Faculty of Economics and Business Administration

Sukurta: 29 August 2013

ef9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6122, fax. 236 6127
www: http://www.ef.vu.lt

Dean: Prof. Dr. Jonas Martinavičius


117 teachers (86 holding research degree), 48 doctoral students



Lithuania’s social and economic development analysis, modeling and management


G. Jarašius. The impact of alternative investment funds on the economy of Lithuania.
V. Klyvienė. Macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia.
A. Laurinavičius. Impact of public venture capital on economic development.
D. Saikevičius. Evaluation model of mergers and acquisitions market in the new member states of European Union.


International conference The Global Challenges for Environmental and Resource Economics in Central and Eastern European Countries: Safety, Security, and Sustainability


9 Saulėtekio, 2-609, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6153, fax. 236 6127

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Rasa Subačienė 


Professors: Habil. Dr. V. Lakis, Dr. L. Gaižauskas.
Associate professor: Dr. R. Subačienė. 
Lecturers: Dr. K. Senkus, Dr. L. Giriūnas.
Assistants: R. Budrionytė, I. Kamarauskienė, D. Raziūnienė, V. Savickas, D. Tamulevičienė.
Doctoral students: R. Aleliūnaitė, R. Budrionytė, V. Savickas, Ž. Simonaitytė, I. Kamarauskienė, A. Jaugelavičienė, D. Tamulevičienė, D. Vaicekauskas.


Development of accounting national standards
Improvement of financial analysis methods
Development of management accounting
Investigation of frauds and taxes evasion methods
Evaluation of internal control systems and internal audit of enterprises


Projects Supported by University Budget

Development of Accounting and Auditing. Prof. V. Lakis, Assoc. Prof. R. Subačienė. 20142016.

On the basis of performed analysis three stages of accounting development were formed, the activity and process of accounting development was investigated.

The first stage covers 1990-2000 years. This stage is important because up to 1992 accounting underwent procedures, which were applied under the conditions of planned economy. The reform started in 1992, when the law on the principles of accounting was passed. On the basis of this law, the reform of accounting started.

The second stage started in 2001, when a new law on accounting was passed. Some companies started to apply international standards of accounting since 2001. Business accounting standards were introduced in this stage too. The third stage which started in 2008, the accounting reform in public second was introduced.

Auditing quality control transformation was investigated in 2014, and shortcomings of auditing were defined.

Having investigated tax accounting the means and scope of tax evasion were defined, too.

The results of investigation were presented at the international conferences in the Lithuanian universities and other countries (Estonia, Ukraine). 

Main publications:

Lakis, V., Linčauskienė, D. 2014. Tendences and scale of profit tax evasion. Vadyba, no. 1(24), 121128.

Lakis, V., Subačienė, R. Transformation of accounting in Lithuania since 1990. 2014. Zeszyty teoretyczne rachunkowości, vol. 78, 177196.

Vaicekauskas, D. A study on audit firm’s quality control systems. 2014. Apskaitos ir finansų mokslas ir studijos: problemos ir perspektyvos, no. 1(9), 254263. 


Auditing and Accounting Office (Lithuania) 
Chamber of Lithuanian Auditors (Lithuania)
Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland)
Polotsk State University (Belorusia)


Prof. V. Lakis –

  • deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Transformation in Business & Economics;
  • editorial board member of the journal Ekonomika (Economics);
  • editorial board member of the journal Organization and Markets;
  • editorial board member of the journal Apskaitos teorija ir praktika (Accounting Theory and Practice);
  • editorial board member of the journal Finanse (Finance), Poland.

Dr. L. Giriūnas –

  • member of Association of Certified Fraud Examiners;
  • member of European Accounting Association;

Assist. R. Budrionytė –

  • member of Accounting Standards Committee;

Assist. I. Kamarauskienė –

  • member of Institute of International Auditors;

Assist. D. Raziūnienė –

  • member of International Association of Internal Auditors;


9 Saulėtekio, 1-516, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6152, fax. 236 6127

Head – Assoc. Prof. Dr. Aida Mačerinskienė


Professor:  Dr. M. Kučinskienė.
Associate professors:
 Dr. L. Belinskaja, Dr. G.Jatuliavičienė, Dr. A. Mačerinskienė, Dr. J. Žemgulienė, Dr. M.Krutinis, Dr. K. Peleckis, Dr. A. Fominienė.
Lecturers:  Dr. A. Ulbinaitė, Dr. L. Pilukienė, Dr. T. Gudaitis, Dr. K. Šerpytis, M. Alminauskienė, Phd. R. Paulienė.
Doctoral students: G. Mikaliūnienė, D. Baliūnas.


Business environment variety
Specifics of business development
Innovative business management
Research of trade and insurance market orientation
Analysis and design of consumers' behaviour, formative attitude, allocation of income and savings for insurance
Analysis of employees’ productivity of their work
Assumption of inter-country productivity spillover
Investigation of new tourism planning and marketing methods


Projects Supported by University Budget

The Evaluation of Lithuania’s Business Changes Influencing Factors, for Seeking Competitive Advantage in the Integrated Market.  Prof. M. Kučinskienė. 2014–2015.

Members of Business Department actively participate in research of business environment changes, estimate value of market changes impact on business performance results.

