novelskaitė (part-time), Dr R. Pučėtaitė (part-time), Dr R. Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, Dr A. Rimkutė, Dr I. Šarkiūnaitė, Dr L. Bikulčienė (part-time), Dr K. Driaunys, Dr S. Masteika, Dr V. Rudžionis, M. Dubnikovas (part-time), Dr M. Ambraziūnas (part-time), Dr A. Chaževskas (part-time).
Lecturers: E. Kisielius (part-time), J. Knyvienė (part-time), J. Vilkevičiūtė (part-time), Dr D. Dilijonas, K. Kubilevičius (part-time), I. Veitaitė (part-time), V. Gudaitis (part-time), V. Sakalas (part-time), Dr P. Astromskis (part-time), G. Butkus (part-time), Dr K. Korovkinas (part-time), Dr M. Vaitonis, T. Pečiulis (part-time).
Assistant professors: Dr R. Bartkutė (part-time), Dr I. Griesienė (part-time), Dr G. Romeika (part-time), Dr M. Valukonis, Dr P. Aniūnas (part-time), Dr. R. Danielienė, Dr V. Moskaliova, Dr A. Ramanauskaitė (part-time), Dr M. Sarvutytė-Gailiūnienė (part-time), Dr I. Šikšnelytė-Butkienė (part-time), Dr I. Mikalauskas (part-time), Dr M. Stoncelis (part-time).
Research assistants: D. Balevičienė (part-time), I. Ščiukauskė (part-time), P. Boreika (part-time), P. Danielius (part-time), A. Ūsas (part-time), M. Guptor (part-time), A. R. Medeišienė (part-time), O. Pavlova (part-time), U. Pavlovaite (part-time).
Researchers: Prof. Dr A. Mikalauskienė (part-time), Dr T. Jerlei, Dr Laurynas Dovydaitis, Dr Šikšnelytė-Butkienė (part-time), Dr. R. Danielienė (part-time).
Doctoral students: G. Vilutytė (on academic leave), S. Jurgelėnas (on academic leave), P. Boreika (on academic leave), I. Vitkauskaitė, D. Balevičienė, I. Ščiukauskė, A. R. Medeišienė, D. Gliaubicas (on academic leave), M. Vijūnas (on academic leave), S. Mirinavičienė, A. Ūsas, L. Matusevičienė (on academic leave), P. Danielius, N. Makrickienė (on academic leave), O. Pavlova, S. Jurėnė, M. Guptor, V. Janavičienė, U. Pavlovaitė, M. Norvaišaitė, K. Mažeikaitė, I. Urbonavičiūtė, M. Kamali Saraji.


Innovation management
Human resource management
International human resource management
Sustainable development of tourism
Business models
Social entrepreneurship, young social entrepreneurs
Social enterprises
Sustainable development, social acceptance of technologies, economic trends, innovations, technological advances
Research of corporate finance in Central and Eastern Europe
Evaluation, accounting and reporting on intellectual capital
Theoretical and practical aspects of taxation
The problems of commercial bank and central bank in Central and Eastern Europe
Research of accounting quality in small and medium-sized enterprises
Development of cultural industries in Lithuania
Cultural tourism industry
Cultural heritage industry
Activities and management of cultural centres
Creative cities and clusters
Culture and consumption, peculiarities of contemporary cultural needs in Lithuanian society
Educational issues in cultural organization management
Gender issues
Organizational ethics and corporate social responsibility
Research ethics
Organizational communication
Strategic management
Organizational behaviour and development
Enterprise modelling methods, requirements engineering, enterprise data and knowledge modelling, management of information processing and CASE tools
Decision support systems in financial and currency markets, portfolio management and loan risk analysis, logistic capital accumulation models, financial anomalies and bubbles
Intelligent computational models for integrated research of marketing, e-commerce, e-banking, e-learning and social network information
Complex evaluation of customer behaviour
Dynamic process modelling by applying fuzzy cognitive models
Designing the Quality and Cost containment coherence framework for prudent modelling of innovative health care systems
Development, integration, and implementation of high frequency trading models in financial markets on high-performance computing platforms
Implementing the smart contracts via online transactions and other peer-to-peer-based solutions for the sharing economy in online market places
Development block chain or public ledger via peer-to-peer technology based solutions in autonomous decentralized organizations
Artificial intelligence for speech recognition and analysis technologies (Lithuanian language)
Intelligent models for marketing systems, social networks, e-business, e-learning and e-government


Projects Supported by University Budget

Sustainability Assessment. Prof. Dr D. Štreimikienė, Prof. Dr Habil. R. Čiegis, Assoc. Prof. Dr I. Kiaušienė, Prof. Dr A. Mikalauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, Lect. Dr I. Šikšnelytė-Butkienė, Asist. Prof. Dr I. Griesienė, Lect. Dr R. Bartkutė, PhD student I. Mikalauskas, PhD student S. Jurgelėnas.
The sustainability assessment methodology for sustainability assessment of countries and regions was developed. This methodology integrates sustainability assessment of the most important branches of economy including energy sector. The developed methodology was empirically tested in energy sector. The most important sustainable energy indicators were identified and framework for linking these indicators in the chain of mutual impacts was developed. The sustainability assessment of energy sector development in Baltic Sea Region was performed by applying developed methodology and several multi-criteria decision aiding tools.

