Asim Ghweiri

Sukurta: 17 June 2022
Study level: Bachelor and Integrated Studies
Vardas, Pavardė: Asim Ghweiri
Faculty (Ambassador ): Institute of International Relations and Political Science
Faculty: Institute of International Relations and Political Science
Studijų programa: Eastern European and Russian Studies
Studento pašto adresas:
Country: Jordan

To connect with “The Baltic Way” by speaking up about the determination, this campus is one of the oldest in Eastern Europe. It tells the history of nations who live among great powers. Thanks to the expertise of its professors and administrators, here you can feel how connecting the cultural heritage with meaningful political transformations led to resilience after more than three decades of continuous work. It helped me to learn more about the democratic transition in East-Central European countries and the Baltic region with expansion in the political economy. Adaptability and flexibility to study and find a way of living are something you will learn on this journey.