Dr. A. Ulbinaitė researched how insurance is perceived and understood by the Taiwanese citizens. The focus was on consumers’ behaviour, formative attitude, allocation of income and savings for insurance, perceived and actual affordability, and insurance purchase decision-making. Among others, since the cultural taboo about death and difficulties of disseminating the concept of life insurance to the Taiwanese people are still prevalent, insurance companies have to adapt their products to the local culture, i.e., present life insurance as a long-term investment, which suits the Taiwanese preference for investment-based products rather than pure risk-based products.

Researchers Laura Pilukienė and Aida Mačerinskienė analysed the situation of overtime work and remuneration for overtime work in Lithuania. A practical survey of overtime work of employees in the information and communications sector and the catering and accommodation sector and remuneration for such work has been conducted with a view to determining whether paid overtime work is an important factor affecting higher wages of employees.

An assumption of inter-country productivity spillover as the factor of economic growth of EU countries was tested of Jolanta Žemgulienė by the analysis, based on the production function of neo-classical growth model. Eurostat data on national accounts’ of the 18 EU countries for the period from 2005 to 2012 were used for the empirical analysis. The estimate supports the idea that economic growth can be attributed to the knowledge spillover, associated to the productivity increase in different country’s economy.

Main publications:

Ulbinaitė, A., Kučinskienė, M., Le Moullec, Y. 2014. The complexity of the insurance purchase decision making process. Transformations in business and economics, vol. 13, no. 3, 197219.

Pilukienė, L., Mačerinskienė, A. 2014. Overtime work and remuneration in different areas of economic activities in Lithuania: theoretical and practical issues. International journal of business and social research, vol. 4, no. 10, 114.

Žemgulienė, J., The productivity spillovers as the source of economic growth - an empirical analysis with European Union countries’ data.  Proceedings of the SGEM International Multidisciplinary Conference: Political Sciences, Law, Finance Economics and Tourism. Vol. III: Economics and Tourism, 39 September, 2014, B, 677684.

National Research Projects

Laura Pilukiene was awarded Young Researchers’ grant of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Project: Students’ integration into labour market: formation of the motivation, salary needs and expectations.

International Research Projects

Taiwan Fellowship Program 2014. The research aimed at exploring why the Taiwanese insurance sector is strongly developed in the country and the world. For the locals, as a safety-oriented culture, insurance is an atracttive investment alternative because of the untaxable life insurance pay-offs. The idea of constant accumulation without a loss is the driving force behind the Taiwanese insurance behaviour. The cultural taboo of premature death is prevalent in that society, so insurers have to adapt themselves to the local culture – to promote life insurance not as a death risk management mechanism, but rather as a finance management mechanism and as a long-term investment.

Main publications:

Wong, Gena Pih Choon, Ulbinaitė, A. 2014. Health insurance in Singapore: health protection vs. healthcare costs. 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Information, and Cultural Creative Industry, Taipei, August 68, [CD], [112].

Ulbinaitė, A. Insurance service consumer behaviour rationale in developing insurance markets. 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Information, and Cultural Creative Industry, Taipei, August 68, [CD], 2023.

Ulbinaitė, A. Insurance service consumer behaviour rationale in developing insurance markets. 2014. Proceedings of the International Conference on Business, Information, and Cultural Creative Industry, Taipei, August 68, [CD], 3135.

Contractual Research

Assoc. Prof. A. Mačerinskienė was the main expert in tourism planning in European Union Twinning Light Project No AZ12/ENP-PCA/OT/22 Strengthening the Capacity of the Department of Tourism in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of Azerbaijan.


Vilnius Convention Bureau (Chief Convention Manager – Vita Žilinskaitė) www.vilnius-convention.lt.


Assoc. Prof. L. Belinskaja –

Assoc. Prof. A. Mačerinskienė –

  • member of the Professional Qualification Committee of Governmental State Department of Tourism under the Ministry of Economy;
  • member of Professional Committee for Trade Sector;
  • member of United Council of Čepkeliai –Dzūkijos PAN park.

Lect. Dr. A. Ulbinaitė –

  • Council Member of the Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers, www.ljms.lt.


9 Saulėtekio, 2-309, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6139, fax 236 6127

Head – Prof. Dr. Rimvydas Skyrius 


Professor: Dr. R. Skyrius.
Associate professors: Dr. K. Banevičius (part-time), Dr. O. Barčkutė, Dr. T. Brazaitienė, Dr. G. Kazakevičienė, Dr. Č. Ratkevičius, Dr. L. Zalieckaitė, Dr. R. Žilinskas (part-time).
Lecturers: G. Giriūnienė, Dr. M. Kazimianec (part-time), Dr. I. Katin (part-time), Dr. A. Butkevičius (part – time).
Assistants: D. Šeibakas, R. Grinkytė (part-time), G. Rumšas (part-time), E. Staišiūnienė (part-time), A. Pukšta (part-time), A. Rykovė (part-time),  S. Šimkonis (part-time).
Doctoral students: G. Rumšas, S. Šimkonis, D. Šeibakas.


Analysis and design of business information infrastructure
Application of information and communication technologies in business and government structures
Information systems: problems of development and introduction
Research of complex information needs for business activities
Research of experience preservation in business analysis and decision making
Research of models of Website usability evaluation
Research on information needs structure for decision support and business intelligence
Research on advanced data mining methods and applications 


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research on the Changes in Role of Management Information Systems in Society Development. Prof. R. Skyrius. 2014–2015.