Main publications:

Čiegis, R., Dilius, A., Štreimikienė, D. Pajamų nelygybės poveikio ekonomikos augimui ir darniam vystymuisi vertinimas Europos Sąjungos šalyse (An assessment of the impact of income inequality on economic growth and sustainable development in the European Union countries), monograph. Vilnius University Press, 2020, 468 p. https://www.knf.vu.lt/dokumentai/failai/studiju/pajamu_nelygybes_poveikis_EL_knyga.pdf.

Štreimikienė, D., Mikalauskienė, A., Kiaušienė, I. The impact of value created by culture on approaching the sustainable development goals: case of the Baltic States. Sustainability. 2019, 11(22): 6437. DOI: 10.3390/su11226437.

Khan, S. A. R., Zhang, Y., Anil, K., Zavadskas, E., Štreimikienė, D. Measuring the impact of renewable energy, public health expenditure, logistics, and environmental performance on sustainable economic growth. Sustainable Development. 2020, 28(4): 833–843. DOI: 10.1002/sd.2034.

Solving and Improving Accounting and Financial Problems. Prof. Dr K. Rudžionienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr G. Gipienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr E. Freitakas, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Klimaitienė, Dr A. Ramanauskaitė, Dr M. Valukonis, Dr P. Aniūnas, PhD student L. Matusevičienė, PhD student M. Vijūnas, PhD student M. Guptor.

Investigations analyse accounting quality in Lithuanian companies, to investigate financial and non-financial information disclosure and quality of this information, to identify problems and to offer solutions; investigate financial markets, the development of financial institutions in Lithuania, to research the practice of risk management, assessment, to offer improve these areas.

Main publications:

Freitakas, E., Urbonavičiūtė, I. Macro-prudential policy and systemic risk: a structural approach. Tiltai. Klaipėda : Klaipėdos universiteto leidykla. 2019, 2: 20–34. DOI: 10.15181/tbb.v83i2.2061.

Jurkonytė, E., Vijūnas, M. The Lithuanian credit union reform evaluation (Lietuvos kredito unijų reformos vertinimas). Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai. 2020, 83: 57–71. https://www.vdu.lt/cris/handle/20.500.12259/109917.

Klimaitienė, R., Derengovska, E., Rudžionienė, K. Application of key performance indicators to improve efficiency of monitoring of the organization's activities: theoretical approach. Visuomenės saugumas ir viešoji tvarka. 2020, 25: 218–233. DOI: 10.13165/PSPO-20-25-20.

Entrepreneurship Development. Prof. Dr E. Jasinskas, Distinguished Prof. Dr V.V. Fomin, Assoc. Prof. Dr I. Šarkiūnaitė, Dr G. Romeika, PhD student I. Ščiukauskė, PhD student I. Vitkauskaitė, PhD student A. Ūsas, PhD student O. Pavlova.

The activities of the research group are related to various levels of entrepreneurship development: human resource management, strategic development of organizations, innovation management, business environment, consumer behaviour. All of the above-mentioned research areas are closely related to the paradigm of sustainable business development, evaluating current and future challenges, global organizations and local business management solutions.

Main publications:

Ahmed, R. R., Romeika, G., Kaulienė, R., Štreimikis, J., Dapkus, R. ES-QUAL model and customer satisfaction in online banking: evidence from multivariate analysis techniques. Oeconomia copernicana. Toruń: Nicolaus Copernicus University. 2020, 11(1): 59–93. DOI: 10.24136/oc.2020.003.

Pavlova, O. Organizacinės kultūros sąsajos su šiuolaikiniu žmogiškųjų išteklių valdymu organizacijoje (Relations between organizational culture and human resources management in a modern organization). Informacijos mokslai. 2020, 88: 105–119. DOI: 10.15388/Im.2020.88.34.

Vitkauskaitė, I. Types of film production business models and their interrelationship. Informacijos mokslai. 2020, 89: 43–54. DOI: 10.15388/Im.2020.89.39.

Cultural Industries and Innovations. Prof. Dr V. Jurėnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Novelskaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Saiang, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Pučėtaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Rimkutė, Dr I. Griesienė, Dr M. Sarvutytė-Gailiūnienė, PhD student D. Balevičienė, PhD student I. Vitkauskaitė, PhD student S. Jurėnė, PhD student U. Pavlovaitė.

The group carries out research on creative industries and their influence on organizational and national competitiveness as well as individual, social and national identity and image making. It focuses on reputation management in social media, peculiarities of communication management for branding of companies, cities and states. Another aspect of their research encompasses the impact of cultural diversity on organizational innovativeness and its outcomes such as artistic innovations or cultural enterprises. Cultural diversity is approached both from organizational and communities (countryside and urban, communities of practice in organizations) perspectives. This gains momentum considering the recent social issues of immigrant flows to Europe, emigration rates from Lithuania and cultural activities of Lithuanian Diasporas worldwide. From a diversity perspective, women studies constitute a specific area of the group’s research. The group plans to provide research-informed advice to public bodies on economic (innovation), cultural and migration policy development.

