Naujų Vilniaus universiteto doktorantų įvadinis renginys

Sukurta: 13 spalio 2022

2022 m. lapkričio 8 d. VU Doktorantūros ir podoktorantūros skyrius bei Studentų atstovybės pakvietė pirmų metų doktorantus į renginį, skirtą studijų pradžiai paminėti, susipažinti, pabendrauti.

Renginio pradžioje visus pirmų metų doktorantus pasveikino Mokslo prorektorė prof. Edita Sužiedėlienė:

„I would like to warmly welcome you to Vilnius University and thank you for choosing PhD studies at our academia. I believe, it is one of the best decisions that you’ve ever made. The PhD community of Vilnius university is the largest among Lithuanian academic institutions, counting nearly 800 PhD students, 1/3 of Lithuanian PhDs study here. This year 170 new doctoral students have been admitted to studies at the University.
Vilnius university is comprehensive research university, PhD studies are being conducted here in 29 research fields, in five science areas: humanities, social sciences, natural sciences, medical and health sciences and technological sciences. The rich landscape of fundamental and applied research conducted by the university offers numerous opportunities for doctoral students to join over 160 research groups lead by internationally and nationally recognized scientists.
The doctoral research at Vilnius university has a long and inspiring history. The academia was established in 1579, luckily by Jesuit monks, which were known for their work in education, research and cultural pursuits. It’s hard to believe, but it is the fact, that the first dissertation was defended at Vilnius university in 1586, only seven years after the foundation of University. It was work in Theology authored by Portuguese Jesuit Emmanuel de Vega. This and other Thesis, which were defended centuries ago, nowadays are stored in the depositories of Vilnius university old library.
Some of you graduated from Vilnius university, some from other Lithuanian universities or from Universities abroad. Some of you have chosen PhD studies after graduation, others after some break, however, for all of you doing PhD will be entirely novel experience. No one has said that PhD is an easy journey, yet at the same it is very interesting period of your life. Take from your PhD studies as much as possible, use every opportunity to grow and mature as researchers and professionals.
Probably the most important person you will meet in your time at VU is your supervisor, who is there to guide your studies and research. However, beyond this point the generalisations probably end. Every PhD supervisor has their own pace, style and structure of supervising. Establishing good academic relations with you supervisors, meeting them regularly, discussing your research progress and receiving feedback is very important.
Wishing you a good and smooth start, interesting PhD journey, and eureka moments in your research. Good luck to all of you!“

Padėkojusi Mokslo prorektorei už sveikinamąją kalbą renginio vedėja doc. Mariana Sueldo pristatė Doktorantūros ir podoktorantūros skyriaus darbuotojas trumpai paminėdama, kokiais klausimais galima kreiptis į šį skyrių. Nuoroda į tinklalapį:

Pirmųjų metų doktorantus pasveikino VU SA Prezidentė Neda Žutautaitė. Sveikinimo kalboje ji trumpai pristatė VU SA veiklą bei doktorantų galimybes prisidėti gerinant doktorantūros studijų sąlygas.

Antroje renginio dalyje vyko diskusija apie doktorantūros studijas, kurioje mintimis bei patirtimi dalinosi psichologijos mokslo krypties doktorantūros komiteto pirmininkas prof. dr. Evaldas Kazlauskas, VU GMC Doktorantūros mokyklos vadovė dr. Davai Baltriukienė bei dvi paskutinių metų doktorantės – biochemijos mokslo krypties atstovė Monika Šimoliūnienė ir edukologijos mokslo krypties Monika Orechova. Prisiminimais apie doktorantūros studijas pasidalina ir renginio vedėja doc. Mariana Sueldo.

Renginiui Pasibaigus visi dalyviai buvo pakviesti jaukiai pratęsti pokalbius prie puodelio kavos.

Kviečiame peržiūrėti renginio įrašą.