The principal direction of the Department’s research efforts is concentrated on the key aspects of the changes in the role of management information systems (MIS) supporting business and other activities. A special interest for the last several years is given to the area of complex information needs, encompassing business intelligence, analytics, insight development and decision support (research in progress by PhD students Svetlana Nemitko and Georges Kfouri). As well, active research is performed in the areas of strategic planning of information systems (doctoral dissertation in preparation by PhD student Gediminas Rumšas) and lessons learned in project management activities (doctoral dissertation in preparation by PhD student Saulius Šimkonis). 

Several papers by the Department staff have been published in the research journals and proceedings of national and international conferences. Other directions of research have been in the areas of Website usability evaluation, advanced data analysis using data mining techniques, opportunities and challenges brought by Big Data, and integration of heterogeneous information.

Main publications: 

Rumšas, G., Skyrius, R. 2014. Information systemms and business alignment model. 2014. Informacijos mokslai. Mokslo darbai, 67, 95–107.

Žilinskas, R., Skyrius, R. 2014. The Universal Information Technology Model for Deposit Insurance Payouts. Ekonomika. Mokslo darbai, 93(2), 147–158.

Skyrius, R., Zalieckaitė, L., Žilinskas, R. 2014. Big data: challenges and problems. Viešasis administravimas, 41(1), 50–59.

Contractual Research

Prof. R. Skyrius, PhD student Danielius Šeibakas. Development of advanced electronic environment enabling reception of services provided by Lithuanian hydrometeorology service at the Ministry of Environment, project No. VP2-3.1-IVPK-14-K-01-028).


Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania) 
Lund University (Sweden)
Purdue University Calumet, Indiana (USA)
Manchester Metropolitan University (UK)
University of Minho (Portugal)
Informing Science Institute (USA) 


Prof. R. Skyrius –

  • editorial board member of the journals Ekonomika (Economics) and Organizations and Markets;
  • member of the Commission on the Digital Economy, ICC World Chambers.

Assoc. Prof. Č. Ratkevičius –

  • associated member of Microsoft Dynamics Academic Alliance and representative of Vilnius University.


9 Saulėtekio, 2-807, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6129, fax. 236 6127

Head – Prof. Dr. Algirdas Miškinis


Professors: HabilDr. B. Melnikas (part-time), Dr. A. Miškinis (part-time), Dr. R.A. Stanikūnas (part-time), Dr. B. Galinienė.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Astrauskas (part-time), Dr. B. Barzdenytė, Dr. N. Balčiūnas, Dr. B. Visokavičienė, Dr. A. Laužadytė-Tutlienė.
Lecturers: S. Deveikis (part-time), Dr. Laima Urbšienė (part-time), Dr. J. Bumelytė (part-time), B. Šidlauskaitė (part-time), J. Droždz (part-time), Dr. V.Cohen, G. Dzemydaitė.
Doctoral students: B. Šidlauskaitė, J. Droždz (on leave),  A. Burinskas, V. Strazdaitė, G. Dzemydaitė, M. Švabovič, T. Reichenbachas, R. Sakalauskaitė (since 01.10.2014).


Modernisation of the economy and public economic policy
Monetary policy and its impact to the real economy of state
Business valuation system in Lithuania in the context of transformations
Impact of international trade policy on economic development in Lithuania
Innovations and investments in the modernisation of economy 
Competition policy in the EU and Lithuania


Projects Supported by University Budget

The Research of the Impact of Economic and Social Policy Instruments on Economic Development. Prof. B. Galinienė, Prof. A. Miškinis. 2014–2018.

Research in 2014 was aimed at several topics. First of all, it was targeted on the study of investments and investment funds, asset-based policy and evaluation of securities. Second area of research at the department was analysis of commercial property market in Lithuania. A specific emphasis in 2014 was given to public sector development and optimisation as well as to lessons for Lithunia from monetary policies in advanced economies during global economic crisis. During the year the Department also continued research in the factors of attracting foreign direct investment into Lithuania and in EU and Lithuanian competion rules.   

Contractual Research

V. Cohen. Application of innovation technologies in regional dissemination of creative and cultural services. Contract with Future Society Institute (Lithuania).

Main publications:

Laurinavičius, A., Galinienė, B. 2014.  Asset-based policy implementation model in Lithuania. Transformation in Business and Economics, vol. 13, no3 (33), 513.

Cohen, V., Galinienė,B. 2014.  Evaluation of comercial property market maturity: a case of Lithuania. International  Journal of Strategic Property Management,  18(2), 151162, doi:10.3846/1648715X. 2014. 925007.

Stanikūnas, R., Burinskas, A. 2014. The impact of EU competition rules on Lithuanian Competition Law. Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, vol. 204, 7(9), 87109.

Visokavičienė, B. 2014. Monetary policy in advanced economies during the global financial crisis: Lessons for Lithuania. Ekonomika, vol. 93 (1), 4056.


National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv (Ukraine)
Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland)


Prof. Dr. B. Galinienė –

  • editorial boards member of the journals Ekonomika (Economics), Strategic Property Management  and Transformation in Business & Economics;
  • member of the Council of Lithuanian Association of Property Valuers;
  • member of the European Higher Education Society.

Prof. Dr. A. Miškinis –

  • editor-in-Chief of the journal Ekonomika (Economics);
  • editorial board member of the journal  The Economics and Forecasting (Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine);
  • editorial board member of the journal European Integration Studies;
  • member ICC’s Trade and Investment Commission;
  • member of the European Higher Education Society;
  • president of Lithuanian Association of Economists;
  • member of the board of World Economic Asssociation.