Main publications:

Jurėnienė, V., Jurėnė, S. Impact of tourism on national soft power (Turizmo poveikis nacionalinei švelniajai galiai). Transformations in Business and Economics. 2019, 18(3C): 468–484.

Jerlei, T. Developing design discourse in Soviet print media: a case study comparing Estonia and Lithuania, 1959–1968. Design and Culture. 2020, 12(2): 203–226. DOI: 10.1080/17547075.2020.1688052.

Pavlovaitė, U., Griesienė, I. Meno organizacijos auditorijų plėtra santykių rinkodaros požiūriu (Audience development of an art organization in terms of relationship marketing). Informacijos mokslai. 2019, 86: 98–115. DOI: 10.15388/Im.2019.86.28.

Art marketing. Jureniene, V. (Ed.). New York: Nova Science Publishers, Inc, 2020. 336 p.

Organizational Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Social Entrepreneurship, Human Resource Management. Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Pučėtaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr A. Novelskaitė, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, PhD student R. A. Medeišienė, PhD student M. Norvaišaitė.

Research of the relationship between socially responsible human resource management practices and turnover intentions moderated by supervisor’s gender, construction of unity and fragmentation in organisational culture through discourses of trust and distrust were explored in Finnish organisations. Results of an international intensive course “Cases in Organizational Ethics” were presented in a research publication. Empirical data for an international project “CSR research and teaching in Central and Eastern Europe” led by Sussex University (UK) were collected. Research proposal on dignity management in public organisations was submitted to Research Council of Lithuania.

Main publications:

Pučėtaitė, R. Lämsä, A.-M., Norvaišaitė, M. Masculinity in flux? Male managers navigating between work and family. Journal of Baltic Studies. 2020, 51(2): 179–198. DOI: 10.1080/01629778.2020.1746369.

Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, R., Pučėtaitė, R., Novelskaitė, A. Socialinio verslo poveikių vertinimo patirtys Lietuvoje socialinių verslinink(i)ų požiūriu. Informacijos mokslai. 2019, 86: 116–132. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15388/Im.2019.86.29.

Medeišienė, R. A., Lopez R. J., Pučėtaitė, R. Raising moral awareness of intercultural students’ audience using applied drama methods. Ethics and Responsibility in Human Resources, Leadership, and Startup Business. 2019, 98–113.

Intelligent Decision Support Systems and Knowledge-Based Applications in Finance, E-Business, Marketing, Health Care. Prof. Dr V. Sakalauskas, Prof. Dr D. Krikščiūnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Masteika, Dr. D. Dilijonas, Dr M. Vaitonis, Dr K. Korovkinas, PhD student P. Danielius, PhD student S. Jurėnė.

2020 focus was on big data visualization that is based on dimensionality reduction methods. Research was focused on proposed a multi-level method for data clustering and visualization. It divides the whole data mining process into separate steps and applies particular dimensionality reduction method considering to analysed data volume and type. The methods are selected according to their speed and accuracy. Therefore, was presented ongoing research of comparison of the selected methods according to these two criteria. Three groups of datasets containing different kind of data are used for methods evaluation, the factors that influence speed or accuracy are determined.

Main publications:

Korovkinas, K., Danėnas, P., Garšva, G. Support vector machine parameter tuning based on particle swarm optimization metaheuristic. Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control. Vilnius University Institute of Mathematics and Informatics. 2020, 25(2): 266–281. DOI: 10.15388/namc.2020.25.16517.

Liutvinavičius, M., Sakalauskas, V., Krikščiūnienė, D. Sentiment-based decision making model for financial markets. Data Science: New Issues, Challenges and Applications. 2020, 297–313. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39250-5_16.

Jurėnė, S., Krikščiūnienė, D. Mapping technology based tools of audience engagement. Informacijos mokslai. 2020, 89: 98–115. DOI: 10.15388/Im.2020.89.43.

Ivana, O., Lewandowski, R., Šendelj, R., Krikščiūnienė, D., Erakovič, J. Model driven approach for development of person-centred care in stroke rehabilitation. The Importance of Health Informatics in Public Health during a Pandemic. J. Mantas et al. (Eds.). 2020, 338–341. DOI: 10.3233/SHTI200564.

Enterprise Modelling and Knowledge-Based Information Systems Engineering Research. Prof. Dr A. Lopata, Assoc. Prof. Dr M. Ambraziūnas, Dr A. Stravinskienė, I. Veitaitė.

The generation of knowledge-based UML models from enterprise model technique was created and transformation algorithms of the generation of knowledge-based UML dynamic models were presented. Еntеrprisе knоwlеdgе-basеd UML timing and interaction mоdеl gеnеrаtion prосеsses were investigated and transformation algorithms were presented.

