Ayush Ganguli

Sukurta: 17 June 2022
Study level: PhD Studies
Vardas, Pavardė: Ayush Ganguli
Faculty (Ambassador ): Life Sciences Center
Faculty: Life Sciences Center
Studijų programa: Biochemistry
Studento pašto adresas:
Country: India

I chose to pursue my PhD in Biochemistry at the Life Sciences Center of Vilnius University because of its outstanding reputation in cutting-edge research and innovation in the life sciences. The university's state-of-the-art facilities and the opportunity to work alongside world-renowned faculty members promise a fertile ground for my academic and research ambitions. Vilnius University's collaborative environment, bridging various disciplines within the life sciences, aligns perfectly with my desire to contribute to meaningful scientific discoveries. Moreover, the vibrant academic community and the support for doctoral candidates make it an ideal setting for my professional growth and for pushing the boundaries of what is known in the field of biochemistry.