Prof. Dr. R. Stanikūnas – 

  • scientific board member of the Yearbook of Antitrust and Regulatory Studies, University of Warsaw.


9 Saulėtekio, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6142, fax 236 6142

Head – Prof. Dr. Arvydas Paškevičius


Professors: Dr. A. Paškevičius, Dr. R. Kanapickienė.
Associate professors: Dr. E. Bikas, Dr. J. Niaura (part-time).
Lecturers: Dr. F. Jasevičienė, Dr. D. Kuzmickas (part-time), Dr. A. Jočienė (part-time), Dr. J. Staroselskaja (part-time), N. Činčikas, L. Novickytė, B. Povilaitis, G. Bagotyrius (part-time), D. Vaitulevičienė (part-time), Dr. Alg. Laurinavičius (part-time), Dr. Ant. Laurinavičius (part-time),
Doctoral students: D. Saikevičius, G. Jarašius, I. Astrauskaitė, G. Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, K. Kupčinskas, S. Vidzbelytė.


Analysis of commercial banking activities and business models
Main risks and vulnerabilities in the Lithuanian banking sector
Membership in euro area and Banking union– impact to Lithuanian banks
Problems in Credit union sector and its reform
Research of Attracting Investments into Lithuanian Capital Market
Financial market growth, the implementation model of the asset-based policy in Lithuania
Alternative investment funds and their development
Tax systems and public finance problems
Payment systems


Projects Supported by University Budget

Financial Stability Problems of Finance and Credit Sector. Prof. A Paškevičius. 2012–2016.

The research results were presented in monographs, dissertations and articles. The survey covers many fields, which are discussed below.

Analysis and assessments of commercial banking: the tendencies in development and management, the bank capital structure and the way it affects the stability of a bank’s business was continued. Research on foreign owned Baltic banks business model analysis has started. The problems in Credit union sector and its reform were analyzed. Financial markets growth possibilities were examined. The need of asset-based policy in Lithuania was analyzed and a hypothetical model for implementation of this policy was created. Evaluation model of mergers and acquisitions market in the new member states of European Union was developed. Research of Attracting Investments into Lithuanian Capital Market was completed. Alternative investment funds and their development were studied. The opportunities of public venture capital funds in Lithuania were explored. Public finance and tax problems were discussed.

Main publications:

Jasienė, M., Uosis, S. 2014. Monograph Profesorius Stasys Uosis. Vilnius University Press, 224 p.
Jasevičienė, F. 2014. Monograph Kredito unijos: teorija ir praktika. Vilnius University Press, 354 p. 
Jočienė, A., Pajarskas, V. 2014. Subprime mortgage crisis in the United States in 2007–2008: causes and consequences (I part). Ekonomika, 93 (4), 85–118.

National Research Projects 

Lithuania Long-term Economic Competitiveness Challenges. Research topic “Socially fair taxation of residents – compatibility with economic and fiscal efficienty”. Assoc. Prof. E. Bikas. 2012–2014.

Growing social inequality shows that reality is moving away from public, people’s expectations. In this context, a new approach to the fairness of personal income and property taxation is developing in the society. The goal of this research is to evaluate the social and economic efficiency of a system of the progressive incomes and assets taxation and to create a model of the installation and application of the progressive taxation in Lithuania.

Main publications:

Bikas, E., Subačienė, R., Astrauskaitė, I., Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, G. 2014. Evaluation of the personal income progressive taxation and the size of tax-exempt amount in Lithuania. Ekonomika, vol. 93(3), 84–101.

Bikas, E., Subačienė, R., Astrauskaitė, I., Keliuotytė-Staniulėnienė, G. 2014. Evaluation of social, economic and fiscal impact on incentives of personal taxation in Lithuania. Journal of Security and Sustainability Issues, vol. 4(1), 79–95.


Ministry of Finance (Lithuania)
The Bank of Lithuania (Lithuania)
Commercial Bank DnB (Lithuania)
Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Lithuania)
Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland)


9 Saulėtekio, 2-706, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6134, fax. 236 6127

Head – Prof. Dr. Danuta Diskiene


Professors: Habil. Dr. A. Marčinskas, Dr. D. Diskienė, Dr. G. Drūteikienė, Dr. J. Ruževičius, Habil. Dr. E. Smilga.
Associate professors: Dr. R. Adomaitienė, Dr. R. Česynienė, V. Gerikienė, Dr. R. Lukoševičius, Dr. V. Tamaševičius, Dr. D. Serafinas.
Lecturers: Dr. Ž. Grakauskas (part-time), Dr. G. Slatkevičienė (part-time), Dr. G. Binkauskas (part-time).
Assistants: D. Klimas (part-time), D. Ruželė (part-time).
Doctoral students: R. Paulienė, D. Budrienė, E. Afarjanc.


Business management and administration
Audit of corporate management
Improvement of methodology for quality assessment of business and education performance 
Quality management and social responsibility


Projects Supported by University Budget

Research of Managers and Human Resources Specialists Competencies and their Potential in the Enterprises in Lithuanian and Eastern European Economic Environment. Prof. D. Diskienė.  2014–2015.