Main publications:

Veitaitė, I., Lopata, A. Knowledge-based transformation algorithms of UML dynamic models generation from enterprise model. Data Science: New Issues, Challenges and Applications. Dzemyda, G., Bernatavičienė, J., Kacprzyk, J. (eds.). 2020. p. 43–59. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39250-5_3.

Veitaitė, I., Lopata, A. Knowledge-based UML use case model transformation algorithm. Business information systems workshops: BIS 2019 international workshops, Seville, Spain, June 26–28, 2019, revised papers. Witold Abramowicz, Rafael Corchuelo (Eds.). 2019, 39–48. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-36691-9.

Veitaitė, I., Lopata, A. Knowledge-based generation of the UML dynamic models from the enterprise model illustrated by the ticket buying process example. Information and software technologies: 26th international conference ICIST 2020, Kaunas, Lithuania, 15–17 October 2020. Proceedings. Audrius Lopata, Rita Butkienė, Daina Gudonienė, Vilma Sukackė (Eds.). 2020. p. 26–38. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-59506-7_3.

Cyber Security Research. Dr R. Danelienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr K. Driaunys, Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Rudžionis, Dr V. Moskaliova, Dr L. Dovydaitis.

During 2020 Phishing attack detecting and management system was created. System consists from 3 main elements:
- Phishing report data base https://phishing.vuknf.lt/;
- Email box for reporting of suspicious mail ();
- System of Phishing identification and testing: https://fisingotestas.vuknf.lt/.
Created system is used for student class activities and for services dedicated to state authorities, state and municipal institutions and organizations, and business entities.

Main publications:

Limba, T., Driaunys, K., Stankevicius, A., Andrulevicius, A. Cryptocurrency and national security: peculiarities of interaction. Transformations in Business and Economics. 2020, 19(2): 138–158.

Limba, T., Driaunys, K., Kiskis, M., Sidlauskas, A. Development of digital contents: privacy policy model under the general data protection regulation and user-friendly interface. Transformations in Business and Economics. 2020, 19(1): 133–154.

Rasymas, T., Dovydaitis, L. Detection of phishing URLs by using deep learning approach and multiple features combinations. Baltic Journal of Modern Computing. 2020, 8(3): 471–483. https://doi.org/10.22364/bjmc.2020.8.3.06.

Research Projects

COST action CA 15122. European Network for Cost Containment and Improved Quality of Health Care http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15222.
Management committee members - Prof. Dr D. Krikščiūnienė, Prof. Dr V. Sakalauskas.
This COST Action aims at supporting the scientific research and technology development necessary for a breakthrough in the field of cost-containment in healthcare while also maintaining the quality of health care. So far, the EU R&D agenda has under-examined this aspect while in nearly every COST Member Country rising costs of healthcare are becoming a major societal problem.

COST Action CA15123. The European Research Network on Types for Programming and Verification (EUTYPES)
http://www.cost.eu/COST_Actions/ca/CA15123. Management committee members - Prof. A. Lopata, I. Veitaitė.
Types are pervasive in programming and information technology. A type defines a formal interface between software components, allowing the automatic verification of their connections, and greatly enhancing the robustness and reliability of computations and communications. In rich dependent type theories, full functional specification of a program can be expressed as a type. Type systems have rapidly evolved over the past years, becoming more sophisticated, capturing new aspects of the behaviour of programs and the dynamics of their execution.

COST Action CA19117. Researcher Mental Health (ReMo). Representatives - Dr A. Novelskaitė, Dr R. Pučėtaitė, PhD student A. R. Medeišienė, https://www.cost.eu/actions/CA19117.
ReMO focuses on wellbeing and mental health within academia, a theme of strategic importance for the European Research Area.

BlockChain Network Online Education for interdisciplinary European Competence Transfer (BlockNet). The project is funded by the European Commission in the context of the Erasmus+ program “KA2-Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices. Strategic Partnerships for higher education”. Vilnius University - project coordinator. https://www.knf.vu.lt/en/blocknet.

The fundamental goal of BlockNet is the development and implementation in practice of an interdisciplinary Blockchain Technology (BCT) Small Network Online Course (SNOC). To date, there are no interdisciplinary courses providing students of different majors with knowledge of BCT, its applications and impact on business environments, as well as comprehensive essential skills to be prepared for the interdisciplinary work they will face in future projects.

Fuse IT (Future Competences Pathways for Marketing and ICT Education) ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Vilnius University - project coordinator. https://www.knf.vu.lt/en/fuseit#about-the-project.

The project addresses the education and labour market requirements for professional skills and knowledge for students and graduates in university (including life-long learning activities).
The project will analyse, design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, e-learning materials, blended learning environment, ICT knowledge and skills self-evaluation and certification system simulations.

Safeguarding against Phishing in the age of 4th Industrial Revolution (CyberPhish) ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (2020-1-LT01-KA203-078070). 02 November 2020–01 November 2022. Vilnius University - project coordinator.

The project addresses the education and labour market requirements for cybersecurity/phishing skills and knowledge for students and graduates in university (including life-long learning activities).The overall project objectives are to analyse, design, develop and implement an up-to-date curriculum, e-learning materials, blended learning environment, knowledge and skills self-evaluation and knowledge evaluation system simulations for students and other users in order to prevent from phishing attacks, raise competencies in this area for identification and prevention of threats.

Training the Educators to Facilitate the Teaching and Assessment of Abstract Syllabus by the Use of Serious Games (TEGA), ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (2020-1-UK01-KA203- 079248). Vilnius University - project partner.

The project aim is to support the game-based teaching/learning by training the higher educator facilitators in teaching abstract concepts; to include people with learning disabilities, non-native langue speakers and more reserved personalities and also to include all types of learner types (Visual, Audio, Reading and Kinaesthetic); to provide a consistent training mapped against the European framework.

Transnational Cooperation Initiative Fostering Developing forward Thinking Skills of Students, Teachers and Workforce in Sustainability-Relevant Sectors Posed by Business 4.0 Trends through Innovation in Business & Engineering Education and Training (SMART skills 4.0). ERASMUS+ KA2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices. Vilnius University - project partner.
The projects’ aim is to support the development of forward thinking skills of students, teachers and workforce by designing, deploying and scaling-up the Educational Initiative (future-oriented curricula) facilitating innovation in business & engineering education and training, intercultural knowledge exchanges in various sustainability-relevant sectors of Business 4.0 and enhancing civic and responsible behaviour.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Evaluation of Socio-Economic Impact of Social Business: Comparison of Lithuania and Finland - SOCImpact (contract No. P-MIP-17-483).

It is a 3-year (2017–2020) project that aims at evaluating socio-economic impact of social business on internal and external stakeholders from a cross-cultural perspective. In 2017, research methodology for qualitative part was tuned with the researchers from Finland and collection of data on the ethical perspective of motives of social entrepreneurs in Lithuania was started.

Research Council of Lithuania. Baltic Visual Identity in Soviet Industrial Design (09.3.3-LMT-K-712-08-0001). Coordinator - Dr Triin Jerlei.

This project focuses on design in the Baltic States between the years 1965 and 1985, mainly concentrating on small household objects, furniture and textiles. The main objective of the research is to analyse the nature of ‘Baltic identity’ in Soviet industrial design economy and to understand the factors behind its development. Through a study of historical processes, the project aims to improve the public knowledge and appreciation of local design culture within the Baltic States, which are necessary for a diverse and successful development of contemporary local design. Secondly, this project proposes a new methodology for studying former Soviet and possibly also Socialist states that would step away from the simple understanding of states as simple satellites of Soviet Russia and fully consider all political, cultural and social factors that led to the development of individual design cultures in different regions.


University of Latvia (Latvia)
Birmingham City University (United Kingdom)
Swedish School of Social Sciences (Sweden)
University of Jyväskylä, School of Business and Economics (Finland)
University of Tampere, School of Management (Finland)
University of Tartu (Estonia)
Poznan University of Economics (Poland)
Reutlingen University (Germany)
Cordoba University (Spain)
Intellerts BV Utrecht (Netherlands)
Tampere University of technologies (Finland)
Altacom (Estonia)
Bankera Center of Financial Technology (Lithuania)
Hostinger International
RMD Technologies (Lithuania)


Prof. Dr R. Čiegis

Prof. Dr V. Fomin

Prof. Dr E. Jasinskas

Dr I. Šikšnelytė-Butkienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr I. Kiaušienė

Prof. Dr A. Mikalauskienė

  • member of the Association for Energy Economics, http://aee.lt/;
  • Technical Committee member of Lithuanian Department of Statistics, http://www.lsd.lt/standards/tb.php;
  • member of International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences (IISES);
  • senior member of Economics Development Research Center (IEDRC).

Assoc. Prof. Dr I. Šarkiūnaitė

Prof. Dr D. Štreimikienė

Prof. Dr K. Rudžionienė

  • member of the Association of Lithuanian Accounting Educators and Researchers;
  • editorial board member of the journal Accounting Theory and Practice.

Assoc. Prof. Dr G. Gipienė

  • member of the Association of Lithuanian Accounting Educators and Researchers.

Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Klimaitienė

  • member of the Association of Lithuanian Accounting Educators and Researchers.

Dr A. Ramanauskaitė

  • member of Lithuanian Chamber of Auditors (LCA), www.lar.lt;
  • certified Internal Auditor (CIA) by IIA Lithuania, www.theiia.org;
  • certified Auditor (CA) by LCA, www.lar.lt.