The main aim of the research was to carry on an analysis of managerial competencies of business organizations from different sectors in Lithuania and Eastern Europe countries. On the background of research carried on in the business companies in Lithuania and Belarus researchers from Management Department of Vilnius University prepared several chapters of the joint monograph: analysis of economic environments in Lithuania; the impact of culture on management in Lithuanian companies; motivational competences of managers and realization of control functions in business companies in Lithuania and Belarus. The collective monograph (researchers of the Department of Management of Vilnius University and Belarus State University of Economics are co-authors) should be published in Belarus State University.

The aim of the second research was to carry on an analysis of the shifts in the functions and competences of HR professionals in the context of the transformations within the contemporary labour market. The research was conducted among 160 participants – heads and professionals of HR departments in 92 Lithuanian companies – to discover their viewpoints on this issue. The research covered such acute HR management issues as the status of the HR department, its role in the process of the strategy building and the participation in making other important decisions. The research also aimed at finding out whether the changes in the priorities of the functions performed by HR departments, as well as in the competences of HR professionals can be detected. Another objective of the research was to find out the respondents’ approaches on the impact of knowledge economy on the HRM departments’ functions, roles, leadership and development of human capital.

Main publications:

Česyniene, R., Marčinskas, A., Stankevičienė, A. 2014. Žmogiškųjų išteklių tarnybos žinių ekonomikos iššūkių kontekste. Informacijos mokslai, vol. 67, 26–42.

Česyniene, R., Stankevičienė, A., Česynas, R. 2014. Human Resource Department Strategic Role in Lithuanian Enterprises. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Business and Management, 19–26. Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Lithuania.

Diskienė, D., Paulienė, R. 2014. Leader-follower relationship behaviors: who is a gatekeeper to leadership outcomes? Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, vol 5, no 9, 152–163.

The Study of Quality Management Models and Tools Application in the Organizations of Public and Private Sectors. Prof.  J. Ruževičius. 2014–2015.

The purpose of this research is to develop quality management methodology in pursuance of Lithuanian economy’s faster integration into European and World economical area.
The results of the research were published in 16 scientific articles, were presented in 7 presentations at 3 international conferences in Liverpool (UK), August 2014; in Baku (Azerbaijan), June 2014; in Vilnius (Lithuania), May 2014, and at National scientific conference in Vilnius, November 2014.

The 1st target is the conceptualization of quality of science. This study offers conceptual discussion on significantly changing point of view towards quality of science.

The 2nd target is the study of the Fairtrade content and quality. The main purpose of this study is to propose the model of Fairtrade products’ development in Lithuania after analyzing Fairtrade system as a social responsibility tool.

The 3rd target is the study of the quality culture formation in Lithuanian universities.

Main publications:

Vaičekauskaitė, R., Serafinas, D. 2013. Quality of Science: Academic and Management Aspects of Conceptualization. Tiltai, vol. 4 (65), 1–18.

Kairaitytė, A., Ruževičius, J. 2014. Opportunities of fairtrade development in Lithuania. Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai, 69, 71–87.  

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. The impact of entrepreneurs” managerial potential on internationalization of SMEs. (Nr. MIP-14293). Head of team – prof. Dr. D. Diskienė. 

International Research Projects 

Contractual Research

Project MOSTA: The Concept of Quality Assurance of Higher Education Institutions’ Activities.

Project MOSTA: The Analysis of Change of Higher Education Policy in Lithuania since 2009 and 2011: Higher Education Quality.


Klaipėda University (Lithuania)
Lund University (Sweden)
Wroclaw University of Economics (Poland)
Belarus State Economic University (Belarus)
European Universities Network for Total Quality Management (EUN.TQM, Brussels)


Prof. A. Marčinskas

  • editorial board member of the journal Ekonomika (Economics);
  • editorial board member of the journal Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai (Management of Organizations: Systemic Research);
  • editorial board member of the journal Verslas: teorija ir praktika (Business: Theory and Practice);
  • editorial board member of the journal Viešasis administravimas(Public Management).

Prof. E. Smilga –

  • editorial board member of the journal Organizacijų vadyba: sisteminiai tyrimai (Management of Organizations: Systemic Research).

Prof. D. Diskienė – 

  • editorial board member of the journal Entrepreneurship and Susitainability Issues

Prof. G. Drūteikienė –

  • member of the Europeen Higher Education Society;
  • editorial board member of the journal Contemporary Research on Management and Administration (CROMA);
  • editorial board member of the journal Bulletin of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Economics.

Prof. J. Ruževičius –

  • editor-in-chief of the journal Current issues of Business and Law: Research Papers;
  • member of the International Guild of Quality Professionals;
  • president of the Lithuanian Society of Commodity Science;
  • assessor,  World Universities Quality Rankings (QS World University Rankings™, London);
  • member of the Scientific and Academic Council of EUN.TQM (European Universities Network for Total Quality Management, European Foundation for Quality Management – EFQM, Brussels);
  • member of the Executive Board of International Commodity Science and Technology Association (IGWT – International Gesellshaft für Warenkunde und Technologies, Vienna);
  • editorial board member of the international journal Commodities and Markets, Kiev National Economics University;
  • editorial board member of the international journal Forum Ware International, Vienna University, IGWT, DGWT, OGWT, http://forumware.wu-wien.ac.at/;
  • scientific board member of the International Journal of Business: Innovations, Psychology and Economics;
  • editorial board member of the international journal Altyn Sapa (Aлтын Caпa - Gold Quality), Almata, Kazakhstan;
  • editorial board member of the international journal Quality Management, Almata, Kazakhstan;
  • expert of the International Commodity Science and Technology Association (IGWT – International Gesellschaft für Warenkunde und Technologie, Vienna);
  • authorized representative of Vilnius University,  Technical Committee “QUALITY” at Lithuanian Standards Board;
  • expert, authorized representative of Vilnius University at Expert Committee for Activities Quality Assessment of Lithuanian Public Sectors Organizations, Ministry of the Interior, Lithuania;
  • assessor of the Lithuanian Organizations Total Quality Management, Leadership and Social Responsibility Activities.