Dr M. Valukonis

Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Pučėtaitė

  • editorial board member of the international journal EJBO – Electronic Journal of Business Ethics and Organizational Studies, Finland, ejbo.jyu.fi;
  • editorial board member of the international journal Journal of Management and Change, http://www.ebs.ee/en/research/research-and-development/ebs-review-2/editorial-board-6-2/;
  • member of a follow-up group to a doctoral student Soilikki Viljanen at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland;
  • member of international advisory board in the WeAll – Social and Economic Sustainability of Future Working Life project funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland (2015–2020), carried out by Universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Hanken School of Economics, http://weallfinland.fi/weall-contact-information-and-research-team.html;
  • expert on the data base Lituanistika.

Prof. Dr V. Jurėnienė

Prof. Dr A. Lopata

Prof. Dr V. Sakalauskas

Prof. Dr D. Krikščiūnienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Masteika

  • associated partner of Marie Curie Actions EU project Training in Modern Quantitative Methods and High-Performance Computing for Finance, http://www.hpcfinance.eu/;
  • associated partner of Tampere University of Technology in research project Efficient numerical methods on high-performance computing platforms for the underlying financial models;
  • programme committee member of the Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies in Business (AKTB in conjunction with International Conference on Business Information Systems (BIS) Poznan, Poland;
  • editorial board member of the journal Transformations in Business and Economy.

Assoc. Prof. Dr V. Rudžionis


  • Prof. Dr Dalia Štreimikienė - Commission’s Horizon 2020 AGE (Advisory Group for Energy) group member.
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr Raminta Pučėtaitė - member of international advisory board in the WeAll – Social and Economic Sustainability of Future Working Life project funded by the Strategic Research Council of the Academy of Finland (2015–2020), carried out by Universities of Helsinki and Jyväskylä and Hanken School of Economics (http://weallfinland.fi/weall-contact-information-and-research-team.html).
  • Assoc. Prof. S. Masteika - expert of Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology- MITA, governmental institution, responsible for implementation of innovation policy in Lithuania.
  • Dist.. Dr Vladislav V. Fomin - eExpert of Latvian Academy of Sciences (www.lza.lv).
  • Prof. A. Lopata - expert of Lithuanian Business Development Agency (LVPA).


  • Collaboration on preparing instruction guidelines for SME’s Cybersecurity and business: what should know every CEO (Kibernetinis saugumas ir verslas. Ką turėtų žinoti kiekvienas įmonės vadovas).




12 Muitinės, LT-44280 Kaunas
Tel. (37) 422 926
Director – Prof. Dr Danguolė Satkauskaitė


Professors: Dr D. Aliūkaitė (part-time), Dr G. Bankauskaitė, Dr L. Huber (part-time), Dr J. Krūminienė, Dr D. Mikulėnienė (part-time), Dr S. Radzevičienė, Dr D. Satkauskaitė (part-time).
Senior researchers: Dr G. Bankauskaitė (part-time), Dr H.-H. Droessiger (part-time), Dr E. Kiškina, Dr I. Stepukonienė (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr R. Baranauskienė, Dr S. Biržietienė, Dr S. Juzelėnienė, Dr J. Kerevičienė, Dr E. Keturakienė, Dr R. Kudirka, Dr I. Mickienė, Dr Ž. Nemickienė, Dr L. Niedzviegienė, Dr S. Šarkauskienė, Dr D. Urbonienė (part-time), Dr A. Vitkūnė.
Teaching assistants: Dr E. Alosevičienė (part-time), J. Astrauskienė, Dr E. Gabrėnaitė (part-time), Dr V. Linkevičiūtė (part-time), Dr J. Radavičiūtė (part-time).
Researchers: Dr E. Alosevičienė (part-time), Dr A. Kairaitytė-Užupė, Dr A. Kalėdienė, Dr I. Koverienė (part-time).
Lecturers: G. Dubauskienė (part-time), L. Fedorčenkienė (part-time), L. Kamičaitytė (part-time), J. Kaušylaitė, A. Kuzmickienė (part-time), R. Mačiulskienė (part-time), J. Skovorodko, Dr. I. Šležaitė.
Doctoral students: L. Abraitienė, G. Gibavičienė, E. Merkytė-Švarcienė, D. Burbienė, M. Triaušytė.


Cognitive aspects of media and political discourse analysis
Sociolinguistic research of dialectal speech
Perceptual analysis of dialectal discourse
Cultural significance of dialects
Exploration of toponyms and anthroponyms
Visual metaphors: methodological approaches
Terminological basis of translation studies
Translation of culture-bound units
Interdisciplinary approach to audiovisual translation
Development, characteristics and perception of voice-over
Issues of surtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing
Strategies and problems of audio description
Theatre and opera subtitling as a multimodal construct
Polysemiotic cohesion in film dubbing
Fictional worlds within conceptual categories: from etymology to pragmatics
Literary discourse of contemporary English and American Literature
Interpretative understanding of literature: hermeneutical approach
Inter-textual criticism: shifts of reading horizons
Modernist poetics: history, fantasy and fiction
Generic deconstruction as reflected in literary discourse
Historical awareness in the Lithuanian poetry of the 19th century
Contemporary reception of literary heritage and literary criticism
Poetics, stylistics and rhetoric in fictional texts and public discourse


Projects Supported by the University Budget

Multimodality in Public Discourse. Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Juzelėnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Šarkauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr Baranauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Biržietienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Kerevičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Urbonienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr Ž. Nemickienė, Assist. Prof. Dr E. Gabrėnaitė.

The research carried out under this project is based on the exploration of multimodal texts, focusing on areas such as Internet, advertising and films. Considerable attention was given to cognitive metaphor and metonymy, translation of phraseology, reading as a cognitive process, multimodal aspects of dubbed animation as well as provocative discourse of the Internet medium.

Main publications:

Šarkauskienė, S., Juzelėnienė, S., & Baranauskienė, R. "Life is celebration" metaphor in teaching multimodality. 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 6–7 July 2020, Palma, Spain: Conference Proceedings, 2020, 236–243.

Gabrėnaitė, E., & Triaušytė, M. Provokacija kaip žanras: retorinės MeToo diskurso apibrėžtys [Provocation as a genre: rhetorical definitions of MeToo discourse]. Respectus Philologicus. 2020, 37, 78–90.

Nemickienė, Ž. Home reading challenges and authenticity criteria selecting texts. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technolog. 2020, 29(2): 81–90.

Audiovisual Translation Research. Prof. Dr D. Satkauskaitė, Prof. Dr H.-H. Droessiger, Prof. Dr L. Huber, Prof. Dr J. Krūminienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr J. Kerevičienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr L. Niedzviegienė, Dr E. Alosevičienė, Dr I. Koverienė, Dr J. Astrauskienė, PhD student L. Abraitienė.

The research carried out under this project deals with theoretical frameworks, research methodologies and applications of audiovisual translation. The research explored issues of the genre and translation of the multilingual film, different types of synchrony in dubbing, rendering of language variation in audiovisual translation, and accessibility of audiovisual products.

Main publications:

Koverienė, I. & Čeidaitė, K. Lip synchrony of rounded and protruded vowels and diphthongs in the Lithuanian-dubbed animated film cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2. Respectus Philologicus. 2020, 38: 214–229.

Droessiger, H.-H. After Babel revisited: on language and translation. In Memoriam George Steiner (1929–2020). Athens Journal of Philology. 2020, 7(4): 235–256.

Satkauskaitė, D. & Alosevičienė, E. Fremdsprachliche Akzente im Animationsfilm Cars 2: Vier synchronisierte Sprachfassungen im Vergleich. InTRAlinea: The Translation of Dialects in Multimedia IV. 2020, 1–15.

The Interaction of Text and Context. Prof. Dr G. Bankauskaitė, Prof. Dr J. Krūminienė, Prof. Dr L. Huber, Prof. Dr S. Radzevičienė Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Biržietienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr E. Keturakienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Šarkauskienė, Dr J. Radavičiūtė, Senior researcher Dr I. Stepukonienė, PhD student G. Gibavičienė, Dr J. Astrauskienė.

The research focused on the literature of the 20th century, different ways of narration and stylistic variety by investigating the nature of fatherhood, images and symbols both, in oral and written traditions were investigated within the framework of phenomenology, hermeneutics, reader reception theory and feminist literary criticism.

Main publications:

Bankauskaitė, G. & Bankauskienė, N. Stefania Jabłońska: moteris dviejų amžių sandūroje. Gyvenimo ir kūrybos apžvalga [Stefania Jabłońska: Woman at the Turn of Two Centuries. Overview of Life and Creativity]. Vilnius University Press. 2020, p. 247.

Keturakienė, E. Tėvystės reikšmės XX a. pirmosios pusės lietuvių modernistinėje novelistikoje. Logos. 2020, 103: 89–99.

Huber, L. & Jonaitytė, E. Oral narrative genres as communicative dialogic resources and their correlation to African short fiction. Respectus Philologicus. 2020, 37(42): 137–147.

Language Varieties and Language Attitudes: Approaches of Perceptual Dialectology, Sociolinguistics, etc. Prof. Dr D. Aliūkaitė, Prof. Dr D. Mikulėnienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr I. Mickienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Baranauskienė, Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Kudirka, Teaching Assist. Dr V. Linkevičiūtė, PhD student M. Triaušytė.

The research carried out under this project focused on the analysis of the dialect-exploratory discourse, which concerns the interpretation of sustainability of dialecticity in the city; of different linguistic means of political conflict communication; of adverbs in Lithuanian slang; of the urbanonyms as the semiotic signs related to the culture and history of a nation.

Main publications:

Aliūkaitė, D. Tarmiškumo tvarumas didmiestyje: emic naratyvo kūrėjo perspektyva [Sustainability of dialecticity in the city: the perspective of the emic narrative constructor]. Respectus Philologicus. 2020, 3(43): 85–100.

Linkevičiūtė, V. Konfliktinės komunikacijos raiška Lietuvos prezidento rinkimų diskurse (2019) [Expression of Conflict Communication in the Discourse of Presidential Election in Lithuania (2019)]. Respectus Philologicus. 2020, 38(43): 117–129.