Assoc. Prof. R. Adomaitienė –

  • expert of the  National Quality Prize, based on EFQM model. 

Assoc. Prof. D. Serafinas –

  • editorial board member of the international journal Quality Issues and Insights in the 21st Century;
  • board member of the journal International Journal of Business: Innovations, Psychology and Economics, Vilnius, Lithuania;
  • head, COSTA project (Lithuanian Scientific Council);
  • president of the Lithuanian Association  for Quality Management and Innovations;
  • expert of the  National Quality Prize, based on EFQM model;
  • quality auditor of the EU (Bureau Veritas, SGS, QMS Italy) approved auditor for Quality management systems;
  • member of the International Guild of Quality Professionals.


9 Saulėtekio, 2-817, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6146, fax. 236 6148,

Head – Prof. Dr. S. Urbonavičius


Professors: Dr. S. Urbonavičius, Dr. V. Dikčius.
Associate professors: Dr. A. Gaižutis, Dr. R. Časas, Dr. I. Pikturnienė.
Lecturers: Dr. M. Degutis, Dr. J. Gineikienė, I. Radavičienė, A. Razma, M. Kavaliauskė.
Doctoral students: E. Medekšienė, E. Šeimienė, M. Kavaliauskė, S. Navickaitė-Vilkelė, I. Radavičienė.


Consumer perceptions and consumer behaviour in transition economies 
Market orientation, implementation of marketing theories and methods
Country-of-origin influences on purchasing behaviour
Specifics of marketing management and consumer behaviour in transition economies
Marketing of forestry and timber industry products
Green marketing and green consumer behaviour


Projects Supported by University Budget

Innovative Marketing in the Context of Global Business and Global Consumption. Prof. S. Urbonavičius. 2014–2015.

The main research questions in 2014 were related with economic downturn and its influence on the changes of consumption patterns in Lithuania. The results were presented at academic conferences and journal articles.

New research topic Consumer behaviour tendencies in a dynamic environment starts in 2015.

Main publications:

Šeimienė, E., Jankovič, T. 2014. Impact of congruence between sports celebrity and brand personality on purchase intention: the case of mineral water category in Lithuania. Organizations and Markets in Eemerging Economies, vol. 5 (1), 90–104.

Sinkevičius, M., Hüettinger, M., Gineikienė, J, Adomavičius, B. 2014. Double standards in the judgment of consumer versus business unethical behaviour. Trziste (Market) Review for Marketing Theory and Practice, vol. 26, (1), 45–57.

Dikčius, V.,  Armenakyan, A., Urbonavičius, S., Jonynienė, G., Gineikienė, J. 2014. The Influence of children in family purchasing in Lithuania and Azerbaijan. Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, vol. 5, no. 2(10), 79–96.

International Research Projects

Research activities in international research project Resurgence of Peripheral Postindustrial Cities. Project number 2011/01/B/HS6/02538, financed the by Polish National Scientific Centre. M. Degutis.


Kaunas University of Technology (Lithuania)
Monfort College of Business, University of Northern Colorado, (USA)
School of Business of Nipissing University (Canada)
University of Illinois, Chicago (USA)


Prof. S. Urbonavičius –

  • member of the Research Council of Lithuania;
  • member of Academy of Marketing Science;
  • Lithuanian member of European Marketing Academy (EMAC);
  • honorary member of Lithuanian Marketing Association;
  • member of ICC International;
  • editor-in-chief of the journal Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, www.om.ef.vu.lt;
  • editorial board member of the journal Trziste (Market) of Zagreb University, http://hrcak.srce.hr/trziste?lang=en;
  • editorial board member of the journal Ekonomika (Economics)http://www.leidykla.vu.lt/md-link.html.

Prof. V. Dikčius –

  • member of European Marketing Academy (EMAC).

Assoc. Prof. A. Gaižutis –

  • coordinator of national support group of Lithuania for Forest-Based Sector Technological Platform in EU, http://www.forestplatform.org/index.php?mid=89;
  • coordinator of national technology platform for Forest-Based Sector, www.ntplatformos.lt;
  • member of the Board, CEPF - Conféderation Européenne des Propriétaires Forestiers, www.cepf-eu.org
  • member of joint committee on private forestry development issues, established by the Minister of Environment;
  • member of Advisory Council on Forestry under Ministry of Environment, established by the Minister of Environment, www.am.lt;
  • chairman of the organisational committee of exhibition of marketing solutions of students IDĖJA, http://www.ideja.info/;
  • chairman of the Forest Owners Association of Lithuania, www.forest.lt;
  • member of Presidium of Lithuanian Chamber of Agriculture, www.zur.lt;
  • member of Evaluation Committee of the annual prestigious business contest, organized by the Faculty of Economics Students’ Representation (EF SA) The Entrepreneurship Competition, http://www.efsa.lt/jvk/.