Baranauskienė, R., Mickienė I., Juzelėnienė, S. Urbanonyms as the Semiotic Signs of Language Teaching and Learning. EDULEARN 20: 12th international conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Online, 6–7 July 2020, 229–235.

International Research Projects

Erasmus+ project. Developing Modernized Curricula on Immigrants’ Lives (DEMO) (No. 585583-EPP-1-2017-1-IL-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP). Prof. L. Huber (Ulvydienė). 2017–2020.

DEMO is conceived to increase the awareness and knowledge about migrants' life experiences among applied social professionals (teachers, social workers, counsellors and others) so that they can provide this population with better-attuned services. DEMO proposes to achieve this aim by developing, implementing and disseminating innovative courses on the lives of migrants in Higher Education Institutions. DEMO will pilot and disseminate 12 new courses (26 class hours) and 5 short modules (1.5–3 class hours) to be incorporated in existing courses. The syllabi will be developed by bi-national teams in collaboration with local NGOs working with immigrants. Novel teaching methodologies will be applied.

Erasmus+ project. From Alienation to Inclusion (FATI) (No. 2017-3-CY02-KA205-001111). Assoc. Prof. S. Juzelėnienė, Assoc. Prof. R. Baranauskienė. 2018–2020.

The innovative character of the project ‘From Alienation to Inclusion’ lies on the effective collaboration of the project partners, who are seeking to create activities by developing a unique on-line environment.

Erasmus+ project. Leading Platform for European Citizens, Industries, Academia and Policymakers in Media Accessibility (LEAD-ME OC-2019-1-24171). Prof. L. Huber. 2020–2024.
The project aims to help all stakeholders in the field of media accessibility and cross-cutting topics in Europe to meet the legal milestones requested by the recently passed European legislation. LEAD-ME will boost a cultural change and the creation of a new mind-set, when designing tools for professional and private activities for all European citizens of all abilities and disabilities.

National Research Projects

State Commission of the Lithuanian Language. Slang Linguistic Features of Lithuanian Slang (No. K-16/2019/(1.78)SU-1397). Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Kudirka. 2019–2021.
The aim of the project is to describe in detail and systematically the adverbs, adjectives, verbs and nouns of the Lithuanian language in the aspect of origin, formation and pronunciation. Research methods: structural, morphological, derivative, and etymological analysis.

Main publications:

Kudirka, R. Lietuvių kalbos žargono priesaginių prieveiksmių morfologinė adaptacija: Priesagos -ai hibridiniai vediniai iš būdvardžių su priesaga -iškas ir nepriesaginių būdvardžių [Morphology features of the suffixal slang adverbs in the Lithuanian language: hybrid suffixcal derivatives -ai formed from the suffixal adjectives -iškas and from the primary adjectives]. Taikomoji kalbotyra. 2020, 14: 21–32.

Kudirka, R. Lietuvių kalbos žargono pavieniai suprieveiksmėję žodžiai ir prieveiksmiai be formantų bei jų adaptacinės ypatybės [Adverbialized individual words and adverbs without suffixes in Lithuanian slang and non-normative language and their adaptative features]. Lietuvių kalba. 2020, 14: 1–16.


Autonomous University of Barcelona (Spain)
University of Warsaw (Poland)
University of Łódź (Poland)
Bologna University (Italy)
Institute of Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
State Commission of the Lithuanian Language (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Association of the Blind and Visually Impaired (Lithuania)


Prof. Dr D. Aliūkaitė

Dr J. Astrauskienė

Prof. Dr G. Bankauskaitė

Assoc. Prof. Dr R. Baranauskienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Biržietienė

Prof. Dr H. H. Drößiger

Prof. Dr L. Huber

Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Juzelėnienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr E. Keturakienė

Prof. Dr J. Krūminienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr Ilona Mickienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr Ž. Nemickienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr L. Niedzviegienė

Prof. Dr S. Radzevičienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr S. Šarkauskienė

Assoc. Prof. Dr D. Urbonienė


  • Giedrė Dubauskienė - Best Lecturer of the Year 2020.


  • In January 2020, Jurgita Astrauskienė and Jurgita Kerevičienė delivered seminars on audiovisual translation, subtitling, and AVT terminology to the translators of Lithuanian Association of Literary Translators and Vilnius International Film Festival “Kino pavasaris”.
  • In June 2020, Laura Niedzviegienė conducted theoretical and practical training on audio description for the staff of the Lithuanian Library for the Blind.
  • In October 2020, Jurgita Astrauskienė delivered training on audiovisual translation to the interpreters, translators, and linguists from the Council of Europe, the European Central Bank, European Commission, European Parliament and the Court of Justice of the European Union.
  • In October 2020, Jurgita Astrauskienė and Jurgita Kerevičienė delivered seminars on audiovisual translation, subtitling and SDH to the interpreters of European Parliament.
  • In December 2020, Laura Niedzviegienė consulted Lina Krėpštaitė, curator of Pažaislis Music Festival projects, on involving blind and partially sighted members of society into cultural events and on issues of audio description.