Assoc. Prof. I. Pikturnienė –

  • editorial board member of the journal Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies.

Dr. M. Degutis –

  • national editor of Eurobarometer report (European Commission);
  • member of ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research).

Dr. J. Gineikienė –

  • member of the Board of Lithuanian Communication Agencies Association,
  • member of Lithuanian Public Relations Professionals Association,
  • member of Academy of Marketing Science and EMAC. 

M. Kavaliauskė –

  • assistant editor of the journal Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies;
  • member of Lithuanian Society of Young Researchers;
  • member of the Board of the Faculty of Economics Alumni Association at Vilnius University;
  • member of Lithuanian Biotech Association.

I. Radavičienė – 

  • member of Lithuanian Marketing Association;
  • President of Young Leaders Club ,,Move up”;
  • Chairman of the organizational committee of exhibition of marketing solutions of students IDĖJA.


9 Saulėtekio, 2-811, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. 236 6277, fax. 236 6127

Head – Prof. Dr. Linas Čekanavičius


Professors: Dr. L. Čekanavičius, Dr. G. Kasnauskienė, Dr. J. Martinavičius (part-time).
Associate professors: Dr. A. Bartkus, Dr. V. Karpuškienė, Dr. V. Kėdaitis, Dr. R. Kropienė, Dr. J. Markelevičius (part-time), Dr. T. Medaiskis, Dr. B. Pladis, Dr. R. Valkauskas.
Lecturers: M. Mendelevičius, V. Petrylė.
Doctoral students: V. Andrejauskienė, T. Baležentis, Š. Eirošius, D. Kulikauskas, G. Pociūtė, J. Ramanauskas.


National accounting and methodology of statistics
Econometric modeling and analysis of macroeconomic processes
Economics of migration
Environmental economics and policy
Development of social security systems
Economic development in the Baltic region


Projects Supported by University Budget

Analysis and Modelling of Socio-Economic Alterations under Globalization. Prof. L. Čekanavičius. 2014–2015.

Research in 2014 involved testing of several inovative quantitative methods of economic analysis (such as nonparametric analysis, fuzzy sets, Malmquist indices, etc), as well as continuance of earlier started research of economic, social and demographic challenges facing Lithuania. Such topics as  application of cost-benefit analysis for the assessment of energy projects, assessment of agricultural efficiency dynamics, challenges of ageing population and imigration and their economic impacts,  potential returns of second pillar pension funds, efficiency and credibility of credit unions, cure for economic recession debate  were dealt with in 2014.

Main publications:

Bartkus, A. 2014. The analysis of the second pillar pension funds and the role of expectations. – Organizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, vol. 2(10), 44–58.

Baležentis, T. 2014. Total factor productivity in the Lithuanian family farms after accession to the EU: application of the bias-corrected Malmquist indices, Empirica, vol. 41(4), 731–746.

Kulikauskas, D. 2014. Nonlinear Taylor rule for the European Central Bank. Economics Bulletin, AccessEcon, 34(3), 1798–1804.

National Research Projects

Research Council of Lithuania. Challenges to the Long-term Economic Competitiveness of Lithuania. Long-term Institutional Economic Research Programme for 2011–2014. Nr.F4-90-41/BS-190000-2421. Project contractor: Kaunas University of Technology. Participants: Vilnius University, Vilnius Gedminas Technical University, Vytautas Magnus University, Mykolas Romeris University, Antanas Stulginskis University, Lithuanian Military Academy, Lithuanian Institute of Energy. Assoc. Prof. V. Karpuškienė. (An econometric analysis of the minimum monthly wage (MMW) impact on the labour market in Lithuania).

International Research Projects

Network of Experts on Intra-EU Mobility - Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination (Project No. VC/2013/0300 – Lot 1: Legal expertise in the field of social security coordination and free movement of workers).Coordinator: University of Ghent (Belgium). 2014–2016. Assoc. Prof. T.Medaiskis (Analysis of intra-EU mobility data; contrast and comparison of social security schemes and their application in the context of intra-EU mobility; suggestions for improvement).

Contractual Research

Lithuanian Ministry of Social Security and Labour:  Judicial and Administration Model of the Labour Relations and Public Social Security. Project participants: Vilnius Uiversity, Mykolas Romeris University and Lithuanian Socialinių Research Centre. 2014–2015. Assoc. Prof. T. Medaiskis, Assoc. Prof. A.Bartkus.


Department of Statistics (Lithuania)
Bank of Lithuania (Lithuania)
Lithuanian Social Research Centre (Lithuania)
University of Ghent (Belgium)


Prof. L. Čekanavičius –

  • expert member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences;
  • editorial board member of the journal Panoeconomicus;
  • editorial board member of the journal Transformations in Business and Economics;
  • scientific committee member of the 2nd international conference The Global Challenges for Environmental and Resource Economics in Central and Eastern European Countries: Safety, Security, and Sustainability, October 9–11, 2014, Kyiv.

Prof. G. Kasnauskienė –

  • member of the International Advisory Board of Beder Journal of Educational Sciences (BJES), Albania;
  • member of the International Advisory Committee of the IISES (International Institute of Social and Economic Sciences at University of Economics, Prague ) Economics and Finance;
  • member of the Board of European Master Official Statistics (EMOS).

Prof. J. Martinavičius –

  • member of the Scientific Committee of  the 2nd International Conference , October 9–11, 2014, Kyiv.

Assoc. Prof.  J. Markelevičius –

  • editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos statistikos darbai;
  • editorial board member of the journal Latvijas Statistika.

Assoc. Prof. T. Medaiskis –

  • editorial board member of the journal Lietuvos socialinė raida.


9 Saulėtekio, Room 511, LT-10222 Vilnius
Tel. (3705) 2366147, fax: (3705) 2366127

Head - Prof. Dr.  Romas Lazutka


Professor: Dr. R. Lazutka.
Associate professors:  Dr. V. Gavelis, Dr. V. Giedraitis, Dr. D. Klimašauskienė, Dr. N. Minkevičienė, Dr. R. Paliulytė, Dr. A. Rastenienė, Dr. E. Ulvidienė.
Lecturers:  Dr. A. Dulkys, V. Rutkauskas.
Doctoral students: V. Klyvienė, A. Pačebūtaitė.


Stabilization policy in global economic conditions
Innovation in the context of the global economic core-periphery hierarchy
Industries and sectors: issues and policies
Economics of the welfare state


Projects Supported by University Budget

Mixed Economy in Lithuania in the Context of European Integration and Globalization. Prof. R. Lazutka. 2014–2015.

We use the theoretical approach to the varieties of capitalism to analyse countries’ competitiveness according to the competitiveness indices of the World Economic Forum and the International Institute for Development Management. We have constructed the index of coordination that determines a country’s type of capitalism. The index consists of 9 variables which are later divided into 3 groups according to the factor analysis results. For the corruption estimate, we use the Transparency International corruption perceptions index. Regression analysis revealed that coordinated market economies (CME) are more conducive for corruption.

Main publications:

Giedraitis, V., Rastenienė, A., Šečkutė, V. 2014. Capitalism: its varieties and relationsip with the corruption perceptions index. Ekonomika, vol. 93 (3), 39–50.

Giedraitis, V., Jorgenson, A., Alekseyko, A. 2014. Energyconsumption, human well-being and economic development in central and eastern European nations: a cautionary tale of sustainability. Energy Policy, vol. 66 (2012), 419–427.

International Research Projects

Pilot project – Developing a common methodology for Reference Budgets. (Coordinator Applica sprl), 2014–2015.

The European Reference Budgets Network is a pilot project, funded by the European Commission, aimed at the development of a common and widely accepted methodology for constructing high-quality cross-nationally comparable reference budgets in all EU Member States. The project is also aimed at establishing a network with the capacity to provide intellectual and practical support to the design and development of complete reference budgets in all EU Member States, in line with the common methodology.

Main publications:

Lazutka, R. 2014. European Minimum Income Network Country Report Lithuania.Analysis and Road Map for Adequate and Accessible Minimum Income Schemes in EU Member States. European Commission. 2014. 37 p.

EUROMOD-Microsimulation Tool for Modelling the Impact of Policy Measures. Institute for Social & Economic Research (University of Essex). 2011–2014.

EUROMOD was extended and it covers Lithuania together with all the EU27 countries in the EUROMODupdate project. EUROMOD can be used in many different ways in different contexts. Examples include: estimation of poverty, inequality and redistribution statistics under actual conditions, previous or future tax-benefit rules, budgetary effects, effects of simple tax-benefit policy reforms, indicators of work incentives etc.

Main publications:

Lazutka, R., Ivaškaitė-Tamošiūnė, V., Salanauskaitė, L. 2014. Euromod country report: Lithuania (LT) 2009–2013, 86 p. https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/files/euromod/country-reports/Year5/CR_LT_2009-2013_final_14-04-2014.pdf.

Contractual Research

Labour relations and social insurance legal-administrative model. Ministry of Labour and Social Security.  2014-2015.

The project focuses on the development of labor law, employment and social insurance legislation and the creation of sustainable system of social protection in order to increase employment and improve working conditons and encourage investment.

European Social Policy Network. European Comission. 2014-2016. http://ec.europa.eu/social/main.jsp?catId=1135&langId=en

The European Social Policy Network (ESPN) was established in 2014 to provide the Commission with independent information, analysis and expertise on social policies. In particular, the ESPN supports the Commission in monitoring progress towards the EU social protection and social inclusion objectives set out in the Europe 2020 strategy and in the European Semester.


The Centre for Social Policy Herman Deleeck, Antwerpen University (Belgium) http://www.centrumvoorsociaalbeleid.be/index.php?q=eng
Institute for Social & Economic Research, University of Essex (UK) (https://www.iser.essex.ac.uk/euromod/resources-for-euromod-users/country-reports )
Lithuanian Centre for Social Research (http://www.lstc.lt/index.php )


Prof. R. Lazutka –

  • Chairman of Scientific Council of Lithuanian Centre for Social Research, http://www.lstc.lt/centro_m_t.php;
  • member of Scientific Council of Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics, http://www.laei.lt/?mt=mokslo_taryba;
    • member of the Council of the Faculty of Economics of Vilnius University;
    • editorial board member of the journal Ekonomika (Economics);
    • deputy editor-in-chief of the journal  STEPP – Social Theory, Empiric, Practice and Policy

Dr. R. Rastenienė –

  • deputy editor-in-chief of the journal Ekonomika (Economics).

Dr. V. Giedraitis –

  • managing editor of the journal Ekonomika (Economics).